Anybody know about Market America?

2 replies
This one woman told me about market america and said that if I work full time I can make some 1000$ a month. But in order to get into it I have to buy a product starting kit worth 400$ so I am thinking is it worth it?
I mean I will waste money on product first and then I have to bring traffic into my website to convert which will require money or time too.
So is there any other thing I can do if I want to invest 400$?

Sure I can try to sell some of those products at my uncles store .

But I am having little weird feeling about this market America. She is basically keep saying how good this idea is but when I ask her how much an average I can make. She said it depends.

The only thing I like about it, is that I will have a group of people who are doing this But I feels like their scheme is more about bringing more people into business, selling products and selling conference tickets.

I will really appreciate the guidance. Thank you
#america #market
  • Profile picture of the author CreativesLinda
    Originally Posted by Beginnergirl View Post

    This one woman told me about market america and said that if I work full time I can make some 1000$ a month. But in order to get into it I have to buy a product starting kit worth 400$ so I am thinking is it worth it?
    I mean I will waste money on product first and then I have to bring traffic into my website to convert which will require money or time too.
    So is there any other thing I can do if I want to invest 400$?

    Sure I can try to sell some of those products at my uncles store .

    But I am having little weird feeling about this market America. She is basically keep saying how good this idea is but when I ask her how much an average I can make. She said it depends.

    The only thing I like about it, is that I will have a group of people who are doing this But I feels like their scheme is more about bringing more people into business, selling products and selling conference tickets.

    I will really appreciate the guidance. Thank you
    Your second to the last statement says it all. This is basically multi-level marketing, MLM. The idea is to get people underneath the top person to make money for that top person. But some MLMs are good like Avon or Tupperware or Mary Kay or some other known company. From your post, and the hesitation I read into it, your gut is telling you that this really isn't a good thing. Listen to your gut.
    If you need to have anything proofread - eBooks, websites, documents, etc., I can help. Please contact me at proofingservices1(at)
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    • Profile picture of the author akamrmel
      Market America has been around for a long time. A friend got sucked in years ago. Skip out on the MLM stuff. They'll always be around, but unless you have something to show for, ie. ripped abs, it isn't worth your time.
      Same thing with herbal life and all those goofy things.

      Do you generate Payday or Mortgage leads? Shoot me a pm and we can talk more!

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