Hot Product? Market research for steady product? Both?

3 replies
Hi guys I need to know something.

I'm new to IM, and am ready to run my first offers and campains.

1) Do I want to automatically promote hot products of the time like iphone,ipad etc right away?

1b) If so what's my best bet for promoting it free or paid? (i'd prefer free cause i have a budget of $0 seriously)

1c) If I create a wordpress site for it should it be like a pitch page (sells page), or should it be a blog page where I'm continuously adding new blogs to it? (this is in reference to a temporarily hot pro product)

2) Do I want to do some market research and get into a niche with different converting offers to promote?

2b) If that's the case then do I want a site (like a pitch page or sells page) for each product , or should it be a blog page where I'm continuously adding new content to it and promoting the different offers?(this is in reference to a niche with different product). Or should I do both?

Please be as detailed and as specific as possible. I want to learn as much as possible from you guys that have success with this. Mention things that I should be doing that I might not have mentioned, cause obviously I don't know. I'm very excited to start on this journey and ready to start promoting some offers.

Thanks in advanced for any replies.
#hot #market #product #research #steady
  • Profile picture of the author williamrs
    1) Do I want to automatically promote hot products of the time like iphone,ipad etc right away?
    The type of offers that you will promote is 100% up to you. However, I don't understand what you mean by "automatically".

    1b) If so what's my best bet for promoting it free or paid? (i'd prefer free cause i have a budget of $0 seriously)
    If your budget is $0, so, without a doubt, free methods are the way to go for you.

    1c) If I create a wordpress site for it should it be like a pitch page (sells page), or should it be a blog page where I'm continuously adding new blogs to it? (this is in reference to a temporarily hot pro product)
    Impossible to say how your landing page should be. It depends on the method that you're going to use.

    2) Do I want to do some market research and get into a niche with different converting offers to promote?
    Of course. First, analyze your market and try to understand your potential customers. Figure out exactly what and how to offer them. Then, choose a few offers and start testing them. Unless you are a very lucky person, you will hardly get a winner the first time you try, so you want to have more than one offer to test.

    2b) If that's the case then do I want a site (like a pitch page or sells page) for each product , or should it be a blog page where I'm continuously adding new content to it and promoting the different offers?(this is in reference to a niche with different product). Or should I do both?
    Again, you have both options. Different marketers use different strategies. Choose a method and build your landing pages based on the experience of other marketers who have also used it.

    I hope it healps!

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    • Profile picture of the author Gi0dUdE
      Originally Posted by williamrs View Post

      The type of offers that you will promote is 100% up to you. However, I don't understand what you mean by "automatically".

      If your budget is $0, so, without a doubt, free methods are the way to go for you.

      Impossible to say how your landing page should be. It depends on the method that you're going to use.

      Of course. First, analyze your market and try to understand your potential customers. Figure out exactly what and how to offer them. Then, choose a few offers and start testing them. Unless you are a very lucky person, you will hardly get a winner the first time you try, so you want to have more than one offer to test.

      Again, you have both options. Different marketers use different strategies. Choose a method and build your landing pages based on the experience of other marketers who have also used it.

      I hope it healps!


      K thanks William that helped a lot.
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  • Profile picture of the author Barry Patterson
    Just to ad a few thoughts. Search out and use as many pictures and videos as possible. Google likes these. Also try both word press and google blogger. My preference is the Google system. Just seems easier to install various things. And it also seems google prefers them along with Amazon.
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