Do you qualify for a brain chip?

by max5ty
22 replies
It's official.

The FDA has approved Neuralink to start implanting chips in people's brains for testing.

The chip connects you to AI and turns you into a computer...

Talk mind to mind with others with the chip...

Experience drugs without taking them...

Have answers for everything instantly...

trials start in about 6 months.

You can now sign up to get on the patient registry list...if you qualify.
#brain #chip #qualify
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  • Profile picture of the author Kay King
    It's not new - just another instance of Elon Musk being way ahead of his time....the FDA just recently seems to have approved for first trials. Starting a list is a great way to get attention....but it won't be that simple or that quick.

    From CNBC 2 weeks ago:
    • Neuralink, the neurotech startup co-founded by Elon Musk, announced Thursday it has received approval from the Food and Drug Administration to conduct its first in-human clinical study.
    • The implant aims to help patients with severe paralysis regain their ability to communicate by controlling external technologies using only neural signals.
    • The extent of the approved trial is not known. Neuralink said in a tweet that patient recruitment for its clinical trial is not open yet.
    Saving one dog will not change the world - but the world changes forever for that one dog
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    • Profile picture of the author max5ty
      Originally Posted by Kay King View Post

      It's not new - just another instance of Elon Musk being way ahead of his time....the FDA just recently seems to have approved for first trials. Starting a list is a great way to get attention....but it won't be that simple or that quick.

      From CNBC 2 weeks ago:
      • Neuralink, the neurotech startup co-founded by Elon Musk, announced Thursday it has received approval from the Food and Drug Administration to conduct its first in-human clinical study.
      • The implant aims to help patients with severe paralysis regain their ability to communicate by controlling external technologies using only neural signals.
      • The extent of the approved trial is not known. Neuralink said in a tweet that patient recruitment for its clinical trial is not open yet.
      From what I understand recruitment hasn't started but you can still sign up to be on the patient waiting list for when they do begin choosing.
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  • Profile picture of the author Kay King
    But - what I want to know is this: Can we put other people's names on the list? I know a few people who could use a little brain boost.
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    • Profile picture of the author max5ty
      Originally Posted by Kay King View Post

      But - what I want to know is this: Can we put other people's names on the list? I know a few people who could use a list brain boost.
      I know what you mean by that...I have a list of names I'd like to add.

      But, you have to have certain medical conditions to be on the waiting list.

      They said the chips worked well in the animals they tried it who knows.
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  • Profile picture of the author Kay King
    If the potential for treating serious illnesses is real, I'm all for it.
    Saving one dog will not change the world - but the world changes forever for that one dog
    2024 Patriot's Award for Service to Veterans
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    • Profile picture of the author max5ty
      Originally Posted by Kay King View Post

      If the potential for treating serious illnesses is real, I'm all for it.
      I'm all for the breakthroughs in medicine.

      Was reading some reports on what all these chips will be able to do...

      mental telepathy. Sounds a little scary.

      Reminds me of the old story where someone was selling a home study course on mental telepathy....

      after someone ordered, a month later they would get a report card that said they got an 'F' in the course.

      One person wrote back complaining they had never received anything...

      the reply back from the company was 'That's why you got an F'
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  • There are plenty places I could insert such a brain chip.

    But once it in place, prolly it rattle around sum.

    Lightin' fuses is for blowin' stuff togethah.

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  • Profile picture of the author traffic rider
    Well, it's unexpected that a chip has been installed in the brain. some time ago new had arrived that will chip have in their creation process and it will implant in the human brain. but how is it possible that its works? is there a chance it affects the human brain?
    I think I will not qualify for the implantation of the brain chip.
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  • Profile picture of the author oppyeaunome
    I'm thinking with the chip installed will you be more impulsive to buy a Tesla? I'm all for advances in technology but I think I like to keep a certain level of privacy when it comes to my mind. I don't think I want Elon being able to control my brain.

    Maybe my understanding of how it all works is wrong, but I can't sit comfortably with a chip being inserted in my brain by another person who cares about one!

    Hahaha but that's just me.
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  • Profile picture of the author spartan14
    Well seems that easy easy we live the reality from sci fi movies .Seems that those movies was not created by coincidence and its like someone know how our future will be
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  • Profile picture of the author probo
    As a Ex-Tesla Driver, I understand how Tesla's AI works, Doja basically powers the brain and Neural network, it will also power the Neurolink AI.

    Have its own Energy supply from Tesla Power project. Tesla is an Energy Company (369)

    Doja is a Tesla Ai Semiconductor CHIP is competing with Nvidea & Apple M3 Processor. its live now,

    In future, Neurolink Cyborgs will be controlling a fleet of Optimus ( Tesla Robots), while humans get stuck in an additive cycle on X Platform, with an international Stadnatnd basic Wage.
    Find AI Experts on AiExperts.Me Get Ahead or Left Behind.
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  • Profile picture of the author Usama005
    This is very critical to take a trial. Because you could be involved in a paralyze.
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  • Profile picture of the author TobiMDD
    turning people into robots, thats the agenda..
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  • Profile picture of the author Kay King
    Robot would be an improvement for some.

    What if implanting a brain chip was part of the sentencing of a serial rapist or murderer....what if people convicted of looting or shoplifting had a chip that alerted store security as they come in the door?

    What if a 'restraining order' for domestic violence required a chip that would send an alert if the person gets anywhere near the target of their abuse? I have personally known two women who were killed by their ex husbands....AFTER a restraining order was issued. What if a chip could alert so the women could be warned - going further - what the chip could incapacitate the person till police arrive?

    What if you could control mental illness with a chip instead of chemical medications? What if you could redirect the energy of an ADHD child instead of drugging him?

    Several schools have added an AI component to their current camera system. That AI app recognizes a gun and instantly alerts school officials and authorities. In a demo, the person carrying the gun was only about 8 feet inside the door and officials were locking down the school rooms and the cops were on their way.

    It will take longer to get the public to accept potential uses than it will to develop those uses - that's my guess. Would make a heck of a sci fi novel though.
    Saving one dog will not change the world - but the world changes forever for that one dog
    2024 Patriot's Award for Service to Veterans
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11768612].message }}
    • Originally Posted by Kay King View Post

      Robot would be an improvement for some.

      What if implanting a brain chip was part of the sentencing of a serial rapist or murderer....what if people convicted of looting or shoplifting had a chip that alerted store security as they come in the door?

      What if a 'restraining order' for domestic violence required a chip that would send an alert if the person gets anywhere near the target of their abuse? I have personally known two women who were killed by their ex husbands....AFTER a restraining order was issued. What if a chip could alert so the women could be warned - going further - what the chip could incapacitate the person till police arrive?

      What if you could control mental illness with a chip instead of chemical medications? What if you could redirect the energy of an ADHD child instead of drugging him?

      Several schools have added an AI component to their current camera system. That AI app recognizes a gun and instantly alerts school officials and authorities. In a demo, the person carrying the gun was only about 8 feet inside the door and officials were locking down the school rooms and the cops were on their way.

      It will take longer to get the public to accept potential uses than it will to develop those uses - that's my guess. Would make a heck of a sci fi novel though.
      Prahblem you gaht here is the de-chip chip.

      "Renders all chips totally useless -- save THIS ONE."

      Yeah but then you gonna get the De-Chip Chip Annihilator ...

      Likley this ain't nevah gonna be ovah before we run outta prefixes an' suffixes -- which we nevah will.

      Lightin' fuses is for blowin' stuff togethah.

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    • Profile picture of the author TobiMDD
      Originally Posted by Kay King View Post

      Robot would be an improvement for some.

      What if implanting a brain chip was part of the sentencing of a serial rapist or murderer....what if people convicted of looting or shoplifting had a chip that alerted store security as they come in the door?

      What if a 'restraining order' for domestic violence required a chip that would send an alert if the person gets anywhere near the target of their abuse? I have personally known two women who were killed by their ex husbands....AFTER a restraining order was issued. What if a chip could alert so the women could be warned - going further - what the chip could incapacitate the person till police arrive?

      What if you could control mental illness with a chip instead of chemical medications? What if you could redirect the energy of an ADHD child instead of drugging him?

      Several schools have added an AI component to their current camera system. That AI app recognizes a gun and instantly alerts school officials and authorities. In a demo, the person carrying the gun was only about 8 feet inside the door and officials were locking down the school rooms and the cops were on their way.

      It will take longer to get the public to accept potential uses than it will to develop those uses - that's my guess. Would make a heck of a sci fi novel though.

      the problem is simply that one should never put supposed hypothetical security before individual freedom.

      of course, certain use cases could be advantageous, but it is always the case that possible scenarios are created to convince people that these technologies are good. in this way, they want to create acceptance among the population, otherwise they would not be able to implement them.

      the only problem is that once it has been socially accepted, sooner or later it will be abused, and before you know it, the advantage will become a disadvantage, only then it will unfortunately be too late. the people who introduce such things rarely have exclusively good intentions. they only have them at the beginning, so that no one will rebel against them.

      it wasn't so many years ago that people were still making fun of the conspiracy theorists who talked about brain chips, and suddenly it becomes reality and people even find it useful. it's kind of amusing.
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  • Profile picture of the author Odahh
    The chip many children need to aid in managing adhd would be a continuous glucose monitor. Look at the high sugar content in the diet.

    Then with AI and facial recognition where it is many types of mental disabilities can be better manage. The technology to do what you suggested key is already there in one way or another.
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  • Profile picture of the author Kay King
    supposed hypothetical security before individual freedom.

    Hypothetical ideas like brain chips become more interesting BECAUSE of those who impose on the individual freedom of others.

    If you commit a violent crime - I honestly don't care about your 'rights'. But I also think it's mind boggling to consider the potential of use and abuse of a new technology like 'chipping'. Arguing with someone's else's imagination is a waste of time.
    Saving one dog will not change the world - but the world changes forever for that one dog
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    • Profile picture of the author Odahh
      Originally Posted by Kay King View Post

      Hypothetical ideas like brain chips become more interesting BECAUSE of those who impose on the individual freedom of others.

      If you commit a violent crime - I honestly don't care about your 'rights'. But I also think it's mind boggling to consider the potential of use and abuse of a new technology like 'chipping'. Arguing with someone's else's imagination is a waste of time.
      When the conspiracy community has worried and warning about brain chipping sense microchips where invented. They are in competition with gold bug who predict the downfall of the US dollar and a return to the gold standard.

      At this point brain chips are a risk but for a paraplegic person, or people with epilepsy and other form of brain damage that a chip can greatly improve the quality of life.

      By going into someone's brain it just as possible to create more problems with the brain function . Combine AI with chips implanted in other parts of the body that monitor vitals and other signals and mood changes and AI can alter light levels in the environment or sound and images on a screen. Monitor speech patterns eye movement patterns.

      With the technology we have many personality disorder can be managed with minimal use of drugs.

      I will argue with people's imaginations . But when it is all fear and fascism in the future. There is nothing to argue with.
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  • Profile picture of the author Kay King
    I'm neither a conspiracy theorist nor a doctor. No idea what is TRULY possible.

    I find it a subject that is fun to let my brain run around in with a lot of 'what ifs'.
    Saving one dog will not change the world - but the world changes forever for that one dog
    2024 Patriot's Award for Service to Veterans
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    • Profile picture of the author Odahh
      Originally Posted by Kay King View Post

      I'm neither a conspiracy theorist nor a doctor. No idea what is TRULY possible.

      I find it a subject that is fun to let my brain run around in with a lot of 'what ifs'.
      Each new technology changes what is possible. With multiple new technologies becoming available at once. The fear from science fiction and conspiracy. Is way off what is happening.

      Instead of killer robots replacing soldiers. Ukraine recently used a handful of drones costing less than 1000$ dollars a piece to destroy a4 million dollar Russian tank.

      One bit of fun is mixing what if's with the probability. So after these brain chipping get developed to improve the lifestyle of disabled person. The next group who will bear the cost of implementing these chips will be wealthy individuals who see some advantages and benefits to the technology.

      The people already using wearable devices and other technology to augment their abilities.

      It's more interesting for me listening to the people researching and developing the range of these technologies mentioning the interesting things they find.but don't really know what to do with yet.

      Dwolf the civilitional risk of AI that Elon talks about is no where near as potential dangerous of the debt levels around the world being left to smaller or nearly non existent working age generations.

      Put AI in the civilization altering forces like the printing press, the technology that allowed deep water navigation and artificial light. That's in the last 500 years.
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  • Profile picture of the author DWolfe
    Considering early this morning all the Tech CEOs are meeting at the nation's Capital today behind a closed-door meeting. With a few congress leaders in a sub-committee to have input on AI technology. You have to wonder how they plan on regulating AI and even the use of brain chips in the future.

    The meeting ends at 5 p.m. They allowed a quick photo session of the round table showing Bill Gates, Zuckerberg, Musk, and others from major tech companies. I'm curious if Elon plans to pull any stunts with Neuralink like he did recently with Starlink. Just think you can disable a person on the spot if it involves military use ;>)

    Added: In case anyone is interested -

    or more current today -
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