The Wordpress Plugins To My #1 Google Ranking Website

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Here are the plugins to one of my websites that rank #1 in Google for several keywords, enjoy.

All in One Webmaster
Sitemap Submission option to Google, Yahoo, Bing and Options to add Google, Bing, Yahoo, Alexa, Facebook Insights, Facebook, Blogcatalog Webmaster Meta Tag. Options to add Google,,, Analytics scripts for your blogs.

Broken Link Checker:
Checks your blog for broken links and missing images and notifies you on the dashboard if any are found.

• ContactForm 7:
A contact form plugin that's simple but flexible.

Facebook Comments:
Full Facebook Comments moderation and management for your WordPress site.

Google XML Sitemaps:
This plugin will generate a special XML sitemap which will help search engines like Google, Yahoo, Bing and to better index your blog.

SEO Ultimate:
This all-in-one SEO plugin gives you control over title tags, noindex/nofollow, meta tags, rich snippets, slugs, canonical tags, autolinks, 404 errors, rich snippets, and more.

Special Recent Posts FREE Edition:
Special Recent Posts FREE Edition is a very powerful plugin/widget which displays your latest posts with thumbnails.

W3 Total Cache:
The highest rated and most complete WordPress performance plugin.

Gives you a more advanced way to navigate between sites.

• WP125:
Easily manage 125x125 ads within your WordPress Dashboard.

BulletProof Security:
WordPress Website Security Protection.

Remember: This alone will not make your site to rank #1 in Google. You will need to do some SEO and make sure you frequently update your site with relevant and unique content.
#google #plugins #ranking #website #wordpress
  • Profile picture of the author TDogger
    I am glad that you clarified the SEO issue at the end. The plugins are not creating your high rankings. It is still due to your efforts and the way that you use the SEO tools.
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    • Profile picture of the author Morty White
      Awesome list
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      • Profile picture of the author Morten V
        Originally Posted by TDogger View Post

        I am glad that you clarified the SEO issue at the end. The plugins are not creating your high rankings. It is still due to your efforts and the way that you use the SEO tools.
        Even though I never said it's the plugin that gives me the #1 ranking in Google I totally understand some people might read it that way.

        Originally Posted by JohnGood View Post

        Hi Morten,

        Can I ask how much you spent on these plug-ins, generally?
        People keep saying that WordPress is free, but I suspect that to have a full tool set there is a cost involved.
        I spent $0.00 on these plugins. They are ALL free.

        Originally Posted by Morty White View Post

        Awesome list
        I believe it's a good list that would fit any blog.
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  • Profile picture of the author JohnGood
    Hi Morten,

    Can I ask how much you spent on these plug-ins, generally?
    People keep saying that WordPress is free, but I suspect that to have a full tool set there is a cost involved.
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  • Profile picture of the author Igal Zeifman
    Great List.

    One thing I wanted to add, as I read it...

    For better performance you should try using "W3 Total Cache" + CDN combo.
    (pretty sure you already do, but still...)

    In this setup "W3 Total Cache" will provide HTTP header Caching rules and the CDN will follow-up on those, by Caching the objects on the CDN network accordingly.

    "W3 Total Cache" is useful even without CDN, for local Browser-based caching, but the CDN will really take this to the next level, even for 1st time visitors.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6969222].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author andersvinther
      Originally Posted by Igal Zeifman View Post

      For better performance you should try using "W3 Total Cache" + CDN combo.
      Completely agree... and adding Cloudflare to that mix gives you even more...

      Visit WordPress Security Checklist for a FREE comprehensive guide on improving your security.

      Visit Easy-Email for the solution to all your email problems.

      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6974788].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author damoncloudflare
        Originally Posted by andersvinther View Post

        Completely agree... and adding Cloudflare to that mix gives you even more...
        Yep, no real conflicts using W3TC with CloudFlare at all. I would just recommend that folks that use both do not turn on minify options at both services (conflicts are bound to arise). Choose one minify option only.
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    • Profile picture of the author Morten V
      Originally Posted by Igal Zeifman View Post

      Great List.

      One thing I wanted to add, as I read it...

      For better performance you should try using "W3 Total Cache" + CDN combo.
      (pretty sure you already do, but still...)

      In this setup "W3 Total Cache" will provide HTTP header Caching rules and the CDN will follow-up on those, by Caching the objects on the CDN network accordingly.

      "W3 Total Cache" is useful even without CDN, for local Browser-based caching, but the CDN will really take this to the next level, even for 1st time visitors.
      I didn't know about the CDN combo. Will check it out! Thanks.
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  • Profile picture of the author Kreator517
    To those of you saying these plugins don't contribute to seo:

    Updated Sitemaps are crucial for the webcrawlers. Sites can have the best backlink structure in the world, but without a simple sitemap most of the benefit goes up in smoke.

    also, even though I use a different plugin to make different meta for each page, that's a significant aspect to since there is small serp penalty applied if every page shares the same meta descriptions.

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    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6969575].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author ArcherWylde
    This is really a nice list of plugins.

    I could see how some could interpret it as instant #1 rankings, but it's clearly not that way at all.

    With the latest updates to Google's search algorithms, proper on-page SEO has become more important than it was a couple years ago.

    Thanks for the share!
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  • Profile picture of the author kenstone9
    Nice Sharing....Thanks
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  • Profile picture of the author fmnely1
    Long Kept Guru Secret Traffic Heaven Download :Now
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