Newbie here... Been doing this 2 weeks. No sales, and lots of failed methods

36 replies
Hi guys,

First time online marketer here. Here is my journey so far:

1. Built clinkfunnels landing page in make money online niche. Have spent hundreds in Udimi solo ads. Yes, I got clicks and opt ins but when I send those subs emails, they are never opened, so I think the clicks are fake. No sales....

2. I got a weight loss product through CB and negotiated a fee to have my affiliate link the description on their youtube video and still, NO SALES!!! My link is currently in a video description that has 3.8M millions views. It's been 24 hours and NOTHING.

Pleas help me... what am I doing wrong????
#failed #lots #methods #newbie #sales #weeks
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  • Profile picture of the author ChrisBa
    This sounds pretty normal. I think we need to set expectations here. Not every attempt to make money will work.

    Without knowing more details on what's been done it's hard to give advice.

    When starting out. Pick one type of traffic (traffic source) and keep working on that traffic source instead of jumping around. Also maybe pick a niche that's not as saturated, weight loss has tons of affiliates and has a higher barrier of entry than others.
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  • Profile picture of the author Tyreece Cox
    As for the udimi, solo ads did you actually test the emails before you sent them? What I mean by did you test is did you make sure they aren't going to the spam folder?

    I completely agree with ChrisBa you should stick with one type of traffic instead of just promoting in different niches just stick to one and become good at it.
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  • Profile picture of the author Oziboomer
    Sounds like you've been doing a lot of wrong things since 2013.

    Your questions back then were very similar to what you are asking now and they seemed to be about the same niches.

    Have you really spent 5 years going nowhere?

    When something doesn't work you've really got to move on and try something different. Fail fast. learn. Move on.

    Best regards,

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11446123].message }}
    • Originally Posted by Oziboomer View Post

      Have you really spent 5 years going nowhere?

      No, I did try this back in 2013 and did not work out, so I am trying again. I have more budget and determination this time. My problems back then are the same now, but I really want to do this and I am committing 100% this time.
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  • Profile picture of the author Frank Donovan
    Originally Posted by newbiemarketingguy View Post

    Pleas help me... what am I doing wrong????
    For a start, you're still wasting your time in the same markets you had no success with five years ago. MMO and weight loss are overcrowded and, for the most part, poorly targeted markets. You need to focus on a tightly-defined niche and find a traffic generating method that works for you.

    You call yourself a first-time marketer, but you've been a member here for years and, as Ozi points out, asked similar questions before. Will you act on the advice you get this time?

    Ever lie awake worrying that you might be the only person who doesn't know what FOMO means?

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    • Originally Posted by Frank Donovan View Post

      You call yourself a first-time marketer, but you've been a member here for years and, as Ozi points out, asked similar questions before. Will you act on the advice you get this time?

      Yes, I will act on all advice. And yes, I am completely new to this. I tried and failed quickly 5 years ago but I am back in the game now. Thanks for your comment.
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  • Profile picture of the author Kay King
    To me, the biggest problem you have is the belief that if you have a link 'out there somewhere' - you will have sales.

    I'd strongly advise you to spend some time on this forum reading the DETAILS of what members with 'Warrior Path' threads are doing to build a new business.

    Read through threads in the ecommerce section and (to a lesser extent as there so much blather there) the SEO section.

    WHO are you targeting? WHY would someone click on your CB diet offer link raather than go to a site someone else has built just to promote diet products? THINK about your own buying habits...what you buy...where you buy it - and why.

    Udimi and a purchased link is not enough - the sooner you 'get' that, the faster you can get a real start online.
    Saving one dog will not change the world - but the world changes forever for that one dog
    2024 Patriot's Award for Service to Veterans
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    • Originally Posted by Kay King View Post

      To me, the biggest problem you have is the belief that if you have a link 'out there somewhere' - you will have sales.


      Hi Kay, I see where you're coming from, but my link is not "out there somewhere." It's in the description of a youtube video getting ~20K views a day. That is why I wanted to post it there - I figured it was targeted to a good audience with the potential for targeted traffic/sales.

      Thank you for getting back to me - I appreciate it.
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      • Profile picture of the author DWolfe
        Originally Posted by newbiemarketingguy View Post

        It's in the description of a youtube video getting ~20K views a day. That is why I wanted to post it there - I figured it was targeted to a good audience with the potential for targeted traffic/sales.
        So have you consider maybe the majority watching the video. May not be interested in clicking your link. Most people are fed up with ads in videos,so clicking on a affiliate link is a waste of there time.
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  • Profile picture of the author Brent Stangel
    spent hundreds in Udimi solo ads.
    negotiated a fee
    So you are making money - for others.

    Health, Wealth, Relationships - Right?

    You are the stereotypical newbie. One of the 98% who feeds the 2% who actually make money online.

    Do you need CFs? Of course not.

    Only a fool would spend more than one tests worth on Udimi.

    Negotiate a fee for a YT description link - without a tested funnel - insanity.

    I strongly suggest you stop.

    Go back to the drawing board and don't spend any more money until you know what you are doing.

    Sell something that people actually want and/or need. Look for small niches that you can dominate.

    Most importantly - Don't Listen To "Gurus" !!!!

    Get Off The Warrior Forum Now & Don't Come Back If You Want To Succeed!
    All The Real Marketers Are Gone. There's Nothing Left But Weak, Sniveling Wanna-Bees!
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11446186].message }}
    • Originally Posted by Brent Stangel View Post

      So you are making money - for others.

      Health, Wealth, Relationships - Right?

      You are the stereotypical newbie. One of the 98% who feeds the 2% who actually make money online.

      Do you need CFs? Of course not.

      Only a fool would spend more than one tests worth on Udimi.

      Negotiate a fee for a YT description link - without a tested funnel - insanity.

      I strongly suggest you stop.

      Go back to the drawing board and don't spend any more money until you know what you are doing.

      Sell something that people actually want and/or need. Look for small niches that you can dominate.

      Most importantly - Don't Listen To "Gurus" !!!!


      Hi Brent,

      Thanks for your compliments ( Only a fool would spend more than one tests worth on Udimi) - very encouraging! :-)

      I appreciate your knowledge, but with respect, how can you suggest I stop until I "know what I'm doing" when testing different methods, analyzing the results, and refining the tests is the only way I will ever get the knowledge to know what I'm doing?

      I'm determined to make this work.
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  • Profile picture of the author fitchem
    I'm new in online marketing too. This forum could be very helpful for me as I explore possibilities. Good luck to us!
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  • Profile picture of the author Benjamin Ehinger
    Originally Posted by newbiemarketingguy View Post

    Hi guys,

    First time online marketer here. Here is my journey so far:

    1. Built clinkfunnels landing page in make money online niche. Have spent hundreds in Udimi solo ads. Yes, I got clicks and opt ins but when I send those subs emails, they are never opened, so I think the clicks are fake. No sales....

    2. I got a weight loss product through CB and negotiated a fee to have my affiliate link the description on their youtube video and still, NO SALES!!! My link is currently in a video description that has 3.8M millions views. It's been 24 hours and NOTHING.

    Pleas help me... what am I doing wrong????
    First of all, is the video you're in the description of even about weight loss?

    Second, just because a video has 3.8 million views doesn't mean it's getting that now. It could have got a huge amount of those views early on and it's only getting a few hundred a day now. Look at what it's getting daily, not what it has all time.

    Maybe it's time to start looking at other marketing methods. Often, marketers have to use trial and error to find what works for them. Personally, I like content marketing and social. I am not as big on paid advertisement, but I do use some of it here and there.

    Benjamin Ehinger
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    • Originally Posted by Benjamin Ehinger View Post

      First of all, is the video you're in the description of even about weight loss?

      Second, just because a video has 3.8 million views doesn't mean it's getting that now. It could have got a huge amount of those views early on and it's only getting a few hundred a day now. Look at what it's getting daily, not what it has all time.

      Yes, it is one of the top rates weight videos online and my link is right there, smack dab in the description. It is getting roughly 20K views per day. The video went live in February of this year.
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      • Profile picture of the author Benjamin Ehinger
        Originally Posted by newbiemarketingguy View Post

        Yes, it is one of the top rates weight videos online and my link is right there, smack dab in the description. It is getting roughly 20K views per day. The video went live in February of this year.
        My guess is maybe you don't have a good call to action or maybe the video doesn't tell people to check the description. It's not exactly easy to get people to go to your YouTube description if you don't tell them to do so in the video and tell them what they will find there.

        Benjamin Ehinger
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        • Originally Posted by Benjamin Ehinger View Post

          My guess is maybe you don't have a good call to action or maybe the video doesn't tell people to check the description. It's not exactly easy to get people to go to your YouTube description if you don't tell them to do so in the video and tell them what they will find there.

          Benjamin Ehinger

          You are correct. The video itself does not tell people to check out the description or the link within. Maybe next time I work that in. Thanks for the advice - I appreciate it.
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  • Profile picture of the author fastreplies
    Originally Posted by newbiemarketingguy View Post

    Pleas help me... what am I doing wrong????
    You continue to listen to sweet, endless money making promises,
    which hooked you to start selling somebody else's get reach dreams.

    By now you should have learn that there is no money for you to make
    and move to another like Nigerian millionaire scam or there is always
    selling Brooklyn Bridge still active and according to some still working.

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  • Profile picture of the author ryanbiddulph
    Hi Newbie,

    You are only 2 weeks in, buddy. This is like someone who discovered basketball 2 weeks ago, and who has only been practicing for 2 weeks, being frustrated that they haven't made a dime through b-ball yet. It takes years of practice to develop the skills to be a pro basketball player and to be a professional internet marketing.
    Ryan Biddulph helps you to be a successful blogger with his courses, manuals and blog at Blogging From Paradise
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  • Profile picture of the author spartan14
    I am in internet marketing for years and i still strugle .Keep going lear more ,test change offer niche etc and you will find the way
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    • Profile picture of the author ChrisBa
      Originally Posted by spartan14 View Post

      I am in internet marketing for years and i still strugle .Keep going lear more ,test change offer niche etc and you will find the way
      Yes, keep going, but make sure to track all changes and not change too much.

      2 mistakes that people often make in this industry is giving up too early and changing too much too quickly.

      Keep at it and don't give up!!!
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      • Profile picture of the author joren
        Chrisba, I know why people give up most of the time is we most of the times get half truths and not the whole truth as after years of struggling and a lot of money you get nowhere. But there are the real deals out there , but it needs to resonate with you, right.
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  • Profile picture of the author King Manu
    I think you could have invested those money in creating something that will generate long-term profit, like building your own website, youtube channel or things like that.

    I personally believe that is more effective to put out content out there, something that will generate traffic and leads for the years to come. Depending on someone else to promote myself has never been something that I liked, I'd rather be paid to promote others.
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  • Profile picture of the author Jason Kanigan
    @newbie, you need traffic and conversion.

    Regarding your first point, your system is set up to give you that. You have a system that takes leads and does something with them.

    Now your job is to find a high quality traffic source. You don't have one yet. You've tried those solo ads, which was a good attempt as you needed to put something into the funnel. But they haven't moved down the line yet in the conversion process.

    "Tuning in" on a high quality traffic source is what ads manager spend most of their time on. They may be familiar with the bells and whistles, dials and control levers, of a platform like Facebook...but they still must tune in their targeting.

    As you are your own ads manager at the moment, your time and effort is best spent finding a lead source that does move along the conversion line. That means no more buying leads from the source you started with: they've been demonstrated not to be a fit.

    Success comes from finding a quality lead source...and then you'll see where your conversion process starts to break. Then you have to fix that. The leads will move to the next step, and then the funnel will break there and you have to fix that. This is normal. There is no "I set it up once and it worked perfectly right out of the gate" way of doing things.

    Your second point has been adequately discussed in another thread.
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  • Profile picture of the author joren
    Welcome to the club of beginners , I have had the same experience my friend.
    Who knows?
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  • Profile picture of the author joren
    Jason, your words rings true, I vaguely understands your words. For a newbie it is not so clear and I am definitely one.
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  • Profile picture of the author brettb
    Find a less competitive niche. I've done well in a very specific dating micro-niche.

    This year I've been replacing forums that have closed down in a potentially lucrative niche.

    Both of these niches are also much more fun than MMO or weight loss. The users are a lot nicer too.
    ÖŽ FindABlog: Find blogs to comment on, guest posting opportunities and more ÖŽ

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  • Profile picture of the author Oscar Raita
    Yea I had the same idea as you: Sell products that are in the weight loss niche.
    But I think the problem is that the market has a lot of competition and it's not so newbie friendly.

    You could reduce your competition by finding a sub-niche in weight loss.

    Good luck. Hope this helps.

    Do you need help with building a online business?
    Private message me so I can coach you for free!

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  • When it comes to choosing solo ad vendors, high reviews aren't everything. They simply mean that the vendor is really good at making sales. If a solo ad vendor has repeat buyers, that means that that buyers are getting results. If the majority of their reviews consist of buyers placing orders for the first time, then proceed with caution.
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  • Profile picture of the author Art of Asset Profit
    Do not burn thru a budget before you invested in your Education. By the time you get ready to pull the trigger on Paid Ads you should be following strategies that have increased your chances of success not just blind optimism.

    You may be better off to focus on built in market places like Fiverr, WSOs where you can gauge what your market already spends money on and you come up with something that upgrades what is currently available.

    If I was making a post with Newbie in it the last thing I would be doing is Paid campaigns first but I admire your will to take action. But again more education first.

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  • Profile picture of the author Daniel Evans
    Originally Posted by newbiemarketingguy View Post

    Hi guys,

    First time online marketer here. Here is my journey so far:

    1. Built clinkfunnels landing page in make money online niche. Have spent hundreds in Udimi solo ads. Yes, I got clicks and opt ins but when I send those subs emails, they are never opened, so I think the clicks are fake. No sales....

    'Solo ad vendors' sell garbage 'traffic' that doesn't convert.

    You've unfortunately experienced this first had...and spent hundreds.

    Don't buy another 'solo ad' from a vendor and don't be convinced by any means to do so.

    2. I got a weight loss product through CB and negotiated a fee to have my affiliate link the description on their youtube video and still, NO SALES!!! My link is currently in a video description that has 3.8M millions views. It's been 24 hours and NOTHING.

    Pleas help me... what am I doing wrong????
    Networking like this to connect with people in your niche is exactly what you should be doing. Good move.

    How many views were generated whilst your ad was in the description?
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  • Profile picture of the author Highest And Best
    I want to help, but truly I'm tired of people asking "what's wrong" when they do not find success after two weeks in business.

    • Do you think you can pick up the guitar and play a concert after two weeks playing? Even with all those YouTube lessons?
    • Do you think you can open a retail store and be profitable as your first business in two weeks?
    • Do you think you can go to medical school and be a sought after physician after two weeks in practice? (after residency)
    THIS is a business my friend. There is a learning curve... this is not about just you... no one balances on a bicycle on the first try.

    The only thing you are doing wrong is expecting to get-rich-quick. That is not what this business is.

    You need to learn how to build a landing page, and that requires testing and tweaking - and time.

    You need to learn how to write email titles that get them clicked and opened. That too, takes time and practice. It is not likely that those clicks are "fake", but it is likely that you have ineffective titles and/or you are trying to sell something to a cold audience. How many no-strings emails with true value have you sent them before trying to sell them?

    Regarding your other (weight loss) initiative, you are not going to get viable sales though a "direct to offer" link. You must add value using an intermediary page.

    BIG MISTAKE to choose a niche that is hot or lucrative as a beginner (my opinion). Sure, there is money to be made, but wait until you are experienced to tackle those niches. You will find it far easier to make money in a niche you have experience or knowledge in. You must add value (I said that before).

    Treat it like a real business. What you get out will be in direct proportion to what you put in.

    Don't let Internet Marketing overwhelm you... let's take the journey together! Build Money Machines!
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