How to create a great listing on Amazon?
We'd really appreciate any tips you might have for creating a great listing on Amazon. Please answer any of the questions below as much as you can. Thanks a lot!
1. What's been your past experiences with Amazon SEO?
2. Can you share your experience with external tools (i.e. JungleScout or AMZTracker, among others)?
3. What advice do you have for running the Amazon PPC program?
4. What advice would you give on how to make a listing appealing to customers? (optimizing keywords, product images, product descriptions)
Anthony La Rocca -
[ 1 ] Thanks - 1 reply
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savidge4 -
[ 2 ] Thanks - 1 reply
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LizAMZ -
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savidge4 -
[ 1 ] Thanks
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Monetize -
Thanks - 2 replies
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Hikun -
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LizAMZ -
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mandiradebnath -
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LizAMZ -
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savidge4 -
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