Creating urgency in sales

17 replies
Hello, warriors. I have a question regarding with creating urgency in sales. Are you familiar with this concept? What are your experiences? Successful? Good? Bad? Please share with me. Thank you.
#creating #sales #urgency
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  • Profile picture of the author Mikey Barber
    Hey, so I am not entirely familiar with the concept of urgency in sales, but to my understanding it is defined by an immediate need for a product. For a customer to feel as if they need the product sooner rather than later acts as driving factor for them to actually make a purchase. There is psychological science behind this concept that is far more intricate than my description, but I hope this helps somewhat!
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    • Profile picture of the author Knight Mode
      Hi, Mikey. Thanks for the contribution. I first started understanding this concept when I watched "The Wolf of Wall Street". I'll give you an example. Imagine someone creating a computer virus, just so they could sell the anti-virus. The way I see it is that they created a problem and a solution (the anti-virus). Very smart thinking if you ask me, however to come up with your own problem takes a long while, I noticed - for me, atleast.

      P.S. I think maybe working with another person to come up with a problem takes less time as opposed to doing it alone. What do you think?
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      • Profile picture of the author Monetize
        Originally Posted by Knight Mode View Post

        Imagine someone creating a computer virus, just so they could sell the anti-virus. The way I see it is that they created a problem and a solution (the anti-virus).

        I'm pretty sure that your example is illegal. Please don't do that!

        The better way to create urgency is to offer special prices along
        with a deadline or a limited number of items. For example you
        can offer a special sale price to the first 50 people that buy your
        thingamabob before midnight Sunday, otherwise they will turn
        into a pumpkin, miss out on the best opportunity they ever had,
        and regret it for the rest of their lives.

        Things that can help create a sense of urgency are countdown
        timers, follow-up emails (that they subscribed to), and phrases
        like last chance, order now before it's too late, time's running
        out, etc. Urgency is a part of the sales process and you'll get
        the hang of it once you start making sales.
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        • Profile picture of the author Knight Mode
          Whoops. Didn't notice that part about its legality. Anyway, I do appreciate your input.
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        • Profile picture of the author Knight Mode
          Could you give me examples, like the one I gave - only that they're legal? In the form of "problem" and "solution"?
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  • Profile picture of the author ibramster
    Urgency is generated by scarcity of something be it numbers available, the price available at. By putting a limit on these you are saying to the reader that if you don't act now then you will pay more or miss out altogether.

    Ways to do this could be....After seeing how you can benefit from this the value is immediate to you that is easily worth £247. You will not pay that, not even close. £147, forget that as well. Until 15 June 2020 we are cutting the price to £47. Yes you are getting everything mentioned above for a saving of £200. For the first 100 customers we are also doing free life time updates.

    That could be a way for you to introduce a sense of urgency in the reader.
    Signature Direct marketing coach and guest writer. I write content for you and we split 50/50 any sales that happen. PM me to see if we can help each other.
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  • Profile picture of the author rockingchair
    You can create urgency for instance while organizing webinars or tutorials you sell. So you can emphasize what is there for them exactly if they join and pay earlier. Let's say, you organize webinar in 5 days and the price is NOW $25 and on the day the webinar starts would be $40. So, if they do early sign-up they will have it cheaper and you will get assured to have some audience before the webinar starts.

    You can also create urgency in your Team building if we talk about affiliate marketing and sales. The first 50 sellers of the product would get a free e-book from you or some other incentives if they sell the product in that and that period.

    You can also create urgency while dealing with any kind of future clients. The product is now $30 and within the week would be $50. What you get with my book if you order NOW is my private one to one coaching for the first 30 persons. Or you could sell the product and give a free downloadable gift or something you create as an incentive/additional value for those who buy earlier the product.

    Don't use the urgency in the sense you sell the product now higher price and then you make a discount later - the people who bought earlier would feel bad and stupid that way. If you are going to create urgency in your sales always reward those who bought earlier with a gift, some incentive, and don't diminish the price as time goes by.

    That way the customer would see the difference and what is the benefit for him to jump in to buy something earlier and you will also create confidence with him so he would be more likely to buy earlier and on the next time too if you maintain your promises.
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  • Profile picture of the author SashaLee
    Hi there,

    The usual concept of urgency in sales can loosely be described as,

    "You have something the buyer really, really wants. You give them a pitch or send them a letter or direct them to a landing page. They see your product and want it, but like all people today they are distracted and move onto another shiny object. The urgency is created when you say to them, " Look, I only have one left" or "This offer lasts for 5 minutes". Then they have to really think about moving on.

    Humans fear a sense of loss over a sense of gain. If they think they'll lose out by waiting, they'll act quicker.

    All the best,

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  • Profile picture of the author ibramster
    You can increase the potency of 'sense of urgency' by using other things to impulse the reader. These being fear of loss, they as in people will as said before fear a loss as they feel they will have missed out. Urgency/scarcity, already covered. Greed, they must have it now and be better than the rest and your indifference as to whether they buy or not.
    There are also the Jones effect which is they are keeping up with everyone else and the sheep factor that similar people flock together. Want proof of the sheep factor look at Faccebook groups, rarely contributed to bu people join lots of them.
    Signature Direct marketing coach and guest writer. I write content for you and we split 50/50 any sales that happen. PM me to see if we can help each other.
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  • Profile picture of the author JPs copy
    Perry Marshall has mentioned in some of his videos that customers will have a "bleeding neck" meaning they have an immediate problem, that needs a solution ASAP.

    There's a book I read a few years ago titled Spin Selling. Essentially after you ask problem-related questions, you start to ask implication questions, which are questions that add weight to a serious issue if it's not handled right away. An implication question could be, "if you don't purchase a new car, how long do you think your old car will last?"
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  • Profile picture of the author DURABLEOILCOM
    Just follow with monthly/holiday sales don't be one of those websites that have count down timers people do not respond well to being pressured/forced into buying.
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  • Profile picture of the author TobiMDD
    I hate many internet marketers are using this concept and fake it.
    They are basically just liars.
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    • Profile picture of the author Monetize
      Originally Posted by TobiMDD View Post

      I hate many internet marketers are using this concept and fake it.
      They are basically just liars.

      When you are in sales you need to sell things. There are numerous
      methods to make that happen. If you are selling homeowners a fire
      alarm with a sales pitch that they will need it just in case their house
      catches on fire, is that a lie.
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  • Profile picture of the author ibramster
    I hate many internet marketers are using this concept and fake it.
    They are basically just liars.
    There is nothing fake about it if you follow through on the claim of urgency. Meaning if the sales letter says it goes up in price on Friday, then on Friday put the price up. That is not lying or fake. I believe your point is that people say the price is going up or the offer is being removed and then don't do that action.
    If they do then kudos to them as they are not being anything but truthful.
    Signature Direct marketing coach and guest writer. I write content for you and we split 50/50 any sales that happen. PM me to see if we can help each other.
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  • Hi ! Yes, like any marketing guru will tell you, create the need and create that urgency for that need. When you can successfully do that correctly and effectively, your sales conversion number will increase inevitably !

    I posted something similar on my Fan Page on relating to headlines. Yes, through effective and attention-grabbing headlines is one way to create that urgency in the minds of consumers. Here's an extract from my post :-

    "Your headline should convey a sense of urgency
    When possible, your headline should convey a sense of urgency. It should include something that compels readers to continue reading so they don't miss out. This isn't a rule that can always be used, but when it can, it works really well."

    Hope the above helps you think further. Cheers to you next sales !!!
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    • Profile picture of the author ibramster
      effective and attention-grabbing headlines is one way to create that urgency
      Please expand on this as there are so many ways to write headlines that get battered about. I would enjoy your input into headline writing please. Meant in sincerity as I know that electronic writing can come across as shall we say awkward at times.
      Signature Direct marketing coach and guest writer. I write content for you and we split 50/50 any sales that happen. PM me to see if we can help each other.
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  • Profile picture of the author Teright03
    On The Adweek Copywriting Handbook, it says:

    Give a person a reason to act based on the fact that they may lose the opportunity to buy something ...

    ... you've got to provide prospects with an incentive or reason to buy now.
    Whenever I want to create a sense of urgency at the end of the copy, I always have those two principles in mind.
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