[NEWBIE GUIDE] How to Pick CPA Offers!
When it comes to picking a good affiliate offer, I have a 5 step process that I use.
I use it to avoid bad offers.
It is pretty simple and works great….
1. Pick a niche that you believe you can promote. Use something you can create good angles and ideas around. A niche you’re somewhat knowledgeable in is a good starting point. If you’re unsure at first don’t worry, this skill will develop over time. If you’re newbie, I recommend something with a payout in the $3-$10 range. This helps you keep testing cheap. The last key thing to keep in mind is your traffic source, some traffic sources don’t allow certain types of offers, or don’t do well with specific offers. (You’ll have to look into your specific traffic source a bit more for more info on this.)
2. Look for the top offers with the highest network average EPCs in your niche. Make a list of the top 1-2 offers on each of your affiliate networks. (Do not compare network average EPCs between different affiliate networks. There are too many variables.)
3. Ask each of your affiliate managers what offers they thinks are doing the best in niche.
4. Look over each offer in detail yourself, look at things like the landing page copy, the design, the price for the consumer (if a straight sale offer), and the overall feeling in your gut. You can also check out Alexa.com to see how much traffic the offer’s URL is getting, this can help you tell if the offer is been around for a bit or brand new. (Not a deal breaker for me just worth paying attention to.)
Also consider how easily/fast you can make a good landing page for it.
5. Pick your top 2-3 offers to split test. (Make sure you test each offer for at least 100-200 clicks before jumping to conclusions.) And always be testing and looking for new offers.
(6.) You may need step number 6, if your offer(s) requires approval. If your offer(s) requires approval, reach out to your affiliate manager or whoever handles approvals at the network. Don’t be afraid to give them a call, and follow up until you get approved. Also if they ask you for your ads or landing pages don’t worry too much, this is very common.
Good Luck & Never Give Up! :p
If you have any questions for me on this please post them.
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