How to create a great listing on Amazon?

by LizAMZ
13 replies
Short background: A group of friends and I have been working on designing and producing a board game for some time now. We had set a date to launch our product on Amazon by March 2021, seeing as we how we could maximize our reach for a wider target segment that way. My team and I have been asking around about what makes a great product listing just to get a clearer idea of what we needed to start building our campaign.

We'd really appreciate any tips you might have for creating a great listing on Amazon. Please answer any of the questions below as much as you can. Thanks a lot!

1. What's been your past experiences with Amazon SEO?
2. Can you share your experience with external tools (i.e. JungleScout or AMZTracker, among others)?
3. What advice do you have for running the Amazon PPC program?
4. What advice would you give on how to make a listing appealing to customers? (optimizing keywords, product images, product descriptions)
#amazon #create #great #listing
  • Profile picture of the author Anthony La Rocca
    Hi Liz,

    Study your competition's Amazon listings - especially the ones that are best selling.

    Typically, long content with lots of targeting keywords, that really answer every question + feature and benefit - helps with organic. However, Amazon PPC is critical in getting more organic love.

    Personally like JungleScout over all the other tools.

    I recommend writing both the first draft yourself, along with creating your first version of a PPC campaign, then go on Upwork and hire an Amazon product manager/expert to polish it up - and come up with a short and long term plan to scale based on your budget.

    Good luck!

    Originally Posted by LizAMZ View Post

    Short background: A group of friends and I have been working on designing and producing a board game for some time now. We had set a date to launch our product on Amazon by March 2021, seeing as we how we could maximize our reach for a wider target segment that way. My team and I have been asking around about what makes a great product listing just to get a clearer idea of what we needed to start building our campaign.

    We'd really appreciate any tips you might have for creating a great listing on Amazon. Please answer any of the questions below as much as you can. Thanks a lot!

    1. What's been your past experiences with Amazon SEO?
    2. Can you share your experience with external tools (i.e. JungleScout or AMZTracker, among others)?
    3. What advice do you have for running the Amazon PPC program?
    4. What advice would you give on how to make a listing appealing to customers? (optimizing keywords, product images, product descriptions)
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    • Profile picture of the author LizAMZ
      Thanks a lot!
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  • Profile picture of the author savidge4
    Originally Posted by LizAMZ View Post

    Short background: A group of friends and I have been working on designing and producing a board game for some time now. We had set a date to launch our product on Amazon by March 2021, seeing as we how we could maximize our reach for a wider target segment that way. My team and I have been asking around about what makes a great product listing just to get a clearer idea of what we needed to start building our campaign.

    We'd really appreciate any tips you might have for creating a great listing on Amazon. Please answer any of the questions below as much as you can. Thanks a lot!

    1. What's been your past experiences with Amazon SEO?
    2. Can you share your experience with external tools (i.e. JungleScout or AMZTracker, among others)?
    3. What advice do you have for running the Amazon PPC program?
    4. What advice would you give on how to make a listing appealing to customers? (optimizing keywords, product images, product descriptions)
    I would start with this:

    I would then read this: ( us the links at the bottom of the first post to get to the content you are looking for - I get this information is for eBay but the concepts of making a "good" listing in general are the same. )

    I have to ask... why Amazon? unbranded new product with no sales history has Amazon failure written all over it. I get the whole "Amazon gets gobs of traffic" idea.. but is that traffic going to search your board game? If they do search it, that means you are advertising like crazy no? And IF that is the case you should be sending that advertised traffic to YOUR site for the sale vs Amazon.

    The way I look at it... The only things I would list on Amazon are things that are searched for... Does the product you are creating meet that criteria? I would suggest no.

    Your path needs to look like a bunch of Instagram Twitter and Facebook posting with images and video.. all pointing to a Shopify site for sales.

    So what does that look like today? You and your group of friends have T minus 10 months to blow up each of your social presents... IE 5K 10K followers for each of you on Insta etc. So when march 2021 rolls around you can directly target 25K+ followers to buy your game.

    To go a step further... We honestly can suggest a lot of things but NOTHING compares to experience. Start listing things on Amazon YESTERDAY, and learn answers to all of your questions. Doesn't mater what you are selling a good Product title is just that a good product title. Good photos are just that good photos.

    playing with eBay the way that I do has taught me a lot about SEO and the ability to create CTR ( and I knew a lot to begin with ) What you learn selling spices or something will directly apply to you selling your game - I Promise!!

    Hope that Helps!
    Success is an ACT not an idea
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    • Profile picture of the author LizAMZ
      @savidge4 We already have an established target market and customer base through previous marketing campaigns. While these customers have already shown interest in purchasing our board game, we wanted to expand that market through other eCommerce sites. We're mostly depending on spread of word-of-mouth from the initial customer group, as well as redirecting interested traffic through a well-designed sales funnel, including Amazon and our soon-to-be established site.
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      • Profile picture of the author savidge4
        Originally Posted by LizAMZ View Post

        @savidge4 We already have an established target market and customer base through previous marketing campaigns. While these customers have already shown interest in purchasing our board game, we wanted to expand that market through other eCommerce sites. We're mostly depending on spread of word-of-mouth from the initial customer group, as well as redirecting interested traffic through a well-designed sales funnel, including Amazon and our soon-to-be established site.
        Believe me I get the logic in this... however I will tell you it is flawed. I would do everything you are doing MINUS Amazon. There is simply no reason for it.

        I sell stuff.. that's what I do.. be it stuff on eBay or Amazon and Etsy and Marketplace and where ever else or the services my business provides. On eBay and Amazon in particular I ONLY sell things that have sold previously and or currently selling on these platforms. Under not a single circumstance that I can think of would I introduce a unproven unknown product on these platforms.

        To better understand WHY... you have to understand that eBay and Amazon aside from the fact of being commerce sites are first and for most Search Engines. You will only sell what people are searching for. Last year Monopoly came out with a Millennial version. People were searching for it because it was released in limited numbers and in demand. Your game will simply not have that demand. And few if any will search for it.

        So the question is then needed to be asked.. why waste the time and effort in figuring out how to make a listing and create a listing if the known result will be less than lack luster?

        Word of mouth is how all great things start. Like I said you and your friends have until March 2021 to create as much word of mouth and Social Reach as possible. Then when the game is "Released" you can point that word of mouth and Social Reach to YOUR website to close the deal.

        Adding the element of Amazon means you have to minimize somewhere, your effort to send traffic to your site, and advertise that is available at Amazon. It costs far less money to sell anything from your site vs Amazon.

        I am just assuming you are thinking that listing your game on Amazon will be this magic faucet that will create sales and I am trying to better than suggest that is simply not how it works. If you are selling Nike shoes yes that's how it works. If you are selling something that anyone outside of your circle of influence has never heard of - not so much.

        Im really not trying to dampen your spirits here... Just trying to mitigate the disappointment that will happen when you list this on Amazon.

        Just focus on gaining word of mouth and Social Reach. Start a Instagram Page for board games. On your website start writing reviews of games you and your friends have played. basically you have 9 months to become the "Authority" that your group probably is on the topic of board games. Then all you have to do is say "Hey we love games so much we made our own - click here to check it out"

        Hope that helps!
        Success is an ACT not an idea
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  • Profile picture of the author Monetize
    Hello Liz!

    There are several books at Amazon that give you
    step-by-step guidance on how to list your products.
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    • Profile picture of the author Hikun
      Could you tell me about name of books
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    • Profile picture of the author LizAMZ
      Thank you! I will look search and look into them
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  • Profile picture of the author mandiradebnath
    I have not done AMazonSEO, but I listed my products there to sell. ANd it was a good experience, I earned a good profit from that business. I just shared the product infomation on Facebook only. It was a clothing business.
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    • Profile picture of the author LizAMZ
      @mandiradebnath I can see how promoting the listing on social media sites will help generate traffic. Did you create a social page specifically for your business or did you just post through your personal page?
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      • Profile picture of the author savidge4
        Originally Posted by LizAMZ View Post

        @mandiradebnath I can see how promoting the listing on social media sites will help generate traffic. Did you create a social page specifically for your business or did you just post through your personal page?
        In your case you will want to do BOTH - because you have friends involved you will want to do something a bit extra..

        So YOU or anyone in the group should have a "Business page" @<name of Game> and also @<name of company>

        Each of you then will have a "Personal" page.

        And ALL of you should create a "Personal Business" account. @<name of business>savidge4 and or @<name of game>savidge4
        Success is an ACT not an idea
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    • Profile picture of the author services4amazon
      But, don't you think Google Keyword Planner is basically used for Google PPC only. Amazon PPC has different platform with different algos and it has different tools for Amazon PPC.
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  • Profile picture of the author services4amazon
    Hello! Liz,

    As an Amazon certified professionals, we would suggest you to first research on your competition, check their prices and try to figure out their strategies, this would help you in future for running an Amazon PPC Campaign and for Amazon SEO.

    Now talking about your concern to create a great Amazon listings, Amazon has amazing benefit to make your product listings attractive than anyone; is called Amazon Enhanced Brand Content (EBC). It's a very effective way to promote your products on the platform with the use of some graphics and EBC templates (hire any professionals).

    You can take the advantage of this but you should've to clear with your concepts and all the details and once amazon approve it will live. Along with, you can create your own Amazon Brand Storefront that represents your brand/business and highlight your brand value and products.

    Amazon SEO, basically it only includes to optimize the product listings with the proper title, description and other information with the use of targeted keywords and appealing images. You have to keep maintain an eye on the latest trends and your competitors.

    We suggest you to check and use these tools: JungleScout and Helium10 that really helpful.

    For Amazon PPC, once you've done with your all product listings only than you have to run Amazon PPC. Amazon PPC is pretty typical to run and if you're not aware about this than we suggest to not invest in this until you hired any professional.

    Final Tip: Just focus on your competitors and research deeply, you can get a lot of things.

    Hope it helps you. Good Luck!

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