Is it worth it? I need help!
I was looking at some quick way to make some money and I bumped into an opportunity I want
to take but looking at the returns it does look better than normal offline bank investment but
as an affiliate marketer, the rewards seem on the low side.
Despite the low returns, I am thinking of picking it up since its a hands free system and will appreciate
what your take will be on this. This system is a micro niche site / mobile app service that makes $30
per month for at least 1 year but its being sold at $200 for either option I go for.
It is required that I have my own hosting and also purchase my own domain for the sites that will be
created for me that is if I want to invest in the micro niches sites but I have to make a onetime payment of
$25 for Playstore publishers license to have my apps published.
What do you guys think? Do you think the $200 onetime for either 1 micro niche site or mobile app
is worth it for $30 a month? Or you will rather suggest I get someone to build out these sites for me
since I am technically challenged.
Please I need sincere answers.
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