How much money do you actually pocket?

2 replies
I've always wondered about how much people actually put money in their pocket from PPV/CPA. I'm still applying for some networks and I'm yet to start, but I see a bunch of threads where people make a certain amount in profit. Doesnt some or most of the profit you make go back into campaigns and such?
#money #pocket
  • Profile picture of the author Greedy
    Well, it all depends on your business plan how much you put back into your campaigns.

    So everyone is going to be different.

    Personally, I usually do this...

    Month's Profit - Tax % That I Save = Profit After Taxes

    Profit After Taxes - 25% for living - 25% personal savings = 50% back into the business.

    That is how I do it. But this will vary on how well my business is doing and if it needs money fast and if it is worth it. Sometimes it is better to invest than others.

    I want to be putting more in personal savings, but my living expenses are a bit high right now.
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  • Profile picture of the author bizoppmaster
    I aim for 100% + ROI - double my money. But I would run 50% ROIs all day long.
    (4) Spots Left For Private Coaching | | Skype: jon.mac303
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