Pls Warriors, what am i doing wrong?

by sim4
4 replies
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Hi Warriors,

I try upload files into my hosting cpanel and i am having this eroe messgage instead of showing the upload files, it is showing these:
Index of /

Apache Server at Port 80

the site is

Pls what did i do wrong and how do i correct it?

Thanks for your help.

#pls #warriors #wrong
  • Profile picture of the author Slab
    Go up one root (go back).

    Sweet dreams are made of this, who am I to disagree?

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  • Profile picture of the author Istvan Horvath
    You are uploading them into the wrong place! For an index file to show up when typing in the domain into the ddress bar, the file MUST be in the "root" folder.

    The "root" of your website hosting is the "public_html". However, you uploaded your file to a subfolder named "gtg".

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8874093].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author sim4
      Originally Posted by Istvan Horvath View Post

      You are uploading them into the wrong place! For an index file to show up when typing in the domain into the ddress bar, the file MUST be in the "root" folder.

      The "root" of your website hosting is the "public_html". However, you uploaded your file to a subfolder named "gtg".

      Thank you

      "gtg" is a folder on my computer in which i save all the files and upload them all and
      I put the files inside web Root (public_html/www).

      This is what is on the server (hostgator account)
      Please select a directory to open:

      • Home Directory
      • Web Root (public_html/www)
      • Public FTP Root (public_ftp)
      • Document Root for:
      This is the message on the server and i did put in Web Root,

      Please what do i need to correct?

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    • Profile picture of the author getnewonline
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8875933].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author sim4
        Thanks to Slab and Istvan,

        It is done and i had learnt how to handle this kind of stuff and can never have this type of trouble again.


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