Why You Must Have Your Own Website If You Want To Succeed Wildly Online!
If you're an affiliate marketer who directs traffic to the merchant, you're actually building the merchant's business even if your referred prospect doesn't buy. The merchant may be capturing leads which they can market to in the future, and you won't make any profits of these future sales.
Top affiliate marketers all their own website where they build a customer list or a community such as forum which encourages repeat visitors. Repeat visitors means more sales. If you're directing traffic to an affiliate link from Google Adwords or by using forums, you're losing out on a lot of profits.
Having your own website also brands you as a real business online. You can create a brand name for yourself and create trust among your prospects. This means you will have more joint-venture opportunities in the future to create more business relationships. This is not possible if you simply redirect your advertising efforts to your affiliate link.
Remember, brand your business first before the merchant's. Create an opt-in box on your page to capture leads and create a content-rich site which encourages repeat visits. This is THE secret to long-term profits!
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