Different Personas for the same customer!?

by Mtaly
1 replies
Hello guys,

I am a bit confused about an issue regarding Persona:

Persona is defined as profiling or building characters that represent sections or groups of my targeted customers. This profiling is basically based on their attitude, preference, motives, pain points ... etc

Internally, we have developed some Personas for example:

Persona A : interested customer (want to receive online emails / marketing campaigns)

Persona B: disengaged customer (DOES NOT want to receive online emails / marketing campaigns)

NOW, if I have 2 brands (brand 1 and brand 2) that are promoted by two different salesmen (Sales 1 and Sales 2), and for some reasons they are sharing the same customer (face to face visits).

Salesman 1 reported that the customer has the Persona A for my brand 1

Salesman 2 reported that the customer has the Persona B for my brand 2.

Is it possible to have two different Personas for the same customer due to the variability of the brands within the same company?

Can we base our marketing campaigns based on Persona + brand rather than just the Persona generally?

if this is the case, so profiling based on customers' preferences and perception regarding brands will generate endless Pesonas!

Thank you
#customer #personas
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