Advice for expensive, professional service people are unaware of

by jlk819
3 replies
I offer a professional service that helps people with certain conditions. Insurance doesn't cover it, and they've likely never heard of it.

I'm trying to develop my blueprint of how I want to build my funnel. Right now I do ok sending paid google traffic to my website, but I'd like to add facebook traffic. Most people on google are already in "buy" mode as their searching me out. The FB traffic will need much more education and to be told that insurance isn't an option.

So, my plan was:
1. FB Ad (or any source really) to a landing page which has some basic information
2. Call to Action "Book Your Free Consultation Now" - Get their info
3. They land on a new page with a video of me on top and frequently asked questions on the bottom. The video hits the emotional points of how and why I can help them. Then goes on to answer all the FAQs including the insurance question. The insurance question is in print as well below the page. This will also get emailed to them.
4. I'd like a second call to action where they can book their own time for their free telephone consultation using calendly. I'm not sure exactly how to do it, but I know I can trigger a content reveal once they've been on the page for a while. I'd ideally like it to be after they've watched the most important points of the video
5. They've scheduled themselves and now know the basics which allows me to ask direct questions about their particular case and limiting the repetitive explanations of the basics.

So, any savvy marketers see any issues with this? Where or what can be improved? I'd appreciate any input. Thanks.
#advice #expensive #people #professional #service #unaware
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  • Profile picture of the author dave_hermansen
    Step 2 is too early in the process. They need more information before they will click on something that says "schedule consultation".

    The Facebook ad should lead to a "find out more" brief overview page where they have to enter their email address to get "the solution". Then, they are sent a link to the video and FAQ page.

    Just my opinion ...
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  • Profile picture of the author jlk819
    Thanks for the input. I think I understand what you're saying, and it makes sense. I don't think my pages are too far off what you're suggesting, it's mainly the wording of the CTA on the first page and a few tweaks. I appreciate it.
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  • Profile picture of the author Oziboomer
    One thing that is working in the insurance and other spaces is the "comparison" market

    Many businesses offering to "Compare the market"

    I would suggest some lead gen that encourages a comparison customised to the visitor.

    If using Facebook you can us a This or That type graphic and then lead into a "What do you choose?

    Things along those lines . . . you can work out the wordage and graphics.

    People enjoy having a choice so you give them a guided route to a few outcomes of which all are really your solution in one way or another.

    Best regards,

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