Maybe naive questions about EDU offers - Can you please give your insight ?

2 replies
Hi guys,

Basically, I've been searching trustworthy information on EDU leads generation and I had a very hard time getting answers. Well I think I'm in the good place, and I hope you guys will be nice enough to help me out a bit.

Here's the thing : I've built some affiliate websites over the years, gaining experience and knowledge to go from 0 profit to a pretty nice profit. With this experience, and more financial means, I wish to enter the EDU market, but I have many interrogations.

So here are my questions. I'd be really delighted if you guys could answer at least some of them. Thanks a lot

1 - Lead requirements

Getting 15-40$ for each free information request looks too easy to be true. I mean I do get that you have to provide quality leads to be eligible for those payments, but :

Are there specific requirements to have a lead qualified as legit by networks ? (distance between the person and the prospective school, anything else?)

Would you say the following example is a legit way to send edu leads ?

Let's say I have a website aiming at generating leads for design schools. My website will be something like designschools DOT com (sadly not this very domain )
The website will have articles related to design schools (how to choose them etc) and affiliate links to various design schools in various states.

2 - Networks

This may be naive but I've seen Elearners, Collegebound, Americolleges, Universalclass, Cunet.

Are there other networks you would recommend ?
Would you have recommendations on how to get accepted by the networks ?
Also, is it unrealistic to be new to a network and wanting to run EDU offers ?

Again, thanks for your time, I'm kind of lost, and even though I'm willing to put time, effort and money in this , I couldnt be grateful enough to tips and/or answers.

Thanks !
#give #insight #naive #offers #questions
  • Profile picture of the author ossie
    Education and scholarship are great offers to promote and the best network that deals exclusively with education type offers is Smart E Offers . They are easy to promote with paid traffic, social media & seo sites.
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  • Profile picture of the author Discreetmarketer
    Thanks ossie, I had a quick look at the inventory listed on Smarteoffers website and there arent a lot of EDU offers. Is that just a preview of the offers, or is that actually all they have to offer?

    What would nice, is a network that provide the same offers you can find on site like accountingprogramsuDOTcom or criminaljusticedegreeDOTcom.

    Do Smarteoffers provide this kind of offers? Do you have any suggestions on networks offering such offers ?

    I still woudnt mind to see some of my other questions answered by someone's good will btw
    I've been with MANY web hosting companies
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