I've got a wordpress site that deals with vintage stuff and people are always trying to sell their related item in the comments section of my posts. Something like, "I've got one just like this if anyone is interested". I get those comments all the time. So, I thought maybe I would add a classifieds section, or something similar, to the site where people could sell their item. It's not really eCommerce because people would only be selling their one item and not have inventory.
Is there a good wordpress plugin that will do this? Preferably something that the user's can manage themselves without my involvement. Also something that won't get spammed to death or slow down the site. Is anyone else doing this? And, if so, what are you using? Any problems related to the idea?
#classifieds #plugin #wordpress
♥ When the Last Tree Is Cut Down, the Last Fish Eaten, and the Last Stream Poisoned, You Will Realize That You Cannot Eat Money.