Creating an Authority site with the default Twenty Twelve Theme

by kumar
3 replies
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I know an Authority site is mostly to do with content and lots of it, so I am using the term loosely here.

Here's how I visualize my site:

-It should have 3-4 categories (probably in the horizontal bar near the header) with all the articles labeled under these categories.

-Some of the articles will have content, some will be information in the form of slideshows or multimedia.

-A small opt-in form in a few places (sidebar, footer etc.) in most pages.

-A few widgets like quizzes, online polls, calculators etc.

-Monetization by affiliate and CPA offers.

-The site should make it easy for visitors to spread the word using social media.

Is it something I can achieve with the Twenty Twelve theme?

I do have a subscription for Elegant Themes (WordPress Themes Loved By Over 160k Customers) which is up for renewal, so if the default Wordpress theme can do all the above, I'd much rather go with it.

On the flip side, I don't know how to code so using the default theme may be a bit challenging for me if it requires some customization and coding to achieve the above specs.

#2012 #authority #creating #default #site #theme #wordpress
  • Profile picture of the author Michael71
    Nearly everything you have mentioned can be done with WP plugins...

    HTML/CSS/jQuery/ZURB Foundation/Twitter Bootstrap/Wordpress/Frontend Performance Optimizing
    Need HTML/CSS help? Skype: microcosmic - Test Your Responsive Design -

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  • Profile picture of the author MrJonny
    I recommend that you try out Flexibility 3. It is free to use and has many options for customization. Also, do check out some of the free premium themes ...

    Best Free Premium Wordpress Themes | CashJournals of DylanC
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  • Profile picture of the author Istvan Horvath
    Is it something I can achieve with the Twenty Twelve theme?
    Yes. You can achieve what's on your "list" with any theme...

    Despite some claims - customizing ALWAYS requires some basic knowledge of HTML and CSS. If a theme says it can make any and all kind of "customization" without knowing code... that theme is using bloated code and will make any site very-very slow.

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