Noah Classifieds "Includes" command

by Xodus
3 replies
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I was wondering if anyone might know how to use the Includes command in Noah classifieds?

Right now no one of their forum knows how.

#classifieds #command #includes #noah
  • Profile picture of the author Richard Whyte
    I would think that Noah Classifieds is based upon PHP. When you use an "include" command, you are telling the page to grab and insert a different page at that point.

    This is often used to "include" common information OR commands that are needed. PHP is a very powerful programing lanuage used to design pages that have access to a backend database.

    I use it for things like membership sites so that a person can not just jump to a page in the membership area. The page has an "include" in it that checks to see if a variable is set to true that they are logged in. If not, the "include" sends them back out of the site to the log in page....

    This type of thing is pretty standard stuff in PHP.

    Have a Great Day!
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  • Profile picture of the author Anrkist
    This would be a PHP Include: <?php include("header.php"); ?>

    You would need to hard code it into the template itself. But it almost sounds like you're asking about something already included in the software package.
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  • Profile picture of the author Xodus
    Richard and Anrkist,

    I am using a third party php script that requires the use of the php include command. I can place it throughout my main site (standard PHP/CSS pages) and it works fine.

    But, when a php includes command is used in Noah Classifieds (program on another folder on my site) it strips the site of CSS.

    I was told to use the include template command instead. But....

    The third party software I use is strictly a php include command script.

    I was asking if anyone knew a work around for this issue.

    Sorry I was not more accurate in my original question.

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