Is it worth it? I need help!

by twinpa
7 replies
Hello warriors,

I was looking at some quick way to make some money and I bumped into an opportunity I want
to take but looking at the returns it does look better than normal offline bank investment but
as an affiliate marketer, the rewards seem on the low side.

Despite the low returns, I am thinking of picking it up since its a hands free system and will appreciate
what your take will be on this. This system is a micro niche site / mobile app service that makes $30
per month for at least 1 year but its being sold at $200 for either option I go for.
It is required that I have my own hosting and also purchase my own domain for the sites that will be

created for me that is if I want to invest in the micro niches sites but I have to make a onetime payment of
$25 for Playstore publishers license to have my apps published.

What do you guys think? Do you think the $200 onetime for either 1 micro niche site or mobile app
is worth it for $30 a month? Or you will rather suggest I get someone to build out these sites for me
since I am technically challenged.

Please I need sincere answers.
#adsense #google adsense #micro niche sites #mobile apps #website investments #worth
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  • Profile picture of the author GordonJ
    Originally Posted by twinpa View Post

    Hello warriors,

    I was looking at some quick way to make some money and I bumped into an opportunity I want
    to take but looking at the returns it does look better than normal offline bank investment but
    as an affiliate marketer, the rewards seem on the low side.

    Despite the low returns, I am thinking of picking it up since its a hands free system and will appreciate
    what your take will be on this. This system is a micro niche site / mobile app service that makes $30
    per month for at least 1 year but its being sold at $200 for either option I go for.
    It is required that I have my own hosting and also purchase my own domain for the sites that will be

    created for me that is if I want to invest in the micro niches sites but I have to make a onetime payment of
    $25 for Playstore publishers license to have my apps published.

    What do you guys think? Do you think the $200 onetime for either 1 micro niche site or mobile app
    is worth it for $30 a month? Or you will rather suggest I get someone to build out these sites for me
    since I am technically challenged.

    Please I need sincere answers.
    IF I read this right. You will spend 225 for the 1 micro niche site or mobile app, or is it 200 each?

    ONE app, will give you 30 dollars a month= 360 for year, you pay 225 up front, PLUS your hosting fees, leaving you with 135- hosting.

    What guarantee do you have for making the 30 a month?

    Can you clafify for us, do you just plan on doing one app, or many of them? If more than one, how many?

    If you have less than 1,000 to invest, there are much quicker, easier and better ways to put that small amount of money to work.

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11532402].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author MichaelQuinn
      Originally Posted by GordonJ View Post

      If you have less than 1,000 to invest, there are much quicker, easier and better ways to put that small amount of money to work.

      Hey Gordon,

      I'm interested in hearing some of your thoughts and suggestions about this when you have the chance. I doubt the OP will be back to respond
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11532413].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author GordonJ
        Originally Posted by MichaelQuinn View Post

        Hey Gordon,

        I'm interested in hearing some of your thoughts and suggestions about this when you have the chance. I doubt the OP will be back to respond
        I have NO affiliation with this person, but he and his wife have PROVEN to many people they can take a small amount of money (as in the OP) and turn it into very fast profits.

        fleamarketflipper dot com, with over 2 years of demonstrated expertise.

        NOTHING beats sitting your TV on the front porch with a good price on it.

        On the IM, Information front, a guy, Bud Riggs in Carlsbad, NM sold close to 30,000 dollars of his manual on headlight cleaning (for 97 bux each) in 27 days. He didn't even spend the 200 bux to do it either.

        QUICKEST money comes via leverage of a list of buyers. If one doesn't want to sell their TV, then sell information to people who buy it. This, of course, the long story....short.

        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11532414].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author DIABL0
    I would be skeptical at best.

    How is it supposed to generate $30 per month without any effort on your part?
    How to Build LARGE EMAIL LISTS on a Budget and MONETIZE Like a PRO
    20+ Years Exp . . . . . . . . . . . . Email - CPA - PPL
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11532459].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author twinpa
    Doablo, the guys do all the offpage Seo and they guarantee that if a site is not earning they will replace it.
    I hope I answered your question.
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  • Profile picture of the author twinpa
    In view of the various questions asked by Gordon, here is a breakdown of what the guys are offering again:

    IF I read this right. You will spend 225 for the 1 micro niche site or mobile app, or is it 200 each?

    If I chose to go the route of Micro niche sites then I will need to spend $200 for the site + $10-12 for domain per each site I order and I have to have my own hosting as well.

    On the contrary, if I go with micro niche mobile apps my cost per an app is $200 and a ONETIME $25 as publishing fee with Playstore making a total of $225 for first app but $200 per an app subsequently.

    What guarantee do you have for making the 30 a month?

    According to my friend who told me about this service, these guys offers a new free micro niche site of mobile app in case of the sites or apps I buy stops generating money. Moreover, I have seen my friend's Adsense payment he has been earning for almost a year now so I am partly sold but want to know what my fellow warriors think.

    Can you clarify for us, do you just plan on doing one app, or many of them? If more than one, how many?

    I want to go with the micro niche apps and I intend to start with something around $1.200-500 for the start and then reinvest my monthly earning to buy more apps for the next 6 months.

    If you have less than 1,000 to invest, there are much quicker, easier and better ways to put that small amount of money to work.

    I checked the flipper site but wondering whether this will work for me as a result of my location since I don't have access to Paypal.

    Aside that if you are sure you get something that will work and not a trial and error then I am open to hear it from you either responding here or pm me.

    I am seriously looking into the Micro niche site adsense project because of Three Main Reasons:

    1:I have a friend who own some of the apps and niche sites and have been earning from it for almost a year now

    2:It is automated which means everything will be hands off. The guys does the app and all the on-page and off-page marketing to get it earning each and every month the stipulated amount for at least ONE Full Year.

    3: They replace any site that stops earning money before 1 year since each site is supposed to earn for at least 1 full year.

    Hope this answers everyone's questions. I am open to add further clarifications if the need arises.

    I sincerely appreciate your answers and I am still open for further suggestions if someone knows of any hands of system that works because I don't really have that much time to do a lot of these things.
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  • Profile picture of the author twinpa
    Less I forget, one needs to have an Adsense account before he can benefit from any of their services otherwise they sell an unverified account for $90 but luckily for me I already have an Adsense account.
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