Outbrain getting worse?

3 replies
I have been running profitable campaigns on Outbrain for the last 7-8 months, but over the last couple weeks, I have experienced a sudden decline in impressions even though my CTR has stayed more or less the same (even after increasing my bids by up to 50%).

Has anyone noticed anything similar happening in the last couple weeks? I know Outbrain's algorithm can be finicky, but I am seeing similar declines across all campaigns.

As an aside, are there other native networks that people like here? I sell a language learning product for expats, and my campaigns do best on the big international news sites (CNN, FoxNews, MSN News, BBC News, the Guardian, etc.) on Desktop (no mobile). I run ads targeted mostly outside the U.S.

I've been on Taboola for few months, but the traffic quality/ROI has been poor. Too many many clicks were coming from gaming/teen/etc. sites that were totally outside of my target market. Any other networks that cater to major new sites?
#outbrain #worse
  • Profile picture of the author Rahatvin Oli
    So while I'm sympathetic to the Outbrain response (I do get it), the reality is that it's just a static ad ..... The URL and content is worse than the ad.
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  • Profile picture of the author ryanbiddulph
    Outbrain just seems so click-baity. I feel this trend will increase because the ads are spammy, and like RO says they lead to really rough, terrible articles. I'd let 'em go
    Ryan Biddulph helps you to be a successful blogger with his courses, manuals and blog at Blogging From Paradise
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  • Profile picture of the author dvz
    A couple of weeks ago Google Adsense launched their native ads. Maybe it affected Outbrain (and Taboola) already.
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