Joomla Vs WordPress 2012 - Which is better?

19 replies
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Which platform do you use to manage your website, Joomla? or WordPress? and Why?

Yes I understand this was asked a while ago, but I am looking for the most update answers (in case of any changes).

I already found a reasonable list in this youtube video (here: ), but I would be grateful if you can let me know your own thoughts on this on what you think is better, and why.

And if it is really true that it depends on preference.
#2012 #joomla #joomla vs wordpress #joomla vs wordpress 2012 #wordpress
  • Profile picture of the author Baadier Sydow
    Wordpress is the current standard for building extensible websites. The wealth of themes, plugins and mods available for the platform is absolutely staggering.

    Its because of the mass availability of extensions of high quality and an active paid development community that I choose Wordpress. It makes developing client websites really simple.

    I know the peculiarities of the WF market should be taken into consideration when making my next statement but when last did you see the "Joomla plugin launch that will change your business"
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  • Profile picture of the author IamPower
    Thank you baadier, very useful points there! I needed some confirmations. I wonder what Joomla users would say to it, at least those using it for business.
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  • Profile picture of the author speedakias
    Joomla and only joomla as I said in other thread. Easy to use, lot of professional templates to choose, amazing components and modules for your website.

    Recently I built a website with Wordpress but I don't think that I'm going to use it again. Joomla offers me a lot more feature and made my website more professional.

    I really don't understand why all here choose the Wordpress. Maybe it more user friendly, I don't know.

    This is just my opinion.
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  • Profile picture of the author bhmseoservices
    Wordpress all the way! There are so many unique modules and plugins that offer great customizable features.

    Joomla is far to complex for nothing, but I'm bias since I can't really build a site in a day in Joomla.
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  • Profile picture of the author gcampton
    People here generally choose WordPress because it has close to 16million users or something close to that, approx 10x that of all other CMS combined.

    For that reason there is typically better quality and quantity of plugins and themes. But with the treasure comes trash and due to the extensive quantity you need to wade through a lot of trash to find treasure.

    (o.O) <<<----- This bunny is more ethical and mostly made of pixels.

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  • Profile picture of the author soniamit
    i love WordPress.....
    easy to manage and lots of free theme and plugin you can find Free...
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  • Profile picture of the author hostking
    Wordpress all the way. The plugins is great aswell. And Wordfence Security makes me never worry.
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  • Profile picture of the author ~kev~
    A few years ago I tried for about 6 months to build a website with joomla, got frustrated and finally gave up.

    Why would installing a module have to crash the admin control panel? After a few crashes and having to restore from backup, I gave up.

    The lack of integration with commercial grade forum software such as vbulletin is a major drawback to joomla.

    The joomla community allowing modules in the downloads section that they know had security issues was another one of the deciding factors.

    Yes joomla looks nice, but upgrading one component could break something else.

    I had the SMF forum integrated with joomla. A security update joomla broke the bridge. then I had to wait a few weeks until the bridge was updated for everything to work again.

    The lack of theme support between the modifications. I bought a commercial grade reviews add-on, and never got it tweaked so it looked like it was fully integrated with the site.

    I just hope joomla has improved in the past few years.

    Is wordpress perfect? No it is not.

    But at the very least, I never had to restore from backup after installing a wordpress modification.

    Not a single time in 4 years has my wordpress site crashed. Joomla on the other hand, install the wrong module, and bam, the site crashed.
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    • Profile picture of the author gcampton
      Originally Posted by ~kev~ View Post

      Is wordpress perfect? No it is not.

      But at the very least, I never had to restore from backup after installing a wordpress modification.

      Not a single time in 4 years has my wordpress site crashed. Joomla on the other hand, install the wrong module, and bam, the site crashed.
      Yup at least WP has the decency to tell you if there's a major conflict and simply refuses to install whatever it is you're installing.

      I had the exact same problems with Joomla as well, install something just to find it had completely broken admin and front end.... I also tested Drupal pretty extensively, and kicked myself when I finally tried WordPress after those two. Because it was just so much simpler, well designed, and has a massive awesome community.

      (o.O) <<<----- This bunny is more ethical and mostly made of pixels.

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    • Profile picture of the author OldLodgeSkins
      Originally Posted by ~kev~ View Post

      A few years ago I tried for about 6 months to build a website with joomla, got frustrated and finally gave up.

      Why would installing a module have to crash the admin control panel? After a few crashes and having to restore from backup, I gave up.
      That's strange... After 3 years using it I have yet to see such a case.
      Where did you get your extensions from? I always take mine from the official Joomla Extensions Directory and nowhere else, that's the safest way to go.

      Originally Posted by ~kev~ View Post

      The lack of integration with commercial grade forum software such as vbulletin is a major drawback to joomla.
      Apparently you haven't tried Kunena. I have used it on several websites so far and I'm quite happy with it. Especially when used together with a couple of other components for PMs and profiles - but hey, I'm not going to give all my secrets

      Originally Posted by ~kev~ View Post

      The joomla community allowing modules in the downloads section that they know had security issues was another one of the deciding factors.

      Yes joomla looks nice, but upgrading one component could break something else.
      I've never had this case either... I guess we really didn't work with the same components!

      Originally Posted by ~kev~ View Post

      I had the SMF forum integrated with joomla. A security update joomla broke the bridge. then I had to wait a few weeks until the bridge was updated for everything to work again.
      I haven't heard of that one so I can't tell.

      Originally Posted by ~kev~ View Post

      The lack of theme support between the modifications. I bought a commercial grade reviews add-on, and never got it tweaked so it looked like it was fully integrated with the site.
      If you buy a commercial extension and it doesn't work the way you want it to, that's not the CMS' fault, it's the extension's developer's fault. You can't blame that one on Joomla. That's true for any CMS.

      Originally Posted by ~kev~ View Post

      I just hope joomla has improved in the past few years.
      Now that sentence makes me wonder... How many "few years" are we talking about? Would you have used the antique Joomla 1.0? If so... It's no wonder we're not running into the same problems. It must be like 6 or 7 years old at least and I've never used it! I started with version 1.5 a few years back and I'm now using the current 2.5.

      Originally Posted by ~kev~ View Post

      Is wordpress perfect? No it is not.

      But at the very least, I never had to restore from backup after installing a wordpress modification.
      Neither have I with Joomla...

      Originally Posted by ~kev~ View Post

      Not a single time in 4 years has my wordpress site crashed.
      Neither have mine. I have two of my own and several for clients of mine...
      Do you use Facebook ? Then you can make money just by inviting people to a Facebook group ! It's called the Instant Income System. How cool is that?
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  • Profile picture of the author copilu0
    There are people who are using Joomla and people who using Wordpress and each of them have their reasons why they are using that certain platform.
    It depends very much on what do you want to achieve with your website because for example Wordpress is much better if you want to make a website with a lot of content (text, images, videos) but in the same time I think Joomla is better for a small online games website.
    There are many things that you need to consider and compare between them but in the end everything depends on you and which one (Wordpress or Joomla) you understand better.
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  • Profile picture of the author OldLodgeSkins
    Yet another WP vs Joomla thread...

    People who only know one of them well are often those who give you what appears to be a straight answer. I, on the other hand, am more careful: I have only experimented a little bit with WP and didn't like the feel of it. I feel much more at ease with Joomla. And I can do just about anything I want with it (I have even written a book about it...). BUT... I'm guessing the final choice should mainly be a matter of deciding which one you feel the most comfortable with.
    What I can tell you however is that you shouldn't listen to people telling you WP is better because it has more plug-ins and templates... That's simply, plainly false => Home - Joomla! Extensions Directory

    Do you use Facebook ? Then you can make money just by inviting people to a Facebook group ! It's called the Instant Income System. How cool is that?
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  • IamPower,

    The systems that you have named continue to be the most widespread. As mentioned by other posters, Wordpress is highly customizable and there is a lot of support out there. There are also a ton of great plugins for both systems that allow users to perform complex tasks on their websites without a lot of coding knowledge. If you are well versed with any given CMS you would probably do alright choosing whichever one suited your needs the best. If you need a lot of guidance, choosing a popular CMS that has well established forums and help articles like Wordpress or Joomla are a good bet.

    Here is a top ten list of CMS’s, some of which are not that well known,

    10 Best Content Management Systems for Designers | Tools

    This article highlights closed or open source CMS’s for business uses,

    Hopefully this answers any questions you might have had,

    Outsource to the experts...

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  • Profile picture of the author FantaMan

    Id say wordpress all day long. Every dev ive worked with has always had bad things to say about joomla to be honest. Even its security is a big joke!

    Hope this helps!
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  • Profile picture of the author OldLodgeSkins
    WP's security isn't that good either according to what I've heard...
    Rumors... Uh?
    Any CMS is easy to hack if you just install it and use it without any further modification. That's why I always add several security features on all my Joomla websites. I dare you to tell me WP is secure out of the box...
    Do you use Facebook ? Then you can make money just by inviting people to a Facebook group ! It's called the Instant Income System. How cool is that?
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  • Profile picture of the author SeoDemon
    i always use Wordpress, very easy to customize! lots of great themes too! good luck
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  • WordPress is best one to use and it is easy to handle. Now a days WordPress has more plugins and it is helps to SEO friendly.
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    • Profile picture of the author TanYaV
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  • Profile picture of the author TanYaV
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  • Profile picture of the author robmena
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    • Profile picture of the author 24hours
      Okay, so it seems Manika and kev have used both platforms, but how many of the posters that tout WP or Joomla have tried both?

      If you posted a thread asking about Dreamwevaer vs Web Studio, I'd choose DW all day long because I'm comfortable with it. That doesn't mean WS isn't any good, but I've never had reason to try it.

      I think a better way to pose the question is to ask how many WP/Joomla fans have actually used both platforms and which did they prefer.

      ps - I use neither WP nor Joomla, but I don't understand these type of threads as they are biased and aren't helping the OP.
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