I want to make $100/week starting this week.

42 replies
Hi All,

Its been a struggle for me to make money online. I came across this platform in one of my many online research.

I started a website in a general niche and struggled with traffic for a year, I created a facebook page, twitter page and an instagram profile but still didn't succeed in getting traffic or selling anything online. Its just funny the little traffic comes mostly from google (less than 50 page views in a day).

Along the line, I started offering freelance services in engineering and technical writing because my background is in engineering. I started selling my drafting, 3D modelling, finite element analysis and technical writing skills but I haven't been able to land a client. I've been applying on several job boards and using cold pitching via email but I haven't landed any gig.

Its been really frustating. Everyone in the mmo niche is always trying to sell one pricey course or the other.

I've read tons of articles and attended lots of webinars on how to make money online. Practically, every webinar is aimed at trying to sell one course or the other.
#$100 or week #make #starting #week
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  • Profile picture of the author expmrb
    Personally I think that you should stick to one thing. Patience is the main thing in online business.
    SEO Motionz Forum & Blog- Digital Marketing Forum & Blog,
    Forum Management & Promotion, SEO Tips, Money Making tips etc.
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  • Profile picture of the author zaenal arifin
    Hi, My background is also Engineering, and I've been successfully launch my blog (Autocad tutorial) on page 1 google in my country for 3 years.

    I learn a little SEO and last month I purchased a SEO software to help me rank my promotional video on youtube. and it goes well I guess.
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  • Profile picture of the author Mike Anthony
    It sounds like you are just using any free platform in the hopes of bringing in traffic. People do that for awhile and then give up.

    You need to know what it is you are offering and specifically who and where your target market is.

    If that market is reachable on free sites then use those if its not then you will either have to invest in a plan to get to your target market or give up on the idea and try something else. You have to assess platforms based on this. People looking to fill engineer work generally are not roaming facebook and Pinterest. They probably are using search engines. How do you rank for buying/hiring terms?
    Then theres placing yourelf in view of more engineer technical readers etc.

    You need a marketing plan. Too many people set an amount they want to make as the only plan. Thats not a plan. Thats a dream.

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  • Profile picture of the author smartprofitmoney
    Originally Posted by Eikinsdotcom View Post

    Hi All,

    Its been a struggle for me to make money online. I came across this platform in one of my many online research.

    I started a website in a general niche and struggled with traffic for a year, I created a facebook page, twitter page and an instagram profile but still didn't succeed in getting traffic or selling anything online. Its just funny the little traffic comes mostly from google (less than 50 page views in a day).

    Along the line, I started offering freelance services in engineering and technical writing because my background is in engineering. I started selling my drafting, 3D modelling, finite element analysis and technical writing skills but I haven't been able to land a client. I've been applying on several job boards and using cold pitching via email but I haven't landed any gig.

    Its been really frustating. Everyone in the mmo niche is always trying to sell one pricey course or the other.

    I've read tons of articles and attended lots of webinars on how to make money online. Practically, every webinar is aimed at trying to sell one course or the other.

    I don't know your niche, but many people choose the wrong niche, make sure there is an audience for your niche on Google planer,

    If you have tried all free traffic, and see no response, then that is one test in my eyes,
    You have to sell or build something that people really need or want,
    The reason why you see many courses for sale, is because they sell all the time, I know I build them also.

    So if you really still want to stay in your niche and keep trying, fine, but you said, your trying to sell drafting, 3D modelling , then build a website around that niche with course, and has to be super nice, pro theme and all videos for course done right, then it might sell,

    Now if you did all this already, and not working, then I would change niches, but this time, use the Google planer, master the Google planer, or ask questions here, I know sometimes pro members on WF will not give up the answers you need, but keep asking.

    Stick to one thing, just make sure you like the niche, because you will be spending all day ,ever day working on it , and if you don't like it ,change niches so you can build it out and not give up.

    I my self, have built many niches that did not work, so what I did over the years in this business is this,

    I started as web designer, so I was able to build a few niches, and just worked on each one and just watched to see if any would ever make money, and then you start to see after a while which one to scale up.

    Look at this, this year one of my ali express drop ship stores, took off, on free SEO, I thought this store would never have a chance, and was ready to trash this site in the garbage, but luckily I did not, well I never did anything and all the seo started to work, so there you go.

    One more thing this past year, I created another product, course, and just now this year is started to sell, this course was slow but now going some what well.

    So my point is, make if you can, three niches, I know this takes time, but it is good for testing.

    My advice, build this

    One drop shipping store
    One affiliate store
    build your own product course
    build your own custom blog,

    For Free marketing, do major YouTube videos.

    Then you can see what works,

    Ok hope this helps.
    Thanks Rob.
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  • Profile picture of the author Tom Addams

    I began working online 23 years ago and the first year was make or break. I set myself a financial target. If I succeeded? I'd stick to IM. If not? Then it was likely a career in finance.

    That first year was rough. I had my successes but it was mostly a sort of boot camp year. I didn't so much read and listen and watch, as I DEVOURED education.

    Around about the halfway mark, roughly 6 months in, I remember being sat at my desk and realising that I was spending half the day consuming education instead of doing.

    When I began taking action and learning from my mistakes? That was when the real education began. And 23 years later? Here I am.

    This is what I suggest.

    1. Forget Webinars.
    2. Forget Your Own Product.
    3. Forget Google SEO.
    4. Forget Anyone Who Suggests a Niche to You.
    5. Forget freelancing.

    Let me tell you one of the things I do in IM. It sounds like it may be just the ticket for you. (If you take a look through my previous posts, you'll learn more about how I operate.)

    1. Choose a power niche.

    - Trending Topics
    - Evergreen
    - Desperate buyers/ action-takers
    - Low-resistance affiliate offers

    2. Put together a simple blog.

    - No ads
    - No banners.
    - Just content.
    - Diverse content.
    - Text, images, videos, animated gifs.
    - Monetize with contextual links.

    3. Grow free/ viral/ passive traffic.

    - YouTube
    - IG
    - FB
    - Twtter
    - G+

    When the business can pay for it? Pay for content. When the business can pay for someone to manage your social media? Pay for that, too.

    That's what I call a low-resistance business. You don't bombard consumers with ads. You don't do any selling at all. What you do is provide free content and you monetize it with relevant, high-converting, easy to join affiliate offers. Free offers work best for me.

    When you have that business running well? You can farm it all out. And then?

    Rinse and repeat.

    The aim isn't to build a business. The aim is to build an IM Portfolio. You get the first business working and then you leverage your expertise to develop a second business. And then a third. And so on.

    I do a great deal more in IM than that, but it's a nice model and it seems suitable for you. You're obviously well-educated, you can write, and you have a great deal of knowledge and expertise that you can leverage for an IM business.

    What you need - IMO - is to get earning before you quit IM altogether. That seems to be where you are at the moment. So - my advice? Use my notes above as a springboard to figure out the steps I haven't been able to include in a forum post. Leaf around my WF posts - that's a good start - and also branch out across WF.

    All the best, matey.


    I Coach: Learn More | My Latest WF Thread: Dead Domains/ Passive Traffic

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    • Profile picture of the author NTeddy
      Great advice.

      I completely 100% agree with Tom here.

      Stay focused and never give up. Do that and you'll be rewarded
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    • Profile picture of the author flipsky021
      Thanks Tom! Truly great insights! For power niche, you listed very useful info can you suggest which tools or knowledge base that we can use as starting point? Thanks again.
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    • Profile picture of the author romanepo
      Awesome suggestion --- how long does it take to start earning.
      Signup Domain Plan & Create Online Identity at no cost
      TECHNOLOGY Solution & Services | SaaS, IoT, IaaS, PaaS | LayerSYSTEM.com
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    • Profile picture of the author SobaBoy
      Originally Posted by Tom Addams View Post


      I began working online 23 years ago and the first year was make or break. I set myself a financial target. If I succeeded? I'd stick to IM. If not? Then it was likely a career in finance.

      That first year was rough. I had my successes but it was mostly a sort of boot camp year. I didn't so much read and listen and watch, as I DEVOURED education.

      Around about the halfway mark, roughly 6 months in, I remember being sat at my desk and realising that I was spending half the day consuming education instead of doing.

      When I began taking action and learning from my mistakes? That was when the real education began. And 23 years later? Here I am.

      This is what I suggest.

      1. Forget Webinars.
      2. Forget Your Own Product.
      3. Forget Google SEO.
      4. Forget Anyone Who Suggests a Niche to You.
      5. Forget freelancing.

      Let me tell you one of the things I do in IM. It sounds like it may be just the ticket for you. (If you take a look through my previous posts, you'll learn more about how I operate.)

      1. Choose a power niche.

      - Trending Topics
      - Evergreen
      - Desperate buyers/ action-takers
      - Low-resistance affiliate offers

      2. Put together a simple blog.

      - No ads
      - No banners.
      - Just content.
      - Diverse content.
      - Text, images, videos, animated gifs.
      - Monetize with contextual links.

      3. Grow free/ viral/ passive traffic.

      - YouTube
      - IG
      - FB
      - Twtter
      - G+Y

      When the business can pay for it? Pay for content. When the business can pay for someone to manage your social media? Pay for that, too.

      That's what I call a low-resistance business. You don't bombard consumers with ads. You don't do any selling at all. What you do is provide free content and you monetize it with relevant, high-converting, easy to join affiliate offers. Free offers work best for me.

      When you have that business running well? You can farm it all out. And then?

      Rinse and repeat.

      The aim isn't to build a business. The aim is to build an IM Portfolio. You get the first business working and then you leverage your expertise to develop a second business. And then a third. And so on.

      I do a great deal more in IM than that, but it's a nice model and it seems suitable for you. You're obviously well-educated, you can write, and you have a great deal of knowledge and expertise that you can leverage for an IM business.

      What you need - IMO - is to get earning before you quit IM altogether. That seems to be where you are at the moment. So - my advice? Use my notes above as a springboard to figure out the steps I haven't been able to include in a forum post. Leaf around my WF posts - that's a good start - and also branch out across WF.

      All the best, matey.

      Now this is a plan right here.

      Notice one thing it doesn't mention though... making $100 starting this week.

      That's because it genuine honest advice.

      No false promises. Building something worthwhile is going to take time.
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    • This is great! I agree with this totally!
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  • Profile picture of the author guyfromnb
    Go for one niche. one specific market, one that you think you can be good at, and build something around that targeting the people interested in that market. That's my personal opinion.
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  • Profile picture of the author ppres74
    Some pretty excellent advice in this thread. Don't get down because your expectations haven't yet been met. It's often about patience and working on the right things. Understanding demand (building keyword lists and customer profiles) and providing supply (producing and delivering content and accessible experiences) is what true search engine optimization professionals do. If you don't at least meet that standard it's going to be hard to get where you want to be.
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  • Profile picture of the author pheonix44
    The best way for you to go in my opinion would be to work the living you know what out of gig websites. There are lots of them and you should be able to find a good list to get you started. The work is mundane at times, but if your goal only is to make the amount you mentioned, then this is the way to go. If you have other skills and can teach others, then don't be afraid to try sites that allow you to sell complete educational material. Udemy is an example.
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  • Profile picture of the author ChrisBa
    Originally Posted by Eikinsdotcom View Post

    Hi All,

    Its been a struggle for me to make money online. I came across this platform in one of my many online research.

    I started a website in a general niche and struggled with traffic for a year, I created a facebook page, twitter page and an instagram profile but still didn't succeed in getting traffic or selling anything online. Its just funny the little traffic comes mostly from google (less than 50 page views in a day).

    Along the line, I started offering freelance services in engineering and technical writing because my background is in engineering. I started selling my drafting, 3D modelling, finite element analysis and technical writing skills but I haven't been able to land a client. I've been applying on several job boards and using cold pitching via email but I haven't landed any gig.

    Its been really frustating. Everyone in the mmo niche is always trying to sell one pricey course or the other.

    I've read tons of articles and attended lots of webinars on how to make money online. Practically, every webinar is aimed at trying to sell one course or the other.
    It sounds like you are getting frustrated and jumping to many different areas. This is very common but it's also deadly. Pick one method to start and stick with it. Learn it well.

    What niche was your website in?
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  • Profile picture of the author erin31
    is it a method of CPA?
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  • Profile picture of the author etdigital1
    First thing I tell you. if you want to make money online you have to be a patience. Because of so many people working on that business. so work hard and do it well.. hope one day you get good result...
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  • That's easy...

    Just learn how to make $20 per day this week, and you will have $100 by the end of this week.
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    • Profile picture of the author DABK
      If it were as easy as you say, everybody'd be doing it.

      How do you make $10,000,000 a month?

      That's easy...
      Just learn how to make $333,333,333 a day.

      Not convinced?

      How do you make $333,333,333 a day?

      That's easy...
      Just learn how to make $13,888.88 an hour.

      Originally Posted by Internet Trillionaire View Post

      That's easy...

      Just learn how to make $20 per day this week, and you will have $100 by the end of this week.
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  • Profile picture of the author tristatemedia
    I agree with everyone here. choose one thing and become an expert at it. but i hate to discourage you it is not as easy as it sounds. i think success is not making 100 this week. it is consistency that you make money everyday or or every week.
    My ultimate advice to everyone is get a good coach !
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  • Profile picture of the author Eikinsdotcom
    Thank you everyone for taking your time to help me out at this cross road. I'm grateful.
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  • Profile picture of the author emmy01
    I was in in the same position as you bro, I spent money on how to make money online courses. but trust me I failed woefully over and over again.

    But I decided to give it one more shot.

    So if you want to make $100 starting this week

    Step1: Get Autoresponder to send Email
    step 2: Build a squeeze page give a free gift to collect emails
    step 3: start promoting affiliate offers MMO. the same old story you might say, but this work.
    This is how you should promote the offer.

    Email1: Free Gift
    Email2: Another Free Gift
    Email3: Another help
    Email4: Another help
    Email5: Another Gift
    Email6: Good Affiliate offer + Plenty of gifts

    Email7: Free Gift
    Email8: Another Free Gift
    Email9: Another help
    Email10: Another help
    Email11: Another Gift
    Email12: Another Good Affiliate offer + Plenty of gifts.

    The difficult aspect of all is traffic to your squeeze page. you must spend some money on traffic.

    Please Hire Me - Full Stack Website Developer CSS/PHP/HTML5, Website Application /Mysql/ Javascript /Angular
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  • Profile picture of the author Ged3
    As you have some great engineering skills, you may be able to put a course together in a series of videos and launch it on Udemy.

    Try and find out what the demand for courses in your skill set would be then tailor your course to it.
    I have seen people sell thousands of courses on Udemy, they must be making a few dollars from them!

    Best Regards
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  • Profile picture of the author quenti
    Thanks for the Advice, I am a good example of that person that overloaded himself with a lot of different affiliate programs. Now i am cleaning up a bit. so that there is just one or two things to focus on. I could not cope with all the thing i have tried to master in a short time. SEO, analytic, and a whole bunch more. Slow down, be patience
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  • Profile picture of the author Jason Kanigan
    Originally Posted by Eikinsdotcom View Post

    Hi All,

    Its been a struggle for me to make money online. I came across this platform in one of my many online research.

    I started a website in a general niche and struggled with traffic for a year, I created a facebook page, twitter page and an instagram profile but still didn't succeed in getting traffic or selling anything online. Its just funny the little traffic comes mostly from google (less than 50 page views in a day).

    Along the line, I started offering freelance services in engineering and technical writing because my background is in engineering. I started selling my drafting, 3D modelling, finite element analysis and technical writing skills but I haven't been able to land a client. I've been applying on several job boards and using cold pitching via email but I haven't landed any gig.

    Its been really frustating. Everyone in the mmo niche is always trying to sell one pricey course or the other.

    I've read tons of articles and attended lots of webinars on how to make money online. Practically, every webinar is aimed at trying to sell one course or the other.
    This isn't that hard. Where people fall down is not understanding the few key variables involved.

    F'instance, if you're trying to make $100 and you have a product with a $10 sale price, how many sales is it gonna take to get there? Assuming $0 cost of traffic, for the moment.

    I hope you said, "10".

    That's a lot of Conversion.

    I wouldn't do that. I'd pick a product with a $57 or $97 or $197 price tag and concentrate on that.

    Can you see why?

    At $57 I only need 2 conversions.

    At $97 I can basically say, "I did it" after 1 conversion and shut the computer off.

    But if you know me, I'm going to pick that $197 product and exceed my expectations in one go.

    Newbies are panicky. You just have to accept that about yourself as a newbie, until you get some experience and toughen up a bit. (How's that for straight talk, tough love?) So expect fear and discouragement and worry and all that for now. Expect it. Don't be surprised at those feelings.

    Why am I pointing this out? Because Money Tolerance is a real thing: How much do you think is "a lot of money?" If you think $200 is "a lot of money" you are going to get in your own way when it comes to making that $197 sale. And that's why newbies run down to the $10 price point. Can you see how that works against you? Unconsciously forcing yourself to have to make all those conversions?

    Here's the funny thing: you are not your customer.

    You'll probably have to hear and see that a thousand times, maybe five thousand, before it sinks in. No joke.

    What they think of as "a lot of money" is not necessarily what you think of.

    So that $197 price point you as a newbie run away from (I'm just speaking theoretically here; I don't know you) may well be in the comfort zone of your target market. IE. the people attracted to and visiting the sales page.

    Dang it, huh.

    It is easier to make a higher ticket sale than a lower ticket one.

    The people who have money...have money. They simply give you some. And they have a lot left. It's no big deal to them.

    The people who don't have money...don't have money. They panic and have to rob Peter to pay Paul. They don't have anything left when do that. It's a huge deal to them.

    The people who have money believe the $10 product is a piece of crap. After all, it doesn't cost anything: how could it be any good?

    Are you starting to see how the beliefs of your customer can be different from yours? How you might not be your customer after all?

    So...back to Traffic for a moment.

    If you need 100 visitors to make the $10 sale, and you want that $100 in revenue, you need 100 X 10 = 1000 visitors.

    If you need 100 visitors to make the $197 sale, and that 1 sale meets your needs, you need 100 X 1 = 100 visitors.

    Does this clarify for you the amount of work involved in both cases? How much harder you have to work to generate the necessary traffic at the lower price point?

    How you are digging yourself in the hole, making it harder on you, depending on the price point you choose?

    The limiting factor here is your own money tolerance. The sweet spot is a number right at or just slightly above what you believe is "a lot of money". Enough that it excites you, but you still believe the sale is possible.

    And yes, you can move the goal posts of money tolerance. But most people, especially newbies, are not even aware they exist.

    We act according to what we believe is true. Whether we have consciously inspected those beliefs or not is another story. Nearly all the time we're walking around acting in accordance with unconscious beliefs we've never thought about...probably installed by well-meaning but know-nothing relative or friend.

    So how do you make $100 a week?

    Pick the money target first, which I congratulate you on doing. The large majority of people here never get to that point. They're stuck trying to "make as much money as possible," which is no plan at all.

    Know your money tolerance, and pick an offer at the sweet spot to maximize your revenue per sale and minimize the effort you need to put in to get there.

    Determine how many sales you need based on the per sale revenue.

    Figure out how much traffic you need to make those sales. Estimate first if you have no data; collect the data as you go and compare Planned vs Actual after awhile to make adjustments. Overestimate conservatively if you have no idea: 200 leads for one sale (0.5% conversion) is a fair starting point...you might surprise yourself but it's best to be conservative at the start.

    Take this traffic number and use it to develop your activity level. Need 2 sales at $57 because that's what your money tolerance will allow? OK, 400 leads required. (Most people horribly underestimate this number, and that's why they're beaten before they begin.) Now how are you going to get those 400 people into your funnel? That's your activity. 400/7 days in the week = 58 people a day that need to enter your funnel (yeah you'd better gulp!). By what means will you accomplish that? (Talk to Tom Addams about that: he's the organic traffic expert.)

    Are you seeing the plan here? How it shows you what to do? How to put your nose to the grindstone instead of hoping...or looking around for magic bullets?

    This is a simple plan, and uses the language of professional marketers. If you want to be the thing, start thinking and acting like the thing.
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    • Profile picture of the author nashb
      Thanks Jason. The plan is a great one and when added to that evoked by Tom, I think a newbie is set to make it. Great post.
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  • Profile picture of the author seobo
    Try your best, it will be possible.
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  • Profile picture of the author extrememan
    Sounds like your suffering from information overload, and bouncing around from one business model to the other. I would recommend you stick with affiliate marketing, and focus on email marketing (building a list) because it's the least expensive to start and easiest to succeed in.

    Need help? Just let me know.
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  • Profile picture of the author romanepo
    Visitor comes and visitors view ,PPC,PPA,PPS lots of marketing strategy here.Every thing alright,every thing for sales.but sales must me meet your requirements,required to high conversion rate for earning desirable amount.
    Signup Domain Plan & Create Online Identity at no cost
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  • Profile picture of the author FreedomBlogger
    Originally Posted by Eikinsdotcom View Post

    Hi All,

    I started a website in a general niche and struggled with traffic for a year, I created a facebook page, twitter page and an instagram profile but still didn't succeed in getting traffic or selling anything online. Its just funny the little traffic comes mostly from google (less than 50 page views in a day).

    Along the line, I started offering freelance services in engineering and technical writing because my background is in engineering. I started selling my drafting, 3D modelling, finite element analysis and technical writing skills but I haven't been able to land a client. I've been applying on several job boards and using cold pitching via email but I haven't landed any gig.
    I don't think you are actually putting in the work to build up the traffic to your website. And, I don't blame you, I just want to point that out.

    I have struggled with traffic myself when I first started online. It happens.

    But, I've realized one simple fact, and that is that traffic is not the challenge here, but covnerting that traffic into leads and customers is.

    If you were to learn exactly how to boost up your website conversions even those 50 pageviews are enough to get you started building your email list.

    If you worked hard and actually implemented the advice you probably have already learned on website conversion you could at least get One Subscriber per day out of those 50 pageviews. Think about this, really!

    You could've worked more on your website conversion and with 50 pageviews daily for a year you could have at least 300 subscribers by now or more!

    There are many ways to drive traffic to any website online. It does take a lot time and effort to build the traffic up, but it is not impossible. What is most important is Conversions!

    You have been doing something right in order to get at least 50 pageviews organically, so you know traffic generation is possible, now work on converting those 50 pageviews into something.

    This would be my best advice to you!
    At the beginning, I thought making money online with a blog was super super hard. Not anymore. Learn the art of making money online blogging - step by step - HERE.
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  • Profile picture of the author RegDCP
    I have been building sites since 1996 and i have found hard product sales do the best.

    Services and affiliate products are really tough sells.

    Over the years, I have had a few clients do really well. ( Over $2000 per month in sales of a $5 product.)
    (Swartsovski crystals strung to hang in windows & sold as "rainbow generators) - (Small endmills)

    I also used to have good sales on a .8bf Graphic Filter set (Fantastic Machines Tile Tools)

    Selling web work or SEO is much harder. Even with over 20 years exp.
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  • Profile picture of the author Nehaaggarwal
    I agree with members, Starting online business is easy but having Patience with online business is really hard & it matter if you have Patience for your Business.
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  • Profile picture of the author ryanbiddulph
    The reason why you struggle: you're mired in employee mindset.

    Meaning, you want to work for a week and get paid for the week. It never works that way, business-wise.

    Let go the condition of: I will work X hours and get paid X income. Embrace learning a skill, rendering service, building friendships and then, after months of service, then years, money flows to you slowly but steadily. Nobody earns in linear fashion as a newbie or even veteran, because we are in business, not employees earning a salary.

    All the best.
    Ryan Biddulph helps you to be a successful blogger with his courses, manuals and blog at Blogging From Paradise
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  • Originally Posted by Eikinsdotcom View Post

    I've read tons of articles and attended lots of webinars on how to make money online. Practically, every webinar is aimed at trying to sell one course or the other.
    In essence, all webinars are sales pages selling some high priced information product.

    Create your first product, then you will also have something to sell online. Do an information product creation course and a product launch course.

    You can make money online fast with affiliate marketing, but it's best to promote your own products. That way you control your income online. If you are promoting other people's products, then your income is at the mercy of the product creator.
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  • Profile picture of the author Tony LaRocco
    Create a product. You can record yourself, transcribe it, edit it to a PDF and make a video course with it. You can find some transcription services for as little as $.20 a minute. Review videos are saturated and while you can get reviews your SEO needs to be on point to. A buyer's list is what you want and why the "gurus" make $300 a day
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  • Profile picture of the author md tarak
    When you first start trying to earn extra income even $100 per week can sound like it's a lot. It definitely felt that way for me in the beginning! But really, $100 per week isn't a lot. Once you figure out what type of work you're going to do you can generally earn that extra $100 in 2-10 hours.

    If you find a gig that averages $50/hour (completely possible) you'll only have to work 2 hours per week for that $100. If you find a job that pays $10 per hour (that's as low as I recommend going) you'll only have to work an extra 10 hours per week to reach your goal.

    Ready for some ideas? Here are 50 ways to earn an extra $100/week.
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  • Profile picture of the author Md Wasim Rana
    I am an engineer also and already got the successful online career. Actually, online career depends on how patients you are. So here patients, keep patients and keep patients. Stay focus on a specific thing that you really like to do from close to heart as an enjoyment. If you move forward from here and there then never you will be success. All the best.
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  • Profile picture of the author DripRevenue
    Save up money then come back and hit it again. You really need at least several hundred dollars to give it a really good go. I started my entire business with $100 in 2014 and it turned into a 7-figure operation, but a lot of creativity and 16+ hour days were part of that success.
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  • Profile picture of the author defaultuser1
    Not to beat a dead horse, dead...but he is right. You should be in this business because this is what you want to do. Ya, ultimately we all would like to see a profit, however, if you are in this only for monetary reasons, then you are more likely to just burn yourself out. Stay focused, be persistent and above all, remember that this is a learning process...and its one that should be enjoyed .
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  • Profile picture of the author Dave d
    The thing is a lot of people say they want to make quick money and jump from method to method, before you know it 2 years have gone and you have been chasing your tail all that time.

    That's why it's best to make a plan, even if its long term 6 - 12 months and set goals and stick to it, it's much easier to build a real business that way and hold yourself accountable.

    Good luck.
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  • Profile picture of the author Darkmidnight
    If you can offer what people want they will keep on buying everytime.

    Find out a market to see what people desire and get.

    Then pin down and focus
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  • Profile picture of the author Kajal Jain
    If you want to work as a freelancer you only have to do is go on AMGIGS where you can register your self in few easy steps as a freelancer or client. i am making from it i am sure you will make too. You will get projects on amgigs according to yours skills so it is important to showcase your technical skills in your profile. Surely you got a projects through AMGIGS. You can work as a freelancer without disturbing your full time job
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  • Profile picture of the author affmarketer101
    - Identify your potential clients
    - Find the way to reach them
    - Build your personal brand
    - Active in community of your potential clients
    This was the way that I did when I was freelancer 3 years ago.
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