11 replies
I have designed 100s of t shirts on Teepring platform, but have made only one sale. My challenge is that of not having enough budget for adverts. My Facebook page has very few likes and the only sale wasn't from there. Please, my fellow warriors, do you know any other method I can use to sell my Teespring t shirt designs?
#sales #teespring
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  • Profile picture of the author ChrisBa
    Most of the people I talk to use Facebook in some way shape or form for this.

    What niche is your Facebook page and how many likes does it have?
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    • Profile picture of the author okey4Christ
      Well, my Facebook page is a kind of general: Teespring Exclusives. Just for t shirts
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  • Profile picture of the author Rose Anderson
    The problem with a general site is you can't track down a specific audience.

    If you know who your target market is then you can find out where they hangout and advertise there.

    I would suggest designing (or finding from your current designs) a group of shirts that one specific market would want. Advertise to them and see if you get better results than trying to advertise to a general market.

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  • Profile picture of the author levco
    I would agree with Rose. General pages are typically way more difficult to see decent results with (you'll likely need a ton of traffic going there just to find those pockets of people who resonate with your designs).

    We can't be all things to all people.

    You'll have a much better chance at success if you create a targeted page intended for a particular type of person - someone who is very passionate and very interested in a certain kind of something/someone, and match that person with a complimenting design (e.g. a dog [breed] lover's page with dog [breed] related t-shirts for dog [breed] lovers, a proud [military branch] veteran page with [military branch] veteran-related t-shirts for [military branch] veterans, etc.) Think career, think lifestyle. What are these people like, what do they love to do, what are they truly passionate about, what gives their lives meaning? Your page and designs should reflect those things.

    And avoid just 'selling' your t-shirts on the page (people don't typically go to Facebook to buy stuff, they generally go there to "escape" and likely socialize instead). So be social on there. Ask your audience questions. Make posts that are attention-getting. Mix in your t-shirt designs along with content that is of some value to your audience (something they'd likely feel compelled to share with others) such as informative/educational material, 'crazy' pictures, funny and/or informative videos, interesting news, interviews, a great deal on something, a sale going on, a coupon (not necessarily yours), etc. Appreciate and respect your audience and think outside the box. By doing all of that, you'll get way more engagement (which Facebook loves) which helps you to get more exposure in the long (and short) run.

    And with all of that said, nothing is guaranteed of course. You'll also have to continuously test things out to find that winning combination of design / individual. Just don't give up.
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  • Profile picture of the author woof12
    Originally Posted by okey4Christ View Post

    I have designed 100s of t shirts on Teepring platform, but have made only one sale. My challenge is that of not having enough budget for adverts. My Facebook page has very few likes and the only sale wasn't from there. Please, my fellow warriors, do you know any other method I can use to sell my Teespring t shirt designs?
    What?! 100 designs and only 1 sale, your designs must be really sucks or your slogans are too broad and very generic ones. I like to spin off quotes and get very personalize with my target audience. You need to TALK LIKE THEY TALK!

    Regarding the type of methods you can join related groups and send message to the admins and see if they'll let you advertise. Some groups allows this if you just ask them.

    Best way is always to run ads.

    Good luck.
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  • Profile picture of the author roadto3k
    - On a zero advertising budget, I would join various groups related to fashion or the theme of your designs and share the stuff you posted on your page. However, do not post too many stuff at the same time, your account may be temporarily blocked.

    - Try getting an instagram page up, posts some of your stuff. Then follow users that show interest in your niche/design. Again, do not over-do it, keep it at 50 follows a day.

    Still, I have to say, if you really want to see the money flowing in and actually knowing which product is performing better, you do need and Ads budget. Makes things 10x easier.

    Keep going strong!
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  • Profile picture of the author Tonyzega
    I think the quality of the T-Shirt is not good enough. You need to find any good manufacturer from whom you can get your tshirt get manufactured. Good quality tshirts attracts everybody. This could help you to increase your sales
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  • Profile picture of the author Carrrr
    First of all - you need to have some budget, do what you have to do to get the budget - it's really important, my friend was waiting tables by day and by night was spending his wage on aff marketing.

    ...just my 2 cents
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  • Profile picture of the author ryanbiddulph
    Hi OFC,

    If you have little money to invest, invest plenty of time and energy helping people through free content and building friendships with folks who'd dig the shirts.

    - blogging
    - social media
    - video marketing
    - marketing

    Give people a reason to buy the shirts. Help 'em. Befriend 'em. Boost sales.
    Ryan Biddulph helps you to be a successful blogger with his courses, manuals and blog at Blogging From Paradise
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  • Profile picture of the author falco80
    Besides Facebook, where you can sell directly on specific niche groups(like t-shirts for moms or other niches), you can sell your t-shirts at:

    -Any similar online market(google alternatives)
    -Your own online store(google free online stores and you'll get some free forever options), you can install wordpress and woocommerce, or a store script on free hosting. Buy a cheap domain at namecheap or start with a TK domain.

    On the markets you can sell any mix of niches, but on your stores and facebook pages try to be more niche specific.

    Use gearbubble besides teespring and sell more than t-shirts on demand.

    Look for ways to get sales with dropshipping, which is sort of what you're doing.
    Oberloo has a great guide on getting dropshipping sales that you can download.

    You can also try the course by Rachel Rofé about selling printables, getting ideas, where and how to sell. It's called the Low Hanging System.
    300$ every month, for free. Just leave your computer turned on running, after installing some free software. Message me for info.
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  • Profile picture of the author Debranjan9648
    I think Social Platform is the best for the more sales.

    My Personal Blog Time Of Info.

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