I'm Going to Shoot Myself...

by ishboo
46 replies
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Hi Warriors,

So I took the advice of a very good online marketing coach and got a design done at 99designs.com.

I thought, "Cool! A design, just the way I want, and then I can be uploading my theme to my wordpress blog, and be done!"

Then, I found out that all you get from 99Designs is a MOCK-UP.

(That's the part where I started banging my head against the wall).


I am told I have to have some other people code everything into WordPress to make it LOOK like the design I thought I was paying for.

Cost? No less than $2,500.

So, Warriors, could you please reveal the whole process to get this whole 99designs thing done for as little money as possible.

Had I known all this, I would have kept the $749 spent for a mock-up at 99designs and gotten someone to just build me a wordpress theme all ready to go somewhere else (I thought that's what I was getting -- why do the folks at 99designs say that you can get wordpress sites if all you get is a mock-up anyway).

Any help would be much appreciated...

Many thanks,


P.S. My struggle to get someone to just do what I want them to do in the design world has been ridiculously stressful. If anyone could come to my rescue, it would be much appreciated. It seems this is the LAST hurdle for me to go through to get my website online. It's been 3 months. All those people who sell products about how great outsourcing is, screw you all, seriously.

For any Warrior wondering, this is really the reality of 99% of outsourcing...


P.P.S. Here's the quote I was sent by XHTMLized.com

Qty Code Description Unit Price
(Exc GST)
Line Total
(Exc GST)

1 Page (s) HTML/CSS: Home 269.00 269.00
1 Page (s) HTML/CSS: Subpage template 209.00 209.00
5.5 Hour (s) HTML/CSS: Sign up page (no design provided) 63.00 346.50
1 Page (s) HTML/CSS: Blog > Index with sidebar (no designs
209.00 209.00
1 Page (s) HTML/CSS: Blog > Single Blog page with sidebar
(no designs provided)
209.00 209.00
1 Page (s) HTML/CSS: Blog > Category / Archive / Tag /
Author / Search / 404 with sidebar (no designs
209.00 209.00
-1 Discount (s) Page Volume Discount - 15% 213.00 -213.00
1 Feature(s) JavaScript Programming: Home > Slider (videos) 120.00 120.00
12 Hour (s) WordPress Theme Development 63.00 756.00
2.5 Hour (s) Custom Post Type: Theme Variations > Toggle
Static Image / Image Slider / Static Video / Video
63.00 157.50
1 Hour (s) Custom Post Type: Video slider management 63.00 63.00
1.5 Hour (s) Custom Post Type: Header management 63.00 94.50
2 Hour (s) WordPress feature: Testimonial boxes, feature
boxes, coupon boxes, sidebar etc
63.00 126.00
2.5 Hour (s) WordPress feature: Sign up functionality 63.00 157.50
-1 Discount (s) Round Down 13.00 -13.00
1 Feature(s) Standard Browser Support - FREE - (Mac/PC:
Latest versions of Safari, Firefox, Chrome - PC: IE8,
  • Profile picture of the author goindeep
    Its not just a mock up dude. If it is then you got ripped off and you need to go back to the supplier and or 99designs help desk.

    You are supposed to get the entire design in whatever format the designer and you agreed upon. Of course you still have to pay for it to be coded into whatever platform you use, that's just obvious bro, you payed for a design not a full developed website.

    I have used 99 designs before and thought it was great.
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  • Profile picture of the author ishboo
    OK, let me rephrase that. I got PSD files. I see what you are saying, though. It does make sense.

    I am happy with the designer and the design. I guess what I really hate is that I looked all over the place to see what coding would cost, and nobody can give an idea.

    They need to know what they are dealing with in order to give you an idea. But I had no idea until I had a design and the files.

    Had I known it would be $2,500 to get what I wanted coded, I would have went another route most likely. Or maybe this is a blessing in disguise (because another route would have meant certain shortcuts and probably less than the best).

    So thanks for the encouraging words...

    Question though, and I know it is hard to read, but it is this line in the quote...

    12 Hour (s) WordPress Theme Development 63.00 756.00

    I was under the impression that all of the line items on that quote ARE wordpress theme development.

    It sounds like they are trying to charge me for the time of doing the tasks and then charging for the time of doing the tasks. If that sounded confusing, I repeated myself.

    But that is what it seems they have done in the quote.

    What is your experience or thoughts on that?

    It seems like a made-up charge.

    Thanks for your feedback Andrei. Anyone you know who could code this for less?
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    • Profile picture of the author onSubie
      Originally Posted by ishboo View Post

      OK, let me rephrase that. I got PSD files. I see what you are saying, though. It does make sense.....

      Had I known it would be $2,500 to get what I wanted coded, I would have went another route most likely.
      If you already have the PSD design completed the way you like it, you can probably find someone in the Warriors for Hire that could turn it into a web template for as lot less than $2,500.

      You could try odesk or elance too. Post an ad stating you have a complete PSD file you want turned into a web page/template.

      The design is the hard part. Once you have the finished PSD file any freelancer experienced with building sites from photoshop can put something together for you.

      Here is a guy on fiverr with good feedback who will convert your PSD to Wordpress for $5.

      Cstodor will convert psd to wordpress theme for $5, only on fiverr.com

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  • Profile picture of the author Gambino
    Look for a freelancer. I'm not sure what your site consists of, but surely someone will do it for less than $2500. How big is the site?
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  • Profile picture of the author salegurus
    Don't you think your headline is a tad dramatic? I was expecting a jumper...
    Think of how stupid the average person is, and realize half of them are stupider than that.

    ― George Carlin
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  • Profile picture of the author thatkeywordguy
    Just use Fiverr next time. There's actually some pretty decent designers over there. They don't hit it out of the park everytime. But then again, its only 5 dollars so...

    Get Keyword Reseacher at CleverGizmos.com.

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  • Profile picture of the author OnlineAddict
    Jesus Christ!!! I didn't pay that much for design in 2003, when they were expensive. Now you can go to fiverr and get it done for a few bucks...pick a free worldpress design, there are thousands to choose from and pay someone on fiverr to set it up for you. You have been ripped off!
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  • Profile picture of the author OnlineAddict
    Originally Posted by ishboo View Post

    So I took the advice of a very good online marketing coach and got a design done at 99designs.com.
    Please fire your couch immediately, he has either no clue or is an affiliate of 99designs and makes extra money on you. Jeez, this couching thing is a joke. Anyone who needs help, couching, whatever, email me, I will help you for free, so you don't get ripped off.
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  • Profile picture of the author dengkane
    Your thread title is a little scary, but it can draw attentions.

    I am a software developer, and know something about such development. You should find talented developers to do the job for you.
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  • Profile picture of the author TheSalesBooster
    Wow you got ripped off pretty bad. Unless you had a really crazy design, it shouldn't have cost that much. But that's not the worst part...

    $2500 to code it? Now that's a ripoff... Outsource your work someone overseas. You can probably get your site coded for $100-$250. Code is code, it either works or it doesn't. Sad thing is people complain about people overseas taking their jobs. Well if you're going to charge insane markups on your services I'm going to take my work overseas.
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    • Profile picture of the author PankajPandey
      Here are 2 ways you can develop the website

      Option 1
      You are already using option 1 where we follow following
      1. A consultant analize your design
      2. as per understanding the requirment he create design
      3. after mockup finel he convert design to html
      4. Website can be html or convert to wordpress theme for better content control
      5. Consultant will provide you trainning how to update the website, or you can hire any one to update your website content and software whenever needed

      option 2
      choose a free theme or buy a premium them then setup the website within a day.

      As per your case you chosen option one, I hope you are satisfied with your designs. Now i suggest you can hire a good WordPress developer who convert your design in websites.

      $2500 is too high but I am really not sure any good developer can convert your design in theme in less than $100. A theme development need minimum 10 hour if done properly not sure any one can spend 10 hour for $5

      Choose a good developer for your work, you can look for a good coder by searching Elance, Guru, odesk or linkedin.

      I really love to see the design which you have get from 99designs before any other comments.
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      • Profile picture of the author 4DayWeekend
        $750 is fair price for a high quality, bespoke design.

        Anyone who says this is a 'rip off' and you should've gone on Fiverr instead need to start living in the real world. Real craftwork does have value!

        Design agencies can easily charge hundreds per hour for top work - so this isn't at all a rip off.

        Maybe the OP wants high quality stuff rather than someone just making small changes to the same template that everyone else is getting - and that is all you're going to get on Fiverr...

        Now that rant is out of the way...

        Unless the design is super complicated and has several different page templates you should be able to get it coded into a Wordpress theme by a freelancer for a lot less than that. Just post the job on the freelance sites and you'll get some better value for money quotes I'm sure. Generally speaking, you'll pay more through agencies, then a bit less through freelancers in Western Europe / USA, bit less than that through Eastern European freelancers and the best value through Asian freelancers... Spread your net wide and you'll get better value.
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  • Profile picture of the author m4dcoder
    You can find professional designers and coders on oDesk, Elance at a cheap rate.
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  • Profile picture of the author MarketingMonk
    Personally I think, 99designs is a bit pricey. If you look well enough, you can find gems on Fiverr.
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  • Profile picture of the author dsouravs
    you can even use a free theme from wordpress.org if you want it in wordpress.
    or you can use static HTML...


    I can convert your Non-Responsive website to Responsive website ... How sweet is that? :)

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    • Profile picture of the author Greg71
      Or just Google " convert psd to Wordpress theme".

      Probably some software you can buy that will let you do it for this site and any future ones.
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  • Profile picture of the author Jason Johns
    Wow, that's a lot of money for a design! Hope it makes the coffee and brings you your slippers too!

    Get over to Odesk and get someone there to code it for you - you'll find someone able to convert it into a Wordpress template or something for a LOT less than you've been quoted!

    Good luck with it

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  • Profile picture of the author rosetrees
    Flippin' 'eck, as they say. $700+ just for a design!!! They saw you coming.

    Anyway. Now that you have it, why not learn to use Atahualpa - it's a free theme with loads of options. You can choose which pages to display sidebars on (as per their design). You can customise the look of posts/widgets (as per their design).

    You can use their graphics to upload as a header or logo and use as a background (as per their design).

    If you know coding and are feeling adventurous, you could also try Montezuma - from the same people as Atahualpa. It's more of a learning curve and you do have to edit the css and php files.
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    • Profile picture of the author Martin Luxton

      I am a little confused about your use of "design" and "theme".

      Are you saying you want somebody to code a whole new, unique theme ($2,500 is very cheap!!!) or do you just want your website to look like the design you had done.

      If it's the latter, then it's not necessarily very difficult or expensive for somebody to get the look you want using an existing theme.

      Rosetrees knows her stuff - why not get in touch with her, show her your design and see if she can do it with Atahualpa or another theme?

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  • Profile picture of the author natas105
    If you're not doubting your coach right now, I don't know what it will take to make understand that this is bs! The one thing I learned which is absolutely true: It doesn't have to be perfect. Just do it! Trying to create a perfect website, design, logo etc will get you stuck . I mean, look at it. You're not happy at all and it causes a lot of frustrations. So, dont hire a coder or whatever. There is so much you can do yourself or do at a cheaper price.

    The content on your site/offer should be more important than the looks and feel of it.

    Here are some resources I use whenever I need anything web related:
    Themeforest.net ( wp templates at an average $30 price)
    Graphicriver.net ( logo's, flyers, you name it)
    Videohive ( promo's , intro's and more)
    Fiverr.com ( you can great work done there as well. Just make sure your instructions are clear)

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  • Profile picture of the author David Mansfield
    natas105 is right!

    Too many people spend far too much money without knowing even what they are trying to achieve. Far better to do something cheaply and test, test, test before spending a fortune. The other thing you can be sure of it that as soon as you think you have designed something perfectly, you'll need to change it!
    I guess you've heard of 'gimp' the free alternative to Photoshop?
    Grab your 100% Free Book (Sold on Amazon) - How to Start an Online Business
    Available here: www.mediapublicity.net/free

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  • Profile picture of the author Horacioplus
    I could make a Psd template for only few bucks! And code it for leass than $500
    I create my own designs and themes for my blogs and websites.
    Iwould pay that much a simple psd theme.
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  • Profile picture of the author sbucciarel
    Your coach should have known and told you about the whole process before recommending it. There's so many good themes for under $100, unless you've got tons of money to blow, there's no need for a custom theme at all. It's nice to have one, but when you consider the costs and then the costs of re-hiring your coder every time there's a major Wordpress upgrade, it's not worth it to me.
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  • Profile picture of the author LocoDice
    What you lack in web design outsourcing skills, you certainly make up for in dramatic headline copywriting. Your title made me click

    While I don't understand why you *really* needed a custom design - hopefully you're design looks impressive and you'll be excited to promote it once it goes live.

    Custom designs have their place in the world - and paying the kind of money that you paid would make perfect sense in certain scenarios - but from the sounds of it - not yours.

    I like the metaphor of off the rack brand suits with a few adjustments versus tailor made bespoke suits. Most of the time the former will do fine.

    Before making any further decisions though - I would work out if getting this done is something you still want to go through. One of those 'good money after bad' kind of thoughts - you can get an *excellent* theme that works across all modern web browsers for $50-$100 and it will work out of the box so to speak. When you get one of these things custom made you have to be extremely specific about what you need - and you'll have to review it extremely thoroughly to ensure that everything meets your expectations (and don't expect just because you end up spending a little or a lot of money this is any guarantee of getting it precisely how you want) - in other words you'll have to put more time into this process yourself - *if* you want it looking sharp.

    It's also a time consuming process - to get this turned around - in a manner where there are reviews and a bit of back and forth you are looking at realistically another week or so if you get it done *properly* (again, properly does not mean paying $60/hour+ for this kind of work).

    Sure you could just send it to some guy on fiverr to do it, or pay someone on odesk to do it. And I can also try and draw you the Mona Lisa for $5 too (yeah right)

    Have a look at www.xhtmlchop.com, there are *many* other providers out there that do this kind of things - if you shop around you should be able to get the fee down.

    These guys are cheaper - but you have to review like a HAWK what they do - that is one of the main keys to outsource management - don't expect *anything* turn key.

    If I'm not mistaken your quote is from either Australians or New Zealanders (based on the fact the quote mentions GST) - keep in mind a can of coke in Australia costs generally US$2-US$3, and you'll see why things sound expensive. There is no way you need to pay $60+/hour for WP design for the kind of work I imagine you're after. Infact - for the same reasons I wouldn't expect an iPhone or a pair of Nikes to be made in Australia/NZ - I don't know why there are web developers working in Australia and New Zealand at all - it's a *real* expensive place to do business (but that is a whole other story).

    We have all made mistakes one way or another my friend - just look at this as a $749 lesson in doing more research - with free PSDs

    Feel free to PM me, I can definitely help you and point you in the right direction to solution providers, since I feel I owe the warrior community to pay it forward a bit since I have asked about 9132823 dumb SEO questions with very little offers of help to others - however I have been a web developer for 10+ years and know this area quite well.
    codefixit.com - Help with your HTML, Wordpress and Web Hosting problems - No fix, no fee.
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  • Profile picture of the author rosetrees
    Is there maybe something you aren't telling us? I'm asking because I've just looked at the 99 design website.

    If I'm understanding it correctly, you run a "contest". You get several designs to choose from. If you decide to use one of them you pay the designer the fee YOU set and from the winning designer:
    You'll then receive the final design along with copyright to the original art work.
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    • Profile picture of the author LocoDice
      Design does not equal web site

      Originally Posted by rosetrees View Post

      Is there maybe something you aren't telling us? I'm asking because I've just looked at the 99 design website.

      If I'm understanding it correctly, you run a "contest". You get several designs to choose from. If you decide to use one of them you pay the designer the fee YOU set and from the winning designer:
      codefixit.com - Help with your HTML, Wordpress and Web Hosting problems - No fix, no fee.
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  • Profile picture of the author rosetrees
    Originally Posted by LocoDice View Post

    Design does not equal web site
    ......... errrr - why are you telling me that??? Did you read my post?

    Maybe the OP was using the website differently and asking for a custom design? Idk.

    To the OP - are you within time to do a chargeback on your Credit card or Paypal?
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[7190147].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author LocoDice
      Sorry, that probably came out wrong - I was just adding to what you were saying that it doesn't say a full website anywhere for the benefit of the OP.

      Originally Posted by rosetrees View Post

      ......... errrr - why are you telling me that??? Did you read my post?
      codefixit.com - Help with your HTML, Wordpress and Web Hosting problems - No fix, no fee.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[7190161].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author J Bold
      Originally Posted by rosetrees View Post

      ......... errrr - why are you telling me that??? Did you read my post?

      Maybe the OP was using the website differently and asking for a custom design? Idk.

      To the OP - are you within time to do a chargeback on your Credit card or Paypal?
      What in the world would you be suggesting a chargeback for?

      This is not an appropriate case for a chargeback. For goodness' sake, talk about advocating the OP rip them off for work that was done....
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      • Profile picture of the author arrrrgon
        For $2500 I'd expect my website to write it's own articles from scratch
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  • Profile picture of the author rosetrees
    @ LocoDice - apologies, I misunderstood you.
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  • Profile picture of the author Brains Gone Wild
    I've started websites and entire online businesses before with $12 and a Starbucks, as have many Warriors here I'm sure. What the hell are you doing spending that kind of money on a logo or WP site?!?! Fiverr + a free or cheap WP theme = all you should need. Don't over think it and don't over do it. You've already over spent. Shooting yourself seems a bit dramatic so you can put the gun away. However, a good self-beating may be in order. Seriously, don't overspend and just jump into whatever you're doing. Details almost always get worked out down the road. Best of luck!
    The 1st and Only Webinar Platform for Internet Marketers is here! Click here to create your account now!
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  • Profile picture of the author juztin
    Wow wow wow... what a waste of money...

    Most of designers on 99designs are crap... you have no branding, no critical thinking process for the design you are getting. Now the 2nd part, 2500$ to convert? are you kidding me!!

    You can have a nice clean and functional website for less than 500$ (including the coding part)

    To be honest, it was your mistake to think the designers will provide the coding services on top of the design. 99designs is known for designing and not coding. There is no way someone will think they will get a functional website from 99designs.

    Now since you have already spent 750$ for a design, which I hope you like, just go to a freelance site like freelancer.com and get it code for around 200$

    good luck
    Visit my personal blog ---> OneRookie.com
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  • Profile picture of the author pinterest01
    first, it should not be a mockup only, it should be a full working site.
    second, if u do more research on the internet, you can pay someone for $10 to setup you a customed wordpress theme including seo plugins.
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  • Profile picture of the author marketwarrior06
    Dude I should say that you are unlucky in this manner. I know some merchants who are doing their designing job only by spending 100$.
    So I think you should try to find them in other freelancing sites. For coding I prefer vworker dot com.
    its the new version of rent a coder.
    you should try it out.
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  • Profile picture of the author rhinocl
    To take your PSD and carve it up into a theme so it matches exactly is a fair sized task. However a lot of us can look at it, take the key parts of the image for backgrounds and give you something nice that looks roughly like the PSD. Probably for $70-400 depending on the nature of the design and who does the work.
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  • Profile picture of the author Sumaryan85
    try cheaper designer, dont worry about it. many designers offers cheap price for a wp theme.
    specially if you already have the mock up.

    Just dont shoot yourself okay...its not the end of the world.
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  • Profile picture of the author Andrew H
    AHH too many posts to read. But from the OP I can understand your frustration. But you definitely do not need to spend 2.5k to get it coded. Google - PSD to Wordpress, or alternatively you can go to a site like freelancer and post your job.

    I wish you luck.
    "You shouldn't come here and set yourself up as the resident wizard of oz."
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  • Profile picture of the author maxaurelius
    Too many post to read through all, but 99designs they give you the logo in psd because thats the best format. You can easily ask for the logo in all the different formats you want. Your paying, you don't release payment until they give you want you want.

    Coding part... I charge around that price too, but if you want cheaper go to elance.com
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    • Profile picture of the author Istvan Horvath
      Originally Posted by maxaurelius View Post

      Too many post to read through all, but
      Then please, stop replying without having the facts.
      Just do NOT reply, if you didn't read the thread. (< this applies to everyone!)

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  • Profile picture of the author ClicProject
    700$ is not expensive for a design, in fact it is rather cheap - but it depends what you are looking for and what your expectations are. If you are happy with a cookie cutter template or something done by a student, then fine, but if you want something tailored and high quality, its going to cost.

    Its like you can get a suit for 99 quid from Topman, or you can spend 5000 on a tailored suit from saville row.

    Watch out getting the template coded, now you have spent 750$ on the design, don´t just spend 50 bucks getting it coded- there will be shortcuts taken, a lack of attention to detail and so on.
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    • Profile picture of the author ishboo
      Originally Posted by Fantrazy View Post

      Look for a freelancer. I'm not sure what your site consists of, but surely someone will do it for less than $2500. How big is the site?
      The site is *going to be* 6 pages plus a blog on the backend. It is currently, design-wise, 2 pages.


      Well, the home page header is different from every other page for copywriting reasons (I hired one of Corey Rudl's staff to write the copy for me). This is part of the reason why I think $2,500 for coding is a bit steep, as it doesn't really generate conversions (I paid the copywriter $1,750 and was more than happy to do it -- I can write other people's copy, but I car too much about my product to not say too much, and just get the action that needs to be taken, anyway...would have taken me 12 months to write since it is my own...), but that is another point and another topic.

      So all I want different between the home page and the rest of the pages is the header (which is above the navigation BTW).

      That's about it. Other than that, I want the sidebar included as an option on blog posts and pages (kinda like with OptimizePress).

      The header on the home page is static, and the header on all the rest of the blog and pages gives the option of slider images/video/text/etc.

      So I had the coding companies quote me for just two pages, thinking I could save money that way. I figured, "No sense in them charging me for more pages seeing all I would have to do is click 'add page' once they are done coding it".

      I also have a feeling this is easy to accomplish if someone knows what they are doing. I mean, come on, I paid a copywriter $1,750 -- something that actually has a direct impact on my income, and she could get away with charging more plus royalties.

      Anyway, hope that answered your questions and thanks for your feedback Fantrazy

      Originally Posted by salegurus View Post

      Don't you think your headline is a tad dramatic? I was expecting a jumper...
      LOL! Maybe a little. I must admit I wrote it totally out of emotion (frustration). And like any jumper, I didn't really jump. It was really just a cry for help. Thanks for the humor salegurus.

      Originally Posted by Whos That Guru View Post

      lol u aint kiddin man.. glad he didnt use a "peekblock" on the thread, that really would have had people freakin out
      LOL! Thanks Whos That Guru...

      Originally Posted by thatkeywordguy View Post

      Just use Fiverr next time. There's actually some pretty decent designers over there. They don't hit it out of the park everytime. But then again, its only 5 dollars so...
      I don't use fiverr for a design that is being put to the salemanship of a million dollar copywriter. It's way too important to *not* be hit out of the park, at least to me and marketplace, that is. And maybe I wasn't clear, but this isn't about the design. It's about the coding.

      Thanks for the feedback though.

      Originally Posted by OnlineAddict View Post

      Jesus Christ!!! I didn't pay that much for design in 2003, when they were expensive. Now you can go to fiverr and get it done for a few bucks...pick a free worldpress design, there are thousands to choose from and pay someone on fiverr to set it up for you. You have been ripped off!
      Hi OnlineAddict, thanks for the feedback but, please read my commentary to the quote before yours above...

      Originally Posted by OnlineAddict View Post

      Please fire your couch immediately, he has either no clue or is an affiliate of 99designs and makes extra money on you. Jeez, this couching thing is a joke. Anyone who needs help, couching, whatever, email me, I will help you for free, so you don't get ripped off.
      Actually, my coach is amazing. I won't name by name because of the negative connotation here, but he replied to me personally inside of a private forum setup for coaching students, and here is a small excerpt of his reply...

      "Are you saying they came back with a quote of $2,500 to build the Wordpress design to fit the image? That is outrageous for completed PSD files

      A great design is expensive (bad design is even more expensive in the long run), but good coding should not be.

      Last time I had a client that did a project with them it came out to right around $1,000 total (for the contest + the design). And we're only talking a couple of months ago. That is why that's the price I mentioned when talking about them.

      If they've bumped the coding partners this high (more than a few hundred dollars extra) then I'm going to remove any recommendations for them. The quote you have is way too high compared to other coders."

      Anyway, that reply also came with some pretty specific instructions so I could get the coding for around $300 like I thought it should be. But thanks for the reply OnlineAddict.

      Originally Posted by dengkane View Post

      Your thread title is a little scary, but it can draw attentions.

      I am a software developer, and know something about such development. You should find talented developers to do the job for you.

      Originally Posted by onSubie View Post

      If you already have the PSD design completed the way you like it, you can probably find someone in the Warriors for Hire that could turn it into a web template for as lot less than $2,500.

      You could try odesk or elance too. Post an ad stating you have a complete PSD file you want turned into a web page/template.

      The design is the hard part. Once you have the finished PSD file any freelancer experienced with building sites from photoshop can put something together for you.

      Here is a guy on fiverr with good feedback who will convert your PSD to Wordpress for $5.

      Cstodor will convert psd to wordpress theme for $5, only on fiverr.com

      Thanks for that Mahlon. @"You could try odesk or elance too. Post an ad stating you have a complete PSD file you want turned into a web page/template." This is the route my coach is now walking me through instead. I appreciate the feedback and additional resource or two.

      Originally Posted by TheSalesBooster View Post

      Wow you got ripped off pretty bad. Unless you had a really crazy design, it shouldn't have cost that much. But that's not the worst part...

      $2500 to code it? Now that's a ripoff... Outsource your work someone overseas. You can probably get your site coded for $100-$250. Code is code, it either works or it doesn't. Sad thing is people complain about people overseas taking their jobs. Well if you're going to charge insane markups on your services I'm going to take my work overseas.
      The design itself I am comfortable with. Not the best price, but comfortable (granted, I could have gotten Sean Lowery to do the whole thing and upload it to my cpanel account for around $499, coding and all, but he didn't seem to be too available that last few times I contacted him about design work, and he has shifted his business toward the Offline Themes he is doing+his wife had passed and I don't feel it was appropriate to approach him for more design work at the time...I digress...)

      I think I am taking the overseas route. Not to mention, overseas jobs help boost the economy on my end of the scale, otherwise, I wouldn't be in business, and everyone would get less money as far as I'm concerned.

      Thanks for the feedback and input TheSalesBooster. I appreciate it tremendously.

      Originally Posted by m4dcoder View Post

      You can find professional designers and coders on oDesk, Elance at a cheap rate.
      This is the route I think I am going to take. Thank you m4coder.

      Originally Posted by MarketingMonk View Post

      Personally I think, 99designs is a bit pricey. If you look well enough, you can find gems on Fiverr.
      Well, fiverr for design is not my cup of tea. But if you read some of the previous comments, the design is not what I am upset about. Sorry if I didn't make that clear

      Originally Posted by dsouravs View Post

      you can even use a free theme from wordpress.org if you want it in wordpress.
      or you can use static HTML...

      I could, but then I would get what free usually delivers. I appreciate the feedback, though, dsouravs. It's just in my experience, free has always cost too much.

      Originally Posted by Greg71 View Post

      Or just Google " convert psd to Wordpress theme".

      Probably some software you can buy that will let you do it for this site and any future ones.
      I did, but it would take me way more time to learn and do than it would for me to pay somebody. Plus, I would just mess too much up.

      Not to mention, there are some specifics that just converting to a theme verbatim wouldn't provide. But they are simple if a person has ever coded a theme before.

      Originally Posted by Jason Johns View Post

      Wow, that's a lot of money for a design! Hope it makes the coffee and brings you your slippers too!

      Get over to Odesk and get someone there to code it for you - you'll find someone able to convert it into a Wordpress template or something for a LOT less than you've been quoted!

      Good luck with it

      LOL! Not for the design it's not. Not really. In either event, my OP is more about the coding, and not the price of the design. Thanks for the feedback though. I will be going the ODesk route shortly. Thanks Jason!

      Originally Posted by Joseph Robinson View Post

      Dude, leave his furniture out of it.

      Originally Posted by PankajPandey View Post

      Here are 2 ways you can develop the website

      Option 1
      You are already using option 1 where we follow following
      1. A consultant analize your design
      2. as per understanding the requirment he create design
      3. after mockup finel he convert design to html
      4. Website can be html or convert to wordpress theme for better content control
      5. Consultant will provide you trainning how to update the website, or you can hire any one to update your website content and software whenever needed

      option 2
      choose a free theme or buy a premium them then setup the website within a day.

      As per your case you chosen option one, I hope you are satisfied with your designs. Now i suggest you can hire a good WordPress developer who convert your design in websites.

      $2500 is too high but I am really not sure any good developer can convert your design in theme in less than $100. A theme development need minimum 10 hour if done properly not sure any one can spend 10 hour for $5

      Choose a good developer for your work, you can look for a good coder by searching Elance, Guru, odesk or linkedin.

      I really love to see the design which you have get from 99designs before any other comments.
      Thanks PP (I'm calling you that for short). I'm not expecting coding for less than $100, but certainly not 25 hundred. More close to $300 to $500 max (since there is one specific I am not so sure about as far as workload, but it seems like it would be easy).

      As far as seeing the design here in this thread, no can do. Something I sort of want to protect from the knuckleheads who tend to pop up from time to time in the forum.

      Why do you want to see it? Are you a coder/programmer? If so, PM me and I can get you an *image* of the design for personal viewing. (If you are interested, you must provide work samples before I send over anything).

      Originally Posted by 4DayWeekend View Post

      $750 is fair price for a high quality, bespoke design.

      Anyone who says this is a 'rip off' and you should've gone on Fiverr instead need to start living in the real world. Real craftwork does have value!

      Design agencies can easily charge hundreds per hour for top work - so this isn't at all a rip off.

      Maybe the OP wants high quality stuff rather than someone just making small changes to the same template that everyone else is getting - and that is all you're going to get on Fiverr...

      Now that rant is out of the way...

      Unless the design is super complicated and has several different page templates you should be able to get it coded into a Wordpress theme by a freelancer for a lot less than that. Just post the job on the freelance sites and you'll get some better value for money quotes I'm sure. Generally speaking, you'll pay more through agencies, then a bit less through freelancers in Western Europe / USA, bit less than that through Eastern European freelancers and the best value through Asian freelancers... Spread your net wide and you'll get better value.
      Bespoke? You must be from the UK? Anyway, I agree, it is cheap for a nice converting design. @ your comment here "
      Anyone who says this is a 'rip off' and you should've gone on Fiverr instead need to start living in the real world. Real craftwork does have value!" I totally agree. I couldn't say it the way I felt it (didn't want to show a lack of respect for any feedback) -- but definitely agree (your whole rant I ditto).

      As for the advice, I am taking that to heart. I find the Phillipines are the absolute best to work with and have the most respect as they have been on all of my other projects. Thanks for the honest advice, and being someone with experience willing to share it 4dayweekend.

      Originally Posted by rosetrees View Post

      Flippin' 'eck, as they say. $700+ just for a design!!! They saw you coming.

      Anyway. Now that you have it, why not learn to use Atahualpa - it's a free theme with loads of options. You can choose which pages to display sidebars on (as per their design). You can customise the look of posts/widgets (as per their design).

      You can use their graphics to upload as a header or logo and use as a background (as per their design).

      If you know coding and are feeling adventurous, you could also try Montezuma - from the same people as Atahualpa. It's more of a learning curve and you do have to edit the css and php files.
      Thanks for the feedback, but I'd rather pay for trust than hope for decent (hope that made sense). I think you see where I'm coming from. I really need the design to live up to the copy. And since I've already paid for it, and love it. I just want to get it coded. Just not for $2,500. See my very first reply at the top to see what I mean...

      Originally Posted by natas105 View Post

      If you're not doubting your coach right now, I don't know what it will take to make understand that this is bs! The one thing I learned which is absolutely true: It doesn't have to be perfect. Just do it! Trying to create a perfect website, design, logo etc will get you stuck . I mean, look at it. You're not happy at all and it causes a lot of frustrations. So, dont hire a coder or whatever. There is so much you can do yourself or do at a cheaper price.

      The content on your site/offer should be more important than the looks and feel of it.

      Here are some resources I use whenever I need anything web related:
      Themeforest.net ( wp templates at an average $30 price)
      Graphicriver.net ( logo's, flyers, you name it)
      Videohive ( promo's , intro's and more)
      Fiverr.com ( you can great work done there as well. Just make sure your instructions are clear)
      Thanks natas105. But I would never doubt my coach. Honestly, has nothing to do with them. If you read some of my other comments above, you'll see that they have guided me through this. But in any event, I appreciate the feedback.

      (My coach makes more than most of you guys on here and has an even better lifestyle, and is one of legends in this industry...honest legends at that and full of integrity. You might know him, the last job he had was delivering pizzas).

      I know nothing has to be perfect, but for my market, it has to come close to what the #1 competitor is doing and at least match it, then be 1% better for it to do well. It may not have to be perfect, but it has to be competitive. This isn't something for the IM crowd or info-blowers that I am selling to, which in that case, I could slap anything together and sell it (like bull**** 1-click software that performs traffic miracles, and WSO's that re-hash other WSOs and still sell 500 copies).


      It is something being promoted to real people in the real world (real business owners to be exact). And every point of contact in a sales process should be as flawless as possible, especially to business owners.

      However, I appreciate the resources, but most of them have nothing to do with my problem ($2,500 quote for coding)???

      Originally Posted by David Mansfield View Post

      natas105 is right!

      Too many people spend far too much money without knowing even what they are trying to achieve. Far better to do something cheaply and test, test, test before spending a fortune. The other thing you can be sure of it that as soon as you think you have designed something perfectly, you'll need to change it!
      I guess you've heard of 'gimp' the free alternative to Photoshop?
      Thanks for the feedback David, but read my reply to his reply. @"Too many people spend far too much money without knowing even what they are trying to achieve." I know what I am trying to achieve. I wouldn't spend $1,750 for a sales letter written by one of Corey Rudl's (rest his soul) ex-staff members turned million dollar copywriter, and spend another $749 on design, just to give away something for "free" if I didn't.

      But anyway, I agree with the "test, test, test" idea. but testing something that you know is not as good as you could make it is stupid. You don't get accurate data that way. You need to test what you know is "proven" and then if it still fails, you know you truly did the best you could and that it still didn't work. If if doesn't work and it is already broken, you'll never know whether it would have worked had it not been.

      I will test small, but I will not prepare lightly for the test. That's like saying, "Don't spend 5 hours researching your market cuz you don't know if what you launch will work, launch it first and then research". Doesn't work that way. But thanks for the commentary.

      Originally Posted by HoracioR View Post

      I could make a Psd template for only few bucks! And code it for leass than $500
      I create my own designs and themes for my blogs and websites.
      Iwould pay that much a simple psd theme.
      You would???

      Not sure if you are serious or just foreign and write in broken English. PM me with case studies of your work (not samples that nobody paid for) if you are a coder/programmer. I may consider hiring you for the task, but I gotta know you can do it first.

      Originally Posted by Martin Luxton View Post


      I am a little confused about your use of "design" and "theme".

      Are you saying you want somebody to code a whole new, unique theme ($2,500 is very cheap!!!) or do you just want your website to look like the design you had done.

      If it's the latter, then it's not necessarily very difficult or expensive for somebody to get the look you want using an existing theme.

      Rosetrees knows her stuff - why not get in touch with her, show her your design and see if she can do it with Atahualpa or another theme?

      I have PSD files, so the design is done and great. I just need it coded into wordpress if that makes sense, with a few minor specifics that aren't the norm when converting from PSD to wordpress.

      Originally Posted by sbucciarel View Post

      Your coach should have known and told you about the whole process before recommending it. There's so many good themes for under $100, unless you've got tons of money to blow, there's no need for a custom theme at all. It's nice to have one, but when you consider the costs and then the costs of re-hiring your coder every time there's a major Wordpress upgrade, it's not worth it to me.
      Thanks for the feedback.

      Originally Posted by LocoDice View Post

      What you lack in web design outsourcing skills, you certainly make up for in dramatic headline copywriting. Your title made me click

      While I don't understand why you *really* needed a custom design - hopefully you're design looks impressive and you'll be excited to promote it once it goes live.

      Custom designs have their place in the world - and paying the kind of money that you paid would make perfect sense in certain scenarios - but from the sounds of it - not yours.

      I like the metaphor of off the rack brand suits with a few adjustments versus tailor made bespoke suits. Most of the time the former will do fine.

      Before making any further decisions though - I would work out if getting this done is something you still want to go through. One of those 'good money after bad' kind of thoughts - you can get an *excellent* theme that works across all modern web browsers for $50-$100 and it will work out of the box so to speak. When you get one of these things custom made you have to be extremely specific about what you need - and you'll have to review it extremely thoroughly to ensure that everything meets your expectations (and don't expect just because you end up spending a little or a lot of money this is any guarantee of getting it precisely how you want) - in other words you'll have to put more time into this process yourself - *if* you want it looking sharp.

      It's also a time consuming process - to get this turned around - in a manner where there are reviews and a bit of back and forth you are looking at realistically another week or so if you get it done *properly* (again, properly does not mean paying $60/hour+ for this kind of work).

      Sure you could just send it to some guy on fiverr to do it, or pay someone on odesk to do it. And I can also try and draw you the Mona Lisa for $5 too (yeah right)

      Have a look at www.xhtmlchop.com, there are *many* other providers out there that do this kind of things - if you shop around you should be able to get the fee down.

      These guys are cheaper - but you have to review like a HAWK what they do - that is one of the main keys to outsource management - don't expect *anything* turn key.

      If I'm not mistaken your quote is from either Australians or New Zealanders (based on the fact the quote mentions GST) - keep in mind a can of coke in Australia costs generally US$2-US$3, and you'll see why things sound expensive. There is no way you need to pay $60+/hour for WP design for the kind of work I imagine you're after. Infact - for the same reasons I wouldn't expect an iPhone or a pair of Nikes to be made in Australia/NZ - I don't know why there are web developers working in Australia and New Zealand at all - it's a *real* expensive place to do business (but that is a whole other story).

      We have all made mistakes one way or another my friend - just look at this as a $749 lesson in doing more research - with free PSDs

      Feel free to PM me, I can definitely help you and point you in the right direction to solution providers, since I feel I owe the warrior community to pay it forward a bit since I have asked about 9132823 dumb SEO questions with very little offers of help to others - however I have been a web developer for 10+ years and know this area quite well.
      Thanks for the sincere reply LocoDice. And I appreciate the copywriting crack. (I agree BTW).

      Anyway, I like that you pointed me to that resource. However, at this time, my coach is walking me through this and providing more support than my money deserves. But I still may be PMing you. Also, if you hate asking SEO questions, and would rather just hand it off to someone else, PM me if you are interested. I don't charge as much to Warriors as I do to other's outside of the warrior community.

      Again, I appreciate your feedback.

      Originally Posted by rosetrees View Post

      Is there maybe something you aren't telling us? I'm asking because I've just looked at the 99 design website.

      If I'm understanding it correctly, you run a "contest". You get several designs to choose from. If you decide to use one of them you pay the designer the fee YOU set and from the winning designer:
      Sort of close. There is a base pay at 99designs. So I ordered mine for two pages, which are almost identical, except the home page has a far different header above the navigation from the rest of the pages.

      So yes, you are correct, except you don't name your price. I paid the lowest price possible for two pages and got *exactly* what I wanted design-wise. Now I just need realistic coding done to integrate the design into the wordpress platform and to give the proper functioning to it.

      Originally Posted by LocoDice View Post

      Design does not equal web site
      I know that now. For some reason, though, 99designs has a section that says "web design" and then a seperate one for wordpress under "other" -- which leads me to think it ISN'T just design.

      Originally Posted by rosetrees View Post

      ......... errrr - why are you telling me that??? Did you read my post?

      Maybe the OP was using the website differently and asking for a custom design? Idk.

      To the OP - are you within time to do a chargeback on your Credit card or Paypal?
      I don't chargeback stuff because I am frustrated. I have more integrity than that. I got what I paid for, it's the next step that I was taken back by. And the fact that I searched and searched for answers and alternative solutions and got nowhere (partly because I didn't know exactly which route to go).

      But thanks to the replies of some very helpful warriors, I feel a lot better now and have some alternative options that would produce the result I am looking for. But thanks...

      Originally Posted by Brains Gone Wild View Post

      I've started websites and entire online businesses before with $12 and a Starbucks, as have many Warriors here I'm sure. What the hell are you doing spending that kind of money on a logo or WP site?!?! Fiverr + a free or cheap WP theme = all you should need. Don't over think it and don't over do it. You've already over spent. Shooting yourself seems a bit dramatic so you can put the gun away. However, a good self-beating may be in order. Seriously, don't overspend and just jump into whatever you're doing. Details almost always get worked out down the road. Best of luck!
      This is me jumping in. So far I haven't over-spent. That's what I am trying to avoid with the coding/programming. I, too, have started web businesses for that (keyword=started). But this isn't the type of business where just having a squeeze page and some email follow-ups alone is going to do (and even that, is a *start*).

      But thank you...

      Originally Posted by J Bold View Post

      What in the world would you be suggesting a chargeback for?

      This is not an appropriate case for a chargeback. For goodness' sake, talk about advocating the OP rip them off for work that was done....
      I agree J Bold.

      Originally Posted by arrrrgon View Post

      For $2500 I'd expect my website to write it's own articles from scratch

      Originally Posted by juztin View Post

      Wow wow wow... what a waste of money...

      Most of designers on 99designs are crap... you have no branding, no critical thinking process for the design you are getting. Now the 2nd part, 2500$ to convert? are you kidding me!!

      You can have a nice clean and functional website for less than 500$ (including the coding part)

      To be honest, it was your mistake to think the designers will provide the coding services on top of the design. 99designs is known for designing and not coding. There is no way someone will think they will get a functional website from 99designs.

      Now since you have already spent 750$ for a design, which I hope you like, just go to a freelance site like freelancer.com and get it code for around 200$

      good luck

      Originally Posted by pinterest01 View Post

      first, it should not be a mockup only, it should be a full working site.
      second, if u do more research on the internet, you can pay someone for $10 to setup you a customed wordpress theme including seo plugins.
      It's not just a mockup. My mistake. It is PSD files. Wish you read the third post at the top of this thread before posting.

      Also, the design I got I chose because the designer already had the exact style and layout I wanted. Plus, it wasn't crap like you suggest most designers are on 99designs. But in any event, I'm not too impressed with the portfolio of the link you've given above.

      And I don't pay for people to upload free seo plugins. That's just stupid, even for $10.

      I wonder whose portfolio that was?

      Originally Posted by marketwarrior06 View Post

      Dude I should say that you are unlucky in this manner. I know some merchants who are doing their designing job only by spending 100$.
      So I think you should try to find them in other freelancing sites. For coding I prefer vworker dot com.
      its the new version of rent a coder.
      you should try it out.
      Thanks marketwarrior06, I appreciate that new resource, too. I was unaware of that.

      Originally Posted by rhinocl View Post

      To take your PSD and carve it up into a theme so it matches exactly is a fair sized task. However a lot of us can look at it, take the key parts of the image for backgrounds and give you something nice that looks roughly like the PSD. Probably for $70-400 depending on the nature of the design and who does the work.
      Thanks for the input rhinocl.

      Originally Posted by Sumaryan85 View Post

      try cheaper designer, dont worry about it. many designers offers cheap price for a wp theme.
      specially if you already have the mock up.

      Just dont shoot yourself okay...its not the end of the world.
      LOL! Thanks Sumaryan85. It's funny, if the house burny down and nobody I cared about was in it, I would just shrug my shoulders and go find a new place for me and the fam to live while closing on a new house. But with this "little" crap, I freak out. When clicking a button on a software program doesn't do what I think it should, I tell it how I really feel

      Originally Posted by mcflause View Post

      AHH too many posts to read. But from the OP I can understand your frustration. But you definitely do not need to spend 2.5k to get it coded. Google - PSD to Wordpress, or alternatively you can go to a site like freelancer and post your job.

      I wish you luck.
      Thanks for the luck and input mcflause!

      Originally Posted by maxaurelius View Post

      Too many post to read through all, but 99designs they give you the logo in psd because thats the best format. You can easily ask for the logo in all the different formats you want. Your paying, you don't release payment until they give you want you want.

      Coding part... I charge around that price too, but if you want cheaper go to elance.com
      That would be AWESEOME... if I had bought a logo. (Why do some people post?)

      Originally Posted by Istvan Horvath View Post

      Then please, stop replying without having the facts.
      Just do NOT reply, if you didn't read the thread. (< this applies to everyone!)
      Guess I could have not said anything. Thank you for being smart Istvan. I appreciate it

      Originally Posted by ClicProject View Post

      700$ is not expensive for a design, in fact it is rather cheap - but it depends what you are looking for and what your expectations are. If you are happy with a cookie cutter template or something done by a student, then fine, but if you want something tailored and high quality, its going to cost.

      Its like you can get a suit for 99 quid from Topman, or you can spend 5000 on a tailored suit from saville row.

      Watch out getting the template coded, now you have spent 750$ on the design, don´t just spend 50 bucks getting it coded- there will be shortcuts taken, a lack of attention to detail and so on.

      Well, that about sums up my thank yous and replies.

      If anybody notices any typos that most intelligent people can make out correctly, please don't be unintelligent and make a quote reply correcting it needlessly. All typos were left intact just for you. If you are that person, and you still post the corrections in spite of this reply, please note that it would be crazy for you to want to shoot yourself over it (now that would just be stupid - LOL!)
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      • Profile picture of the author MikeAbraham
        Sorry but you are being ripped off here, never used 99designs before and does seem expensive for in essence a draft. There are many out there who will take your psd and develop a site in any platform a lot cheaper than 2500 imho


        But hey don't shoot yourself because of it!
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[7208756].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author awledd
    Of course I saw a number of places that do the design for a lot cheap and I don't think the hefty price adds any special value to your site either.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[7208903].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author ishboo
      Originally Posted by MikeAbraham View Post

      Sorry but you are being ripped off here, never used 99designs before and does seem expensive for in essence a draft. There are many out there who will take your psd and develop a site in any platform a lot cheaper than 2500 imho


      But hey don't shoot yourself because of it!
      Thanks for the interaction Mike, but all of the above has already been said.

      Originally Posted by awledd View Post

      Of course I saw a number of places that do the design for a lot cheap and I don't think the hefty price adds any special value to your site either.
      It's not the price that adds value, it's the fact that a ton of designers at once submit designs completely free in the hopes that you pick theirs to be the winner and they get the prize money for the design contest.

      Your chances of finding the gold you are looking for are much better. I already tried the cheaper routes and wasn't at all pleased.

      Doing it this way allows you to keep your money if you are not satisfied with any of the designs and you don't lose anything (or you can guarantee your prize and attract more quality designers to your contest who otherwise would give it no attention).

      In any event, this post isn't about the price of the design, it's about the price of coding afterward. Please read the post before replying next time. I and a few other replies have emphasized this statement a number of times on here. Apparently you read only the first line.

      I guess thanks anyways...

      Originally Posted by Farenxdesign View Post

      How big is the site?please tell me...
      I answered that in my multiquote reply a couple posts above. But seeing that it is quite a lengthy list of replies to go through, here was my reply to that question...


      The site is *going to be* 6 pages plus a blog on the backend. It is currently, design-wise, 2 pages.


      Well, the home page header is different from the rest of the pages.

      All I want different between the home page and the rest of the pages is the header (which is above the navigation BTW).

      That's about it. Other than that, I want the sidebar included as an option on blog posts and pages (kinda like with OptimizePress).

      The header on the home page is static, and the header on all the rest of the blog and pages gives the option of slider images/video/text/etc.

      So I had the coding companies quote me for just two pages, thinking I could save money that way. I figured, "No sense in them charging me for more pages seeing all I would have to do is click 'add page' once they are done coding it".

      I also have a feeling this is easy to accomplish if someone knows what they are doing. I mean, come on, I paid a copywriter $1,750 -- something that actually has a direct impact on my income and conversions (and she could get away with charging more plus royalties).

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