$40 to $250 in hopefully 30 days on eBay

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Turning $40 into $250 on eBay in 30 days.

A little side project of mine is E-Bay. So I am working on a small challenge to turn $40 into $250 and I am thinking I should be able to do this in 30 days. The plan is to goto my local Goodwill tomorrow and buy as close to $40.00 worth of stuff and place the items on E-Bay.

To make sure everything is clear here. I will be using an already established E-Bay account, and an already established paypal account. The 1 benefit this does afford me in this process is direct access to sold item funds to pay for the shipping of the items.

IF you are new to e-bay this is something that needs to be taken into consideration. You will need funds in your attached bank account to pay for the shipping.

If you are thinking about doing something like this but do not have the funds ( $40.00 ) to goto Goodwill or the like.. YOU can by all means try and sell things from your home.

So tomorrow I will post what my $40.00 got me. I will also be leaving some amount of detail why I have chosen what I did.. and how I came up with the data to decide if these were worth purchasing for the purpose of quick flipping. For the next 30 days I will post any traffic details and the like I can gather and obviously update you on any sales and new purchases.

In the meantime I will be available to answer any questions you may have about e-bay ( aside from why is your account closed )

This should be FUN!

Below you will find a list of links to the many topics covered in this thread. HOWEVER - time willing - I do suggest reading through the mass of content. Aside from the topics below the questions and added content from the other members have as much value as any post I placed in this thread. Happy Reading!


Shipping This is buried in my day 2 update post ( ooops )
Taking Photos For e-Bay
eBay Listing Titles
BRAND and eBay
2 "Secret" Ebay Reseller Tips
eBay Cassinni SEO
How to create UP SELLS within eBay
eBay Box Presentation
How to Ensure You Are Running a Proper eBay Business
eBay Sourcing
How to Create Consistency in Sales
My eBay Listing Method
eBay Managed Payments
How to SEO for eBay 2020
How to SEO for eBay 2020 Part 2
How to SEO for eBay 2020 Part 3
Where to Buy and When
Post Covid Ebay Sourcing
Looking Forward to 2022
#$250 #$40 #days
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  • Profile picture of the author tryinhere
    That should be a very easy target to hit, There are some rules I follow when Picking that I use but will follow your progress and see your thoughts. maybe I should pm them so I put my cards down before any secrets are shown :-)
    | > Choosing to go off the grid for a while to focus on family, work and life in general. Have a great 2020 < |
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  • Profile picture of the author GiorgioGD
    I wish you all the luck. Your goal is really realistic. Keep reinvesting the profits. I will follow your journey!
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  • Profile picture of the author DWolfe
    Good to see you chose this for a path and will watch how it turns out. Are you going to share the shipping costs and ebay fees? The biggest part that would help newbies is the packing and cost to deliver the item once it sells.

    Gary Vee did something similar to this in his videos this past fall. Spend a few hundred make a grand. He came up with some big numbers, but a few weeks latter some of those items did not sell .
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    • Profile picture of the author savidge4
      Originally Posted by DWolfe View Post

      Good to see you chose this for a path and will watch how it turns out. Are you going to share the shipping costs and ebay fees? The biggest part that would help newbies is the packing and cost to deliver the item once it sells.

      Gary Vee did something similar to this in his videos this past fall. Spend a few hundred make a grand. He came up with some big numbers, but a few weeks latter some of those items did not sell .
      To be as transparent as possible... My wife basically does retail-ish arbitrage full time. we are opening our 4th e-bay store. I build websites and do SEO and CRO and the like for a living.. but really enjoy selling stuff. I read time and again on the forum people needing to make money fast. and THIS is really how to do it.

      As I am going through this online, I am also involving my 10 year old son in the process. Everything from getting product to taking pictures making listings and shipping. As of right now ( 1st day ) he is having a lot of fun with it - we will see how long that lasts LOL

      YES.. I am going to be as thorough as possible with this. Fees. SHIPPING ( this alone can kill you ) and all of the other minor expenses.

      I am a FIRM believer that telling someone how to do something vs SHOWING them how are kinda 2 different things.. so I am taking this opportunity to demonstrate the ability to simply buy cheap stuff and turn a profit.
      Success is an ACT not an idea
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  • Profile picture of the author savidge4
    Day 1

    So post #1 of the journey. The son and I went shopping today with the help of Grandma.. and you will understand why she was there in a minute. haha

    Sourcing for items to sell be it a garage sale or in Walmart or any other store or a thrift store there are some pretty critical elements to ensure some amount of success. There are a couple different types of strategies, but for right now I want to focus mostly on quick flip concepts.

    The absolute first thing you want to do is put the E-bay app on your phone. With the app, you can actually scan bar codes to pull up the item. You can take a picture of an item and it not so often will pull something up, and you can text search items as well. The MOST IMPORTANT thing the app does for you is not only pull up current listings.. you can pull up SOLD listings.

    What items are being listed for means very little.. what they actually SELL for means everything. In the app you search for something and then in the upper right is the word "Filter" you would press on that and then scroll down to "sold Items" and when pressing this you will notice "Completed Items" gets turned on as well. You can then look at the past 90 days of sales and what an item actually sells for.

    The same can be done from a computer. once you are on a search result in the upper left you will be looking for the word " Advanced " and you will select that and then check the box below the search button that says " Sold Listings" and then click search.

    I can tell you this.. the 2 platforms do NOT provide the same results. The computer based results will tend to have more listed items. But regardless the information is still valid.

    One of the key elements in sourcing and specifically sourcing items for quick sale is determining demand. There is an equation for this I will get into later but for right now what you ultimately are looking for is a listing where there are more sold items than listed items. meaning demand is super high.

    A great example of this is an item we actually bought today " WWE SmackDown VS Raw 2010 for PSP " with 20 available listings and 36 sold listings. THIS is exactly what you are looking for. and to give you a taste of the profit potential.. the game was purchased for $2.24 and sells for right around $20.00

    Video games with the exception of Xbox 360 games and most sports games that are year related ( Madden 17, or Fifa 12 ) at the right price are generally good buys. right now NES and PSP seem to be on fire - and these can often be found super cheap - EVEN at Goodwill.

    One of the things you want to watch for when looking up items is the number of listings.. the more listings there are the harder it will be to sell... If you can sit on the purchase as an investment and the profit is there, it is worth the investment if money can be made - it just takes longer. and right now we are trying to focus on quick flips.

    The flip side of this is items with very few to NO listings and little to no sales is something you want to stay away from. I will say this however... this is exactly items my wife looks for - again if the price is right and you have the time, it MAY be worth the investment.

    So right now we are looking for items with high turn over. The next thing you can look for is BRAND. If you are in mens clothing and a Tommy Hilfiger shirt is sitting there for like $5.00 you buy it. ( an add in.. when I say " shirts " I mean like button down type.. T-shirts can work, but you have to pay extra attention ) I would say all brands across the board the bigger the logo the better.. the brighter the colors the better. You just cant go wrong in Mens clothing with Tommy, Polo, Izod, Nike, Adidas, Puma, Tommy Bahama ( we call this tommy 2 ) You just have to watch the cost vs how much they are selling for.

    Shoes... If you don't know the brand look it up.. if you DO know the brand look at that label and pull up that specific model of shoe... don't ever think just because its Nike, its worth it.. I swear 9 times out of 10 you get home and it ends up being sucky purchase.

    its not shoes in this case but we did make a purchase today we probably should not have.. but there is still enough there to make it work - the good bad and the ugly.. im going to share it.

    So what we bought.. we spent a whopping $40.03 today, and bought 13 items in total. Our average cost per item works out to $3.08 - this is a number we work with, but here I will give a more exact number.

    So a quick idea how I like to price things.. obviously I am gong to price according to market first.. if you price to high it wont sell, and if you price to low, you obviously are leaving money on the table. A GENERAL rule of thumb. After everything is all said and done, I like to have 3x the cost left. If I buy something for $2.00 at the end I want $6.00 in the end. If I have $100 in, I want $300 - this is another guide towards understanding if the item is worth buying.

    Below I am going to list each item. The first number will be The COST, the next number will be the list price, next will be sold price, next will be Ebays 10% fee PLUS Paypals 6% fee, next will be shipping supplies ( boxes envelopes ) after that will be shipping, and lastly profit

    The List ( 13 items )
    1 PSP game $2.24 - $11.95
    2 PSP game $2.24 - $17.95
    3 PSP game $2.24 - $11.95
    4 PSP game $2.24 - $6.95 ( the loser I mentioned earlier )
    5 PSP game $2.24 - $14.95
    6 PSP game $2.24 - $11.95
    7 PSP game $2.24 - $11.95 - $11.95 - $1.91 - .35 - $2.68 = $7.01
    8 Bible $.96 - $24.95 ( this listing has 2 watchers )
    9 Coffee Mug $.74 - $14.95
    10 Tommy Hilfiger Womens Boots $7.49 - $49.95
    11 Harley Shirt $3.96 - $39.95
    12 womens Harley blouse $5.24 - $19.95
    13 womens North Face Fleece $5.99 - $34.95

    So at this point I bet you are asking where did Grandma fit into all of this... well shopping day was also seniors discount day and we saved 25% or $13.41. Don't think we don't call Grandma all the time.. she is the best $13 is $13.. and no, im not really on a budget here.. but if you are.. this is the type of thing that can add up. we seriously call her all the time and I have never really sat down and figured the numbers, but between her with the seniors discount and a buddy of mine with a military discount we literally save THOUSANDS every year.

    So as it stands right now we spent $40.03 and if everything sells at full price we are looking at $259.35 before the expenses. I KNOW already my packaging expenses will be right under $5.00. my fees would be $41.50 and the only number that will be variable will be my shipping at this point. Round 1 I am hoping to come in around $150.00 after all fees and expenses giving me roughly $110.00 in total profit after removing the initial $40.00 falling just short of my ideal 3X number.

    Anyone that may wonder.. we shopped for 1.5 hours, and it took me and the little one about 2 hours to list the 13 items. At this point everything is already packed and USPS comes to us every day so placing labels on the packages will be what a 1/2 hour? so 4 hours invested.

    I will be back tomorrow with a listing update and I will answer any questions there may be AND go over the #1 mistake that can be made in this whole process ( aside from buying a game that sells for $6.95 and costs $5.91 out the door <bows head in shame> LOL - It happens.. win most lose some )
    Success is an ACT not an idea
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  • Profile picture of the author tryinhere
    Looks like your gong to do well and we think very similar so I will add my formula to the mix.

    1. How hard is it to get the product out of 10 - 1 easy 10 Rare
    2. What is the demand for the product out of 10 - 1 low 10 High
    3. what is the quality of the product out of 10 - 1- poor 10 Mint.

    I do this in my head and when I add it up I must get what I call an Adult Number = 21 or above

    4. Once I find an Adult product I then as can I buy this at a price that will allow me to make the level of profit I require, if so then I can go ahead and buy the product, if no, then it stays for the next person.

    With very little if any exception do I break these rules.

    Background Been flipping for more years than I can count and have always made money and if you follow the formula you will rarley if ever loose money even when you sort of get it wrong you can always most get your money back.

    Some notes, even when you buy using the rules, it can take months to sell your products at times, and there is nothing wrong with price or anything, you just need to sit tight and wait for the right buyer.

    5. Because of this the last bit of the puzzle is quantity, with the right stuff at quantity you always will be turning over stock regrdless if some of it sits for a while.

    That all said recently I have decided to move out of this (late last year) and am currently selling all remaing stock and not buying in anymore, not because its bad but I needed a new direction, plus I have sheds full, my office full and my attick full of stock and just a mid life crisis and over it and persuing a new angle in life.

    One difference I can see is that I aimed for 5 - 10 times my money and I suppose 5 would be an average, some examples of the money you can make, a cane laundry basket (industrial vintage) paid $20 sold $240 6 months later, toy car set ( vintage ) paid $5 sold it the other day $50, Vintage christmas decs, paid $80 sold $400, brass bowl, paid $2 worth $400 (i kept this for my own private collection) $10 for some vintage mags, framed and sold the posters $800 nett return, and I could sit here for years typing these stories, so once you learn like anything, yes you can make a few Dollars, I suppose I have learnt to be really hard when I buy, but in a nice way, but it is only when you buy that you make money, so good to get that right.

    even after selling everything, I will have enough vintage posters and artwork leftover to keep me busy framing until I pass I think.

    Good luck with your experiment, and its beautiful that your are teaching the little ones and working as a family, I wish you every success.
    | > Choosing to go off the grid for a while to focus on family, work and life in general. Have a great 2020 < |
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    • Profile picture of the author savidge4
      Originally Posted by tryinhere View Post

      Good luck with your experiment, and its beautiful that your are teaching the little ones and working as a family, I wish you every success.
      First of all thanks! WOW I never knew LOL

      What my wife does primarily is wholesale and bulk buying. That aspect of what we do is usually 10X profit. An example is recently Walmart was doing seasonal closeouts and she went to 3 or 4 different Walmarts in the area and bought 400+ Ugly Christmas sweaters. We wont even list them until September probably.. but it will without question be worth the investment.

      I had to laugh at the sheds and attic and your house.. we started with a shed and now have a 5000 Sq foot " Out Building ' LOL - you might be a redneck if your Garage is bigger than your house... Or in my case I might be a redneck if the number of " Out buildings " exceeds the number of rooms in my house - let alone being BIGGER than my house.

      The 3x rule I think applies mostly to flip style retail arbitrage. More often than not, the profit margin is just not there.. but the reality is this style of sourcing is more available to most people. Many people simply do not have time to go around to garage sales.. they have a day job, or maybe don't even have a mode of transportation and rely on rides... whatever the reason Retail Arbitrage ( going and finding discount priced items in " normal " stores like Walmart, or Home Depot or Home Goods.. even Dollar General ) is a pretty much universal choice for sourcing products to flip.

      Yes of course there are better methods.. but Retail Arbitrage is the easiest point of entry I feel.
      Success is an ACT not an idea
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      • Profile picture of the author DWolfe
        Great to see your whole family is helping you with this project. Never thought about a Sr for a discount. Couple of quick questions are you listing these as 7 or 10 day auctions ? Are you using the ebay price lowering if the products do not sell for this project? Are you using more than one picture for each listing? Speaking of finding stuff at different Big Box stores,

        Lowes has their annual Christmas Clearance items available right after the Holidays. Great way to find something that sells, they put everything on a cart with the Clearance price listed. I have done this a few times. Another thing Spring Garage Sales are right around the corner.
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        • Profile picture of the author savidge4
          Originally Posted by DWolfe View Post

          Couple of quick questions are you listing these as 7 or 10 day auctions ?
          I am actually using 30 day listings for this project. For the most part I don't think much of this will be around for any extended period of time. I believe I am understanding why you would ask this... The idea of the shorter listing times is a bit more in depth than what I want to get into this early on... I do plan on going over some of the finer points of E-Bay SEO here. That would be the aspect of this whole thing that I am best at.

          Originally Posted by DWolfe View Post

          Are you using the ebay price lowering if the products do not sell for this project?
          This questions brings up an interesting side question... Do you need a e-bay store? the answer is to start, No not at all. At what point would I consider going from just listing to listing with a store format? This is a hard one to answer... when we first started... we ran 5 figures per year for a few years before we finally made the jump. there are some very specific advantages to having a store and once you know what they are.. you kinda know when you need to make the change.. but to start absolutely no need for one. - save the $4.95 a month.

          And to answer the question... I called Grandma to get a discount hahaha so YEAH I will use every tool in the bag to ensure I get a quick turn on the items. I had actually thought about this and was thinking I was not going to.. but today I inadvertently included some of the project products in a side promotion I do so at this point it will be kinda game on.

          So one of the advantages of using a e-bay store is the ability to discount prices.. but more specifically when you discount prices on items that are being "watched" those people are notified of the promotion. I go through and select all of the watched items in my listings and then set a 5% promotion offer. You can then name the promotion and there is some text in that the person sees.. I use "Is 5% enough to move this from watch to bought?" I will generally run this until 3am PST the following day.

          Doing this type of thing DOES increase sales, and often times opens up direct lines of communication with buyers. Again this is a bit more advanced process that I do plan on covering in the next 29 days.

          Originally Posted by DWolfe View Post

          Are you using more than one picture for each listing?
          ABSOLUTELY hahaha The video games I am using 5 each. The Tommy Hilfiger boots I am using all 12. The Bible I used all 12. The clothing I am using between 5 and 7 Pictures are a key aspect to getting some amount of page rank for your listing.. basically the more you have the better your odds of getting a high ranking.. and again I will be going over SEO related stuff as we get more into this.

          Cassini ( E-bays Search Engine algorithm ) I find to be super fun to work with. Its not so static in nature IE post it and see what happens.. its pretty instant in terms of results. And some of the non static things that you can do to increase rank is cool - time consuming sometimes but cool.. and again I will get into a lot of this stuff at a later point.
          Success is an ACT not an idea
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  • Profile picture of the author zenmn
    Love it that you are involving your kid.

    Important lessons here ...

    You won't find learn these hard won skills taught in any school or college curriculum!

    Thanks for sharing!!

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  • Profile picture of the author savidge4
    Day 2 Update

    Sat down with the boy today and we were looking over the comps and the amount of traffic each item was getting after day 1. we tweeked some prices a bit.. and about an hour after doing this we Sold the Bible... and had just added a couple of bucks on that.. so that was cool

    A quick throw in here.. Bibles... they fall pretty much into 2 categories.. there are cheap ones.. and then there are those that you can make profit on. Pretty much every time I see one in a thrift store or the like I buy it.. cost is always minimal and the potential seems to almost always be there AND they ship at MEDIA rate which helps a ton.

    So real quick here is the update:

    Item name Cost - Asking - Sold - Fees - Packing - Postage = Profit
    Anything in Bold Italic will be something that has been adjusted from the previous day

    The List ( 13 items )
    1 PSP game $2.24 - $11.95
    2 PSP game $2.24 - $17.95
    3 PSP game $2.24 - $11.95
    4 PSP game $2.24 - $6.95
    5 PSP game $2.24 - $14.95
    6 PSP game $2.24 - $11.95
    7 PSP game $2.24 - $11.95 - $11.95 - $1.91 - .35 - $2.68 = $7.01
    8 Bible $.96 - $27.95 - $27.95 - $4.47 - .60 - $4.31 = $18.57
    9 Coffee Mug $.74 - $14.95
    10 Tommy Hilfiger Womens Boots $7.49 - $79.95
    11 Harley Shirt $3.96 - $39.95
    12 womens Harley blouse $5.24 - $19.95
    13 womens North Face Fleece $5.99 - $34.95

    Saturdays are generally slow for our stores... So like mentioned in the post above we try to push a bit to get some sales on our slower days. Sundays and Tuesdays are our best days, and generally Mondays and Fridays would be our worst.

    As promised.. lets talk about the #1 killer of profit when selling on e-bay - Its SHIPPING.. and I think more specifically its WEIGHT. So I am going to go over a list of the packing materials we use ( the list is pretty short actually ) and then talk about shipping specifically.

    We actually only BUY 4 different envelopes and 2 boxes. Everything else is either shipper supplied ( USPS or Fed EX ) OR we will go out and source a FREE box to ship items that go beyond what we normally sell. You can get the boxes for USPS in 2 ways.. you can stop in your local post office OR you can visit their site USPS.gov or make it easy visit here: https://store.usps.com/store/results...ies/_/N-7d0v8v and order the boxes online ( they are free ) just a note, they will not be delivered tomorrow hahaha in some cases it can take a week or 2

    The 4 envelopes and 2 boxes look like this:
    • 6 x 9 Poly Bag
    • 6 x 9 Padded Envelope
    • 8.5 x 11 Poly Bag
    • 8.5 x 11 Padded Envelope
    • 6 x 6 x 6 Box
    • 14 x 8 x 8 Box

    Our only other expense is tape and white craft paper. We gave up on tape guns and use the pre packages 50yd sized hand sized dispenser deals. we actually stock 2 different ones.. from Walmart we get the Scotch brand.. the tape itself is a bit thinner and sticks really well. And the other is from Dollar General, I think Duck brand and its a bit thicker and a bit more robust. Both cost like $3.00 a roll.

    The padded envelopes we buy in bulk.. BUT you can get both in 12 packs from Walmart for like $4.00 so your package cost is like $.35 ( we pay less - in bulk - but for this I am using the walmart cost ) The poly bags we order as well actually from e-bay Im pretty sure you can get 100 count for like $8.00.

    The boxes.. we get the 6 x 6 x 6 from Home Depot... $.49 and the larger 14 x 8 x 8 we buy off of ebay as well and pay .60 each.. but we buy 1000 at a time anymore. This s a new box size we added recently, so its probably not a must have.

    Aside from the poly bags.. everything you need is probably obtainable between WalMart and Home Depot. IF you need bigger boxes.. Walmart late night when they are stocking shelves.. how big is your car? hahaha it may not be pretty but when you are just beginning it will get the job done. which leaves me to the craft paper - brown or white it doesn't matter.. which ever you can get cheaper. we use it to wrap existing product boxes to ship, we use it for padding - we use it... one of my other business' is Large Format Printing.. so we have a ton of scrap that comes from that so we really don't spend a lot on this.. but f you have to you can go online and buy huge rolls for next to nothing.

    On to Shipping.... Lets start with watching this:


    Reyes cracks me up... if you actually watch the video you would have seen Shipping cost chewed him up. If you look back at my post from yesterday.. you may have noticed #1 everything is already packed #2 I may not know the exact amount of shipping.. but I have a real good idea. So lets make sure what happened to Reyes, doesn't happen to you!

    So first things first click this and book mark it: https://www.ebay.com/shp/Calculator?...45375397262459 ( in the near future you will use this A LOT! ) You really want to play around with this a bit get an idea of weight and cost. I will go over some of the real basics here.. but if you play around enough you will find some hidden little sweet spots here and there.

    So having that screen open lets look at packages that are 16 oz ( 1 pound )and smaller.. with this weight you can ship First Class pretty in-expensively. once you have entered dimensions and all that the next screen you want to click on "eBay Rates" and that will adjust for the eBay discount. USPS postage is "Zoned" basically the further away the place you are shipping the more it will cost. Priority Fixed rate boxes however are just that Fixed rate.. but back to 1st class. there are price increases in increments. 1 to 4 ounces the same price, 5 to 8 the same 9 to 12 and then 13 to 16. So basically the more something weighs the more it will cost to ship.

    Once you step over that 1 pound mark.. first class disappears as an option, and the expense of shipping increases pretty fast.

    WHEN YOU ARE STARTING OUT Try your very best to stay UNDER 1 Pound.- to the point I would actually suggest a " Fish Measuring Scale " ( look it up on Google ) you can get one for like $8.00.

    A personal experience... I picked up a A&W root beer mug not to long ago.. they sell for like $16.00. Comps looked awesome.. its $2.00 Im in... YEAH it was so heavy it would have cost over $13.00 to ship the dang thing - without question a Reyes moment - Im staring at the damn mug as we speak actually hahaha

    So when I get home with the stuff I bought.. the very first thing we do is figure out how we are going to package the item, and then the item goes on the scale with the packaging and the item, and that cost is written down.. from there we do a much more in depth analysis of pricing before we actually create the listing, take the photos and ultimately list the item. - aside from the geography variant of the shipping cost.. we pretty much know what the bottom line on the product is before it is listed.

    So that's the absolute basics.. if you have questions by all means ask.. ill answer anything and everything! Thanks for reading and following along!

    Tomorrow I think I will go over photos - If there is another topic you would rather learn about let me know!
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  • Profile picture of the author savidge4
    Taking Photos For e-Bay

    Some of the things I am going to start sharing on this topic, and a few of the others comes from my experience at my "Day Job". I own a marketing agency. We deal with Website development, SEO, CRO ( Conversion Rate Optimization ) Social Media, Print Media, Vinyl, and just about anything else a small to mid sized business needs to " Advertise " .

    With CRO there is a lot of time spent in understanding what people look at and click on. I have run and have access to the results of 10's of thousands of test specifically about the impact of images in the sales process on commerce sites. There is without question some stand out results - AND there are some stand out reasons to buck the " Norm " And I will go over both of those here.

    There are 3-4 things that people see when looking at product... that would be the Picture, the Price, and the Listing Title. Obviously today we are going to discuss the Picture. The #1, do not break rule ( Aside from the exception I will explain later.)


    This is right up there with do not pass go, do not collect $200, go straight to jail.

    with eBay when you do a search there tends to be 3 items visible. If only 1 of those 3 has a white background.. it will be the one to be clicked more than 80% of the time. And the bottom line is all things being equal ( price and matching what the buyer wants ) a click equals a sale.

    The question then is how do you take pictures with white backgrounds? The answer is a light box. you can go onto Google and look up " Photo Light Box " and get tons of ideas of how to make one yourself. There are some pretty cool examples made from cardboard boxes - and my preference would be the ones made from PVC.

    The closest example that I could find to the type I have built would be in this video:


    Unfortunately Joe is speaking Spanish, but you really don't need to hear how to build this. I will note in the video he does use glue to put this together and I will tell you, you don't need to do that. PVC fits real tight together.

    The important part is to shine the light through the paper on the sides ( I also have top lighting as well with mine ) The primary lightbox we use has 24 inch square sides and the back is as wide as the roll of white craft paper ( 30 inches ). we also have a much larger one we use for clothing and the like.

    On the smaller unit we use lights like these: https://www.homedepot.com/p/HDX-75-W...0PDQ/205139241 one on each side and 2 on top. You want to use " Daylight " ( 5000 K ) bulbs in these and I prefer to use LED flood light bulbs. you basically want to get something like this: https://www.homedepot.com/p/EcoSmart...SD02/303574522 Super bright and super white.

    A super quick camera trick to get your whites even whiter.. on your phone or even a DSLR set your white balance to " florescent " this basically removes any yellow from shadowing or whatever that may still be there even with the 5000k lights.

    Another eBay trick.. take your images " Landscape " vs " portrait ". Hold your phone length ways between your hands vs up and down like you are making a phone call. eBay's image place holder is actually square 500x500 minimum and 9000x9000 max BUT the height will actually adjust to fit.

    Phones and cameras take images with a 2:3 ratio - not so square right? but making sure you take your images landscape means the ratio looks like 3:2 so the width of the image will fill in the square from side to side, and then the box actually closes in the gap from top to bottom.

    You can go out into any search listing and see images that were taken portrait style, they will have white lines on the left and right side, vs the others taken landscape that do not have that. I think the non white stripe look is more appealing.. AND again I have data that suggests it performs better.

    If you really wanted to take this to the next level you could actually go in and crop each of your images into a square format - a little more work, and I have no data that would suggest it is worth the effort. Saying that, I think we have only tested this a hand full of times - and looking out at the listings the square images do look pretty good.. but from experience I can say that my landscape image listings out perform square image listings.

    And now onto the EXCEPTION rule. the best example of this I know of is looking up " Apple iPhone ". and scroll down... you will see it. when ALL of the listing images are white, it sometimes pays off to buck the system. The bright yellow is about retina breaking LOL

    And that's about it... an added link here: https://developer.ebay.com/devzone/m...es.html#Image2 this is eBays image guidelines to look at. I think the most important take away from that page is basically if you didn't take the picture, don't post the picture.

    *** Added later ***

    So I left out a very important aspect of pictures.. how many to use. Basically the more you use the better.. there are 12 spaces available. I do use 12, but NOT all the time. It literally depends on what I am listing. I will look up the top 5 comp listings for a product I am going to sell. I will count the number of images. An example would be the video games.. 3 of the listings had 3 photos.. one of them had 2 and one of them had 1.

    Photos are used by Cassini ( eBays search spider ) as a variable to determine your products ranking ability. eBay wants good user experience no? Photos above anything else will give a buyer a really good idea of the shape and condition of the item they are buying. The more photos you have, the better.

    I used 5 Photos for the video games.. we actually use 5 almost always for video games. Clothing... almost always 12, Shoes generally 10 and sometimes up to 12. Anytime there is something in a sealed box.. 6 is pushing most of the time.

    how many times have you looked on a listing in eBay and they like have duplicate images and all that.. and I know I say - what a jerk?! and click off and look for another one.. be relevant with the images you use.. don't just slam in 12 images because it gets you better rank.. I have a feeling Cassini probably knows a duplicate image. Just do whats right for the customer to understand what it is they are getting! That's kinda all that eBay could ask for.. what the customer would ask for.. and what you should deliver!

    So again.. any questions feel free to ask.

    I think tomorrow we will get into the listing title? Image and title both being important.. the TITLE hands down is the most important!

    I will get an update up here in a bit - spoiler alert - it was super poor today and I will see you all tomorrow!
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  • Profile picture of the author savidge4
    Day 2 Update

    Today sucked for this project - no other way to say it.. I will get into real quick a product I purchased for this that was a mistake.. but no sales today. All of my other products on the other hand.. strongest day of the year so far. Kinda strange actually.. but it happens.

    Item name Cost - Asking - Sold - Fees - Packing - Postage = Profit
    Anything in Bold Italic will be something that has been adjusted from the previous day

    The List ( 13 items )
    1 PSP game $2.24 - $11.95
    2 PSP game $2.24 - $17.95
    3 PSP game $2.24 - $11.95
    4 PSP game $2.24 - $6.95
    5 PSP game $2.24 - $14.95
    6 PSP game $2.24 - $11.95
    7 PSP game $2.24 - $11.95 - $11.95 - $1.91 - .35 - $2.68 = $7.01
    8 Bible $.96 - $27.95 - $27.95 - $4.47 - .60 - $4.31 = $18.57
    9 Coffee Mug $.74 - $14.95
    10 Tommy Hilfiger Womens Boots $7.49 - $59.95
    11 Harley Shirt $3.96 - $39.95
    12 womens Harley blouse $5.24 - $19.95
    13 womens North Face Fleece $5.99 - $34.95

    So the Coffee mug.. I generally do pretty well with these #muglife.. they don't always sell right away but they all sell ( well except the dang A&W mug ) I am going to go ahead and share some details about this listing because it is a pretty good learning lesson.

    Search " Edible Arrangements coffee mug " and don't look at the listings.. because if you have read any of the 2 posts above you would be able to identify my listing.. but do the search and click on " sold listings "

    Scroll through the sold listings and there is a good number of Feb sales right.. now look closer - 6 of those were all in the same day OUCH!!! So basically remove those listings out and the sales history suggest slow moving product.. except for the day someone decided it would be a great idea to buy 6 of these - for gifts I am assuming?!

    So back over at the search result... I have followed all the image rules.. I have followed all of the title rules that I will give tomorrow... Its ranked in #1 #2 position.. and 48+ hours after listing. not a ONE SINGLE VIEW - NOTHING zero nada.

    The lesson here.. PAY ATTENTION to every little detail. Granted its a $.74 cup but it could easily be a $74.00 item as well - and that could hurt.

    So anyways we are heading into Monday OH YEAH.. the worst day of the week usually.. this should be exciting! hahaha Have a GREAT day, and I will be here later to let you know how it went!
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  • Profile picture of the author DWolfe
    Not you started this weekend and already sold two items and only need $14.45 to get your initial investment. If you only have 2 dud purchase the mugs and the 1 play station you should end up with a great project.

    When you get the boxes from the UPSP do you use the craft paper on the outside of the box before shipping ?
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    • Profile picture of the author savidge4
      Originally Posted by DWolfe View Post

      Not you started this weekend and already sold two items and only need $14.45 to get your initial investment. If you only have 2 dud purchase the mugs and the 1 play station you should end up with a great project.

      When you get the boxes from the UPSP do you use the craft paper on the outside of the box before shipping ?
      We do our best to use the ordered boxes for " Priority mail" but have been known to wrap them from time to time, but not to often. That's why we recently added the 14 x 8 x 8 box to stop most of that. That, and we got into books a bit more and that box is easy to cut to size and holds multiple books pretty nicely.
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  • Profile picture of the author savidge4
    eBay Listing Titles

    If the photo is important to get your link clicked.. the TITLE is important to get FOUND. I don't know how many know this but, by DEFAULT when you search eBay, you are searching for text within the TITLE only. And that is actually only a half truth of sorts and we will get into that.

    You can search eBay using other text in the listing by checking the "Includes Description" box right below the blue Search button in the upper right of the screen. To be honest I have no clue how to do this in the mobile app

    So now you can see the importance of spending some time with this element of your listing. You obviously want to include the brand, The broad category ( Women, Mens, Unisex, Kids, Youth, Toddler, Infant ) Color, size, year and whatever else.

    Something that I do is use e-Bays search to see what the auto fill choices are. Another thing I do in the listing itself is look at the "Item Specifics" and see what options are there. I then go out to other top listings and look at their "Item Specifics" as well.

    The Title is 80 Characters including spaces, and I feel you want to use all 80 if you can - and make each character count. Forget stuff like C@@L or L@@K , that's not helping. when was the last time you search for something and included "NIB" ( New In Box ) - the answer is you haven't, and THAT doesn't need to be there either.

    Unlike many other search engines cassini doesn't seem to put a preference in where in those 80 characters a word is. So something like " Womens long sleeve blue & red long sleeved dress size 6 Ralph Lauren " is no different than " Ralph Lauren Womens long sleeve blue & red long sleeved dress size 6 " in terms of searching the item.

    In the above instance I would put "Ralph Lauren" first myself.. and that has nothing to do with search, but more to do with brand recognition and click ability. Because THAT is the other aspect of the title that has to be considered. I think of it this way.. how much of the item details can I get in the Title? how much information can I give the shopper before they even click on the link?

    So now onto the half truth. I study this stuff more than enough to know the "Title" is not the only place cassini pulls data in order to fill search results. There is NO QUESTION it extracts data from the " Item Specifics " section of the listing. That being said.. you want to fill in anything and everything you can. If you feel it may be of value... I would add things in there. I just don't think there is such thing as too much when it comes to " Item Specifics ".

    I can only imagine there may come a point where repeated terms in there may be considered stuffing.. but I have never really tested that. The reality is in terms of ranking items in search there are plenty more variables.. the title and Item Specifics happen ot be the only 2 text related variables.

    Hope that Helps!
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  • Profile picture of the author savidge4
    Day 3 Update

    Went exactly as expected.. nothing, but again Monday is just the absolute slowest day of the week for us. Did do a bit of shopping today with the boy.. bought an item I will add to the list tomorrow.

    Little Savidge actually found 2 banger items today, but one would break the current budget ( and really only by a few dollars ).. so we are going to keep that one out... he was a bit bum'd about that idea.. selling that one item alone would put us over the goal.. and YEAH it is THAT banger - and I probably would have walked right passed it. - he got that from his mother.

    To be honest I probably hate the purchasing process the most. I am more of the tech geek guy that has the ability and understands HOW to put an item in front of the eyeballs that need to see it. I LOVE selling stuff.. just hate the buying it part. and with that todays grid:

    Item name Cost - Asking - Sold - Fees - Packing - Postage = Profit
    Anything in Bold Italic will be something that has been adjusted from the previous day

    The List ( 13 items )
    1 PSP game $2.24 - $11.95
    2 PSP game $2.24 - $17.95
    3 PSP game $2.24 - $11.95
    4 PSP game $2.24 - $6.95
    5 PSP game $2.24 - $14.95
    6 PSP game $2.24 - $11.95
    7 PSP game $2.24 - $11.95 - $11.95 - $1.91 - .35 - $2.68 = $7.01
    8 Bible $.96 - $27.95 - $27.95 - $4.47 - .60 - $4.31 = $18.57
    9 Coffee Mug $.74 - $14.95
    10 Tommy Hilfiger Womens Boots $7.49 - $59.95
    11 Harley Shirt $3.96 - $39.95
    12 womens Harley blouse $5.24 - $19.95
    13 womens North Face Fleece $5.99 - $34.95

    same as yesterday - and again Monday I totally expected this. I will say we did get some traffic across the listings, and a couple of " watchers " I believe we have 5 of the items now with watchers. 3 games, the boots, and the Mens Harley shirt.

    I am going to talk about this more that's for sure but now seems like a good time to maybe start the conversation... EXPECTATIONS... If you are needing to get cash fast.. Hopefully here in the next day or 2 I will be able to show you CAN do it... Like DWolfe points out it really isn't a bad start.

    There is some math that goes into what to expect and later I will get into that.. and right now I can say we are breaking the math rules a bit... but I want to say the item selection has something to do with it.

    The Bible.. it was a giant print reference bible in REALLY good condition... anytime we get our hands on one of these it usually sells in hours.

    I am still a bit puzzled we still have the games.. I thought for sure those would be gone Sunday. For the most part really good titles and they are priced really well, and are ranking in search really well... The one that did sell, Little Savidge said that was the best one.. both of us look at the traffic across the listings and the one we both thought was going to be the last to sell is crushing the views.

    And with that a seller tip.... When you get a ton of views.. that is a good thing.. don't get all antsy and think you are priced to high because its not selling. The AVERAGE conversion rate on eBay is 1.5%... meaning 1.5 items sell for every 100 listings looked at.

    You can actually take that little bit of information and scale down / up to the number of products you have listed on your account. IF I only had those 13 items listed.. I/you would have to reach 200 views to sell 3 items. Including the 2 sold items, we are currently at 122 views across our 13 listings.

    Our current conversion rate on this project is 40:1 - so we are due a sale any time now.. and should have another 2 before hitting 200 views - BUT I am NOT expecting that.. but it would be nice hahaha

    Again this is the side of sales I understand REALLY well, and I will get into more...

    So for tomorrow i am thinking of leaving a list of references I have found to be helpful.. some youtube channels and like. Its like an unwritten eBay rule that you are not supposed to share your secrets or something.. so I know it is a bit frustrating looking for information on this stuff. so I do have some goto sources I watch and look at that dont always lay it right out there like this.. but there is definitely something to learn from them.. I know I have.

    So again.. questions comments? Ill do my best to be around to answer those!

    Thanks for reading!
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    • Profile picture of the author tryinhere
      Originally Posted by savidge4 View Post

      Day 3 Update
      The Bible.. it was a giant print reference bible in REALLY good condition... anytime we get our hands on one of these it usually sells in hours.

      I am still a bit puzzled we still have the games.. I thought for sure those would be gone Sunday. For the most part really good titles and they are priced really well, and are ranking in search really well... The one that did sell, Little Savidge said that was the best one.. both of us look at the traffic across the listings and the one we both thought was going to be the last to sell is crushing the views.

      Just for some fun and giggles, apply the age rule to the items and I would guess the bible was well into the adult range = 21+ and the games would be teeneagers ? 13 <> 19 range probably around the 15 range, with the exception of the cracker that sold.

      might be wrong because not really up with games but my guestimate would be medium supply ? 5 medium demand ? 5 and maybe medium to a little better quality if no boxes or instructions ? 6 giving a 16 total

      the bible was probably harder to find ? 7 very much in demand ? 8 and of top quality = 9 total 24

      both guesses in my minds eye, but keep a side eye on those numbers and see if you find a pattern just as some side fun and see how close it comes.
      | > Choosing to go off the grid for a while to focus on family, work and life in general. Have a great 2020 < |
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  • Profile picture of the author savidge4
    Day 4 Update

    Had some family issues today.. My wifes Grandmother - so its heartbreaking a bit, but also expected but focused on that most of the day.

    Nothing sold again... I didnt have the opportunity to get the new item listed, will get that tomorrow. but below are the numbers

    Item name Cost - Asking - Sold - Fees - Packing - Postage = Profit
    Anything in Bold Italic will be something that has been adjusted from the previous day

    The List ( 13 items )
    1 PSP game $2.24 - $11.95
    2 PSP game $2.24 - $17.95
    3 PSP game $2.24 - $11.95
    4 PSP game $2.24 - $6.95
    5 PSP game $2.24 - $14.95
    6 PSP game $2.24 - $11.95
    7 PSP game $2.24 - $11.95 - $11.95 - $1.91 - .35 - $2.68 = $7.01
    8 Bible $.96 - $27.95 - $27.95 - $4.47 - .60 - $4.31 = $18.57
    9 Coffee Mug $.74 - $14.95
    10 Tommy Hilfiger Womens Boots $7.49 - $59.95
    11 Harley Shirt $3.96 - $39.95
    12 womens Harley blouse $5.24 - $19.95
    13 womens North Face Fleece $5.99 - $34.95

    I will be on track again tomorrow

    See you then
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  • Profile picture of the author Oziboomer
    This Christmas one of the gifts that landed in my lap was book by Scott Pape, Barefoot Investor for Families.

    I've read some of his newspaper articles and his style of writing is easy to read and digest.

    Anyway, I left the book lying around, as you do, hoping my wife would pick it up because despite demonstrating many of the principles over the years and encouraging her to do a multitude of things to assist in the wealth creation of the family. She has always preferred to listen to "others" advice relating to many areas.

    Surprise outcome of having book lying around was my seven year old decided to pick it up. Little subtitle on cover "The Only Kid's money guide you'll ever need"

    Book is aimed at parents educating kids about money.

    Seven year old has largely read book and got his three jars set up to save, spend and share his pocket money.

    Anyway one of the 10 tips, which seven year old has already identified, is to buy and sell something secondhand.

    I'm going to share this thread with him because I'm pretty sure he will get most of the content. (he reads at a 15 year old level).

    Hopefully it will inspire him to foster some entrepreneurial skills and once he's got a few things flipping on Ebay (via my account) his mother might get with the program.

    Thanks for the journey.

    I'm glad I browsed this part of the forum again.

    Best regards,

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    • Profile picture of the author savidge4
      Originally Posted by Oziboomer View Post

      Hopefully it will inspire him to foster some entrepreneurial skills and once he's got a few things flipping on Ebay (via my account) his mother might get with the program.
      Dude.. your son is as good as hooked mate! hahaha And the wife.. once she understands she can shop and not get yelled at?!?!?! it will be game on. That literally was the turning point for my wife.. she straight up LOVES to shop.. and now instead of it collecting in the closets or cupboards.. its filling a 5000 sq ft 465 sqM building, but she averaged a 7X return on investment last year.. ( just got the final numbers back from the Accountant )
      For MOST households... THAT is NOT secondary income!

      Not that your son is going to be interested in either.. but your specific geographic has 1 NEED and one surprisingly LARGE export. The need you may have seen me post a time or 2 about.. It was a discussion one night with the boys from the WF office ( In AU ) on the facebook group page about the cost of baby formula in AU. I did some amount of research.. quickly found a supplier and ON EBAY targeted the Far East, AU and NZ ( I did this by excluding countries in the shipping section ) This is a just short of 6 digit NET NET portion of our business.

      On a whim this evening after reading your post... I did a bit of research.. knowing YOU and your record. Record equates to brand-ability. The Boomerang is a pretty freakin hot niche item. Like I saw more than one item page that was like " 5 sold in the last hour " You see stuff like that in December with toys.. But in February? Just throwing ( pun really not intended ) that out there!

      Now speaking Father to Father... Dont let " Profit " be a variable in the decision making to begin with... Oh Gawd, I am about to sound like Ryan Biddulph... Yeeet! LETS GO!!! Allow him to sell what he has interest in... The GAMES are my sons touch.. the Bible was him having heard me and mom talk about how ridiculous it is they sell for so much. The mens Harley Shirt.. it has a pretty sweet graphic on it. The Womans clothing was " I think Mom would like these, so they might sell pretty well " I was pretty much just along for the ride.

      The other day when he picked up the Rugby Jersey and the Coat... His favorite Color is blue, and the Jersey is Blue and white striped across the front and solid blue on the back - If it was actually his size I am pretty sure we would not be selling it. He had no clue the coat was from 1997.. no clue who Terry Labonte is.. but " Who doesnt love frosted flakes? " and apparently some people REALLY like Frosted Flakes

      and then there was the DAMN cup... <raises hand> that was ALL me! hahaha

      Yeah Im trying to be a responsible parent and show my kid the ways of the world.. teach him about money and all of that... but for me - RIGHT NOW - getting to see the thought process. Him trying to be down about the baseball game and super pumped about the coat... the adventure is priceless, and I think that will be the case for both of us.. he wont forget that Frosted Flakes coat anytime soon thats for sure!
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      • Profile picture of the author DWolfe
        Originally Posted by savidge4 View Post

        The need you may have seen me post a time or 2 about.. It was a discussion one night with the boys from the WF office ( In AU ) on the facebook group page about the cost of baby formula in AU.

        The other day when he picked up the Rugby Jersey and the Coat... His favorite Color is blue, and the Jersey is Blue and white striped across the front and solid blue on the back - If it was actually his size I am pretty sure we would not be selling it. He had no clue the coat was from 1997.. no clue who Terry Labonte is.. but " Who doesnt love frosted flakes? " and apparently some people REALLY like Frosted Flakes
        Cool to see your son only spent $37. and made $399.00 He met the goal of this Path without evening trying. Wonder if the teenagers have a better grasp on what would sell, since they see the current trends? As we get older and more rational may lose this ability to see whats hot before they do. Might be worth your son doing a WSO here it could sell fast. See how I make $399.00 a day with only 2 hours of work!

        You are saying Baby formula is expensive over seas in the AU. What is a way to cut shipping costs over there from the US ? Any thoughts ? I know its kind of off track for this thread, it might help me solve a problem selling a different product from the US to AU.

        One other note on Ebay their is a seller that has a good deal on the buble wrap envelopes less than 4 days turn around from order to free delivery!
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        • Profile picture of the author savidge4
          Originally Posted by DWolfe View Post

          You are saying Baby formula is expensive over seas in the AU. What is a way to cut shipping costs over there from the US ? Any thoughts ? I know its kind of off track for this thread, it might help me solve a problem selling a different product from the US to AU.
          there are kinda 2 options here... depending on the weight you can use the flat rate boxes for items up to 20 lbs OR you can use first class international ( which isn't priced so bad ) for things less than 4 lbs.

          YOUR best bet is to start developing a relationship with your Post Office employees if not the local post master and go in and ask questions. Play with order size.. sell 2 instead of 4 or sell 4 instead of 2 it just depends how big the item is and the weight. I know the folks at my post office have helped me a ton over the years with some ins and outs of shipping.

          I actually went as far as to price out shipping in bulk to a friend of mine is AU and then ship from there, and it was for sure less expensive to ship straight from here.. AU postage is pricey compared to US postage prices - and if you think our zoning charts are confusing - WOW hahaha

          Originally Posted by DWolfe View Post

          One other note on Ebay their is a seller that has a good deal on the buble wrap envelopes less than 4 days turn around from order to free delivery!
          Unless you are looking for packing materials in the 1000's Ebay is S U P E R cheap if you take the time and really search through the listings to find the best price. We buy our poly bags still from eBay because they are so dang cheap.
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  • Profile picture of the author savidge4
    Day 5 Update

    Goose egged again today. And to be honest I am not in the slightest discouraged. 4 of the 6 games we have left have over 25 views each. 2 of them hit the 50+ mark today.. its only a matter of time - Those will go.

    The boots had some ( 3 ) offers today, sent back counter offers. And again not to concerned here... we got 3 offers that honestly were not that bad. All 3 offers would be right at or just short of doubling... 100% profit is not always a bad thing, I just think we can eek out a bit more, and the interest is there.

    So the numbers:

    Item name Cost - Asking - Sold - Fees - Packing - Postage = Profit
    Anything in Bold Italic will be something that has been adjusted from the previous day

    The List ( 13 items )
    1 PSP game $2.24 - $11.95
    2 PSP game $2.24 - $17.95
    3 PSP game $2.24 - $11.95
    4 PSP game $2.24 - $6.95
    5 PSP game $2.24 - $14.95
    6 PSP game $2.24 - $11.95
    7 PSP game $2.24 - $11.95 - $11.95 - $1.91 - .35 - $2.68 = $7.01
    8 Bible $.96 - $27.95 - $27.95 - $4.47 - .60 - $4.31 = $18.57
    9 Coffee Mug $.74 - $14.95
    10 Tommy Hilfiger Womens Boots $7.49 - $59.95
    11 Harley Shirt $3.96 - $39.95
    12 womens Harley blouse $5.24 - $19.95
    13 womens North Face Fleece $5.99 - $34.95

    Still have not listed the new item to the list. Happens to be a Canterbury US Rugby jersey blank ( meaning no name or number across the back ) we paid $7.03 on this and the comps are in the $40.00+ range. 3X + shipping puts us at about $28.00 so this will be a 4X + profit margin item.

    The BANGER my son spotted the other day was a Terry Lebonte ( Nascar ) frosted Flakes Team Coat. In a XL, it weighed in at 6 lbs to be shipped ( so the sucker was heavy )we paid $37.00 for it and we listed it for $399.00 and it sold in a touch less than 2 hours. It is a 1997 season coat.. so its just on the inside of what would be deemed "Vintage" ( 25 years ) and it might as well have been brand new. - it for sure checked all the boxes!

    when I picked little Savidge up from school today, the first thing he asked was about the coat.. and the look on his face was priceless when I told him it sold already, And then I told him we decided to up the price a bit... he was like Yeeet LETS GO!!! ( translation - Yeeeees!!!! - That's awesome!!!!! ) hahaha
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  • Profile picture of the author savidge4
    BRAND and eBay

    I was going to discuss some reference material for you all today.. but am feeling the need to side track a bit and discuss something that is a bit elusive to me, and appears to be in general with eBay sellers... and that is BRAND.

    My day job if you will is developing BRAND, and leveraging BRAND for my clients. In terms of longevity for any business I feel that this essential for long term growth and development. eBay reselling is in essence leveraging the brand of the product you are selling. Going to Goodwill and paying $3.00 per shirt be it Polo or Nike or Puritan, it clearly becomes a no brainer the Puritan shirt is going to remain on the rack.

    To be honest there is a part of me that is fine with this... BUT as a business owner this creates issues. As hip as I try to be.. the generation gap thing is really starting to catch up... I am not understanding what is " HOT " in the market place until its too late in many cases AND the life span of many of the current fads are very short. So what happens is I am unable to get product from my suppliers til the fad has passed at a price point that would be needed to create profit.

    So to clarify that a bit more... As a fad trends the price of product increases basic supply and demand.. demand is high price increases. The fad then peaks.. and then plummets. The marketspace is now filled with product and the price drops considerable - again classic supply and demand. You can very quickly be caught buying high and having to sell low IE lose money.

    A GREAT example of this would be Fidgit Spinners. I literally have suppliers that will sell me 100ct bulk spinners for $.10 a piece. But the reality is I probably could not give these away.

    So as an eBay reseller you obviously want to buy low and sell high. You also want to understand the demand of the BRAND you are buying to sell... because THAT is obviously important. Sony PSP games there is demand.. you can get them cheap, and there is decent amount of markup to be made. The flip side of this would be Xbox 360 games.. The are hit and miss.. far more miss than hit...

    and to even think of paying $3.00 for a game you might sell for $6.00 and it cost you about $3.00 to ship.. I am not sure it would be worth the time to go through and scan and scan and scan to find a winner here and there. - I actually not to long ago spent 1 hour scanning games to find 1 that sold for like $20.00, and at the time thought that was alright.. but when I got back and logged " shopping time " with purchase and potential profit.. no the hour was wasted. ( And in a later post I will go over how we track this! )

    Somebody I watch is Ralli Roots ( https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCRv...XV_W6zwPpMgWTg ) In terms of a Reference.. I would suggest they are right up there on the list. what intrigues me the most is in their thrifting videos is the CONSISTENCY of product they pick up.

    So getting this back on topic.... My wife and I primarily stray away from clothes.. and focus on pretty much everything else.. our eBay stores have "Categories" but lack any amount of consistency. watching Ralli Roots They very much carry a vintage theme across the products they look for and buy.

    So why do i bring this up? Because they are so focused on what it is they buy... As a WHOLE there is a BRAND that can be created around that. And THAT can get powerful real fast.

    So whats the difference? My Instagram accounts for our stores are CLUGES of photos of STUFF.. one really does not relate to the other.. WHO would follow that? The flip side of that being Hey We sell Vintage stuff.. check out this and this and that and the other. BRAND then speaks to Consistency vs some eBay store that SELLS brands. Make sense?

    Part of the idea for the new store front I am working with this project in, is TRYING to identify a BRAND. I don't live in Florida like Ralli Roots... I will NEVER see that stuff in my Goodwill.

    The things that I can go in and grab in abundance is not all that profitable... BUT I teeter on the VALUE of Consistency - I mean I can buy FLANNEL til the cows come home.. but none of it is going to be Hilfiger.. and Yes I can buy Hilfiger short sleeve shirt all day every day but they cost $3.00 and sell for about $15.00 and cost $4.00 to ship.. so there would be a whole lot of $10's to get to $1000 a week. And I am not sure the sell rate would support that either.

    I see great overall potential with consistency of product in a store.. developing off platform promotion for YOUR brand.. and sending that traffic to your store.

    Getting in the game for profit is one thing.. but looking at long term and longevity.. taking a bit of time and understanding how you can develop a brand and overall image with what it is you are selling would be well worth the effort.

    A kinda case in point.. Ozi... developing brand around his Worlds Record of throwing something the furthest ( which happened to be a modified Boomerang ) and selling Boomerangs. A website.. social media.. and then using Ebay as a sales distribution point.. makes pretty good business sense.

    as always, any questions Ill be happy to answer.. and comments.. they are greatly appreciated!
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    • Profile picture of the author Jeffery
      Originally Posted by savidge4 View Post

      BRAND and eBay


      So getting this back on topic.... My wife and I primarily stray away from clothes.. and focus on pretty much everything else.. our eBay stores have "Categories" but lack any amount of consistency. watching Ralli Roots They very much carry a vintage theme across the products they look for and buy.

      So why do i bring this up? Because they are so focused on what it is they buy... As a WHOLE there is a BRAND that can be created around that. And THAT can get powerful real fast.


      Co-op might be something to think about? There are people that are great buyers and want to do what you are doing and cannot do it because they lack your "seller" knowledge and skills. If those same people were part of your Co-Op they would become the source of the products for the store(s) and you would be the "seller."

      Example: I do Co-Op auctions and flea markets in the spring and summer. My Co-Op partners are mainly experienced people with vans and pickups that do the buying at garage sales and thrift shops and I do the selling. Without going into details we all make money.

      Love your thread and it is commendable of you to share with the forum.

      Jeffery 100%
      In the minute it took me to write this post.. someone died of Covid 19. RIP.
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      • Profile picture of the author savidge4
        Originally Posted by Jeffery View Post

        Co-op might be something to think about? There are people that are great buyers and want to do what you are doing and cannot do it because they lack your "seller" knowledge and skills. If those same people were part of your Co-Op they would become the source of the products for the store(s) and you would be the "seller."
        I have the GREAT fortune of having a CO-OP as a partner LOL. She and her 2 assistance, are particularly good at BUYING. Once my wife understood the numbers part of buying it really was game on. and I have said it already I really dislike the buying part of all this.

        Originally Posted by Jeffery View Post

        Example: I do Co-Op auctions and flea markets in the spring and summer. My Co-Op partners are mainly experienced people with vans and pickups that do the buying at garage sales and thrift shops and I do the selling. Without going into details we all make money.
        I can only imagine... you probably deal with more bigger bulky items IE dressers and tables and the like? along with a slew of smalls I am sure. I personally love wood working and the like, and have kinda always had an interest in getting junk and working it back into shape to become a treasure. but the truth is my day job.. pays REALLY well, and I happen to LOVE it as well.

        IF I was not doing what I am doing.. there is probably no question I would have a re worked furniture store of some sort or another.

        BUT let me throw this at you... I am sure you bundle things up in boxes and just try to get something for it at the auctions right? I might try and look some of that stuff up on eBay... Old phones - HOT. Old brass anything - HOT. I would think that selling the big stuff during Auction and Flee Market season would be good.. but then using the "other" months to list and sell the smalls.. that might be where the REAL money might be.

        Originally Posted by Jeffery View Post

        Love your thread and it is commendable of you to share with the forum.
        I really do appreciate this, Thanks!
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        • Profile picture of the author Jeffery
          Originally Posted by savidge4 View Post

          I have the GREAT fortune of having a CO-OP as a partner LOL. She and her 2 assistance, are particularly good at BUYING. Once my wife understood the numbers part of buying it really was game on. and I have said it already I really dislike the buying part of all this.

          I can only imagine... you probably deal with more bigger bulky items IE dressers and tables and the like? along with a slew of smalls I am sure. I personally love wood working and the like, and have kinda always had an interest in getting junk and working it back into shape to become a treasure. but the truth is my day job.. pays REALLY well, and I happen to LOVE it as well.
          These days I focus more on smalls for the flea markets and bulk for the auctions:
          + Flea markets, smalls: Buy/sell products the customer can hand-carry.
          + Auctions, large and bulk: Buy/sell products the customer needs personal or assisted transport.
          Originally Posted by savidge4 View Post

          IF I was not doing what I am doing.. there is probably no question I would have a re worked furniture store of some sort or another.
          We have three warehouses and one of those is a combined storage space and wood shop. We make 'wood toys' and do minor repairs on small to medium size furniture. The 'wood toys' are smalls, all season sales mostly to specialty stores.

          The toys are my personal favorite and the most profitable.
          Originally Posted by savidge4 View Post

          BUT let me throw this at you... I am sure you bundle things up in boxes and just try to get something for it at the auctions right? I might try and look some of that stuff up on eBay... Old phones - HOT. Old brass anything - HOT. I would think that selling the big stuff during Auction and Flee Market season would be good.. but then using the "other" months to list and sell the smalls.. that might be where the REAL money might be.
          Auctions: Buy wise, yes.
          Flea markets: Sell wise, no. Used to, but not anymore. Given the local economies I target it is more work and the same or less profit. The profit in smalls involves less work and less overhead.

          Flea markets, bundle wise, we only bundle related items such as gardening eqp: hoses, rakes, shovels etc. Again, smalls that a customer can hand-carry to their own transportation.

          Originally Posted by savidge4 View Post

          I really do appreciate this, Thanks!
          If your ever in TN give us a shout
          In the minute it took me to write this post.. someone died of Covid 19. RIP.
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  • Profile picture of the author savidge4
    Day 6 Update

    Made some sales...FINALLY hahaha so after today we have recouped or initial $40.03 and we are $31.11 in profit! woo hoo

    Item name Cost - Asking - Sold - Fees - Packing - Postage = Profit
    Anything in Bold Italic will be something that has been adjusted from the previous day

    The List ( 13 items )
    1 PSP game $2.24 - $11.95
    2 PSP game $2.24 - $17.95
    3 PSP game $2.24 - $11.95
    4 PSP game $2.24 - $6.95
    5 PSP game $2.24 - $14.95 - $14.95 - 2.39 - .35 - 3.09 = 9.12
    6 PSP game $2.24 - $11.95
    7 PSP game $2.24 - $11.95 - $11.95 - $1.91 - .35 - $2.68 = $7.01
    8 Bible $.96 - $27.95 - $27.95 - $4.47 - .60 - $4.31 = $18.57
    9 Coffee Mug $.74 - $14.95
    10 Tommy Hilfiger Womens Boots $7.49 - $59.95
    11 Harley Shirt $3.96 - $39.95 - $39.95 $6.39 - .35 - 3.09 = $30.12
    12 womens Harley blouse $5.24 - $19.95 - $19.95 - 3.19 - .35 - $3.09 = $13.32
    13 womens North Face Fleece $5.99 - $34.95
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  • Profile picture of the author savidge4
    2 "Secret" Ebay Reseller Tips

    I cant say right off the bat both of these will save you money.. but once you reach "Pro Seller" status.. the BOTH save you money

    so #1 has to do with your return policy. "FREE Returns" is HIGHLY recommended, and highly debated. I just recently started doing this - as in a few days ago on all new listings. Sounds a bit drastic but hear me out... Aside from Profit margins the #1 thing you need to protect being a eBay Reseller is your feedback or sellers rating. Negative feedback can effect you in ways you might not know.

    Just starting, negative feedback may not have that much impact. but as you build your business it starts to play more of a role. To achieve "Top Rated Seller" you had better have a pretty spotless seller rating. So to get this you have to have 100 sales with a value of over $1000 within 12 months. When you achieve this you get a 10% discount on final fees.. so instead of 10% you pay 9% basically. No matter how you look at this 1% can add up pretty fast depending on the volume you do.

    So you ask.. so how does free returns protect this? eBay is a bit more give and take than many out on the net give credit to them for. for instance.. IF you offer free returns and everything is done in the needed time frames - the customer CAN NOT leave negative OR Neutral feedback. Ill repeat that - the customer CAN NOT leave negative OR Neutral feedback.

    IF it happens to show up on your acct, you can call eBay and they will quickly and gladly remove it - as in it never happened. Given the variables needed to keep "Top Rated Seller" are defect rate, time to ship, time to posting tracking, and cases closed by ebay.. removing the customer variable that you have NO control over.. you are now the captain of your own ship.

    When you go out on the net and look this stuff up.. people complain like there is no tomorrow at how much this would cost them... People say they have like MASS returns all the time. On the store that I am using for this series of posts.. I have 212 seller transactions and a 0% return rate. On my oldest store we have 6 digit transactions and .04% return rate.

    The number thrown around the most is to expect a 2% return rate.. I personally don't understand it.. well I do but that's for another discussion! hahaha

    So for ME doing this only MAKES SENSE.. and cushions me from the whim of anything outside of my control - even if I had returns.. I would still look at the expense as being insurance for my seller rating.

    #2 out on the web is a bit elusive.. kinda funny really... even eBay staff I don't think totally understand it. BUT.. when using the eBay APP to either CREATE a listing or REVISE a listing you click Revise or Create it there is a series of clicks "Easy Pricing" and "Boosting" and then the last click is "Share Your Link". Instead of clicking DONE.. reach for the middle of the screen and click "Share Your Link" and then send it off to your e-mail.

    Once you have this little gem of a link.. you can use it to post directly to said product anywhere out on the net EXCEPT on eBay itself.. and what does it do? If someone visits your product by using that link from say Instagram.. and they BUY that product... Ebay will CREDIT you the seller fees.. IE 10%.

    I have been playing with this bit over the past 4 months now.. and YES you do have to wait to see it appear, but it WILL be there. As in last month the new store had a $9.88 credit, and across all 4 of our store fronts it was $2300.00+ in fees returned to us.

    Now with this little bit of information added, go back and read the BRAND post, and you begin to understand creating a following outside of eBay itself that follow YOUR brand takes on a whole new meaning.

    Throw in a line to the effect of "Fast and Free delivery on all items, FREE 30 day no Hassle Returns, and 100% Customer Satisfaction" and all of the sudden you have a pretty solid USP.

    Hope that helps! and as always questions and comments if you have them and I will see you here tomorrow!
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    • Profile picture of the author Oscar K
      Originally Posted by savidge4 View Post

      "FREE Returns" is HIGHLY recommended
      Always! And free postage - some sellers don't seem to get this. Some who do get it may put separate postage on an item, but maybe that's because it will show up as lowest price if that's the search made.

      With eBay you may as well offer free returns because you are obliged to accept returns up to X days anyway (14 is it?). If a customer knows they will have to pay the return cost for a non-faulty item they may shop elsewhere. I know I might. 'No Returns' screams bad seller to me. If they have bought an unsuitable item already they may make something up or be nasty in the feedback if unhappy for their own personal reasons. 30 days refund of total cost of item plus return postage is my standard. I went a whole different ball-game further with one product, offering a lifetime replacement of a part of the product if it were to ever fail. Just a bit of apparent added value which, like a free returns policy, instills confidence and trust.

      I paid $5 to Warrior Forum and all I got was this lousy signature

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      • Profile picture of the author savidge4
        Originally Posted by Oscar K View Post

        Always! And free postage - some sellers don't seem to get this. Some who do get it may put separate postage on an item, but maybe that's because it will show up as lowest price if that's the search made.

        With eBay you may as well offer free returns because you are obliged to accept returns up to X days anyway (14 is it?). If a customer knows they will have to pay the return cost for a non-faulty item they may shop elsewhere. I know I might. 'No Returns' screams bad seller to me. If they have bought an unsuitable item already they may make something up or be nasty in the feedback if unhappy for their own personal reasons. 30 days refund of total cost of item plus return postage is my standard. I went a whole different ball-game further with one product, offering a lifetime replacement of a part of the product if it were to ever fail. Just a bit of apparent added value which, like a free returns policy, instills confidence and trust.
        Exactly... In the States at least, you can easily determine your most expensive postage rate. aka Zone 5 from your location. and then add that to the cost of the item aka free shipping lol. BUT if someone from zone 2 buys the item you are then pocketing the postage difference you have added in the price.

        We spend a better than good amount of energy in our listings to list exact details of an item. It cuts down on questions asked and it cuts down on returns. We will say the year 2020 is over and this year we had a total of 17 refund requests. We mandate the item is returned - at our expense in order to process a refund. out of 17 requests for the year only 4 actually sent the item back for the refund. that means the other 13 were probably hoping that we would not bother with the return and just issue a refund - like way to many people do.

        Lifetime replacement is AWESOME.. like they will be able to remember where they bought it a year from now let alone 5 years from now.
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        • Profile picture of the author Oscar K
          Originally Posted by savidge4 View Post

          Lifetime replacement is AWESOME.. like they will be able to remember where they bought it a year from now let alone 5 years from now.


          I paid $5 to Warrior Forum and all I got was this lousy signature

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        • Profile picture of the author Oscar K
          Originally Posted by savidge4 View Post

          ...we had a total of 17 refund requests. We mandate the item is returned - at our expense in order to process a refund. out of 17 requests for the year only 4 actually sent the item back for the refund. that means the other 13 were probably hoping that we would not bother with the return and just issue a refund - like way to many people do.
          You have to insist on returns to weed out the scammers but genuine customers with coherent complaints seldom have to return a product to me. This is because I allow genuine customers to be as happy as they can be, and making them go to the bother of sending something back after being unhappy with it in the first place is not going to endear me to them. And a faulty product may get a good review for the customer service part of the transaction, at least. They may not even mention the fault.

          The trick is to know who is genuine and who is coming it. One clue is any bit of fuss about returning the item. Genuine customers make no fuss - they know they need to return the item in order to get their money back.

          I paid $5 to Warrior Forum and all I got was this lousy signature

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  • Profile picture of the author savidge4
    Ralli Roots $100.00 Challenge

    Kinda cool to watch... I know for me personally living in BFE these finds would not happen in a year let alone all in 1 day.
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  • Profile picture of the author DWolfe
    One not about Goodwill, spent a few hours there earlier today. When you go to pay they offer a rewards card. After 50 points you get a discount. Anyone else have this ?
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    • Profile picture of the author Jeffery
      Originally Posted by DWolfe View Post

      One not about Goodwill, spent a few hours there earlier today. When you go to pay they offer a rewards card. After 50 points you get a discount. Anyone else have this ?

      Kinda. My wife holds onto the discount cards like she holds onto our credit cards and cash when we go shopping. She points me to the truck with the goodies, so I never get to use the discount card. However, what she doesn't know is I usually sneak away for a cigarette at times like that
      In the minute it took me to write this post.. someone died of Covid 19. RIP.
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    • Profile picture of the author savidge4
      Originally Posted by DWolfe View Post

      One not about Goodwill, spent a few hours there earlier today. When you go to pay they offer a rewards card. After 50 points you get a discount. Anyone else have this ?
      We don't have a card.. but we have scheduled discount days, and our store is tagged by color and every week is a different colors week and on Sunday that color is 50% off
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  • Profile picture of the author savidge4
    Day 7 Update

    No change today in terms of sales. "The Girls" talked me out of my F350 and 22 foot box trailer and drove off to Philadelphia to go buy "something" so me and "the programming boys" were left shipping today. Kinda went over like a ton of bricks stacked reverse pyramid inside a glass house. But we got through it.

    Item name Cost - Asking - Sold - Fees - Packing - Postage = Profit
    Anything in Bold Italic will be something that has been adjusted from the previous day

    The List ( 13 items )
    1 PSP game $2.24 - $11.95
    2 PSP game $2.24 - $17.95
    3 PSP game $2.24 - $11.95
    4 PSP game $2.24 - $6.95
    5 PSP game $2.24 - $14.95 - $14.95 - 2.39 - .35 - 3.09 = 9.12
    6 PSP game $2.24 - $11.95
    7 PSP game $2.24 - $11.95 - $11.95 - $1.91 - .35 - $2.68 = $7.01
    8 Bible $.96 - $27.95 - $27.95 - $4.47 - .60 - $4.31 = $18.57
    9 Coffee Mug $.74 - $14.95
    10 Tommy Hilfiger Womens Boots $7.49 - $59.95
    11 Harley Shirt $3.96 - $39.95 - $39.95 $6.39 - .35 - 3.09 = $30.12
    12 womens Harley blouse $5.24 - $19.95 - $19.95 - 3.19 - .35 - $3.09 = $13.32
    13 womens North Face Fleece $5.99 - $34.95

    So after the first 7 days we spent $40.03. and after all fees, postage, packing material we have sold $78.14 with a total NET NET of $38.11. just so the number is here as a point of contrast the total in fees and postage and all of that is $36.61.

    Im gonna skip the added content tonight but will be back at it tomorrow.

    But questions and comments as always are welcome! Thanks
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  • Profile picture of the author savidge4
    Which eBay listing Duration Should You Select?

    So you have 6 choices:
    • 3 Day
    • 5 day
    • 7 Day
    • 10 Day
    • 30 day
    • Good 'til Cancelled

    Would kind of make sense to select "Good 'til cancelled" then you wouldn't have to worry about relisting and all that.. but is that really the best option? I am going to suggest, No it is not the best option.

    If you have been reading through this thread at all you keep reading how I mention eBay SEO aside from the Title is dynamic in a way. This is the gate way to the start of that discussion.

    So you go through the process of creating a new listing.. you've got a kiler title and great photos, pricing is right, and a good description.. and then you click "List Item" That very click begins a 4 to 24 hour boost in your products search rank within the listings of eBay - the length of the boost depends on the Category you are listing in. In almost every category you can go out and search for your item and find your listing at least somewhere on page one of the listings with the high lighted "NEW LISTING" tag.

    So what does that have to do with Listing length? well if you could by a press of a button create a ranking boost for your item every 3, 5, 7, or 10 days vs once every 30 days.. wouldn't that kinda make sense?

    But before you get all trigger happy and go out and start posting 3 day item listings... there is a catch of sorts... and that's called "Monthly Limits" More specifically you have limits on the number of listings you can create in a month.. just beginning that number I believe is 100. So if you have 1 item you list over and over on 3 day listings.. in a months time that would mean you would use 10 of your allocated 100 monthly listing to list that single item every 3 days.

    So obviously that may not be the best idea. So the overall happy medium selection would then be the 10 day listing. My general rule of thumb is I run through the 10 days 2x and if the item is still not sold then convert it over to a 30 day listing.

    So an important little tid bit here.. when the listing ends you open it up to list it again you have 2 options "Sell Similar" and "Relist" Sell Similar is what you want to select IF you want the SEO effect. By using Sell Similar you are creating a NEW Product listing ID, basically a NEW product. IF you select Sell Similar, you WILL NOT get the SEO advantage.

    However, like with all things in life there are exceptions to what you would do and not do. I personally will RELIST an item if it has WATCHERS. When you relist the item, you carry over the watchers.. if you Sell Similar, you will lose them. There comes a point, depending on how many items you have listed that even the 10 day option is not very viable. You kinda by default fall to using the 30 day listing.

    I WOULD NOT and DO NOT ever use the Good 'til Cancelled option. It basically automatically does a relist every 30 days and you have no option for a boost. If I am going to "use" one of my allotted monthly listings I would prefer to at the very least get the SEO boost for it.

    And not to worry, this is not the only SEO boost trick I have up my sleeve, and again I will get more into this stuff as the month progresses.

    Hope you enjoyed this one, and as always if you have any questions or comments Ill be here to answer them!

    Thanks for reading!
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  • Profile picture of the author savidge4
    Day 8 Update

    Still a bit wearly to be doing this, but I generally don't sell much on Saturday nights so we will get this one in the books. Today was a pretty decent day. Sold 3 items - Kinda excited about that. Son is super excited because that means we have to go out for breakfast and hit the stores, and do some sourcing to hit the $250.00.

    I don't really know why he is so excited about breakfast in the morning considering it is a Sunday morning tradition we have had since he was like 5. AND like every other 250+ Sundays before he will order pancakes! hahaha

    Item name Cost - Asking - Sold - Fees - Packing - Postage = Profit
    Anything in Bold Italic will be something that has been adjusted from the previous day

    The List ( 13 items )
    1 PSP game $2.24 - $11.95
    2 PSP game $2.24 - $17.95
    3 PSP game $2.24 - $11.95 - $11.00 - $1.91 - .35 - $3.09 = $5.65
    4 PSP game $2.24 - $6.95
    5 PSP game $2.24 - $14.95 - $14.95 - 2.39 - .35 - 3.09 = 9.12
    6 PSP game $2.24 - $11.95 - $11.95 - $1.91 - .35 - $2.68 = $7.01
    7 PSP game $2.24 - $11.95 - $11.95 - $1.91 - .35 - $2.68 = $7.01
    8 Bible $.96 - $27.95 - $27.95 - $4.47 - .60 - $4.31 = $18.57
    9 Coffee Mug $.74 - $14.95
    10 Tommy Hilfiger Womens Boots $7.49 - $59.95
    11 Harley Shirt $3.96 - $39.95 - $39.95 $6.39 - .35 - 3.09 = $30.12
    12 womens Harley blouse $5.24 - $19.95 - $19.95 - 3.19 - .35 - $3.09 = $13.32
    13 womens North Face Fleece $5.99 - $34.95 - $34.95 - $5.59 - .00 - $6.95 = $22.41 ( Item shipped using flat rate priority )

    Things might be looking up for the Coffee Mug.. it got some traffic across it today. The video games are really interesting to watch. The most expensive one by far gets more traffic across it than the others, but has yet to sell ( I am starting to think I may lower the price to get it to move ) and the one with the least amount of visits, but had the most watchers sold today.

    So our total profit after today is $104.09 minus the $40.03 = $64.06 With another $100+ in product to sell. If we were to look at cost of goods vs profit it would be at this point 25.11 is the cost, and 64.06 is profit putting us at 2.5x of investment. I was shooting for 3x but that's not to bad - and if we can get the boots and Mug in there.. that I think throws us right at the 3x mark.

    So the way my brain works... If we can carry on with 3x.. at the end of the month I would reinvest All that there is and go another month, and at some point well within 3 months, we could turn the $40.03 seed into $2000.00 And mathematically speaking over the course of a year this could turn into 6 digits.

    I am thinking my next run at this will be running an eBay business from 10 to midnight and at the end of the year cashing out at $100,000.00 That's LIFE CHANGING money. And the more I play with this project the more I see that is entirely possible.

    BUT we will get through this month first! hahaha

    thanks for following along!
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  • Profile picture of the author savidge4
    Day 9 Update

    just a quick update here. Sold 1 video game. Didn't really expect that to be honest 3 day weekends Sunday tends to be a bit rough.. and Monday becomes the better day. BUT we shall see.

    The List ( 13 items )
    1 PSP game $2.24 - $11.95 - $11.00 - $1.91 - .35 - $2.70 = $6.04
    2 PSP game $2.24 - $17.95
    3 PSP game $2.24 - $11.95 - $11.00 - $1.91 - .35 - $3.09 = $5.65
    4 PSP game $2.24 - $6.95
    5 PSP game $2.24 - $14.95 - $14.95 - 2.39 - .35 - 3.09 = 9.12
    6 PSP game $2.24 - $11.95 - $11.95 - $1.91 - .35 - $2.68 = $7.01
    7 PSP game $2.24 - $11.95 - $11.95 - $1.91 - .35 - $2.68 = $7.01
    8 Bible $.96 - $27.95 - $27.95 - $4.47 - .60 - $4.31 = $18.57
    9 Coffee Mug $.74 - $14.95
    10 Tommy Hilfiger Womens Boots $7.49 - $59.95
    11 Harley Shirt $3.96 - $39.95 - $39.95 $6.39 - .35 - 3.09 = $30.12
    12 womens Harley blouse $5.24 - $19.95 - $19.95 - 3.19 - .35 - $3.09 = $13.32
    13 womens North Face Fleece $5.99 - $34.95 - $34.95 - $5.59 - .00 - $6.95 = $22.41
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  • Profile picture of the author savidge4
    Being True to Ones Self

    Today took a bit of a turn which I will get into...

    Me and the boy went for breakfast this morning... he had PANCAKES, and we were both pumped to get shopping. I was planning on maybe hitting a few stores, we only went to Goodwill. We SCORED 10 pieces for just under $30. 2 Donald Trump dress shirts for .99 each. An Affliction T-shirt some super nice Hilfiger dress shirts, and a pair of Harley button down short sleeve shirts.

    We stopped and grabbed a shake to celebrate and did the math.. we had $214.00 dollars worth of stuff, $32 in fees and just under $40 in shipping and $3.50 for the packaging material. Minus the $30 we were looking at $100 in profit! life was good! THEN we got home...

    Son is all excited, we head into the shop, he wants mommy to look at the stuff.. he lays it all out.. he is telling her how much each piece cost, how much it was gong to cost to ship and how much profit... right then I was a pretty proud dad. And THEN she says... Savidge4? can I talk to you in the office? My heart sank hahaha

    My son then says if daddy is in trouble.. we both are, you can talk to him out here ( a glimmer of a proud dad moment again ) And then it began.. " with this stuff you bought.. are you being true to yourself? " " Look at the pair of you " she says " Savidge5 do you wear anything other than Nike or Puma or gaming shirts?" "No Mommy" he says. "And YOU savidge4, You wear work pants, a red t-shirt, boots, and a work shirt every day of the week." "is there any Nike, or Puma or gamer stuff here? Is there any manly man work gear here? " both of us with our head down said "no ma'am" ( In unison I might add )

    She goes on to explain, Yes we did a good job shopping for profit.. but its not about the money, its about buying and selling in what you believe in. The last haul she further explains.. there were stories of connection.. I bought this because mommy would like it... you bought video games.. you bought a frosted flakes jacket, not because of the name on it, but because you thought it was cool.. and this stuff? you bought it because you were thinking of the money.

    So mommy is going to list the shopping Haul from today and we have to go out and try again. So hopefully tomorrow we will go out and do just that.. find things that we have an interest in, and have some knowledge in - And be true to ourselves.

    So a step further and me and the boy slink off to the house and sit down and discuss what just happened.. We did the high five thing for the buys we made and talked about personal brand and all that good stuff. We have adjusted our game plan.. we have a good idea what we are looking for, and we will see what happens.

    A couple hours later my son comes to me and asks if he can show me a video.. and I am thinking I have to endure another gaming video and he shows me:

    He then shows me a few more videos by Cityline... he says "Dad, you like to do this stuff.. and I like to help you do this stuff.. maybe we should think about doing this kind of stuff?" ( had another proud dad moment ) and was like heck yeah!!!

    Looking at the videos.. I start to wonder.. I have a room specifically for Vinyl lettering and decals and the like.. I have more large format printers than should be allowed. I have Graphic artist and College interns at my disposal - and we don't sell any of this on ebay.. or online for that matter... ( I have in the past.. but not for a while now ) and honestly.. I enjoy that stuff

    So that leads me to a guy with a pretty decent name.. Paul Savage. Not quite "Savidge".. but pretty beast on its own. I think of all the Amazon FBA videos I have watched, this guy is the most straight forward... and has an interesting view on things. He did a series on differentiating product:

    The truth is... minus having this made in China.. YES there is without question room in that market space for a $30.00 QUALITY version of a Birthday Board. If you watch the video and remove "Amazon" from it and take the same information on listing improvements, photo improvements, and product improvements - and apply those directly to your eBay business... Its pretty solid.

    So a few months ago... My wife and I sat down and discussed opening up our 4th eBay store.. something that we could place brand on, and develop brand over time. The issue we were / are having was what image we wanted to promote with out brand..

    To be honest we were struggling with this to the point I have considered bringing in a " Stylist " to help us figure out what was available locally that could be put together in a way that we would feel good about, and have value out in the market space. BUT it really wasn't feeling right.

    All things happen for a reason.. and today was that THING that probably put us on the right track.. Should be real interesting to see what we come home with tomorrow!

    Thanks for reading! and as always questions and comments PLEASE!
    Success is an ACT not an idea
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    • Profile picture of the author umc
      First let me say that the WF has lost my attention lately but I was home sick and kind of bored today as it was storming all day and I have a cold. Anyway, so I came here because I like these threads and when I saw that Savidge started one I was in regardless. So I've sat here and read the whole thing. I've got some experience on eBay myself, and this thread is gold. Many things I knew, some that I didn't, especially as it's been some time since I've sold on there.

      I think the one thing I want to say regarding most of what you've posted is that for anyone watching this you need to pay attention to the fact that the most important thing here is just getting in the game. You can't win if you don't play. That goes for anything. Look at how this little $40 beginning has resulted in so much more. You don't have to print your own mugs to start, you don't have to know what your products of choice will be, just get in the game and learn. Learn from your mistakes. Track things. You can't manage what you don't track.

      This is inspiring stuff. I'm currently starting my own life coaching practice, literally tomorrow evening I start my first group with six eager participants. If I wasn't going down a path right now I'd jump on this. Losing focus would be a foolish plan as I have big things planned for my coaching practice, but this is a great plan too.

      Originally Posted by savidge4 View Post

      Being True to Ones Self

      My son then says if daddy is in trouble.. we both are, you can talk to him out here ( a glimmer of a proud dad moment again ) And then it began.. " with this stuff you bought.. are you being true to yourself? " " Look at the pair of you " she says " Savidge5 do you wear anything other than Nike or Puma or gaming shirts?" "No Mommy" he says. "And YOU savidge4, You wear work pants, a red t-shirt, boots, and a work shirt every day of the week." "is there any Nike, or Puma or gamer stuff here? Is there any manly man work gear here? " both of us with our head down said "no ma'am" ( In unison I might add )

      She goes on to explain, Yes we did a good job shopping for profit.. but its not about the money, its about buying and selling in what you believe in. The last haul she further explains.. there were stories of connection.. I bought this because mommy would like it... you bought video games.. you bought a frosted flakes jacket, not because of the name on it, but because you thought it was cool.. and this stuff? you bought it because you were thinking of the money.

      So mommy is going to list the shopping Haul from today and we have to go out and try again. So hopefully tomorrow we will go out and do just that.. find things that we have an interest in, and have some knowledge in - And be true to ourselves.
      This is the one thing in this thread that has stuck with me in a negative way. I'm not sure I get this. You were buying and selling what you believe in............PROFIT. You don't believe in Nike or Puma or many clothes, you believe in profit and business and enjoy making it so that you can buy things you like, but that doesn't mean that they are all that you like. In fact, many people like things and get emotionally attached and overpay at the buy when flipping items because they like a thing and are too emotionally invested.

      So this advice just bothered me on some level. I think we all have to find what drives us and it can be different things. My wife and I have cleaned houses for years. Do I enjoy scrubbing a toilet or a shower for the millionth time? No. I do enjoy helping families find sanity in life. I enjoy making things shine. I enjoy the fact that I get to work with my wife. I enjoy the challenge of cleaning something new but I don't truly enjoy cleaning all that much. I enjoy listening to podcast while I work, or audio books that help me grow as a person. Should I stop cleaning because I don't enjoy the work? No. I enjoy the money, I enjoy the process, I enjoy the business or the people or whatever.

      The same can be said for what you and your son did in buying those items. Maybe they weren't your passion, but your son lit up making that profit, seeing that something he picked was desired by others and appreciated, working with you, learning about something new, working the process, etc.

      So is the advice to limit yourself to what you personally use and enjoy yourself as far as the product goes? Should all of the focus be put on the product alone? Or is the focus the process, the profit, what you can do with it, the work and potential relationships, the growth in knowledge, the curiosity, etc.? Maybe there was more to that conversation than I saw from the post, but it seemed like there was too much focus on the product and that being true to oneself was equated to the product only and missed out on the bigger picture.

      By the way, this is my favorite thread in a loooooong time. Thanks to those like DWolfe and tryinghere and Jeffery and others that are participating as well and dropping knowledge or questions. It's making this fun.

      Simple "pay what you want" life coaching services online.
      Get out of your own way in business. It's personal. Click Here

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      • Profile picture of the author savidge4
        Originally Posted by umc View Post

        This is the one thing in this thread that has stuck with me in a negative way. I'm not sure I get this. You were buying and selling what you believe in............PROFIT. You don't believe in Nike or Puma or many clothes, you believe in profit and business and enjoy making it so that you can buy things you like, but that doesn't mean that they are all that you like. In fact, many people like things and get emotionally attached and overpay at the buy when flipping items because they like a thing and are too emotionally invested.

        So this advice just bothered me on some level. I think we all have to find what drives us and it can be different things. My wife and I have cleaned houses for years. Do I enjoy scrubbing a toilet or a shower for the millionth time? No. I do enjoy helping families find sanity in life. I enjoy making things shine. I enjoy the fact that I get to work with my wife. I enjoy the challenge of cleaning something new but I don't truly enjoy cleaning all that much. I enjoy listening to podcast while I work, or audio books that help me grow as a person. Should I stop cleaning because I don't enjoy the work? No. I enjoy the money, I enjoy the process, I enjoy the business or the people or whatever.

        The same can be said for what you and your son did in buying those items. Maybe they weren't your passion, but your son lit up making that profit, seeing that something he picked was desired by others and appreciated, working with you, learning about something new, working the process, etc.

        So is the advice to limit yourself to what you personally use and enjoy yourself as far as the product goes? Should all of the focus be put on the product alone? Or is the focus the process, the profit, what you can do with it, the work and potential relationships, the growth in knowledge, the curiosity, etc.? Maybe there was more to that conversation than I saw from the post, but it seemed like there was too much focus on the product and that being true to oneself was equated to the product only and missed out on the bigger picture.

        By the way, this is my favorite thread in a loooooong time. Thanks to those like DWolfe and tryinghere and Jeffery and others that are participating as well and dropping knowledge or questions. It's making this fun.
        First of all THANK YOU for commenting.. totally awesome!

        So the answer here is 2 fold.. YES for YOU and for ME and for my WIFE and for DWolfe, and for Ozi, and Tri, and for Jeffrey this is about profit.

        BUT I will say this.. if it wasn't for my wife being good at shopping.. I wouldn't have gotten into this. I HATE shopping ( Its actually kinda fun with the boy ) I make more than enough money doing what it is I enjoy. The flip side of this, Erin can play Solitaire and check e-mails.. I kid you not.. She has 2 assistance, that do all of the listing... HER job is to do what she enjoys MOST... and that's SHOP - AND she is F'ing good at it. This whole thing stemmed from me turning a financial negative into a positive.

        I am Beyond a big believer in doing what you most enjoy - with a caveat - there is a time and a place to do what you have to do, if doing what you enjoy does not pay the bills.

        So this thread in part is the documentation of a life lesson I am teaching my son. Through this he is starting to understand the 12 people that work with us ALL enjoy what it is they do. He has commented recently that so and so really likes what they do.. and the Vinyl guy.. does he ever not smile? ( and a side note Steve "the vinyl guy".. he could literally cut and weed vinyl 24/7... give him a set of wireless headphones ( he has 3 actually, wears one, and the other 2 are charging ) a radio and 6 vinyl cutters and let him go LOL ) he loves every minute of it.

        Its important for me as a father to ensure he understands you don't have to do what you don't like when you don't have to, BUT when Stuff hits the fan, you had better bring the mop and bucket.

        So a quick side note. We do NOT hire a cleaning company. Part of little Pauls chores every day include taking out the garbage, and swiffering floors. We do a bit deeper cleaning on Sunday, and I help. If it were not for my son.. yeah I would hire this out LOL

        The other side of that message which got lost in translation was the development of BRAND. An example.. hmmm How about Sears.. they didn't just sell Tools.. they sold CRAFSTMAN tools. - and really the only thing that was worth a damn that will live beyond Sears.. is just that Craftsman tools. And with an eBay store it is real easy to just sell whatever. BUT we are talking about selling online.

        And its that little nugget - "Selling Online" that makes the concept of BRAND so important. IF you were to take the same name and build a site, build up Instagram, and build up Facebook, and venture over to Posh, and mercari and and and with a unified BRANDED message and a cohesive and consistent line of product... long run - Profits only or the possibility of return customers and greater profits?

        So maybe the title "being true to ones self" was not the best pick... but "being true to brand" maybe a better choice?

        Again thanks for stopping by, reading, and the commenting!
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  • Profile picture of the author savidge4
    Day 10 Update

    Sold the Boots today Kind of exciting.. left with 2 games and a Mug at this point.

    Item name Cost - Asking - Sold - Fees - Packing - Postage = Profit
    Anything in Bold Italic will be something that has been adjusted from the previous day

    The List ( 13 items )
    1 PSP game $2.24 - $11.95 - $11.00 - $1.91 - .35 - $2.70 = $6.04
    2 PSP game $2.24 - $17.95
    3 PSP game $2.24 - $11.95 - $11.00 - $1.91 - .35 - $3.09 = $5.65
    4 PSP game $2.24 - $6.95
    5 PSP game $2.24 - $14.95 - $14.95 - 2.39 - .35 - 3.09 = 9.12
    6 PSP game $2.24 - $11.95 - $11.95 - $1.91 - .35 - $2.68 = $7.01
    7 PSP game $2.24 - $11.95 - $11.95 - $1.91 - .35 - $2.68 = $7.01
    8 Bible $.96 - $27.95 - $27.95 - $4.47 - .60 - $4.31 = $18.57
    9 Coffee Mug $.74 - $13.95
    10 Tommy Hilfiger Womens Boots $7.49 - $59.95 - $59.95 - $9.59 - 0.00 - $9.20 = $41.16
    11 Harley Shirt $3.96 - $39.95 - $39.95 $6.39 - .35 - 3.09 = $30.12
    12 womens Harley blouse $5.24 - $19.95 - $19.95 - 3.19 - .35 - $3.09 = $13.32
    13 womens North Face Fleece $5.99 - $34.95 - $34.95 - $5.59 - .00 - $6.95 = $22.41

    this puts us at $160.41 and then take out the total first investment, leaves us with $120.38
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  • Profile picture of the author savidge4
    The teachers in West Virginia are officially on strike in the morning and my day job is getting slammed with RUSH orders for Banners and signs etc so no added content tonight.

    Little Paul and I did go shopping today. The wife will list the items for me tomorrow... A couple of DVD players That rugby shirt, and a couple of other things. I believe selling through the next lot of things will hit the target. ( crossing fingers )

    Ill see you guys tomorrow!
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  • Profile picture of the author savidge4
    Day 11 Update

    Oooo what a day.. got up at 6am yesterday morning.. and I might get some sleep tomorrow night - THANK GOD for COFFEE!!!

    Sold a bunch of stuff today.. not any of the 3 remaining items from lot A tho. The "Expensive" game has hit 100 views tho

    Item name Cost - Asking - Sold - Fees - Packing - Postage = Profit
    Anything in Bold Italic will be something that has been adjusted from the previous day

    The List ( 13 items ) LOT A
    1 PSP game $2.24 - $11.95 - $11.00 - $1.91 - .35 - $2.70 = $6.04
    2 PSP game $2.24 - $17.95
    3 PSP game $2.24 - $11.95 - $11.00 - $1.91 - .35 - $3.09 = $5.65
    4 PSP game $2.24 - $6.95
    5 PSP game $2.24 - $14.95 - $14.95 - 2.39 - .35 - 3.09 = 9.12
    6 PSP game $2.24 - $11.95 - $11.95 - $1.91 - .35 - $2.68 = $7.01
    7 PSP game $2.24 - $11.95 - $11.95 - $1.91 - .35 - $2.68 = $7.01
    8 Bible $.96 - $27.95 - $27.95 - $4.47 - .60 - $4.31 = $18.57
    9 Coffee Mug $.74 - $13.95
    10 Tommy Hilfiger Womens Boots $7.49 - $59.95 - $59.95 - $9.59 - 0.00 - $9.20 = $41.16
    11 Harley Shirt $3.96 - $39.95 - $39.95 $6.39 - .35 - 3.09 = $30.12
    12 womens Harley blouse $5.24 - $19.95 - $19.95 - 3.19 - .35 - $3.09 = $13.32
    13 womens North Face Fleece $5.99 - $34.95 - $34.95 - $5.59 - .00 - $6.95 = $22.41

    Item name Cost - Asking - Sold - Fees - Packing - Postage = Profit
    Anything in Bold Italic will be something that has been adjusted from the previous day

    1 Hot Dots Pen $2.00 - $10.95
    2 Hot Dots Cards Pack $1.50 - $11.95
    3 Hot Dots Cards Pack $1.50 - $11.95
    4 Hot Dots Cards Pack $1.50 - $11.95
    5 Hot Dots Cards Pack $1.50 - $11.95
    6 Hot Dots Cards Pack $1.50 - $11.95
    7 Hot Dots Cards Pack $1.50 - $11.95
    8 Hot Dots Cards Pack $1.50 - $11.95
    9 Hot Dots Cards Pack $1.50 - $11.95
    10 Hot Dots Cards Pack $1.50 - $11.95
    11 Hot Dots Cards Pack $1.50 - $11.95
    12 Cantebury USA Rugby Jersey $7.00 - $34.95
    12 Star Wars Han Solo Hat $3.00 - $49.99
    13 Sony DVD player $5.00 - $24.95
    14 Sony DVD player $5.00 - $27.95
    15 Philips DVD player $5.00 - $29.95

    So a total of $42 spent with a projected Gross of $294.24 So as long as there is like $150 in profit here we should hit our target.

    So that's what we have added... AND here is what we sold today!

    Item name Cost - Asking - Sold - Fees - Packing - Postage = Profit
    Anything in Bold Italic will be something that has been adjusted from the previous day

    1 Hot Dots Pen $2.00 - $10.95 - $0.00 Threw this in as a bonus for the large order
    2 Hot Dots Cards Pack $1.50 - $11.95 - $1.91 - $0.00 - $0.00 - $10.04
    3 Hot Dots Cards Pack $1.50 - $11.95 - $1.91 - $0.00 - $0.00 - $10.04
    4 Hot Dots Cards Pack $1.50 - $11.95 - $1.91 - $0.00 - $0.00 - $10.04
    5 Hot Dots Cards Pack $1.50 - $11.95 - $1.91 - $0.00 - $0.00 - $10.04
    6 Hot Dots Cards Pack $1.50 - $11.95 - $1.91 - $0.00 - $0.00 - $10.04
    7 Hot Dots Cards Pack $1.50 - $11.95 - $1.91 - $0.00 - $0.00 - $10.04
    8 Hot Dots Cards Pack $1.50 - $11.95 - $1.91 - $0.00 - $0.00 - $10.04
    9 Hot Dots Cards Pack $1.50 - $11.95 - $1.91 - $0.65 - $5.62 - $3.77
    10 Hot Dots Cards Pack $1.50 - $11.95
    11 Hot Dots Cards Pack $1.50 - $11.95
    12 Cantebury USA Rugby Jersey $7.00 - $34.95
    12 Star Wars Han Solo Hat $3.00 - $49.99
    13 Sony DVD player $5.00 - $24.95
    14 Sony DVD player $5.00 - $27.95
    15 Philips DVD player $5.00 - $29.95

    In total the order was for 20 packs - We separated out the packs that were bought for this project and figured postage for those ( in case you are wondering with Hot Dot cards we use Media Mail. )

    So in this we lost a sale of an item - the hot dots pen so we lost $8.95 in potential Gross. Because all of these went out in 1 order.. we only had the expense of one box, and the combined shipping vs single single single is severely cheaper as in it cost as much to ship all of that as it would cost to ship 2 singles.

    So as it stands with Lot A we are at $120.38 NET NET and Lot B 1 day in we are at a NET NET of $61.55 For a total NET NET of $181.93

    The race for $250 is ON!!
    Success is an ACT not an idea
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    • Profile picture of the author DWolfe
      Originally Posted by savidge4 View Post

      Day 11 Update

      In total the order was for 20 packs - We separated out the packs that were bought for this project and figured postage for those ( in case you are wondering with Hot Dot cards we use Media Mail. )

      So as it stands with Lot A we are at $120.38 NET NET and Lot B 1 day in we are at a NET NET of $61.55 For a total NET NET of $181.93

      The race for $250 is ON!!
      Nice a $181.93 profit so far. What is Media Mail is it thru the US Postal service or some other company, like Fed Ex or UPS?

      Second you said you could see 6 figures within in a year, in another post. How would you go about that reinvesting more than half your profits or some similar method ? Would you need a second person to help you if someone started out by them self ? Even 1/2 that would make a lot of newbies on this forum very Happy !
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11486089].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author savidge4
        Originally Posted by DWolfe View Post

        Nice a $181.93 profit so far. What is Media Mail is it thru the US Postal service or some other company, like Fed Ex or UPS?
        Its Media mail with USPS. if you use this there are a bunch of stipulations with it. you might want to look here: https://www.usps.com/ship/mail-shipping-services.htm

        The absolute basics with this.. whatever it is you are sending can not have advertising IE magazines or have any electronics IE game cartridges. BUT you can send flashcards IE hot Dots, But not the pen. You can send video games that are a CD but not a game cartridge. You can send printed materials like a book, but like I said not a magazine.

        Originally Posted by DWolfe View Post

        Second you said you could see 6 figures within in a year, in another post. How would you go about that reinvesting more than half your profits or some similar method ? Would you need a second person to help you if someone started out by them self ? Even 1/2 that would make a lot of newbies on this forum very Happy !
        MY PLAN.. I am going to reinvest over and over. I actually started today by buying an iPhone 8+ that was bricked that I believe I can "unlock" ( I really am a geek ) for $100 and should be able to sell for $500.00.

        Honestly I am curious how far I can get this.. I want to do this with my son maybe a couple hours a week sourcing, and then 2 hours a day 10 to midnight listing and selling. I already have a couple of buys lined up once I sell the phone, so I should be well on my way to $1000 in probably a week. And then invest the $1000,

        hopefully follow my 3x rule and then invest $3000 then $9000 then $18k and one more time would put us at $54K. How long that will take? I don't know yet. $1000 a week is a very do able number.. but probably not enough.

        I would think 1 person can do this, 2 for sure. we will find out soon enough!
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  • Profile picture of the author Ella smith
    Great Work Hope you will reach $250 soon.
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  • Profile picture of the author savidge4
    Day 11 Update

    Nothing sold.. some new items were bought.. im so tired I cant see straight.. we will be back at it tomorrow night!

    thanks all for reading along.. greatly appreciated!
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  • Profile picture of the author gdmatthew
    Sounds like a great idea. I'm wondering how you pick what you want to sell. Seems like it should be things that people want to buy. Sort of like looking up best sellers o n Amazon and then selling that kind of stuff.
    Good luck!
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    • Profile picture of the author savidge4
      Originally Posted by gdmatthew View Post

      Sounds like a great idea. I'm wondering how you pick what you want to sell. Seems like it should be things that people want to buy. Sort of like looking up best sellers o n Amazon and then selling that kind of stuff.
      Good luck!
      What to look for? brands brands brands.. you just have to look them up. Pay attention to trends.. right now western wear is hot.. I cant find any of that tho... In WV we are redneck, NOT country! lol
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  • Profile picture of the author savidge4
    Day 12 Update

    Didn't sell any of the listed items. I DID sell the iPhone.. turned out to be better than I thought.. Paid $100.00 for the phone.. unlocked it this morning to find out it was an iPhone XS Max and listed it for $800. It was a bit underpriced ( intentionally ) and it sold in less than 4 hours. So $100 cost - $800 listed - $800 sold - $128 fees $21.09 shipping and insurance with Signature. $650.91 net $550.91 NET NET

    I buy about a phone a week sometimes more from Craigslist or facebook. For the average person you want to ensure you can actually get into the phone and ensure the icloud features are turned off before you buy ( back up, lost phone etc ).

    if you are new at this ( flipping phones ) make sure your buy price is less than what you can sell a phone for that is "IC Locked". I thought I was buying a iPhone 8+ and they generally sell for $200 IC Locked. Something like the X's can get $400 to $700 IC Locked.

    I only deal with iPhones myself...
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    • Profile picture of the author Daniel Evans
      Good job!

      I need to search for an iPhone XS Max. I haven't even heard of that model.

      EDIT: Having done that, those are recent phones. I've seen them before.

      How did you get one for $100 and why did you need to unlock it before you knew what model it was?

      An iPhone 8 screen isn't edge to edge. They are two entirely different breeds:

      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11486575].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author savidge4
        Originally Posted by Daniel Evans View Post

        Good job!

        I need to search for an iPhone XS Max. I haven't even heard of that model.

        EDIT: Having done that, those are recent phones. I've seen them before.

        How did you get one for $100 and why did you need to unlock it before you knew what model it was?

        An iPhone 8 screen isn't edge to edge. They are two entirely different breeds:
        AND the camera indent on the 8 is across the top and the X series it is up and down along the side.. and had been up for 3 days straight.. and just made sure it turned on and was on my way LOL

        But aside from that.. I did realize once I got 6 hours of sleep and looked at it, it was a score. It ended up being a 256Gb model, which I couldn't figure out until it was unlocked that wasn't showing up when I did an IMEI search

        I ended up getting the phone because A they had a receipt it was paid for, and B their daughter just went to jail ( Typical WV ) and they couldn't get into the phone, and I weaseled them down from $300 - which still would have been a good deal.

        If you start looking at Facebook sales groups and Craigslist.. you will be surprised what you can find for next to nothing. I have even had people text me saying I bought a phone off of so and so and they suggested I deal with you. REFERALS are awesome hahaha

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    • Profile picture of the author savidge4
      eBay Cassinni SEO

      So as I explained in a post previously, in terms of Optimizing your listings to get good rank you really need to focus on the Title of the listing. You then want to ensure you have a good amount of information in the "Item Specifics" section of the listing as well.

      The third "Hard" area you want to make sure is right is the category you are listing in. If you have mens shoes listed under shoes it will not appear as well as it could.

      And THEN... rules go out the door from here on. Cassini is probably my favorite Search Engine to work with because of all the dynamic elements. eBay search rewards those that are selling. So your feedback score can give you a boost as compared to others listed. If you are a "Top Seller" you get a boost. If you accept an offer on any product, you get a boost. If you sell an item, you get a boost.

      If you consistently list items, you get a boost. newly listed items like I mentioned before, that item gets a boost, and it helps your other listings as well. How much it helps your other items is probably determined by how many items you list.

      With listing items specifically... if you consistently list items daily and you take 4 days? seems to be the magic -/ unlucky number.. you will without question see a drop in sales. Start listing again, the sales come back.

      You can do a product reset... Go in and do a bulk edit.. select a bunch of items and click "edit" Select all the items in the bulk editor, and simply click save. we tend to only do this when we see a category slowing down to a crawl... time and again we will do this and within an hour or so there will be a sale.

      You can Stop a listing ( I suggest stopping one that is close to ending ) and then go back and relist by using "Sell Similar" and you will see an uptick there.

      Again.. eBay is very dynamic in the sense that it values action vs some static set of rules. This is specifically moving forward with a goal of reaching $100,000 In a year I want to spend a minimum of 2 hours a day - EVERY day listing something.

      when we first started we used to binge list items as we got them... like 3 people going to town all day listing 100+ items.. but then we would not list items for a few days... Our sales would fluctuate based on when we were listing, and drop off when we were not... The pattern was very clear.

      As an experiment we started dragging the listing process out over a few days.. and our sales became far more consistent. If you goto Goodwill and buy 10 items.. list 3 or 4 a day. UNLESS you are going elsewhere and buying stuff day in and day out.

      It amazes me to watch youtube videos of eBay sellers that literally have sheds and storage lockers FULL of stuff that they have not listed... If its not listed, you cant sell it! LOL I think those people are the opposite of me and enjoy the Sourcing more than the listing. - God Bless them! hahaha

      Well that's it for tonight.. any questions or comments by all means.. Ill do my best to answer what ever you may have!
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    • Profile picture of the author savidge4
      Day 13 Update

      Sold a couple of items from Lot B today. Overall slow in general. I heard eBay was having server issues .

      Item name Cost - Asking - Sold - Fees - Packing - Postage = Profit
      Anything in Bold Italic will be something that has been adjusted from the previous day

      The List ( 13 items ) LOT A
      1 PSP game $2.24 - $11.95 - $11.00 - $1.91 - .35 - $2.70 = $6.04
      2 PSP game $2.24 - $17.95
      3 PSP game $2.24 - $11.95 - $11.00 - $1.91 - .35 - $3.09 = $5.65
      4 PSP game $2.24 - $6.95
      5 PSP game $2.24 - $14.95 - $14.95 - 2.39 - .35 - 3.09 = 9.12
      6 PSP game $2.24 - $11.95 - $11.95 - $1.91 - .35 - $2.68 = $7.01
      7 PSP game $2.24 - $11.95 - $11.95 - $1.91 - .35 - $2.68 = $7.01
      8 Bible $.96 - $27.95 - $27.95 - $4.47 - .60 - $4.31 = $18.57
      9 Coffee Mug $.74 - $13.95
      10 Tommy Hilfiger Womens Boots $7.49 - $59.95 - $59.95 - $9.59 - 0.00 - $9.20 = $41.16
      11 Harley Shirt $3.96 - $39.95 - $39.95 $6.39 - .35 - 3.09 = $30.12
      12 womens Harley blouse $5.24 - $19.95 - $19.95 - 3.19 - .35 - $3.09 = $13.32
      13 womens North Face Fleece $5.99 - $34.95 - $34.95 - $5.59 - .00 - $6.95 = $22.41

      Item name Cost - Asking - Sold - Fees - Packing - Postage = Profit
      Anything in Bold Italic will be something that has been adjusted from the previous day

      The List ( 15 items ) LOT B
      1 Hot Dots Pen $2.00 - $10.95 - $0.00 Threw this in as a bonus for the large order
      2 Hot Dots Cards Pack $1.50 - $11.95 - $1.91 - $0.00 - $0.00 - $10.04
      3 Hot Dots Cards Pack $1.50 - $11.95 - $1.91 - $0.00 - $0.00 - $10.04
      4 Hot Dots Cards Pack $1.50 - $11.95 - $1.91 - $0.00 - $0.00 - $10.04
      5 Hot Dots Cards Pack $1.50 - $11.95 - $1.91 - $0.00 - $0.00 - $10.04
      6 Hot Dots Cards Pack $1.50 - $11.95 - $1.91 - $0.00 - $0.00 - $10.04
      7 Hot Dots Cards Pack $1.50 - $11.95 - $1.91 - $0.00 - $0.00 - $10.04
      8 Hot Dots Cards Pack $1.50 - $11.95 - $1.91 - $0.00 - $0.00 - $10.04
      9 Hot Dots Cards Pack $1.50 - $11.95 - $1.91 - $0.65 - $5.62 - $3.77
      10 Hot Dots Cards Pack $1.50 - $11.95 - $1.91 - .35 - $1.70 - $7.99
      11 Hot Dots Cards Pack $1.50 - $11.95 - $1.91 - .35 - $1.70 - $7.99
      12 Cantebury USA Rugby Jersey $7.00 - $34.95
      12 Star Wars Han Solo Hat $3.00 - $49.99
      13 Sony DVD player $5.00 - $24.95
      14 Sony DVD player $5.00 - $27.95
      15 Philips DVD player $5.00 - $29.95

      Bought another phone today for $50, took a best offer and sold it for $180. Bought 500 iPhone XS Max phone cases for $100. I am a bit hesitant about these.. phone cases is a hard category to crack.. its like getting a #1 listing for the term "XBOX" I will PROBABLY try and bulk sell these something like $50.00 for 25 of them vs going after 5 to $10 each and holding them forever. And really $1000 gross is not all that bad if I can fast flip them

      Thats it for now.. see you for day 14
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    • Profile picture of the author savidge4
      When we.. ok I talk about "hustle" I actually live it.. here is a great article about the mindset...

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    • Profile picture of the author DWolfe
      Couple of questions say you find an item that you can not find the exact match selling on ebay. You look up the sold items and there are several similar but just the color is different than the popular ones that sold. Would you try to flip the product or leave on the shelf of Goodwill ?

      I read you and another poster have sheds full of unsold inventory. Do you relist these items at a later date ? Or do you just donate them after a certain amount of time ? The reason I'm asking say someone only has a very small place to store stuff. They have no extra room and don't want to build a shed or put it in storage.

      Which leads me to a final question, if your A&W Mug does not sell after so many listings what would you do with the item ?
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11487384].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author savidge4
        Originally Posted by DWolfe View Post

        Couple of questions say you find an item that you can not find the exact match selling on ebay. You look up the sold items and there are several similar but just the color is different than the popular ones that sold. Would you try to flip the product or leave on the shelf of Goodwill ?
        I would say get the item. As long as the same item is selling.. having the different color makes yours UNIQUE. In all likelihood it will sell faster! Or that has been my experience

        Originally Posted by DWolfe View Post

        I read you and another poster have sheds full of unsold inventory. Do you relist these items at a later date ? Or do you just donate them after a certain amount of time ? The reason I'm asking say someone only has a very small place to store stuff. They have no extra room and don't want to build a shed or put it in storage.
        We buy generally in bulk, so its a bit different. We don't mostly by one of anything.. we buy 500. For this thread I am showing how to begin. An example I gave already was the ugly sweaters.. we have 400+.

        YOU don't have to do this. Single items work just fine. If you have watched any of the Ralli Roots videos you will see in their warehouse they have Stacks of stuff.. but again mostly for their videos they go over what they buy one offs of. Its kinda the difference between starting and having taken this concept to scale

        Originally Posted by DWolfe View Post

        Which leads me to a final question, if your A&W Mug does not sell after so many listings what would you do with the item ?
        The A&W mug is sitting on my desk not listed.. it is a reminder of how that small mistake could have been costly. If things do not sell... remember.. there is more than one platform to sell stuff.. throw it up on Craigslist.. on any of the facebook sales groups. on Mercari, or PoshMark or any of the others... I honestly have never found anything that wouldn't sell... its just like all the threads and answers you read on WF.. you have to get what you are offering in front of the right set of eyes.

        Really appreciate the questions! and I hope you crush it! hahaha
        Success is an ACT not an idea
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    • Profile picture of the author savidge4
      Since last night this wind / Rain storm is kicking my tail end. The power and internet keeps popping on and off so hopefully it stabilizes tomorrow and I will update then. Sorry!
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    • Profile picture of the author savidge4
      I am just now getting caught up with my "Day Job" I will be back in the morning with full reports and some new topics for discussion. I really appreciate your patience as I work through this.
      Success is an ACT not an idea
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    • Profile picture of the author savidge4
      Day 19 Update

      Item name Cost - Asking - Sold - Fees - Packing - Postage = Profit
      Anything in Bold Italic will be something that has been adjusted from the previous day

      The List ( 13 items ) LOT A
      1 PSP game $2.24 - $11.95 - $11.00 - $1.91 - .35 - $2.70 = $6.04
      2 PSP game $2.24 - $17.95
      3 PSP game $2.24 - $11.95 - $11.00 - $1.91 - .35 - $3.09 = $5.65
      4 PSP game $2.24 - $6.95
      5 PSP game $2.24 - $14.95 - $14.95 - 2.39 - .35 - 3.09 = 9.12
      6 PSP game $2.24 - $11.95 - $11.95 - $1.91 - .35 - $2.68 = $7.01
      7 PSP game $2.24 - $11.95 - $11.95 - $1.91 - .35 - $2.68 = $7.01
      8 Bible $.96 - $27.95 - $27.95 - $4.47 - .60 - $4.31 = $18.57
      9 Coffee Mug $.74 - $13.95
      10 Tommy Hilfiger Womens Boots $7.49 - $59.95 - $59.95 - $9.59 - 0.00 - $9.20 = $41.16
      11 Harley Shirt $3.96 - $39.95 - $39.95 $6.39 - .35 - 3.09 = $30.12
      12 womens Harley blouse $5.24 - $19.95 - $19.95 - 3.19 - .35 - $3.09 = $13.32
      13 womens North Face Fleece $5.99 - $34.95 - $34.95 - $5.59 - .00 - $6.95 = $22.41

      Item name Cost - Asking - Sold - Fees - Packing - Postage = Profit
      Anything in Bold Italic will be something that has been adjusted from the previous day

      The List ( 15 items ) LOT B
      1 Hot Dots Pen $2.00 - $10.95 - $0.00 Threw this in as a bonus for the large order
      2 Hot Dots Cards Pack $1.50 - $11.95 - $1.91 - $0.00 - $0.00 - $10.04
      3 Hot Dots Cards Pack $1.50 - $11.95 - $1.91 - $0.00 - $0.00 - $10.04
      4 Hot Dots Cards Pack $1.50 - $11.95 - $1.91 - $0.00 - $0.00 - $10.04
      5 Hot Dots Cards Pack $1.50 - $11.95 - $1.91 - $0.00 - $0.00 - $10.04
      6 Hot Dots Cards Pack $1.50 - $11.95 - $1.91 - $0.00 - $0.00 - $10.04
      7 Hot Dots Cards Pack $1.50 - $11.95 - $1.91 - $0.00 - $0.00 - $10.04
      8 Hot Dots Cards Pack $1.50 - $11.95 - $1.91 - $0.00 - $0.00 - $10.04
      9 Hot Dots Cards Pack $1.50 - $11.95 - $1.91 - $0.65 - $5.62 - $3.77
      10 Hot Dots Cards Pack $1.50 - $11.95 - $1.91 - .35 - $1.70 - $7.99
      11 Hot Dots Cards Pack $1.50 - $11.95 - $1.91 - .35 - $1.70 - $7.99
      12 Cantebury USA Rugby Jersey $7.00 - $34.95
      12 Star Wars Han Solo Hat $3.00 - $49.99 - $43.95 - .$7.03 - .35 - $3.20 = $33.37
      13 Sony DVD player $5.00 - $24.95 - 24.95 - $3.19 - $0.00 - $5.60 - $16.16
      14 Sony DVD player $5.00 - $27.95 - 27.95 - $3.99 - $0.00 - 5.60 - $18.36
      15 Philips DVD player $5.00 - $29.95 - $29.95 - $4.19 - $0.00 - $5.60 - $20.16

      In addition to these new sales my son and I went out and doubled down on 500 phone cases for iPhone Xs Max for $100 Trying to sell them singly but the competition is to tough. We are now selling them in lots of 25 for $60.00 each. Out of the 20 lots we have we have sold 8 already. we are getting +/- $40 each.. so that will be $800 for a $100.00 investment.

      I would consider the journey to be completed. I will let you guys know if and when I sell the remaining few items. The video games are a bit of a shocker. The more expensive one is approaching 200 views. I have raised the price, and lowered the price and NOTHING.. AND there are other listings selling that are more and less than mine.. I really am at a loss.. this is the bit about eBay that confuses me LOL
      Success is an ACT not an idea
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      • Profile picture of the author Jeffery
        Originally Posted by savidge4 View Post

        Day 19 Update

        Item name Cost - Asking - Sold - Fees - Packing - Postage = Profit
        Anything in Bold Italic will be something that has been adjusted from the previous day

        The List ( 13 items ) LOT A
        1 PSP game $2.24 - $11.95 - $11.00 - $1.91 - .35 - $2.70 = $6.04
        2 PSP game $2.24 - $17.95
        3 PSP game $2.24 - $11.95 - $11.00 - $1.91 - .35 - $3.09 = $5.65
        4 PSP game $2.24 - $6.95
        5 PSP game $2.24 - $14.95 - $14.95 - 2.39 - .35 - 3.09 = 9.12
        6 PSP game $2.24 - $11.95 - $11.95 - $1.91 - .35 - $2.68 = $7.01
        7 PSP game $2.24 - $11.95 - $11.95 - $1.91 - .35 - $2.68 = $7.01
        8 Bible $.96 - $27.95 - $27.95 - $4.47 - .60 - $4.31 = $18.57
        9 Coffee Mug $.74 - $13.95
        10 Tommy Hilfiger Womens Boots $7.49 - $59.95 - $59.95 - $9.59 - 0.00 - $9.20 = $41.16
        11 Harley Shirt $3.96 - $39.95 - $39.95 $6.39 - .35 - 3.09 = $30.12
        12 womens Harley blouse $5.24 - $19.95 - $19.95 - 3.19 - .35 - $3.09 = $13.32
        13 womens North Face Fleece $5.99 - $34.95 - $34.95 - $5.59 - .00 - $6.95 = $22.41

        Item name Cost - Asking - Sold - Fees - Packing - Postage = Profit
        Anything in Bold Italic will be something that has been adjusted from the previous day

        The List ( 15 items ) LOT B
        1 Hot Dots Pen $2.00 - $10.95 - $0.00 Threw this in as a bonus for the large order
        2 Hot Dots Cards Pack $1.50 - $11.95 - $1.91 - $0.00 - $0.00 - $10.04
        3 Hot Dots Cards Pack $1.50 - $11.95 - $1.91 - $0.00 - $0.00 - $10.04
        4 Hot Dots Cards Pack $1.50 - $11.95 - $1.91 - $0.00 - $0.00 - $10.04
        5 Hot Dots Cards Pack $1.50 - $11.95 - $1.91 - $0.00 - $0.00 - $10.04
        6 Hot Dots Cards Pack $1.50 - $11.95 - $1.91 - $0.00 - $0.00 - $10.04
        7 Hot Dots Cards Pack $1.50 - $11.95 - $1.91 - $0.00 - $0.00 - $10.04
        8 Hot Dots Cards Pack $1.50 - $11.95 - $1.91 - $0.00 - $0.00 - $10.04
        9 Hot Dots Cards Pack $1.50 - $11.95 - $1.91 - $0.65 - $5.62 - $3.77
        10 Hot Dots Cards Pack $1.50 - $11.95 - $1.91 - .35 - $1.70 - $7.99
        11 Hot Dots Cards Pack $1.50 - $11.95 - $1.91 - .35 - $1.70 - $7.99
        12 Cantebury USA Rugby Jersey $7.00 - $34.95
        12 Star Wars Han Solo Hat $3.00 - $49.99 - $43.95 - .35 - $7.03 - $3.20 = $33.37

        13 Sony DVD player $5.00 - $24.95 - 24.95 - $3.19 - $0.00 - $5.60 - $16.16
        14 Sony DVD player $5.00 - $27.95 - 27.95 - $3.99 - $0.00 - 5.60 - $18.36
        15 Philips DVD player $5.00 - $29.95 - $29.95 - $4.19 - $0.00 - $5.60 - $20.16

        In addition to these new sales my son and I went out and doubled down on 500 phone cases for iPhone Xs Max for $100 Trying to sell them singly but the competition is to tough. We are now selling them in lots of 25 for $60.00 each. Out of the 20 lots we have we have sold 8 already. we are getting +/- $40 each.. so that will be $800 for a $100.00 investment.

        I would consider the journey to be completed. I will let you guys know if and when I sell the remaining few items. The video games are a bit of a shocker. The more expensive one is approaching 200 views. I have raised the price, and lowered the price and NOTHING.. AND there are other listings selling that are more and less than mine.. I really am at a loss.. this is the bit about eBay that confuses me LOL
        There are typos in LOT B highlighted in red.

        I would consider the journey to be completed.
        Are you saying you will not be reporting, i.e. adding more items other than the remaining items?
        If that is the case would you please let us know when you reached the $250 mark (Day X Update) and where you are at profit wise now?

        I ask because I have been compiling the data and just want to have a in-the-clear picture.

        You Are Awesome!
        In the minute it took me to write this post.. someone died of Covid 19. RIP.
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        • Profile picture of the author savidge4
          Originally Posted by Jeffery View Post

          Are you saying you will not be reporting, i.e. adding more items other than the remaining items?
          I knew the end goal was possible, but operating off a fairly new account I was not so sure? It came together way faster than I expected actually. So I will not be adding more Product and list content.

          Originally Posted by Jeffery View Post

          If that is the case would you please let us know when you reached the $250 mark (Day X Update) and where you are at profit wise now?
          Day 18 was when I got to the goal. - well just short of... $249.45 is what you see from the 2 lots that have been sold profit in the pocket after expenses and cost of goods with a total of 7.25 hours of work. ( Not including the time my son spent looking at the screen waiting for a sale LOL )

          Originally Posted by Jeffery View Post

          You Are Awesome!
          Thanks! your pretty awesome yourself!
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      • Profile picture of the author tryinhere
        I would consider the journey to be completed.
        Thank you for sharing and wish all the best moving forward.
        | > Choosing to go off the grid for a while to focus on family, work and life in general. Have a great 2020 < |
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    • Profile picture of the author savidge4
      How to create UP SELLS within eBay

      this was one of those things you see it, and your like "WOW". So we were doing research on designer mens dress shirts. Brooks Brothers to be exact. and there was a listing that caught my eye. Down at the bottom of his listing text they had a line to the effect of "Free shipping will be sent in a poly bag. If you would like to upgrade to having this shipped in a box, you can select the Priority Mail option for an additional fee."

      was pretty straight forward. I looked at some of their other listings and this seemed to only appear on the finer clothing they were selling. The Brooks Brothers shirts they sell and now we sell retail for $140 and up.. we got a slew that retail at $260. so these are the type of clients that may appreciate such added service.

      So I got into the details of adding the additional shipping and it is very straight forward. In the create listing screen under shipping there is an option to "Offer additional service" and then you select "Priority Mail" or what have you, and then it allows you to add a surcharge for that service.

      In original listings case they were charging $5.00. However for us.. I saw this as a profit point. The box would be FREE - because I would order the right size boxes from USPS for free. I worked out the additional shipping charges to be around $2.00. So for each of these we "Sell" we are making an additional $5.00.

      We have sold about 60 of these high end shirts at this point... 20 of the orders have included the box upgrade. it is literally a free $100.00.

      we are going to roll this out across all of our clothing listings starting next week and see what happens.

      I will be back tomorrow with a post on box presentation... stay tuned!

      Hope that Helps!
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    • Profile picture of the author Jeffery

      Insiders Tip. Antique Plows! eBay (link) and spring markets in Nashville TN. Another tip: Real estate realtors > Rural homes.

      Last year I sold a dozen or so to realtors from my flea markets and yesterday I received calls from three of them placing orders for as many as they could get their hands on. They stage the plows prominently in yards of rural homes for sale.

      Hope it helps.
      In the minute it took me to write this post.. someone died of Covid 19. RIP.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11489743].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author savidge4
        Originally Posted by Jeffery View Post

        Last year I sold a dozen or so to realtors from my flea markets and yesterday I received calls from three of them placing orders for as many as they could get their hands on. They stage the plows prominently in yards of rural homes for sale.
        About roughly how much do you get for these? I know RIGHT NOW I could put my hands on like 5 at least and maybe 10 for next to nothing.
        Success is an ACT not an idea
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        • Profile picture of the author Jeffery
          Originally Posted by savidge4 View Post

          About roughly how much do you get for these? I know RIGHT NOW I could put my hands on like 5 at least and maybe 10 for next to nothing.
          $50 to $100 each and buyer transport. Later, I was told I could have asked $150 for some of them.

          Last year I had a little fun buying them though my objective was old farm tools and horse shoes. Here you have to be very careful when you approach a farm house out in the middle of no where.

          When I saw an old couple sipping and dipping on their front porch of their home I stopped and said something like "Howdy, I'm paying cash for old plows and tools if you don't mind me asking"?

          9 out of 10 were happy to sell almost anything for cash and cheap.
          In the minute it took me to write this post.. someone died of Covid 19. RIP.
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    • Profile picture of the author savidge4
      Day 21 Update

      No sales on the last remaining items. The expensive video game just hit 200 views today with 2 watchers.. the baseball game.. Ill just strike that off as a loser, but keep it listed out of spite - hahaha the Coffee Mug.. there is hope here it has gotten a number of views in the past week. I think its up to 30 total. IT WILL SELL hahaha.

      Lot B's Rugby Jersey.. again a bit of a shocker. not many listed I thought it might go fast. It only has 9 views and I have double checked all the SEO factors to make sure the keywords and category stuff is correct. Just not a bunch of demand.

      With the seed money from this project ( the $40.03 ) aside from the listed items here in this thread.. those funds have bought 4 phones. 500 phone cases, a collection of coffee mugs, 2 iPads, I Amazon fire, and an amazon reader.

      With that seed money as of TODAY, day 21 we have NET NETTED $1306.00

      My son has taken an interest in coffee mugs. I will admit they are easy to photograph and easy to list. we are currently building up a collection to create "His Store" that will sell coffee mugs and coffee. In this process he figured out that coffee cups come in all shapes and sizes and a mega ton of graphics.

      We have a toilet shaped mug.. a few more than many different Star Wars mugs, Dunkin Donuts, Starbucks, stainless, porcelain, ceramic, and glass. Once garage sale season kicks in we should be able to source the snot out of these.

      we currently have 40 of them. I want to get to 100 before we open a store and we should be able to source online inventory to about 1000 by the end of summer ( I guess / hope ) and hopefully have a stash to get us through the winter.

      Mugs we get from Goodwill are generally .49 each. We have found a few at Target for $1.00 and some others at Walmart for $1.00 as well. I suspect with garage sales we should be in the .25 to .50 cent range. and they sell anywhere from $9.00 to $24.00 and sometimes a bit more.

      My input in this project has been to add coffee. I have always wanted to make a "Savidge Coffee" brand and this might be the way to check that one off the bucket list LOL

      The "Problem" with coffee mugs.. there is a very fine line between 16 oz ( 1 pound ) with box and packing material and 1 lb 2 oz's Meaning the 16 oz cups will ship 1st class for $5.00 basically everywhere vs 1 lb 2oz's that cost $10.86 to ship to the west coast. and $7.00 most every where else.

      We use a shipping included or "free Shipping" model in our pricing. Its just easier to list, and when you get multiple item purchases there is no back and forth with sending an invoice for combined shipping. time is money and that really can be a time suck. So this is a variable that mom and I need to figure out.

      But none the less he is totally stoked with the idea of having product we don't sell very often.. my little boy wants to be his own man LOL . He already has a store name. has an idea what he wants his pictures to look like. he is working on laying out a website and grabbing ideas for logos and overall appearance.

      And all this is to the point I had a conversation with one of our graphic artist today as they asked "Since When did 5 have clients?" and I responded "HE is the client, so put me as billable time" and they just laughed.

      I will for sure keep you all up to date on the progress of his project.

      As for the talk of seeing exactly how much I can make in a year with eBay. I am going to continue with this and really push it to some limits. I am seeing already that 2 hours may not be enough time, but if all else fails I will bring someone in to operate this and their salary will simply be an added expense that has to be covered to reach $100,000 Profit in one year.
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      • Profile picture of the author Jeffery
        Originally Posted by savidge4 View Post

        Day 21 Update

        No sales on the last remaining items.

        With the seed money from this project ( the $40.03 ) aside from the listed items here in this thread.. those funds have bought 4 phones. 500 phone cases, a collection of coffee mugs, 2 iPads, I Amazon fire, and an amazon reader.

        With that seed money as of TODAY, day 21 we have NET NETTED $1306.00
        IMO, that is how it is done in terms of reinvesting assets to upscale the growth of the business. Anyone new to this thread and starting an online business just learned one of the mandatory aspects of any business model. Well done!

        Originally Posted by savidge4 View Post

        My son has taken an interest in coffee mugs.

        My input in this project has been to add coffee. I have always wanted to make a "Savidge Coffee" brand and this might be the way to check that one off the bucket list LOL
        My fav is Kronig. Made in Africa and sold primarily in Germany and other countries under different names, Few years back I found a vendor in Books-A-Million with a nice coffee bar. She said it was brandable, but she learned her customers loved the Kronig Brand, so she used it.

        Originally Posted by savidge4 View Post

        But none the less he is totally stoked with the idea of having product we don't sell very often.. my little boy wants to be his own man LOL .

        I will for sure keep you all up to date on the progress of his project.
        Sounds like he is being raised right!

        Originally Posted by savidge4 View Post

        As for the talk of seeing exactly how much I can make in a year with eBay. I am going to continue with this and really push it to some limits. I am seeing already that 2 hours may not be enough time, but if all else fails I will bring someone in to operate this and their salary will simply be an added expense that has to be covered to reach $100,000 Profit in one year.
        Please do. One of the best things I did was hiring full-time people. Yes, it is an added expense and it is justified when you are free to focus on other aspects of the business as a whole.
        In the minute it took me to write this post.. someone died of Covid 19. RIP.
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        • Profile picture of the author DWolfe
          Wow first off .49 for a Mug is flipping Dirt Cheap. Goodwill here charges $1.99 for coffee mugs, some higher. NJ Taxes are high here so that might explain it. 1/2 those views on your mugs are most likely us Warriors. ;>) Never knew about the different price on the coffee mugs. Will have to change shipping costs on a mug I have listed.

          One thing I'm glad you did show was how you present your items and the little extra's like the coupons is a great idea. This shows the advantages that newbies should consider. You have spent a lot of time of this Path, one of only less than a one hand have completed since this section started last year. Tell your son we are proud of him at the W.F.

          Just one question the fancy stuff that Mrs. Savidge took from you guys and was selling from one of the early posts. How are they doing ? I enjoyed reading the story when you posted that but was wondering about the results.
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          • Profile picture of the author savidge4
            Originally Posted by DWolfe View Post

            Wow first off .49 for a Mug is flipping Dirt Cheap. Goodwill here charges $1.99 for coffee mugs, some higher. NJ Taxes are high here so that might explain it. 1/2 those views on your mugs are most likely us Warriors. ;>) Never knew about the different price on the coffee mugs. Will have to change shipping costs on a mug I have listed.
            If you missed it.. this is invaluable: https://www.ebay.com/shp/Calculator?...45375397262459 just be sure to click "eBay Rates" right below the shipping company tabs. In the process of listings MANY things we actually pack them. Cups and Mugs for sure. so while you are in the listing page you can pack the item and get a final ship weight. So we know for SURE what the shipping could be when we do final pricing.

            We even tape up the box and write whats in it, and the weight where the shipping label will go. So when it comes time to ship, the weight should alredy be n the listing ready to go, but in case its right there on the box, and all you have to do is print the label and stick and you are done.

            Originally Posted by DWolfe View Post

            Tell your son we are proud of him at the W.F.
            He read this while eating pancakes this morning... made him so happy, THANKS

            Originally Posted by DWolfe View Post

            Just one question the fancy stuff that Mrs. Savidge took from you guys and was selling from one of the early posts. How are they doing ? I enjoyed reading the story when you posted that but was wondering about the results.
            Originally Posted by savidge4 View Post

            We SCORED 10 pieces for just under $30. 2 Donald Trump dress shirts for .99 each. An Affliction T-shirt some super nice Hilfiger dress shirts, and a pair of Harley button down short sleeve shirts.

            We stopped and grabbed a shake to celebrate and did the math.. we had $214.00 dollars worth of stuff, $32 in fees and just under $40 in shipping and $3.50 for the packaging material. Minus the $30 we were looking at $100 in profit! life was good! THEN we got home...
            1 Trump Shirt - sold for $20.00 about $15.00 profit
            2 Trump Shirt - sold for $18.00 about $13.00 profit
            3 Affliction Shirt - Still listed
            4 Harley Shirt Sold for $45.00 $35 profit
            5 Harley Shirt - sold for $40.00 $30 profit
            6 Tommy Dress Shirt
            7 Tommy Dress Shirt
            8 Tommy Dress Shirt
            9 Tommy Dress Shirt
            10 Tommy Dress Shirt Sold for $150

            Ms. Savidge ( hahaha ) bundled the 5 so they all sold at once they were the same size and complimentary color palette or some non sense like that LOL but we payed $2.00 each and the lot sold for $150 and shipped for $7.00 - THIS is why she is the BOSS

            I under estimated the Tommy Shirts - there was something about them that made them "better" and under estimated the Harley Shirts. they had a "Wille G" skull on them and "willie G" drives up the value - so look up "Willie G"

            As it stands that haul has made something like $230 in profit after all expenses. with the one shirt left and should turn over about 12 to 15 in profit. So we came just short of $250 with that bunch.
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    • Profile picture of the author savidge4
      eBay Box Presentation

      I am a big fan of presentation. Down to how I dress every day. what my company vehicles look like. the Overall architecture of the outside of my office buildings and "Storage sheds". What my employees wear. Any paper work... Really anything and everything. I simply pay a lot of attention to the small details.

      ALL of our boxes are white. For each of our stores I have printed labels with the store logo that is affixed to the side of each box. Inside each box is another round logo sticker for the customer. The packing material we use is also ALL white. Along with the sticker in each box is a hand written note saying thank you for the order.

      one of the things we have started in the last year is to shrink seal all electronic items before they are packed. We had 3 instances were the package got wet and the product was sent back as defective. It was very clear from the photos that were sent to us as part of the claim, the box got wet. Those 3 items in particular were sold at a total cost of $600. So basically any investment we can take to ensure that doesn't happen again is in my eyes a good one.

      You don't have to goto the extreme of heat shrinking the items, just placing those items in poly bags is more than enough. At scale, the shrink wrapping is cheaper in the long run.

      Any time we get a multiple item order we do our best to throw in something a little extra to show our appreciation for the order. ( going back to the day 11 update you will see there was an order for 20 packages of Hot Dots, and we threw in a hot dots pen. We also threw in a number of coloring books ) We wrap what ever that may be in white wrapping paper of course hahaha and we use either red or blue ribbon, depending on the store colors.

      We have gotten feedback comments that range from "The packaging alone was worth the order" "The item was great, the packaging was insane" "A hand written note, who does this?" "It was like Christmas opening the box" and so on and so on. The EFFORT is worth its weight in gold. Its the little things like this that create return repeat customers.

      eBay or not, Repeat customers is the name of the game. This is why I keep mentioning identifying yourself as a BRAND, having some amount of consistency in what you sell, and then going over the top to obtain customer satisfaction. If you have spent any amount of time reading this forum as a whole, you will have seen the message If they buy once, they will likely buy again.

      When it comes to collectibles and the like.. THAT can not be anything closer to the truth. Women will buy more shoes. Guys will buy more dress shirts. Mother will buy more educational items and toys. dads will buy video games and car stuff.

      SO I think its rather important to take something as blah as ordering something on eBay, and giving them an experience when they get the order - unlike anything they will ever get from 99.9% of other eBay sellers or at all from Amazon. I call it after the sale USP ( Unique Selling Perspective ) building. why would you buy from us? to get another killer box! hahaha

      Hope that Helps!

      Next post will be about how to ensure you are running a Business and NOT a tax nightmare!
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    • Profile picture of the author savidge4
      Day 22 Update

      big storm blew in today got about 7 inches of snow... did "boys Breakfast" and my son being 10 does not technically have a phone yet. He has a tablet... and we are eating and he is over there flipping page after page and I say "Hey what are you looking at?" and he gives me THAT look... and I am like oh why did I ask...

      He then says "what do you know about sublimation printers?" and I am in my head thinking dear god I have created a monster. He then says "That place you buy stuff from for the t-shirts and stickers has one on sale" So I then ask "what do you want to do with it?" and he again gives me that dad are you that dumb look and says "make my own coffee mugs"

      So its bad enough already... he then says "You can call china and get them to put "Savidge" on the bottom of mugs right?" and at this point he about got a chunk of sausage across the forehead because I almost spit it up from laughing. And just in case anyone is wondering.. NO, I do not just call china LOL

      So after that fine breakfast.. we stop in at Goodwill and bought 6 more cups Oreo another blasted edible arrangements mug, an Amsterdam mug with a bicycle on it, he liked the "Subject matter", Godivia Chocolate mug, a mug with a cool 50's graphic that says "I don't have hot flashes, I have short private vacations in the tropics" again it had nice graphics. and a couple others.

      Mom lost it on the Hot Flashes mug - thank god she wasn't eating sausage... especially after he pulls it out unwraps it and say it has a nice graphic.

      We found a "rocketfish" speaker wireless thing for $3.00 that sells for $100. A few more DVD players, 2 new in box ( 10.00 each ). A sony dream machine for $5.00 and a pair of Puma Ferrari car driving shoes for $5.00 that should sell for $75.00. - Give or take another $200+ haul for less than $40.

      Because we were kinda sorta snowed in I was watching over some facebook groups and lined up a bundle of "Miller Specialty Tools" they are car repair tools that are super expensive 11 pieces in total for $150. Should get about $800 for them. They are worth far more, so we shall see how I work this one. Also set up buying some sound equipment. "Digital recording interfaces" a lot of 4 for $200 and the each sell for $200. I will probably loose one to little pauls computer set up so should get $600 on $200 staying close to the 3x rule!
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    • Profile picture of the author savidge4
      How to Ensure You Are Running a Proper eBay Business

      This ALL comes down to paper work. You can get as fancy with this as you want, but I will lay out a bones basic setup that will get your through.

      So lets start with what you will need. 36 envelopes A Receipt Book, and a pen. pretty easy so far. If you want to get all cutesy here you can get 3 sets of 12 envelopes in different colors. The idea is you need 3 sets of 12 envelopes 1 for each month that will hold receipts for product purchases. A set for Monthly ebay / paypal transactions ( this will include sold price, paypal and ebay fees and shipping fees.) The third set needed is for any additional expenses such as packing materials

      so ill break each of these down for you.

      Set One

      ALL of your COG ( Cost of Goods ) for the month. Store receipts, printed out receipts from online purchases. and hand written receipts from garage sale purchases, for craigslist or facebook groups type purchases - what ever. EVERY SINGLE ITEM needs to be accounted for.

      On the outside of the envelope you want to place the TOTAL cost in say the lower right corner. I would also add up by source a monthly total and list those out on the front of the envelope as well.

      Set Two

      How much you sold things for and how much it cost to sell them ( IE paypal fees eBay Fees and postage fees. you can get this information from paypal: https://community.ebay.com/t5/Member...qaq-p/26518032 This specifically shows you how to do this at the end of the year, I suggest doing this MONTHLY.

      On the front of this envelope you want to provide a total for each PayPal, eBay, and Total Sales. You will also want to include the number for any purchases you made on your ebay account. so those can be removed.

      Set Three

      This is all of your expenses. IF you bought things on eBay for your business IE Boxes labels etc, print out the same report as above and highlight each of those transactions. You then want to include any receipts you may have from Dollar General or Walmart or where ever else for that month. IF you buy stickers and the like keep this total separate as an "advertising expense" IF you "Promote" listings, this is a ADVERTISING expense as well, and you will have to goto the ebay report for this ( https://community.ebay.com/t5/Archiv...s/td-p/2699287 ) its not as nice as the paypal one.

      Probably being a small business.. I would suggest writing down how much your cel phone cost. ( this becomes a business expense ) Your internet bill ( a business expense ) write down your gas, electric, and water bill. You should be able to write off 10% of each of those if not more ( CONSULT an accountant to understand that one a bit better )

      From here at the end of the year once eBay sends you a 1099 you will have all the paper work needed to do your taxes. I can not suggest this enough.. get an accountant to do this for you. The expense is a 100% write off the following year. In the realm of "self employed" 100% write off equates to FREE

      So that's the EASY method. you can quickly get into receipt scanners and quickbooks and after the 6000 year learning curve get a pretty decent workflow going LOL - but seriously for a part time deal, the envelopes take maybe an hour a month and its done!

      Hope that Helps!

      As always questions and comments are absolutely welcome!
      Success is an ACT not an idea
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      • Profile picture of the author be smart
        Originally Posted by savidge4 View Post

        How to Ensure You Are Running a Proper eBay Business

        This ALL comes down to paper work. You can get as fancy with this as you want, but I will lay out a bones basic setup that will get your through.

        So lets start with what you will need. 36 envelopes A Receipt Book, and a pen. pretty easy so far. If you want to get all cutesy here you can get 3 sets of 12 envelopes in different colors. The idea is you need 3 sets of 12 envelopes 1 for each month that will hold receipts for product purchases. A set for Monthly ebay / paypal transactions ( this will include sold price, paypal and ebay fees and shipping fees.) The third set needed is for any additional expenses such as packing materials

        so ill break each of these down for you.

        Set One

        ALL of your COG ( Cost of Goods ) for the month. Store receipts, printed out receipts from online purchases. and hand written receipts from garage sale purchases, for craigslist or facebook groups type purchases - what ever. EVERY SINGLE ITEM needs to be accounted for.

        On the outside of the envelope you want to place the TOTAL cost in say the lower right corner. I would also add up by source a monthly total and list those out on the front of the envelope as well.

        Set Two

        How much you sold things for and how much it cost to sell them ( IE paypal fees eBay Fees and postage fees. you can get this information from paypal: https://community.ebay.com/t5/Member...qaq-p/26518032 This specifically shows you how to do this at the end of the year, I suggest doing this MONTHLY.

        On the front of this envelope you want to provide a total for each PayPal, eBay, and Total Sales. You will also want to include the number for any purchases you made on your ebay account. so those can be removed.

        Set Three

        This is all of your expenses. IF you bought things on eBay for your business IE Boxes labels etc, print out the same report as above and highlight each of those transactions. You then want to include any receipts you may have from Dollar General or Walmart or where ever else for that month. IF you buy stickers and the like keep this total separate as an "advertising expense" IF you "Promote" listings, this is a ADVERTISING expense as well, and you will have to goto the ebay report for this ( https://community.ebay.com/t5/Archiv...s/td-p/2699287 ) its not as nice as the paypal one.

        Probably being a small business.. I would suggest writing down how much your cel phone cost. ( this becomes a business expense ) Your internet bill ( a business expense ) write down your gas, electric, and water bill. You should be able to write off 10% of each of those if not more ( CONSULT an accountant to understand that one a bit better )

        From here at the end of the year once eBay sends you a 1099 you will have all the paper work needed to do your taxes. I can not suggest this enough.. get an accountant to do this for you. The expense is a 100% write off the following year. In the realm of "self employed" 100% write off equates to FREE

        So that's the EASY method. you can quickly get into receipt scanners and quickbooks and after the 6000 year learning curve get a pretty decent workflow going LOL - but seriously for a part time deal, the envelopes take maybe an hour a month and its done!

        Hope that Helps!

        As always questions and comments are absolutely welcome!

        First of all thank you so much for this whole great and informative thread. I'm just wondering, before starting with all this do you recommend getting a dba(doing business as) , or LLC, or something like that along with the TF number for collecting sales tax? Just want to make sure I've got all my ducks in a row as far as protecting myself legally and all that. Thank you.
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        • Profile picture of the author savidge4
          Originally Posted by be smart View Post

          First of all thank you so much for this whole great and informative thread. I'm just wondering, before starting with all this do you recommend getting a dba(doing business as) , or LLC, or something like that along with the TF number for collecting sales tax? Just want to make sure I've got all my ducks in a row as far as protecting myself legally and all that. Thank you.
          If you are going to create any kind of "Structure" I would go ahead and go with LLC. A DBA simply is not going to create any amount of protection ( if that is your concern ) That being said. Just starting and having not done this, I am not so sure I would worry to much at the get go.

          I will say that with the new "Managed Payments" program within eBay, having a business name, and business bank account makes a ton of sense. ( In the next day or so I will eek out some time to leave a post about the "Managed Payments" system that eBay at some point will be using across all accts. ( for the time being it is offered to accounts that meet some amount of criteria )

          So do you HAVE to.. not really. Would I advise it.. yeah more than likely. Not so much for "Liability" I just dont see that being there, but in terms of taxes and creating the separation of self income and business income in the right tax preparer's hands is a good thing. I will speak with my accountant about the subject, and this maybe a topic I can create a post here for.

          Hope that answers your questions.. and Thanks for letting me know this thread has helped!
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    • Profile picture of the author savidge4
      Day 23 Update

      So today being Monday was an expected goose egg. I have a feeling the next couple of days might be pretty stellar. we have some pretty decent higher end items with a lot of interest and watchers that I just did a slight ( 5% ) price drop to get them to move.

      Other than that, today I will split into 2 separate updates. My sons path, and my own.

      Starting with the sons path... Daddy bought a Sublimation printer today with a Mug heat press. you can see the model I bought here: https://www.uscutter.com/Sawgrass-Vi...nter-Mug-Press I am a B I G fan of UScutter I have bought almost all of my vinyl cutters from them, and I buy every last bit of my vinyl supplies from them. I bought 144 mugs and white boxes in addition to the printer and heat press.

      So my son was off school today for a snow day.. sad really there was only 7 inches.. but that's for another post in another section of the forum LOL So we went and had lunch and then went in the office and I explained my philosophies of buying new equipment. the philosophy is basically this.. how fast can you pay the thing off.

      So we spent roughly $900.00 and we have 144 mugs. each mug cost $1.52 the sub fil and the nice white gift box takes us up to $2.00 how many do we need to sell and for how much to make $900.00. And he was like lightening fast with "Dad, all the cost is included in the $900, and we need to sell 100 mugs for $9.00 each.. what, do you think I am in 4th grade or something?" I mean really what can you say? little snot.

      so we agreed that $12.00 each was a fair enough price. and then he was like "Now what?" and I said "your tail needs to get on the phone son, and sell 100 mugs." he just looked at me. So with a little coaxing and a couple of advance pre calls I got him to make some calls to sell his Mugs. we, I mean he.. sold 100 mugs in 5 calls ( it took me 7 calls to line all this up )

      The young man wrote orders for $1200.00 in a little less than an hour, and told each of them that he would bring a run sample before we ran the order. And they say cold calling is dead HAHAHA. Its so easy a 10 yr old can do it <snicker>

      So with the initial set of orders there is a $300 profit, which will be his seed fund for his business. His equipment will be paid off. For every mug from that point forward they will basically cost $2.00 each to make. I think I am going to have to "call China" and order more mugs lol.

      So my side of this. did some research on the auto tools I am buying for $150 tomorrow... and I think I might get close to $2000 out of them, will know for sure tomorrow. I have also lined up a pretty big deal for 2000+ automotive bearings for $1000. Need to sell a few things to get there.. but it will happen. All the bearings that I looked up that were visible in a photo the guy sent me.. they are like $15.00 + each. this could be a HUGE deal once it is all said and done.

      That will probably be the point I bring someone in. Will probably talk the wife in taking on a third person to help her, that will also work on my stuff for me. to make sure there is enough work to keep them at least part time.

      Depending on how the tools move over the next few days I will be at over $2000 in 30 days for sure and could be pushing $4000

      The items that I have to list are starting to stack up a bit, 2 hours is probably not enough time in a day to scale this up. I kinda under estimated that a bit. but I could see 2 hours a day pushing that $1000 a month number pretty easily

      That's all for now.. and if there is anything anyone would like me to talk about let me know.
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    • Profile picture of the author savidge4
      Day 25 Update

      Got the car tools yesterday. there wasn't 11 of them there was 25 ( for the same price ) Took them over to a buddy of mine to have him look at them. Aside from 2 of the sets, they are all in brand new never used shape. He decided he needed 10 of the kits and handed me $1000 and was hugging me for such a great deal. ( he said the price not me LOL - I would have probably been less ( based on comps on eBay )

      Still have not sold those last few items.. actually it was rather slow today now that I think about it. I did my 2 hours and listed a few things - A couple 4 pairs of shoes, a Homer simpson clock, some electronic items. I think 8 items in all - which for 2 hours is a pretty good amount of stuff.

      Have a couple of buys set up for tomorrow 2 more ipads, a 4 and 2 should be about $175 in and $500 out for those 2 items alone.

      I did run and get boxes today for the tool kits so I can list and pack them up, so will start listing those tomorrow I hope. They should list fast only like 3 photos or so each and they each have the original documentation in the boxes so I don't have to search around looking for text.

      Other than that not to much going on. OH The mug printer and heat press will be in tomorrow. The logos are with our graphic designer to be cleaned up a bit, and hopefully 5 doesn't get burned learning how to use the thing tomorrow! LOL
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    • Profile picture of the author savidge4
      eBay Sourcing

      I think I have mentioned already I am not keen on this part of the process. I am the have a list, stick to the list, get in and get out type of guy. wandering around and looking is not in my nature at all. My wife... yeah she is all about it.

      so in this thread we have focused completely on goodwill. It just seemed to be a universal location that many could goto ad the variety of product there is more than enough to meet many peoples interests.

      But clothing etc I think can be a bit fickle you either have the right pieces, or you don't. If you don't.. then you are sitting on them. Luckily 9x12 bags with shirts in them do not take much space. BUT its hard to turn profit on items that are not selling.

      Phones and iPads and the like sell FAST, but you cant get your hands on them with any amount of consistency. I am actually on a pretty good roll right now, but the entire month before, I didn't buy a one.

      So I have my wife here tonight ( everyone say Hi to Erin! - She says hi everyone ) So she has some "Picks" that you can walk into most any of these store listed, pay FULL RETAIL for the item and at least double your money.

      Walmart in the mens / boys section has a display of graphic Tees usually like 6.88 or 7.88 or something. this shirt I am about to drop a link is one of those: https://www.ebay.com/sch/i.html?_fro...LH_TitleDesc=0 it is the red and black one. ( We think in our store it is $6.88 ) She says they have this out almost year round with new designs 4 to 6 times a year. PAY we will say $7.00 - 3.00 in fees .35 for a poly bag and like $3.50 in shipping. and you sold it for $19.00 - so you make like $6.00

      She is not saying buy the store out.. there are not enough solds on this one to do that, but check the other designs. But buy 3 to 5 of them. List it once.. sell it, relist the next one, and a relist takes moments of your time

      BUT over Christmas they had Fortnite shirts, and the same price gap was present, and the solds indicated buy all you could. - as in 40 a week every week for 6 weeks. ( my jaw just dropped ) she is saying she sold 240 shirts for $6.00 profit each across 6 weeks. Then she ads, they had 2 designs, and she did the same for both.

      Know whats hot right then and there and act on it.

      So here is another one from home depot

      here is what you pay for it: https://www.homedepot.com/p/Husky-Sc...0150/204663546

      here is what it sells for: https://www.ebay.com/sch/i.html?_fsr...ete=1&_fosrp=1

      I can attest for the fact that these go on sale. the gap is not all that much now, but at times there is a gap. But its the idea.. finding things easily and always available.

      She says Marshals Nike football shoes ( spring training is right around the corner ) is pretty good right now. $6.00 a pair for Nike Vapor Speed Our Marshals have UGG's shoes that she has been buying. ( $15.00 a pair selling for $69.00 ) Nintendo 64 button down shirts for $12.00 sell for $49.00. They also have a Naruto shirt that she bought 50 of for $2.00 each, they will sell for $19.95 each.

      The bottom line is to buy low, and sell high.

      Erin suggests trying to find a balance of items that sell quickly - "In" t-shirts with items that sell consistently but maybe not as often such as NFL watches, and then items that have greater profit margin that may have to sit a bit to sell. like China or the like you buy for next to nothing and ha a greater value on eBay. we recently sold 6 salad plates for $75.00 that cost us $3.00 with $18.00 shipping.

      Another place to source.... tophatter.com. we use this kinda often. it has its moments. it is a quick auction site 2 minutes for each item kind of thing. we bought over a course of a month like 100 NFL watches. I don't think we ever paid more than $3.00 for a watch. the minute the bid got over that we stopped bidding. the only PROBLEM with this.. they ship from China, and it takes 30 days.

      When we first got the watches we were getting $24.95 each for them, and then the market saturated and NOW the few we have left we are selling for $14.95 and we are selling 2 to 3 a week. But we sold say 80 of them in about a month month and a halfs time. and even at the lower sales price we are within the 3X profit model.

      So anyways.. The potential to buy and make profit is kinda everywhere if you look I guess. I think more than anything its just being comfortable pulling out your phone and scanning stuff in front of other people.

      well that will do it for tonight... any questions I will answer and If I cant I will bring the wife in!

      Thanks for reading - and I hope it helps!
      Success is an ACT not an idea
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    • Profile picture of the author Jeffery
      Hi Erin. Nice to meet you and thank you for your help.
      In the minute it took me to write this post.. someone died of Covid 19. RIP.
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    • Profile picture of the author savidge4
      Day 27 Update

      Another Pancake Sunday is right around the corner. Which means yet another visit to Goodwill is scheduled for tomorrow. The wife and I broke away Thursday and met the mother in law for lunch and a "quick" stop at Goodwill to use here discount! LOL what a buy that was.

      1 Red Corduroy Ralph Lauren Pants $4.00 - $69.00
      2 Red Corduroy Ralph Lauren Pants $4.00 - $69.00
      3 Red Corduroy Ralph Lauren Pants $4.00 - $69.00
      4 Orange Corduroy Ralph Lauren Pants $4.00 - $69.00
      5 Orange Corduroy Ralph Lauren Pants $4.00 - $69.00
      6 Ralph Lauren Dress Shirt $3.00 - $34.95
      7 Ralph Lauren Pull Over Jacket thing $4.00 - $79.95
      8 Sony DVD player $4.00 - $29.95 - $29.95
      9 Cole Haan Dress Shoes $6.00 $59.95 - $57.95

      So like $37.00 to buy have yet to only list the 2 items that have sold already Which puts us at like $59.00 before cost of goods - so we are $22.00 UP already with that lot with another $450+ in sales to go

      I have found in my 2 hour work window on average I can list about 10 items per day. I have actually been pretty consistent with this for the past 27 days. Our store currently has 144 items listed. ( 50 of those were dropped in before we started this thread to give a base of product to start with.. they happen to all be non selling kids shoes in case anyone is wondering )

      As it stands the total value if everything were to sell tonight would be $4458 (about $800 of that is the shoes )

      The reason I bring this up.. in the next few days I am going to be sharing my 30 day totals.. and as of right now.. they are scary. - I didn't meet the goal of this thread, I CRUSHED IT

      What I just shared above is I will have listed on average 10 items a day for 30 days ( 300 ). I started with 50 there are currently 144 items listed. So we have sold 156 items The average sale price with the existing stock minus the shoes is about $41.00. Is this painting a picture yet?

      so The boys new Journey. He is about done with his 100 Mugs. its a good thing I got extras! LOL I figured they may be a bit of a learning curve in this. i think he has messed up 10 so far. out of 75 that's not so bad.

      We sat down and had a whole lesson on copyright today in terms of what he can print and what he cant.. he wasn't to happy with that LOL. But I think he got the idea. He has "a design or 2 he wants to work on and he will discuss those with the graphic artist on Monday". He is so funny

      So how will his path be different than mine. Very much the same in a lot of ways. His profit margins will not be as high, and the level of product listed to sustain consistency I think will be higher. UNLESS we can find those pockets of HOT where there may be greater interest.

      But the greatest factor I look at.. Forget the money... right now, he is greatly enjoying what it is he is doing. He was up until 11 last night ( Friday ) pumping out Mugs. he is allowed on weekends to "work" for 4 hours a day ( 2 hours on week days ) he did is 4 for Saturday, and should be done with his production tomorrow ( after pancakes )

      So that will lead me to my next post ( below ) Discussing how to create consitency!
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    • Profile picture of the author savidge4
      How to Create Consistency in Sales

      I will admit to some degree I kind of "cheated" when I started this thread. A) I knew I was going to, B) its not like im really new at this, and C) I knew enough to at least stack some of the odds in my favor.

      Starting out you obviously don't have these luxuries. but what was it I did that stacked the odds? I dropped 50 listings onto my selling space before I started. As simple as that.

      I know I have said this already.. but eBay's overall sales conversion rate is .5% It then stands to reason if you have 100 items listed you will sell ONE item every other day or 15 items a month. Jump to 200 items listed, you then will sell ONE item per day or 30 per month.

      jump this to 1000 listings, and you are now selling 5 items per day or 150 items per month. Using the average listing price from the post above of $40.00 IF had 1000 items listed I could expect to Gross $6000 a month.

      As much as it is "What" you are selling, its really more about "How Much" you have to sell. Sure fill your store with DVD players and iPhones and iPads and video games and you could list less and make more.. but starting out, that simply is probably not possible. BUT as you progress and your buying power ( IE cash in hand to make purchases ) becomes greater these things do open up.

      As an example.. Not to long ago I shared that Erin was taking my beloved truck and monster trailer to pick up product. 25% of that trailer was New old stock DVD and DVD VHS combos. I would have to double check, but I believe there is not much left of the 500 or so she bought. THIS is buying at scale.

      But for now.. starting off, scale is finding and buying 5 pairs of new with tags Ralph Lauren Corduroy pants. Or the 1 or 2 DVD players with remotes you can find.

      Erin has been talking with our friends that resell stuff from across the country. she has been compiling a MUST buy list - that I will share here in a day or 2. Things ( clothing is most of it ) that SELLS FAST. A sneak pick at an item on the list.. Mens jeans overalls - a COMPLETE shocker to me. Looking at Womens overalls.. its about the shorts version and just a few brands Gap, Revolt, and Urban Outfitters.. AND there is a little more room for profit with most other brands for PLUS sizes.

      You also have to keep in mind there is a need to balance your items with those that sell fast with those that may take a bit longer to sell but have greater profits. This ultimately is what creates the CONSISTENCY in sales. Getting to 100 listings and selling 15 items a month.. getting to 200 items listed and selling an item every day VS frantically tracking down your next item to sell because you have nothing listed.

      AND if you follow the model of this thread.. aside from the $40 in.. buying that product to get to 200 items isn't costing you any more than that $40 you started with. And you create a machine that spits out dollars EVERY DAY.

      Like always.. ask questions leave comments
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    • Profile picture of the author socialentry
      Originally Posted by savidge4 View Post

      With CRO there is a lot of time spent in understanding what people look at and click on. I have run and have access to the results of 10's of thousands of test specifically about the impact of images in the sales process on commerce sites.

      To be honest I probably hate the purchasing process the most. I am more of the tech geek guy that has the ability and understands HOW to put an item in front of the eyeballs that need to see it. I LOVE selling stuff.. just hate the buying it part.

      Curious:did you ever try to data mine those listings?

      I'm thinking about doing it as a stepping stone to further my knowledge on data mining.

      It looks like the perfect pet project as the ebay sold listings are probably available somewhere in nice clean .csv format.The knowledge gained would probably translate to other retail industries as well.

      A quick google search did turn up some interesting stuff but on the other hand, the improvement might really be too marginal to warrant the effort. Or it might be only worth it at a very large scale. Or it might be reinventing the wheel.

      Your thoughts?

      Originally Posted by savidge4 View Post

      I don't think you chose / used the wrong words.. and I don't think you need to be apologizing... The TRUTH is you are right. THAT is exactly what people are looking for.. they want to play video games and make money on easy street after they pay a bunch of people on fiver $100 to make a cash machine for them.

      The comparaison is not entirely moot.

      A lot of video games (espescially RPGs) are about optimizing something (loot, rare items, gold,DPS, HP, etc).

      This thread kinda reminds me a lot of Diablo actually

      if you tried selling something without having it appraised first you could sell a 10 000 dollar sword for pennies lol.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11495588].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author savidge4
        Originally Posted by socialentry View Post

        Curious:did you ever try to data mine those listings?

        I'm thinking about doing it as a stepping stone to further my knowledge on data mining.

        It looks like the perfect pet project as the ebay sold listings are probably available somewhere in nice clean .csv format.The knowledge gained would probably translate to other retail industries as well.

        A quick google search did turn up some interesting stuff but on the other hand, the improvement might really be too marginal to warrant the effort. Or it might be only worth it at a very large scale. Or it might be reinventing the wheel.

        Your thoughts?
        I have played around with this a bit... The buying behavior on eBay is so far different than on a normal eCommerce site, and I have been trying to get a better understanding of what is making all of this tick. there are simply things that make NO SENSE.

        Some of the things I would be more than interested in is the relationship between "watchers" as compared to "buyers" and that is simply not data I can get my hands on. As an example, my new store is running about 25% of the items with watchers.. which is a lot actually, as compared to the others.

        And yes I am doing some things different at less of scale to "test" BUT my conversion ratio is no better because of it. So why exactly are they "Watching" and in the case of some products watching for months on end? It just does not make sense.

        An example of not making sense.. I have a box of blue legos.. I am the CHEAPEST listing out there.. only 1 box left.. sold 9 others.. 600+ views, and 3 watchers. And YET the same item s selling at a greater price point. I move my price UP.. the people buy less expensive.. I move it down.. people are paying DOUBLE. I just want to sell the last damn box of legos and move on LOL

        I think the data sets would just be to incomplete to actually get any useful data. Title strength, image strength, listing detail strength, description strength - your basic TRUST value builders.. and honestly, I see stuff selling with literally NO description.. Every red flag in the world with images and title.. and all you can do is scratch your head.

        Originally Posted by socialentry View Post

        The comparaison is not entirely moot.

        A lot of video games (espescially RPGs) are about optimizing something (loot, rare items, gold,DPS, HP, etc).

        This thread kinda reminds me a lot of Diablo actually

        if you tried selling something without having it appraised first you could sell a 10 000 dollar sword for pennies lol.
        Resourcing IS materials mining There is such a direct correlation between gaming and Retail Arbitrage, that is probably why my son is good at it. ( Other than the fact he spent the first 3 years of his life hooked to my wifes hip when she shopped day in and day out - LOL )

        The hardest thing to teach is about "Market" out in the offline world X sells for $200.00 You might find it on Amazon for $400.00 and on Post for $30.00 and then find it listed on eBay for $50.00 but sold listings are telling you "Market" is saying $40.00.

        BUT each and every platform is its own little universe. you really can not compare one to the other - price wise. I find within eBay there is what things are "listed for" and what they actually "sell for" and understanding how important the eBay app is to have in your hand when you are collecting those resources to actually pick items that will A) sell fast, and B) give you the desired profit margin.

        Basically the APP is the appraisal. and getting emotion out of the way and looking at that tool as pure math.. I can buy Z for this.. its going to cost this to ship and that for fees I am left with X.. does X = 3x of purchase price? If there is nothing else anyone gets out of this thread, its THAT right there. that is how to succeed at this.
        Success is an ACT not an idea
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      • Profile picture of the author savidge4
        Originally Posted by socialentry View Post

        Curious:did you ever try to data mine those listings?
        So I have been "Playing", I ran across a post somewhere discussing Google Analytics " Pixel Beacons ". eBay does not allow for scripting of any kind in its listings so traditional GA would obviously not work. Basically a Pixel Beacon is a tiny jpeg that once loaded triggers GA to track some amount of information. Still working with it a little but see this being very useful for say my sons efforts.

        I am a data junkie.. I know that some brands are favorited more in some regions of the states than others. here: https://www.usatoday.com/story/money...tate/74695524/ So when working with coffee mugs that have Brand Logos, and you are going to start asserting some amount of outside traffic efforts - knowing where to target geographically becomes "Handy" <giggles>

        Still a work in progress... its not always that consistent. Been working with eBay on one end and GA on the other to work all of this out.

        As soon as I know it works " well " I will be sharing this here, for those of you that like DATA!
        Success is an ACT not an idea
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        • Profile picture of the author GordonJ
          Originally Posted by savidge4 View Post

          So I have been "Playing",
          Savidge4. Is there any doubt in your mind, you could easily make 5k a month, full time with all this buying and selling?

          The reason I ask is, it just doesn't make any sense to me why we see these "it takes 5 years to make it" in IM, when you have just demonstrated, it takes focus and dedication.

          Some Warriors are posting they have been at it for 5 or 7 years and still haven't reached that level.

          So, do you think, most people with a lot of time and a little "seed" money could reach a five thousand dollar a month profit with ONE YEAR OF dedicated effort?

          MY opinion is, anyone who can read and understand this thread, has been given a tested and proven way to earn money by following your example. And I thank you for sharing.

          I just don't get most of these newer Warriors.

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          • Profile picture of the author savidge4
            Originally Posted by GordonJ View Post

            Savidge4. Is there any doubt in your mind, you could easily make 5k a month, full time with all this buying and selling?
            The answer is right here: https://www.warriorforum.com/warrior...l#post11494254 In this very thread I turned $40 into $3998 with a total of 56 hours of work for the month. I probably made the same amount maybe a bit less with the side deals that I mentioned but did not document. Can you make $5,000 in a month full time? I did $5000+ in 15 hours a week

            Originally Posted by GordonJ View Post

            The reason I ask is, it just doesn't make any sense to me why we see these "it takes 5 years to make it" in IM, when you have just demonstrated, it takes focus and dedication.
            More than part of the reason I finally dedicated the time to do this thread is 2 fold... For my sons benefit obviously, and to show it really is not that hard "to make money on line". Thanks for suggesting I have "focus and Motivation" but 15 hours a week - literally a 10 yr old can do - and pretty much did. Focus and motivation is better displayed in a thread like: https://www.warriorforum.com/warrior...bscribers.html Look at the date on the first post.. and then head to page 3 of the thread and see where Michael is now.. THATS Focus and dedication. ME? im just playing around here.. this thread is literally childs play

            Originally Posted by GordonJ View Post

            Some Warriors are posting they have been at it for 5 or 7 years and still haven't reached that level.
            Time and again I am sure you see this.. traffic is the #1 issue.. people don't get the mechanics of HOW to get traffic. The absolute WONDER of eBay? The traffic is already there.. full of people looking to buy what it is you are selling. It simply gets no easier. and when I say easy.. compare how I laid things out vs what Ozi is doing through for Amazon here: https://www.warriorforum.com/warrior...r-journey.html Amazon vs eBay in terms of ease of use... eBay wins HANDS DOWN, and there is literally no cost of entry. An email and a paypal account is all you need.

            Originally Posted by GordonJ View Post

            So, do you think, most people with a lot of time and a little "seed" money could reach a five thousand dollar a month profit with ONE YEAR OF dedicated effort?
            HOW is in this thread.. don't buy unless you have the APP right in front of you.. don't buy unless you can make 3X profit. Day skipping around and shopping a few hours a day, making a trip to the post office and listing 10 or more items a day.. if that's dedicated so be it.. but honestly that's all that's needed.. that is literally all I am doing. ( just not shopping daily, and the post office comes to me )

            Here is the kicker.. Erin my wife, with 2 employees and running 3 eBay stores WILL HIT 7 digits this year. THAT is dedication - and she LOVES every minute of it. I really didn't ever want to mention that number here.. but again, this thread is childs play in comparison. Im kinda more than likely on target to hit $100,000 this year with the 2 hour listing and a few hours a week sourcing that I laid out here.

            If you cant sit down and focus for 2 hours a day... if it takes you 4 hours a day.. what are you doing between the hours of 8 and midnight? Get your tail off of YouTube or tht binge watching of Netflix and crank up some tunes do something. You might actually enjoy it?!?!?!

            Originally Posted by GordonJ View Post

            MY opinion is, anyone who can read and understand this thread, has been given a tested and proven way to earn money by following your example. And I thank you for sharing.
            First of all.. If anyone reading this does not understand something I have said in this thread... PLEASE ASK. I am more than happy to explain anything you need. Consider this thread kinda a WSO live 1 on 1 coaching session.

            Thank you sir... Means a lot coming from you. Without question tested and proven... Join any number of Facebook groups and hear from people doing the exact same thing. watch youtube videos ( more specifically about eBay ) and its right there. The Amazon videos in general are a bit, I don't know missing information I think is a good term. There is nothing to hide with eBay. again a 10 yr old can do it
            Success is an ACT not an idea
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  • Profile picture of the author tryinhere
    The only thing I am seeing wrong with your posts and maybe helping some newbies out on struggle street looking for a start is.

    It involves WORK. that tends to stop most right there.
    | > Choosing to go off the grid for a while to focus on family, work and life in general. Have a great 2020 < |
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    • Profile picture of the author Jeffery
      Originally Posted by tryinhere View Post

      The only thing I am seeing wrong with your posts and maybe helping some newbies out on struggle street looking for a start is.

      It involves WORK. that tends to stop most right there.

      In realty, I think the post emphasizes for beginners is work and a small reasonable investment is involved that has the potential to start, sustain and build a profitable online business.
      In the minute it took me to write this post.. someone died of Covid 19. RIP.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11487103].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author tryinhere
        Originally Posted by Jeffery View Post

        In realty, I think the post emphasizes for beginners is work and a small reasonable investment is involved that has the potential to start, sustain and build a profitable online business.

        Yes Jeffery I understand that, I was more thinking if others would understand or accept the word work, most people want effortless, yesterday miracles these days.
        | > Choosing to go off the grid for a while to focus on family, work and life in general. Have a great 2020 < |
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    • Profile picture of the author savidge4
      Originally Posted by tryinhere View Post

      The only thing I am seeing wrong with your posts and maybe helping some newbies out on struggle street looking for a start is.

      It involves WORK. that tends to stop most right there.
      So lets step back to the basic premiss of the thread... the portion I am actually tracking. HOW to make $250 in one month. The truth here is I am making $100 a WEEK right now - with the items I am tracking. We are talking 2 visits to goodwill, listiing the items, and packing and sending them out. THAT is about a 4 hour work week. THAT is $5200 a year.

      What appears to be work is the added hussle I am throwing in here. I really want to see if my son and I can grow this concept to $100,000 in one year.. and do it with a reasonably minimal amount of time spent.

      For ME..the reality is I am doing this with my son...I want him to take over this, AT THE AGE OF 10 or 11. Can you seriously imagine a 6 digit income as a TEN YEAR OLD? Working MAYBE 20 hours a week?

      SERIOUSLY a freaking 10 year old can do it.. so can anyone else.

      Getting out of bed in the morning requires work..and I think this thread is showing with the LEAST amount of work possible..YOU CAN MAKE money... AND if you have any amount of desire to make MORE? this is SCALABLE.

      And for the sake of this thread... I am not even including the use of any other platform to sell your goods.. cuz there are a ton out there.

      And here is a TRUTH that MOST do not understand... if YOU WANT recurring no hassle income.. there are 2 ways to get it. Buy rental property, or invest in the stock market.. and guess what.. to get either of those, it takes work

      I am placing my son on a path to be a MILLIONAIRE by the age of 20.. invested correctly the young man would never have to work another day of his life. RETIRED at 20 LOL... or better yet FREE to do what MAKES HIM happy - JUST LIKE HIS FATHER.

      I basically "work" 18 hours a day EVERY DAY.. and ENJOY every minute of it... I seriously can not remember the last time I was like "Ah I don't want to go in today" - and if I could think of the last time, it would have been 30+ years ago when I had an actual "Job" and was working for someone else.
      Success is an ACT not an idea
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      • Profile picture of the author tryinhere
        Originally Posted by savidge4 View Post

        So lets step back to the basic premiss of the thread... .
        I think I wrote my post above using the wrong words, and that is my error and appologise, having done something similar for most of my life I understand fully the work involved along with many learning curves.

        In my error, I was trying to convey the average person who comes to warrior looking for instant fortune and fame, looking and saying that involves work and that they would see it as to hard.

        For some reason I seemed to be lost in my own ability to communicate that, and one area I need to improve in.

        Again sorry for any confusion, and as from the start and as said think this is a great thread and a wonderful thing you are doing, and I wish I had that opportunity when growing up.

        | > Choosing to go off the grid for a while to focus on family, work and life in general. Have a great 2020 < |
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        • Profile picture of the author savidge4
          Originally Posted by tryinhere View Post

          I think I wrote my post above using the wrong words, and that is my error and apologies,
          I don't think you chose / used the wrong words.. and I don't think you need to be apologizing... The TRUTH is you are right. THAT is exactly what people are looking for.. they want to play video games and make money on easy street after they pay a bunch of people on fiver $100 to make a cash machine for them.

          I AM GLAD this conversation came up... because it HAD to.

          Here it is in a nutshell... Im showing here how the least amount of work possible - 4 hours a week can bring in $100 a week. Im also showing this is scalable to life changing numbers, AND it could be done in about a year.

          THE TRUTH... we have already passed the $250 number set up for this... we are at about $1000 - Which ill get into in a bit for the day 14th day update. But for the sake of the thread and trying to dumb this down for people to understand how easy this is.. I was showcasing gong to goodwill and buying 13 items.. selling most of that, and going back and buying 15 items with the PROFITS from that first set.. and then if time allows I will post how we make a 3rd purchase.

          I am doing my best to lay out the best damn Warrior special offer that is free for everyone to look at. Im really not holding anything back. AND im here to answer questions.. DWolfe sees the value in it.. and as much as it suprises me no one else is asking questions.. I think it goes back to being perceived as to much work. and MAYBE that is MY fault!

          Im just sharing a path I have been on already.. and playing out for others in the same manor that I am sharing with my son. Its really HIS path - that is playing out in these posts every night.. our success, and our failures. Life is full of both.. hopefully more of the one than the other.
          Success is an ACT not an idea
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  • Profile picture of the author tryinhere
    Now we are back to working hard, I will share 2 things that I swung in this game that may or may not apply here.

    1. was to develop a wish list of sorts (as I mainly dealt in collectibles which was open to repeat customers), this was easy to do by asking after a sale something like "Joe if I was to come across more blue widgets, would you like me to contact you before I place them up for sale?"

    I just complied this information in excel, and over time developed a huge list of people wanting stuff, this then came our first port of call with new items, to check it off from our wishlist. This way time was saved on setting up a complete listing as a few quick photos sent of with a quick message was all that was needed and more often than not it resulted in quicker turn around times on products.

    And for the fast and furious out there, this is not a fast thing to do, it takes time and some work to slowly build up a big list.

    Second to this was knowing what was on your list, helped in making buying decissions as you often seen things that you knew customers would buy.

    2. And this came out of more accident than discovery / thought, was people seeing that you were good at selling online would ask, hey can you sell this for me, at first I did it as a kind gesture, then I started charging but no where near enough, and to end up with the final option which worked well was to charge a flat 50% fee on the sale price of what ever I sold.

    If people did not like the fee, all good, go somewhere else because anything less is wasting my time.

    This in a way is no money down and money coming back into your pocket. Currently I am completeing one job (my last Job) where my contract will see me probably if I am lucky to finish selling everything before this coming Christmas, it is that big of a deal.

    I made this deal just before I decided to out the game, so I must complete it as I gave my word to the client.

    but that side gig alone made a lot of extra $ and still keeps rolling in :-) and as you can see can become large scale. The funny thing here is I never chased this work in any way, but it always came to me.

    Anyway as mentioned it some cases these options could be added in, and work others maybe not.
    | > Choosing to go off the grid for a while to focus on family, work and life in general. Have a great 2020 < |
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    • Profile picture of the author savidge4
      Originally Posted by tryinhere View Post

      Now we are back to working hard, I will share 2 things that I swung in this game that may or may not apply here.

      1. was to develop a wish list of sorts (as I mainly dealt in collectibles which was open to repeat customers), this was easy to do by asking after a sale something like "Joe if I was to come across more blue widgets, would you like me to contact you before I place them up for sale?"

      I just complied this information in excel, and over time developed a huge list of people wanting stuff, this then came our first port of call with new items, to check it off from our wishlist. This way time was saved on setting up a complete listing as a few quick photos sent of with a quick message was all that was needed and more often than not it resulted in quicker turn around times on products.

      And for the fast and furious out there, this is not a fast thing to do, it takes time and some work to slowly build up a big list.

      Second to this was knowing what was on your list, helped in making buying decissions as you often seen things that you knew customers would buy.

      2. And this came out of more accident than discovery / thought, was people seeing that you were good at selling online would ask, hey can you sell this for me, at first I did it as a kind gesture, then I started charging but no where near enough, and to end up with the final option which worked well was to charge a flat 50% fee on the sale price of what ever I sold.

      If people did not like the fee, all good, go somewhere else because anything less is wasting my time.

      This in a way is no money down and money coming back into your pocket. Currently I am completeing one job (my last Job) where my contract will see me probably if I am lucky to finish selling everything before this coming Christmas, it is that big of a deal.

      I made this deal just before I decided to out the game, so I must complete it as I gave my word to the client.

      but that side gig alone made a lot of extra $ and still keeps rolling in :-) and as you can see can become large scale. The funny thing here is I never chased this work in any way, but it always came to me.

      Anyway as mentioned it some cases these options could be added in, and work others maybe not.
      I wanted to comment on this but was waiting for the right time.... It will tie in very nicely with the post above.

      I don't know if you all know.. but you can go over to paypal and get each of your clients e-mail, address, name, and phone number. Building out a spreadsheet ( or database for those that can ) and inputting that information in with what a person bought size color etc can come in handy.

      One of the advantages to having an eBay store is the ability to create discounts be it multi item discounts or single item limited time offers. One of the other cool features is "Codeless Coupons" so take a look here: http://cgi1.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dl...rgetedCampaign So what this does is allow you to offer discounts from your Facebook page, or your Instagram page, or even an email list. Creating a separate code for each one also gives you the ability to TRACK which is working the best / worst.

      So now you have this spreadsheet full of buyer information and you just got a slew of X in. You can go in and create a coupon code for X items. Then, you can search your spread sheet for people that have bought X and send them a personalized email with the coupon code as a thank you for being a previous customer.

      Depending on the quantity we buy, I have gone so far as to send post cards with the promo code for what ever item it may be. Again your best audience is #1 people that have bought from you before, and #2 people that have bought similar to same items. AND its all right there at your little finger tips!

      tryinhere I really do appreciate the input you have put in on this thread.

      Hope that Helps!
      Success is an ACT not an idea
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  • Profile picture of the author carolyn653
    Thanks, I will wait for your post. This is very interesting to me
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  • Profile picture of the author Filmora
    Best Of Luck Man
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  • Profile picture of the author Alexander Thomas
    Payments as a new seller are held for 21 days UNLESS when you send an item the buyer leaves feedback OR if you send the item trackable and that item shows as delivered + 3 days then email paypal and they will release the funds sooner. Payment holds occur because: You have been selling on eBay for less than 90 days.
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  • Profile picture of the author DWolfe
    Welcome to the Warrior Forum Erin. Great to see you stop in here and share some advice. savidge4 In one of the earlier posts. You mention some times you pick a product that can be a loss. After making a mistake on a product that does not sell. "Reference to one of the games" How do you come up with a price to keep your loss to a minimum ?
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    • Profile picture of the author savidge4
      Originally Posted by DWolfe View Post

      Welcome to the Warrior Forum Erin. Great to see you stop in here and share some advice. savidge4 In one of the earlier posts. You mention some times you pick a product that can be a loss. After making a mistake on a product that does not sell. "Reference to one of the games" How do you come up with a price to keep your loss to a minimum ?
      She says we try to break even. and we let them sit for 30 days and from there we pull the listing.. and hope we only have one of them, and then at some point try and relist for another month to see if there is a difference. If THEN still no sale.. it goes to the donate pile.

      The game.. we are $2.00 in, we can just take the loss.. OR wait for more sports games and put a bunch together as a bundle
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  • Profile picture of the author luciesmazanska
    Wow this was the longest thread which I saw here so far
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    • Profile picture of the author savidge4
      Originally Posted by luciesmazanska View Post

      Wow this was the longest thread which I saw here so far
      LOL thanks.. helps to be long winded... and let this be a demonstration in the ability to write 2000+ word posts hahahaha
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  • Profile picture of the author Michael Meaney
    Trying to convince my son to do this, genius.
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  • Profile picture of the author tryinhere
    I was just thinking out loud and wondered how many lives would be changed for the better if you took this into schools and taught 10 year old kids with say a 10 week course, it would be 10 X better than some history lesson. 10 X @ 10.

    I remember seeing a young kid a while back online building his brand teaching / mentoring and relating to other kids ? maybe a possible direction as well. mind wanders and ponders at night. :-)

    cool stuff your doing. Back to work
    | > Choosing to go off the grid for a while to focus on family, work and life in general. Have a great 2020 < |
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    • Profile picture of the author savidge4
      Day 30 Update

      I am going to be a day late getting this out. Today has been one of those days. Its currently 1:15 am and I have another 4 hours to go probably. 2 of those is listing my 10 items for the day on the eBay store.

      I will update Little Paul is ok'ing graphics and the like for his Mug Store. We have amassed about 30 or so to get started with and will start that up probably Thursday or so - he has a big Social Studies test to study for.. so not much work for him the next few days.

      We did our rounds today and delivered the custom mugs. everyone was really happy with them, and 2 of the clients dropped the idea they would call little Paul with more orders.

      So I will do the "final" 30 day post tomorrow.. but I will keep the thread going with the larger goal of amassing as much as possible in 365 days.

      See you tomorrow!
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    • Profile picture of the author savidge4
      Day 30 Update

      A day or 2 late

      Oh my goodness. well to start...I "thought" I could manage 2 hours of my day towards this project, and THAT I have been able to do with the exception of 1 day out of the 30. the added posting here has been my achilles heel. Super easy for me to pop in when time permits and reply to something.. not so easy to come in on a schedule and create a post.

      I am in NO WAY complaining or making excuses.. but to some degree this project has given me a better understanding of the struggles new folks to internet marketing and trying to up hold to content schedules must face. Granted.. that is literally 25% of my day - content creation, but adding an aside has been difficult at times.

      So lets get past the griping LOL... WHAT A MONTH... it really has been a lot of fun... more so than I thought it would be ( I really dread shopping ) Actually sitting down and using our implemented systems for inbound goods, creating a listing and shipping the item out has given me a very hands on experience. there have been a few changes in what we do, and how we do them.

      The whole thing started out with making $250 in a month. and I found that to be a very easy number to obtain. It transitioned at some point to exactly how much can you make? and that turned into 2 hours 10 listings a day. This is where things got interesting. its simply not so easy to list 10 items in 2 hours. that's 12 minutes per item.

      I would literally set an alarm with my google assistant for 5 minutes for product research. There are still items I have not listed due to the fact I cant find anything of like nature to create a decent listing with. a man / woman can only know so much, and you get me into womens Lauren Ralph Lauren pocket book wallets, and I simply have no clue other than the obvious. and the OBVIOUS could be the difference between selling for $30 vs KNOWING something is worth $100.00.

      Its sounds trivial, hey just make the quick $20 and move on.. but something that I share and is read often here on the forum is knowing ones value.. and I think that same philosophy comes into play with Things The FUN part of this whole process is LEARNING all the little things about something as common as a womens wallet, or a pair of shoes. And then joining some of the many Facebook groups for resellers and A learning new stuff and B sharing what you have learned.

      A fun little example.. on one of the groups someone posted a fork rake looking thing. From my experience with my grandmother as a child and having to learn the appropriate silverware and place settings thought the item was either a bacon fork or Sardine fork that sells for like $150 ). It was later posted with picture examples the item was actually a Corn on the cob rake that sells for like $350. Obvious Vs Knowing.

      So 5 minutes of research ( in 90% of the items ) and then 7 minutes for pictures and filling out the listing page. It moves pretty quick when you have everything kinda right in front of you. A stack of 10 items, the packing material, quick access to your photo area, a computer, coffee ready and waiting and bang bang bang. In the next day or 2 I will lay out kinda step by step my process for this.

      So over the past 30 days, 10 days as just listing the items we bout and at the 11 day mark is when I went into the 10 items per day thing, and I missed one of those days. In total I posted 212 items. the original 13 and then the second set of 15 and a "few extras". I have 140 items in the store 50 were seeds - so we sold 102 items in the last 30 days. My current "if we sold everything tonight" value for the store is $5388 - the $800 for shoes so right around $4500.00 so that averages about $40.00 per item.

      My total for the 102 items was 7962.00. There was a total of 1114.68 in fees. Shipping averaged about $6.25 per item so $637.50 packaging came in about $50.00 So my total expense of selling was $1802.18 So before cost of goods we are at $6160.00 ( rounding )

      Of the 102 items 18 of those items were higher ticket and NOT bought at goodwill. the remaining 84 items were indeed bought at goodwill with an average price of $6.80 ( $571.20 ) The other 18 items ( ipads, Iphones, tools etc ) came to $1591 my total cost of goods was $2162.00

      So we are left with:

      Total Gross: 7962.00
      Total OP Expenses: -$1802.00
      Cost of Goods: -$2162.00
      Leaving a NET NET of $3998.00

      A little short of the 3x I was shooting for, but not to bad. So the number is only half the story.. how much TIME was involved?

      The first 10 days was about 8 hours total ( first 28 items ). the remaining 20 days was 2 hours a day x 20 and about 8 hours of sourcing time. So 56 hours for the month or if you are inclined to know the hourly rate - $71.39 an hour

      I think it is VERY important to note at this point. ALL OF THIS came into being with ONLY the initial $40.00 investment. I think to be a bit fair I would say that it really took $60 to start this. that would include a roll of white butcher paper. a roll or 2 of tape and some cushioned bags and boxes from Walmart. I already had those things.

      There have been some cool changes with eBay in the past day or 2 that I want to share once I run through them a bit, and there are some other topics I want to go over.. and like I said the first will be my "speed process" for posting 10 items in 2 hours.

      Really appreciate everyone reading this, and asking questions and leaving comments. means a lot to me! thanks!
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      • Profile picture of the author DWolfe
        Originally Posted by savidge4 View Post

        So we are left with:

        Total Gross: 7962.00
        Total OP Expenses: -$1802.00
        Cost of Goods: -$2162.00
        Leaving a NET NET of $3998.00

        The first 10 days was about 8 hours total ( first 28 items ). the remaining 20 days was 2 hours a day x 20 and about 8 hours of sourcing time. So 56 hours for the month or if you are inclined to know the hourly rate - $71.39 an hour
        Grant it more than 1/2 the people on this forum may never get these results. But how many lives would this change ? Even making $35.69 a hour and working 40 hours every week would change most people's lives here on the forums!

        Amazing the amount of detail you have put forth in this Path. You posted way more than you had too. Also thanks to your wife and your son for contributing to this path. Plus for her stopping in to show us some arbitrage methods.

        Have 2 quick questions if you are pre-packing everything how do you know what is in each envelop or box if they are all the same size ?

        What if you have a smaller item that fits in a small envelop to save on shipping costs. Do you use them or just put them in the bigger size? An Example would be fishing lure, or a baseball card ?
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        • Profile picture of the author savidge4
          Originally Posted by DWolfe View Post

          Grant it more than 1/2 the people on this forum may never get these results. But how many lives would this change ? Even making $35.69 a hour and working 40 hours every week would change most people's lives here on the forums!
          I could see this being a way out of a job you hate. Granted my wife and I make a real good team.. I like the technical stuff, and she likes the shopping. But I am sure you can testify to the fact that the listing part is not all that hard. and once you have the app on your phone its pretty simple ( I think ) to figure out what to buy and what not to. If I am buying an item for $8.00 can I sell it for 3x or $24.00 plus shipping and fees? forget "oh that's cute" or "I really like that" and think strickly does it meet the math requirements, and you pretty much cant go wrong.

          Originally Posted by DWolfe View Post

          Amazing the amount of detail you have put forth in this Path. You posted way more than you had too. Also thanks to your wife and your son for contributing to this path. Plus for her stopping in to show us some arbitrage methods.
          This is overall pretty easy to do. there are however some tips and tricks that make it way easier So I thought the more detailed I made this, the better overall it would be. basically a FREE thread WSO - minus the missing parts LOL

          if you couldn't tell, my family and I are pretty tight. A number of years ago, I bought a piece of land and built a house and my office on the property ( to be closer to home for my son ) At this point the lower half of my property is rated commercial, and looks as such.. out in the middle ( kinda ) of no where.

          my wife has anxiety. like bad anxiety. she has not driven in over 10 years. eBay for her is a way to feel like she contributes and has value. Her 2 "employees" ( they are way more than that ) are basically constant companions, that allow her to do what she loves to do most, and that's shop. hen she is shopping the anxiety just slips away. I honestly believe this business venture saved her life. Its great for her.. its great for me, and my son.. well he is along for the ride LOL

          My son has literally grown up around marketing. When every other 2 year old was naming colors as you drive by something.. he was attributing those colors to business' " that sign is red and yellow like McDonalds" From a very young age he has shown interest. in colors and patterns and design. When we are doing color layouts for logos or web or print we tend to actually bring him in to get his opinion - since he was like 4. he can spend hours sitting behind my graphic designers and just watch

          Originally Posted by DWolfe View Post

          Have 2 quick questions if you are pre-packing everything how do you know what is in each envelop or box if they are all the same size ?

          What if you have a smaller item that fits in a small envelop to save on shipping costs. Do you use them or just put them in the bigger size? An Example would be fishing lure, or a baseball card ?
          If you go on my store you will see we have a bunch of watches. If you look at the Titles of those you will see a letter and number ( LA3 ) or something like that. Those bags are in the "Watch bin" and on the buble pouch that code is written on it with a brief description of the item. " La Watch big "LA" " We also write the weight of the package on the box or envelope as well.

          Some of the other items like shoes we have a shelf of.. we just write what vthey are what size the weight and the color.. we "try " to keep that semi alphabetical Adidas to the left Vera Wang to the right LOL

          In terms of saving on shipping cost. Yes anything less than 16 oz you want to ship First Class. BUT you do NOT want to ship anything in a regular .52 cent envelope.. the reason being NO TRACKING. The smallest thing we ship in is the 6 x 9 poly or Bubble envelope. If the item is smaller we simply fold it over and wrap the label around as needed ensuring the shipping address and scan bar are not on a crease and preferably on the same face. ( if that makes sense )

          That tracking label does a few things, but most importantly it stops the "I didn't get the item" With little Paul's project we are kinda going back and forth but have decided everything is going to ship Priority mail. #1 the tracking, and #2 the $50 insurance. If a mug were to break in transit.. it would be covered, so literally no loss ( other than the refund for shipping to the customer )the cost of the item would be paid with the insurance. Kinda minimizes our overall exposure.

          The other issue with this is the eBay matrix wanting a tracking number to provide for the customer. there comes a point when they will actually start charging you more in fees or block you from getting "Top Rated" ranking ( selling 100 items of at least $1000 in value in a years time ) and THAT alone is a big deal. lower fee rates 9% vs 10%, It gets you better page ranking, and it gives you further discounts on your shipping.. 4 to 5% I believe.

          If you go on your " sell " screen and click on " performance " and then "Seller Level" you will see the matrix items that you kinda need to pay attention to.

          Hope that Helps!
          Success is an ACT not an idea
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      • Profile picture of the author bthurman1220
        Thank you so much for taking the time to post all of this information. You have no idea how helpful this information is.
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    • Profile picture of the author savidge4
      My eBay Listing Method

      So a quick reminder for those of you that may not have read through the whole thread. I have a "Day" job, and spend only 2 hours a day with this eBay business. Time is obviously of the essence for me. and this method is an example of that.

      so going into this we should have an understanding that at the time of purchase you should know there is a active listing for the items you are going to list, and there "Should" be a sold listing. When you are beginning.. you want to ENSURE there are B O T H ( Selling AND sold )

      So my work flow is like this. I take the pictures on my phone. Would MUCH prefer to be doing this with a DSLR but the truth is, it takes about 3 times longer.. and as I walk through this for anyone familiar with a DSLR workflow will see where this method is much faster.

      So i take pictures. I then sit on my desktop, I will open up word pad and then pull up a search that will include the item I want to sell. I quickly look at a few listings and copy description text into Wordpad. I pay attention to the other listings photos, to ensure I got all the shots I need. I grab at least 2 listing descriptions and depending on the quality, maybe a few more. If the quality is not there, or you feel they are lacking information, I would then go out to google and try and find the item listed on the Manufactures website for further details.

      Ok so Now I go back to active listings and find a title of the same product I am going to list that appears close to what I want to list. I then click on that listing and right below the images you will see "Sell Now" Press that, and a new page pops up. ENSURE the listing has the correct category. I then insert a dummy image, and go over the Item Details section tand make any additions or subtractions as needed.

      So from this.. I create a Title, I then COPY the title I use for the listing in the top line of the description. I then create a brief description, and then I am looking for "Features" and "Details" I dont regularly list both, but will do one or the other. If you look at ALL of my listings you will see they are VERY consistant in both Color, text size and general amount of information An example listing looks like:

      ################################################## #

      DREAM. Papaya Art Makeup Cosmetic Bag Pouch Tassel

      A PAPAYA! fan favorite, Small Tassel Pouches are a vibrant carry-all. Pretty enough to use as an everyday clutch and durable enough for organizing makeup, jewelry, art supplies and more. Small Tassel Pouches come with a coordinating luxury tassel and lotus charm which can be removed and used as a key chain. Pouches are made using a durable oil cloth-like material and have shimmering, illustrated satin linings. Wipeable linings and exterior.

      • Length: 10 inches
      • Height: 5 Inches
      • Depth: 2 Inches

      Thanks for Looking!

      Fast and Free Shipping - 30 Day Hassle Free Domestic Returns - 100% Customer Satisfaction

      ################################################## #

      FEATURES and DETAILS Anything that a person may need to know to make a informed buying decision.

      You will notice in this I also offer FREE returns.. so my descriptions are that much more important. I dont want to pay to ship the item back to me. I want the person buying to get exactly what it is I have described, and that match what they are looking for.

      I would say the 2 most important variables beyond the Title would be the images should show the item in its best light, BUT also show any flaws. and 2nd would be the description. making very clear what they are getting, any measurements what have you.

      Ok once this is done.. I PACK the item in the box or envelope it will ship in. I measure it, nd weight it. I add that information in the appropriate location. There are a few reasons for doing this.. when it comes time to ship the item.. all you have to do is print the label smack it on the box and you are done. Another thing it does if you happen to allow for the international shipping program.. you get preferred international listing rank if your item has all of this information included.

      So now the pricing. I obviously look at active listings, but I will ALWAYS let SOLD listings guide me.. what people WANT and what items are ACTUALLY selling for in many cases are 2 differnt things. Keep in mind you COG ( Cost of Goods ) fees and shipping here to ensure you are in that 3X range or better.

      I then list the item when I am done. Now from here, I fire up the phone and the eBay App. I click "Home" ( top left drop down ) then "Selling" I then click "Active" and then click "sort" ( upper right ) and select "Ending Latest" and the item you just listed should be right there on top.

      Click the 3 dots on the right and "Revise" and go right to photos. You want to remove the dummy image, and then from the images you took in your phone upload those. Make sure they are oriented right, and in the order you want them to appear. get back to "Listing Summary" and scroll down to the blue bar "Revise It" select that and the follow up buttons and your listing is done.

      IF everything is easy easy I can list an item in 10 minutes or less doing this. IF there are complications.. cant find the item... cant find a decent description.. what have you, I actually set the item to the side, make a quick post it note what info I need, and move onto the next one. I do my very best to post 10 items a day.. I have missed 4 days well only 1 whole day, and the other 3 I ran short of the 10 but still listed some. I have YET to hit 200 active listings There are days I am selling more than I am listing.

      any questions? comments? Greatly appreciated! sorry this took so long!
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    • Profile picture of the author savidge4
      DAY 45 Update

      So I have hit kinda a rhythm in thelast 2 weeks or so.. less of a hussle and more consistency in sales. I am averaging about $200 a day over the last week. Today as an example I sold 2 pairs of shoes ( $13.00 each ) a DVD player ( $5.00 ) and a mug ( $.49 ) for $199.90 in total sales. Fees were $24.00 shipping and supplies were right under $20.00. So COG ( $31.49 ) + Shipping ( $20 ) + Shipping ( $24.00 ) $75.49 So a profit of $124.41 puts me just short of 4x. the last week has been right in par with this. And I don't see it changing.

      To start I was very slow and steady and then kicked in to greater profits greater profits.. and the thing with that thinking is, that can kinda dry up. And I knew that to be the case. iPhones as an example.. I go through spells I can get 3 or 4 of them like in a weeks time and then there are periods like now.. not a one to be had anywhere

      If you are in for the long haul.. you want this to REPLACE say a regular job, you have to find consistency over quick cash. Anyone that has looked at my store can see that the overall price I am selling goods for has gone up. A lot of shoes... and most of them I paid $5.00 for the pair with an average asking price of $50.00

      If my average day right now is $125.00 in profit x365 that would put me at $45,625.00 per year. If I get to an average of $200 a day that number jumps to $73,000 and if I can get to $275 consistently I will hit my $100,000. and honestly I see that coming.

      SO you are probably asking, so how exactly do you get from $40 to start to $125 a day let alone $275. And the answer is REINVEST and list new items DAILY. If you have the time to list more than 10 a day, you will get there faster.. if you only list every other day.. you will get there slower. Bottom line... If you don't have it up for sale, you wont MAKE a sale.

      So here I am at day 45.. my first month I pulled $4000.00 in PROFIT. I did have some iPads and a few phone sales this month. Some of the more expensive tools sold.. still haven't sold the original baseball game or the mug or the wrestling game... but 15 days into month 2 and I am sitting at $4200.00 profit and looking to finish the month at $8000.

      That's $12,000 in 60 days from Goodwill and FB and Craigslist.. with I hope this weekend being the first week of garage sales... things could get interesting. I am right now stocked up on "Steady" to list, and looking to add to steady and shoot for higher profit potential items from the garage sales. Maybe $8000 will be a low number by the end of the month.. time will tell.

      Thanks for reading.. and as always questions and comments are appreciated!
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    • Profile picture of the author savidge4
      I saw the thread that prompted Gordon coming here to ask the question... "Is there any doubt in your mind, you could easily make 5k a month, full time with all this buying and selling?" and I am going to answer again in a more IM related tone.

      IF I had any amount of sense about me.. I COULD have done a few things differently here. I mean this is an internet marketing forum right. I like to think that reading the content that has been shared here indicates in the slightest I might actually know what I am discussing LOL and that this was not so fly by the seat of my pants, but somewhat methodical.

      So, Yes I had a plan.. I had an idea of what topics I was going to cover, I kinda knew what order to share those topics... Almost as if there was a rough draft for this thread. That same rough draft very easily could have been made into a WSO... It could have a blog behind it, I could actually have an IM product, that I created and was selling WHILE I was sharing on this very thread.

      I probably very easily could have charged $39 for the eBay course. I could have set up a facebook group.. built a list and turned around and sold a product on how to set up a Mercari store.. A posh store, A guide for selling on Craigslist. a guide to selling on FB marketplace. how to start with amazon... and the list here could go on and on.

      And then here is the issue... In the world of the main board and IM in general. people are thinking about the first and fast dollar. They decide they are qoing to get rich online and choose a SINGLE product in a niche they really know nothing about. They build out some landing page, and then the struggle begins... getting traffic there.

      But look at the last paragraph, and then compare that to those above it... NO plan.. vs PLAN. NOW vs Long Term with the for sight of added product, and building of community... and the KICKER, no idea how to get traffic vs Using this very forum, following the rules, and having a very targeted audience to buy my product, join my list, and get sold to over and over.

      So not only could I make $5000 a month selling on eBay.. but I could very easily make another what $2000 a month? sharing the process and knowledge as I am doing it.
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    • Profile picture of the author socialentry
      Originally Posted by savidge4

      So I have been "Playing", I ran across a post somewhere discussing Google Analytics " Pixel Beacons ". eBay does not allow for scripting of any kind in its listings so traditional GA would obviously not work. Basically a Pixel Beacon is a tiny jpeg that once loaded triggers GA to track some amount of information. Still working with it a little but see this being very useful for say my sons efforts.

      I am a data junkie.. I know that some brands are favorited more in some regions of the states than others. here: https://www.usatoday.com/story/money...tate/74695524/ So when working with coffee mugs that have Brand Logos, and you are going to start asserting some amount of outside traffic efforts - knowing where to target geographically becomes "Handy" <giggles>

      Still a work in progress... its not always that consistent. Been working with eBay on one end and GA on the other to work all of this out.

      As soon as I know it works " well " I will be sharing this here, for those of you that like DATA!
      I did a bit of scanning for fun just to see how the logistics of it all would work and I came up with a few more qs:

      What is your rule of thumb for used items?

      What do you do if there are no barcodes? I noticed the clothes didn't have barcodes. Do you cherry pick and search them manually?

      E.g. I manually searched for "jack and jones jeans shorts", but the search term was too generic and so I didn't find that particular model for those shorts. I am not even sure how I would proceed.As of now,

      the plan is to bribe a friend and offer my help as taxi as she shops around.

      Are some thrift shops better then other? I did see some people online state that wealthier areas had better stuff. Makes intuitive sense.

      Brainstorming a bit here:

      I wonder if data would be useful to know what currently is in vogue instead of relying on guts feelings or domain knowledge. Maybe it would be worth it for example to take a whole bunch of twitter posts in my area, and see what brands appears most.

      Splitting hairs?

      Dunno. I have to admit as with most other math people, I make for a lousy engineer and I sometime am guilty of going for fancy solutions rather then practical ones. My current plan is build a locomotive and then keep going until they stop blowing up. lol
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      • Profile picture of the author savidge4
        Originally Posted by socialentry View Post

        I did a bit of scanning for fun just to see how the logistics of it all would work and I came up with a few more qs:

        What is your rule of thumb for used items?
        That is primarily what I sell. I do run into items at Goodwill that are new with tags, but the majority is used. When I get items back to the shop we clean the day lights out of them. If its leather boots or the like we condition them. We TRY to get the item back into as new looking condition as possible. You float around eBay even for a bit, and you see generally the opposite is true. And then you can ask the question, which would you buy, a nice looking whatever or a dirty ratty whatever? I can tell you the time it takes to clean something, is worth the time, and in my experience produces greater sales prices and greater profit.

        Originally Posted by socialentry View Post

        What do you do if there are no barcodes? I noticed the clothes didn't have barcodes. Do you cherry pick and search them manually?

        E.g. I manually searched for "jack and jones jeans shorts", but the search term was too generic and so I didn't find that particular model for those shorts. I am not even sure how I would proceed.As of now,
        Most everything will have an MPN (manufacturers part number) clothing in particular will generally have 3 or 4 numbers and I will look up each one till I get what I am looking for. with clothing in particular, there is really no easy way around it - Kinda why I shy away from clothing. I know our Goodwills have racks and racks of jeans and the thought of going through one by one looking for comps does not excite me. LOL

        The same holds true with Books.. sure they have bar codes, and I have a goodwill by WVU that has literally 1000's of books there, and the thought of sitting there and scanning each one, to find the "Gems" is um not appealing. I look for Bibles, and D&D handbooks ( have yet to find any of these ) so I do an eye scan only.

        Originally Posted by socialentry View Post

        the plan is to bribe a friend and offer my help as taxi as she shops around.
        The start of a very good plan. here is the thing.. she will select what SHE likes, and once you goto sell the items will you know if she has relevant likes. My wife is terrible when it comes to what she likes as it pertains to resell.. don't get me wrong dresses and accessorizes VERY WELL... but HER style is not what sells on eBay. The bolder and louder the better. Big ol Logos across the front of anything and screaming large bright graphics. Once you have an idea what you are looking for you can scan through clothing isles and spot these things out. Watch Rally Roots on youtube to get a better idea of what to look for - fantastic resource for that.

        Originally Posted by socialentry View Post

        Are some thrift shops better then other? I did see some people online state that wealthier areas had better stuff. Makes intuitive sense.
        I have 5 goodwills within 50 miles of me. each one is indeed very different. The one closest to the mountains has skis and ice skates and better flannel and more rustic western kind of stuff. The one closest to me is much more trendy and more affluent. There is another one that is in a smaller community that is not as affluent and is good for small appliances juicers and the like, and tends to have more sports related items Jersys jackets tennis rackets bats etc. The 2 closest to the college, you can tell they are close to colleges

        Originally Posted by socialentry View Post

        Brainstorming a bit here:

        I wonder if data would be useful to know what currently is in vogue instead of relying on guts feelings or domain knowledge. Maybe it would be worth it for example to take a whole bunch of twitter posts in my area, and see what brands appears most.
        I know my wife looks over the woman's and teen mags all the time to stay up with whats hot. For my "day Job" we have this: https://us.readly.com/ for content creation research. And she uses the same service to look over the woman's mags to figure out what to look for.

        If you really want to see how much of a gap there is between young adult males and yourself pick up a copy of Maxim magazine... and as far out there as it reads, once you start paying attention to young males around you.. its pretty dead on, and its about mind blowing! LOL
        Success is an ACT not an idea
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11504989].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author savidge4
      I have been super slammed with work the past few weeks.. the 2 hours with eBay has turned into 3 and 4, im sleeping like 3 hours a night right now. I REALLY REALLY want to do an update at the end of the month.. The numbers and Growth have been ridiculous!

      Still have not sold those 2 video games or the rugby shirt or the blasted mug. STILL have not hit 200 listings in the store although I have listed over 200 this month alone

      And a bit of a teaser.. we cracked 5 digits in profit this month!

      Thank you all for reading! and thank you guys for participating! LOVE IT!
      Success is an ACT not an idea
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11504996].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author umc
      Hey man, just saw your post in the Offline section about this.

      I have a question. Where else do you find it helpful to source things to sell? I've gone to my local Goodwill excited and that place is a dump. Maybe I just don't know what to sell or something but 90% of the people in there were clearly looking for things to resell. People had binders and such. Most had nothing with them because either there wasn't anything or it was so picked through. Maybe I'm just in an area where a lot of people do this and the competition is high. I thought video games might be a cool idea and there was not one in the entire store. It was a lot of junk furniture, books, junk glassware/dishware (maybe some of that is worth something IF you know enough but this isn't a high income area), and just lots of clothes, many being very cheap things that you might find new at Walmart.

      We're getting a Goodwill Outlet soon where you can buy things by the pound BUT these are things that didn't sell at other stores. I hear the competition is fierce at these places as well.

      I can sell things on ebay. Been there, done that. Finding any sort of reliable sourcing can be the difficult part. I have capital. I had a friend that bought pallets of liquidated goods that sold on ebay but he had a lot of issues with returns and such and eventually got shut down.

      We have flea markets that are open on weekends, peddlers malls that are open every day. You can't put up yard sale signs in our town anymore (yes, really) so they aren't always easy to find. I'm not much of a shopper, kind of hate it, but I'm sure once I got a feel for what I was looking for it would help. Going into a place with a lot of stuff, most of it junk, on that treasure hunt where you don't really even know what the treasure is you're looking for, is kind of overwhelming.

      I really like the idea of specializing, kind of like your son. Being the "mug guy" or whatever. That makes it even more difficult though because you're more limited in what you can find and sell.

      You seem to be the sourcing king around here. Then again, you also know a lot about a lot. I've thought about putting an ad up on Craigslist or something saying that I buy certain things and seeing what it brings me to help with sourcing. I'd love to buy things online somewhere and then sell them back online on ebay but I don't really know where to source things efficiently. I can travel to other Goodwill's but they will have to pay off in order to make the time spent worthwhile.

      What say you, oh guru of this space, (and by this space I mean the WF because you can pretty much drop knowledge in any forum here, lol).

      Simple "pay what you want" life coaching services online.
      Get out of your own way in business. It's personal. Click Here

      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11534648].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author Jeffery
        Originally Posted by umc View Post

        What say you, oh guru of this space, (and by this space I mean the WF because you can pretty much drop knowledge in any forum here, lol).

        Yep, he is worthy
        In the minute it took me to write this post.. someone died of Covid 19. RIP.
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11534688].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author tryinhere
        Originally Posted by umc View Post

        It was a lot of junk furniture, books, junk glassware/dishware (maybe some of that is worth something IF you know enough but this isn't a high income area), and just lots of clothes, .
        Glad this thread came back to life, I would like to throw a twist to this that came about by accident more than planning.

        A property we recently purchased, the owners just upped and walked out and basicly left 30 years of belongings and rubbish in the house, this included thousands of books, and just about anything and everything.

        I had been using facebook marketplace for my other bits and bobs that I still need to clear, and always had trouble with some books etc moving and or cheap items as you refer to.

        But here is the kicker I started to Bundle Lots and in that I would bundle up to 10 items (maketplace only has room for 10 pics) and guess what I am all day almost everyday pumping stuff out the door. I can spend the morining adding say $200 plus in bundles to the site and before I am finished I have people fighhting over buying it.

        If I wanted to, I sort have proved to myself that I could buy cheap good quality junk and probably make 10X on my money.

        Books, anything that is educational or that angle, astrology, mechanics, how to sew, woodwork, anything like that but not old mills and boon novels crap, kitchen ware and containers, good quality cheap ffurniture (but i would not deal in that as it is to bulky) glassware, learn whats what there is some valuable bits out there hiding in junk stores, just normal glass ware is ok, pots n pans, there really is no limit, just learn as you go what works and what does not in small parts.

        Who is buying this stuff, wel it mostly new people into the country that arrive with nothing, home school teachers and people intersted in hobbies, tuition etc buy the books, people getting set up and the list is endless.

        Facebook market place is evolving and getting better and better and I will predict it will take ove places like gumtree if it has already not done so ? I probably make 20 sales on facebook compared to 1 on gumtree if that. It really is bang bang and if you are running like a system you can turn junk into gold.

        I would have no doubt if you went at it that you could make 1 - 2 k a week, for me its just clearing out a hoarders lot of 30 years but all of it I could buy for nickels at these goodwill shops.

        Just buy good quality / in demand cheap stuff and bundle it, this week I have probably sold many hundreds of books and I would try make a min $1 average per book but many I get a lot more from and all of them I could buy probably for .10 or cheaper at garage sales, same with all of the kitchen stuff etc.

        It is not glamourous but if you had to swing the axe then it might work for others, at least people could do a small test, for me its just clearing the stuff from the property then Im out, but I do have a big bag of $ sitting on my table for the effort.
        | > Choosing to go off the grid for a while to focus on family, work and life in general. Have a great 2020 < |
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11534698].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author savidge4
          Originally Posted by tryinhere View Post

          I started to Bundle Lots and in that I would bundle up to 10 items
          In the eBay world... I have this habit of finding bulk lots of say M&M toppers or California raison figures. I have found I have to go through all that I get one at a time and price them individually to find the gems in the bunch and then I lot the rest. MOST times there is 1 of whatever that pays for the whole bulk lot purchase, and the rest becomes profit.

          So yes, bundling is a great strategy to moving MEH items!
          Success is an ACT not an idea
          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11534729].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author savidge4
        Originally Posted by umc View Post

        Hey man, just saw your post in the Offline section about this.

        I have a question. Where else do you find it helpful to source things to sell?
        Ill start this with the short answer - anywhere and everywhere. An example go look up wide mouth Ball canning jars on eBay.. Now go look them up on Walmart.com Ok now lets go a step further and look up " sprouting rings for widemouth jars " and throw in a packet of wheat sprout seeds and you now have a complete Rabbit greens year round package

        Originally Posted by umc View Post

        I've gone to my local Goodwill excited and that place is a dump. Maybe I just don't know what to sell or something but 90% of the people in there were clearly looking for things to resell. People had binders and such. Most had nothing with them because either there wasn't anything or it was so picked through. Maybe I'm just in an area where a lot of people do this and the competition is high.
        I have gotten involved with a few online communities about eBay.. and your experience is not uncommon. I can count my lucky stars that my 5 local goodwills do not spike prices like many other goodwills do.

        Originally Posted by umc View Post

        I thought video games might be a cool idea and there was not one in the entire store.
        In many of the groups and communities I follow around the net, there are MANY people that deal specifically with video games, consoles and accessories ( powers supplies, controllers etc ) I would say the Majority of these people are buying this stuff in bulk, and it seems that most often its garage sales, Facebook marketplace and Craigslist, that they find these deals. I would also suggest the many other local online apps ( https://www.thespruce.com/best-local...-quick-4150618 )

        Really not an area I get into much.. but they are super easy to list. Include the UPC and eBay already has the details of the game, so a quick description case book, and cartridge/dvd and list the shape its in ) and some photos and you are done. In general I think the return is low with the exception of rares which get crazy expensive, but the sell through rate is rather high.

        Originally Posted by umc View Post

        It was a lot of junk furniture, books, junk glassware/dishware (maybe some of that is worth something IF you know enough but this isn't a high income area), and just lots of clothes, many being very cheap things that you might find new at Walmart.
        There is money in junk furniture if you happen to love woodworking and resurfacing and painting.. but for the average person.. we will consider that not an option - or at least not on eBay. BOOKS at goodwill prices they will be hit or miss. Generally speaking Bibles are almost ALWAYS a hit... I have more than a few listed in excess of $50.00 that I paid $1.50 for ( and they ship media mail, so that expense is minimal )

        Glassware and dishware - this is my sons money maker here.. WE have learned a ton in the last few months. lets start with this Replacement ltd ( https://www.replacements.com ) is a hell of a good resource. Have to keep in mind when looking at pricing they ADD shipping at checkout. BUT ultimately if you go back to the day 1 post in this thread ( https://www.warriorforum.com/warrior...l#post11481920 ) you will see how I suggest having the eBay app on your phone and not being afraid to use it.

        Some things you might want to research a bit - Carnival glass and depression glass. In terms of plates etc Mikasa is a look up EVERY time ( the pattern name will be on the item ) Lennox ( pattern name will be there ), Fiestaware ( no patterns here, just a brand )

        Originally Posted by umc View Post

        We're getting a Goodwill Outlet soon where you can buy things by the pound BUT these are things that didn't sell at other stores. I hear the competition is fierce at these places as well.
        I might go to check it out.. I have one 100 miles from where I live and have never really even thought of going. I think the key FOR YOU in that type of market space is to identify what the "rest" are not buying and focus on that

        Originally Posted by umc View Post

        I can sell things on ebay. Been there, done that. Finding any sort of reliable sourcing can be the difficult part. I have capital. I had a friend that bought pallets of liquidated goods that sold on ebay but he had a lot of issues with returns and such and eventually got shut down.
        So the Category I have the highest amount of returns with is electronics... BUT they sell really well ( dvd players VHS players tv/vhs combos, cordless phones etc )

        USED clothing.. is a PAIN to list - or at least list in what I would consider the correct method.... you have to measure the neck to bottom hem, across the shoulders and pit to pit across the chest. The ISSUE is the clothes have been washed and they are Labeled a size Medium... but they have shrank and now are a small. Listing your items with the actual measurements just listed, and being more accurate with its current size vs listing the labelled size is key

        Some time ago we invested in a full set of shoe makers sized shoe stretchers ( Size 2 to 12 in half steps for women's sizes, and size 4 to 15 in half steps for men's sizes ) So when we list shoes we list "actual size" vs labelled size, and knock on wood, have never had a return due to "does not fit". But, as I recall those sets set us back a bit - but over time I am sure have been well worth the investment.

        Originally Posted by umc View Post

        We have flea markets that are open on weekends, peddlers malls that are open every day. You can't put up yard sale signs in our town anymore (yes, really) so they aren't always easy to find. I'm not much of a shopper, kind of hate it, but I'm sure once I got a feel for what I was looking for it would help. Going into a place with a lot of stuff, most of it junk, on that treasure hunt where you don't really even know what the treasure is you're looking for, is kind of overwhelming.
        Flee markets - YES. Peddlers Malls - NO ( I will bet a number of people you saw in Goodwill were filling their booths ) Yard Sales - SEASONAL and I would say YES.. but I don't lol.

        I HATE shopping... Im generally list in hand.. item item item and out the door. I GET it for sure. This happens to be the reason I primarily use Goodwill.. I can go in with my phone look up items make informed choices and be out in 30 minutes.

        Originally Posted by umc View Post

        I really like the idea of specializing, kind of like your son. Being the "mug guy" or whatever. That makes it even more difficult though because you're more limited in what you can find and sell.
        I get what you are saying, it does limit what you can source... BUT, there are some huge advantages. You don't want one of.. you know you need LOTS... Lots equates to leverage, and lower prices. Dynamics change when you say "How much or all of them?"

        The other bonus in this is Social media efforts. my son has an IG account with 3000+ followers for coffee mugs and tea cups, and that can directly be tracked to 20% of his sales. Throw into this you can use the app to get a link to use to link to the item, and you are rewarded with bringing in outside traffic to buy, with the 10% ebay fee being waived A no brainer in my book! LOL

        Originally Posted by umc View Post

        You seem to be the sourcing king around here. Then again, you also know a lot about a lot. I've thought about putting an ad up on Craigslist or something saying that I buy certain things and seeing what it brings me to help with sourcing. I'd love to buy things online somewhere and then sell them back online on ebay but I don't really know where to source things efficiently. I can travel to other Goodwill's but they will have to pay off in order to make the time spent worthwhile.
        Ok so I just finished 30 days of listing 1 item per day that sells for more than $200.00 This is not something I could source from my local goodwills consistantly. I went in the only obvious direction https://www.shopgoodwill.com/. Goodwills online actions from stores around the country. the search engine is LOUSY - it helps to look in off the wall categories and with misspellings and all of the old school search tricks you can drum up.

        So in the comfort of my own office, I can find research and buy nice crap and sell for a huge profit. I bought 4 car rims a few weeks back $60 including shipping. I sold all 4 in a weeks time for $150 each minus $30 each in shipping. Ive bought bulk lots of receipt printers for next to nothing and each printer is selling for $100+. Ive gotten into buying Native American Silver items.. and make a killing. I bought 2 32" digital white boards for $100 each and they sold for $700 each

        IF you have have knowledge on some type of items, I can pretty much say you will be able to find it there. But again the ability to look at something and then research sold comp prices on ebay sitting at home and then the dang things are delivered... WOW God bless America! LOL

        Another place to look is eBay itself. look up " Lots " and if you know what you are looking for, there are deals to be had there as well.

        Again anywhere and everywhere, there are items to flip - go with whatyou know to start and learn to use the app.. and the process is no longer "shopping" but "investing" based on profit potential ( or at least that is what I tell myself.. boy do I hate "Shopping" hahaha )

        Originally Posted by umc View Post

        What say you, oh guru of this space, (and by this space I mean the WF because you can pretty much drop knowledge in any forum here, lol).
        Thank you very much for the kind words. I can only say age and experience is what got me here... and diversifying at every opportunity never hurt! LOL
        Success is an ACT not an idea
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11534727].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author GordonJ
          Originally Posted by savidge4 View Post

          Ill start this with the short answer - anywhere and everywhere.

          Again anywhere and everywhere, there are items to flip - go with whatyou know to start and learn to use the app.. and the process is no longer "shopping" but "investing" based on profit potential ( or at least that is what I tell myself.. boy do I hate "Shopping" hahaha )

          Thank you very much for the kind words. I can only say age and experience is what got me here... and diversifying at every opportunity never hurt! LOL
          Want to share one little secret, which I shared with you in the report, but I want to show folks something they may not have ever considered.

          First: proof of marketplace and profitability.

          Go to ebay. Seach CUSTOM WINDOW TREATMENTS.

          Then hit the SOLD/COMPLETED LISTINGS.

          Then organize from most expensive down.

          On any given day, you will find drapes and curtains which have sold for over 1k, Several in the 400 to 800 dollar range. Many in the 200 to 300 dollar range. MANY.

          It would take anyone about an hour a day for a month, studying and researching name brand drapes, curtains, shades, blinds, etc. ONE month of very part time research could put you almost into expert category, although you don't need to be an expert to make some quick and steady cash. Here's how:

          Search your Craigslist, Facebook Marketplace and Gumtree or any other marketplace you visit and do a search for CUSTOM window treatments, some sites, like ebay break them down; curtains, shades and valances and blinds and shades for example.

          So, let me ask you all a few questions, OK? In your neck of the woods, do you have people buying and selling houses? Realtors?

          One of the first new purchases a home buyer makes is WINDOW TREATMENTS.

          Then babies. Are people still having kids? Nurseries get those oh so cute custom curtains. And as babies turn to kids to teens, the curtains go from Kermit and Oscar to Batman and Spiderman, to leave me the hell alone dark shades HA!

          My point. And most men don't, won't and for some reason can't wrap their heads around this. And in the last 25 years of FLIPPING window treatments, I have yet to come across a man who is knowledgeable and doing it, although I have met several smart and savvy women who have even opened up Window Treatment stores.

          Curtains and drapes can fit in the back seat of the smallest of cars. Today, at ebay, you can see a SOLD listing for a CUSTOM ORDER for $1,899.60 and one for $1,399.66 and I guarantee you there was significant profit in these.

          I personally search for those that have at least 250 profit, after all expenses, and they are, as savidge4 points out: ANYWHERE AND EVERYWHERE.

          My best sources are DRY cleaners in affluent neighborhoods, Realtors, who know if the window treatments stay or go, and alterations (often found in the Dry Cleaners).

          Any given day of the week, one can find these items, buy in AM, sell in PM, pocket the cashola. But I do thank you gents, for not pursuing it, leaves me more than I can handle.


          PS.If you live in a neighborhood where everyone hangs old Goodwill found blankets and sheets over their windows, this may not be for you. HA!
          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11534808].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author umc
      First of all, my post asking about sourcing things was legit. So I appreciate the gold dropped here. I'm looking at getting involved in this. Unfortunately some of the niches I know about are difficult to really source in. For instance I have always liked watches but they aren't easy to find and flip. I had a friend that did actually found a good watch at a Goodwill (can't remember the brand, not obviously good like Rolex that is well known but it was good anyway) and flipped it. That's a very rare find though. He's tried since.

      Second, I also just loved this thread and wanted to see it continue. I check here, this thread in particular, as I miss these kinds of threads in the offline forum. We used to have such great discussions of these types of businesses and services offered to offline businesses. There are so many ways to make money.

      Thanks for the great responses. Bring more if you have them. I'm sure there are niches like those window treatments that few people know to even look at. I find it all fascinating.

      Simple "pay what you want" life coaching services online.
      Get out of your own way in business. It's personal. Click Here

      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11534904].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author savidge4
        Originally Posted by umc View Post

        First of all, my post asking about sourcing things was legit. So I appreciate the gold dropped here. I'm looking at getting involved in this. Unfortunately some of the niches I know about are difficult to really source in. For instance I have always liked watches but they aren't easy to find and flip.
        I left you the source.. here I will make it easier - ( https://www.shopgoodwill.com/Listing...uyerPrefs=true )you have the heads up o this cuz you know kinda what you are looking atI hope.. but for say $100 you could have probably more watches than you know what to do with.

        Originally Posted by umc View Post

        Second, I also just loved this thread and wanted to see it continue. I check here, this thread in particular, as I miss these kinds of threads in the offline forum. We used to have such great discussions of these types of businesses and services offered to offline businesses. There are so many ways to make money.

        Thanks for the great responses. Bring more if you have them. I'm sure there are niches like those window treatments that few people know to even look at. I find it all fascinating.
        Success is an ACT not an idea
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11534905].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author DWolfe
          Originally Posted by savidge4 View Post

          but for say $100 you could have probably more watches than you know what to do with.
          Their is a set of 4 lady's watches for sale right now for a $1.51 buy it now offer. Ships for $ 4.00 in change from South Fla. If anyone is interested.
          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11534907].message }}
          • Profile picture of the author umc
            Originally Posted by DWolfe View Post

            Their is a set of 4 lady's watches for sale right now for a $1.51 buy it now offer. Ships for $ 4.00 in change from South Fla. If anyone is interested.
            I assume you're referring to:


            None are working. They were cheapies to begin with. All are ladies watches. If you actually put your zip in the shipping and handling comes up to $12.00+.

            I've seen them sell for a little bit if they work on eBay. Here's a lot of 4 that sold on there for less money than this that actually work:


            It's not as easy as just finding watches for sale. I do think there may be a few deals on there with a lot of diggingg that could net a few bucks but they are on auction and I don't know how far they'll be driven up before selling.

            Simple "pay what you want" life coaching services online.
            Get out of your own way in business. It's personal. Click Here

            {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11534919].message }}
            • Profile picture of the author DWolfe
              Originally Posted by umc View Post

              I assume you're referring to:


              None are working. They were cheapies to begin with. All are ladies watches. If you actually put your zip in the shipping and handling comes up to $12.00+.

              I've seen them sell for a little bit if they work on eBay. Here's a lot of 4 that sold on there for less money than this that actually work:


              It's not as easy as just finding watches for sale. I do think there may be a few deals on there with a lot of diggingg that could net a few bucks but they are on auction and I don't know how far they'll be driven up before selling.
              The one thing with any of the watches sold on Goodwill is they do not test them. Also they say " may have scratches or other imperfections". Easier for them to take them in and blow them out or eventually trash them. Never looked to deep into watches but estate sales might be the place to look.
              {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11535110].message }}
              • Profile picture of the author savidge4
                eBay Managed Payments

                Early this year ( 2019 ) eBay rolled out "Managed Payments". To understand the need for this you have to know that up until a few years ago eBay owned PayPal. The 2 systems were integrated ( and kinda still are ) and then eBay decided to sell off the PayPal portion of the business.

                From the outside it seemed like no big deal, but now instead of keeping the processing fees on both sides of the transaction they ( eBay ) was only collecting from one side.

                In eBay facebook groups and the like there has been a great amount of turmoil over switching. Apparently most sellers on eBay don't like change much. Its actually kind of scarry. Enter someone like me that looks at the whole thing from a very technical / analytical view point, and I am speaking any amount of craziness and jibberish to most people.

                I would say as a whole the better than average eBay seller has no clue about any of the technical aspects of how eBay operates - nor do they care. For people with any amount of marketing background this is only a bonus.

                So eBay brings out this new payment system that NOW includes the use of PayPal, Google Pay, Apple Pay, and Credit and Debit cards. THIS is GREAT for the buyer - thus being GREAT for the seller. I am to a greater extent a fan boy of the new system - with Caveats.

                Right now ( Mid Nov 2019 ) a whole 10 months since they started the migration to the new system it still has its flaws. Not so much on the buyers side anymore ( yes there were issues but they all seem to have been resolved) But the Sellers side, it is a bit of a ( thinking of a good word ) minor train wreck maybe - not a nightmare, and not a Sunday stroll in the park.. something in the middle.

                So with the old Paypal system everything was about instant ( once you has been selling for a while.) Payments were instant to your PayPal account, Shipping came from your PayPal Account, and you could easily make instant withdraws to your bank account from PayPal. The system overall was pretty efficient and easy to manage.

                NOW using the Managed Payments system nothing is instant. There is in general a 2 day delay from Selling something and then eBay transferring the funds to your bank account - and this can take 2 to 4 days. Shipping charges are still taken from your PayPal account ( instantly ) and if there are no funds available it is then taken from the connected bank account. ( why not just take it from the bank account I ask? - never have gotten an answer to that one LOL )

                So let me explain the deposit procedure. Your "Daily" balance as of 11am PST is sent to funds waiting to be transferred ( this is where it will sit for a day or 2 ) and then from there it will be transferred to your bank account in a "Daily Payout" Once you get the hang of this it really isnt that bad - there are without questions things I don't like and I will get to that next.

                The BIGGEST issue for ME is reconciling a days sales. #1 "Daily" sales end at 11am PST so 2pm EST for me. I close our daily books at the end of the day. The "Daily Payout" is a lump sum. meaning if it is 1 item or 40 items there is a single deposit.

                So this means you are now reconciling sales from 2 different payouts, that hit the bank ( 3 to 5 days after the sales are completed ) on 2 different days. AND on top of this you are having to reconcile a shipping charge that was made on the day of the sale.

                They have yet to create a report that kind of puts all these numbers in the same place, so I have literally had to hire an accountant to track all of this down - because for our operation it is flat out tedious and time consuming.

                I actually have a semi direct line of communication with the "Managed Payments" dept and have asked for this type of thing for months now... and the conversation has gotten to the point I have actually talked with their developers about this. - I THINK it is pretty straight forward database stuff... put this number in this box and that number in that box and spit out a report thank you very much. For some reason it is not that easy.

                Aside from the things I dislike I am 100% behind the change as a seller. I ( my wife ) am an extreme with 6 stores. 1 Store selling just a few items a day would be a pain but really not that bad. Its the benefit of the system overall and some of the back ground things that have occurred that are truly amazing. I will touch on that in the next post!

                As always thanks for reading and if you all have questions.... Ask Away.
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              • Profile picture of the author savidge4
                How to SEO for eBay 2020

                As I have stated in the post above, eBay has a new Payment system ( Managed Payments ) and right now you are thinking what the golly gee willikers does that have to do with SEO... give me a moment to lay out some history and some facts and you will se WHY this has a HUGE impact on #1 why you would use eBay to sell items and #2 Why in terms of SEO you want to try and put your best foot forward.

                If you run over to this thread: ( https://www.warriorforum.com/offline...-response.html ) You will find I post about some numbers. I will refer to them below so you don't have to read that to understand my logic.

                So the basics - Last year, 87% of online purchases began with search. 28% of that 87% started specifically on a sales platform IE eBay or Amazon. The 28% was a HUGE increase from the year before.

                We can then break these numbers down more specifically:
                • eBay as an example has 20% ( +/- ) market share.
                • Google as an example has 90% ( +/- ) market share.

                So now you are asking WHY are you bringing Google into a discussion about eBay? Enter Managed Payments... WHO is one of the new payment partners? That would be Google. WHO all of the sudden has a financial interest in purchases made on eBay? That would be Google.

                So the things I have noticed. eBay no longer lists items on the "Shopping" section of a Google Serp page. Once you get down to a item specific search there is more than preference for eBay listings. At the VERY LEAST there always seems to be a eBay Category link. Look up something like "Vintage Pez Dispensers" on Google and you will find ebay listings to be pretty dominate.

                OK so I have listed some numbers above Ebay has 20% market share of the 28% of searches made before a purchase on sales platforms. So 5.6% of overall search.

                Google has a 90% share of 59% search engine search or 53.1% overall.

                The 2 together because there appears to be a preference for eBay listings is awful close to a 60% margin that your item may be seen.

                So understanding this there are 2 aspects of SEO that have to be done within an eBay listing. There are the variables and factors that effect eBay search, and then there are the Variables and factor that effect Google Search. - Because this will be a long POST I will split this between Google and eBay

                Google Search is the least complicated so we will start there.

                How to SEO for Google Search On a eBay Product Page

                There are only 2 main areas of interest. The Title and the Description.

                I will go over the Title here in a minute on the eBay side - and that seems to work very well with Google. The Title is IMPORTANT.. but the Description is CRITICAL. Take a moment and go do some searches on eBay for items and look at the descriptions. more often than not.. there isn't one.

                Previous post I mention that your average eBay seller could care less about this stuff - hence empty descriptions. I have been on Facebook Groups were people BRAG about making 100 product listings in a day - I MIGHT be able to bang out 25 to 30 if I am like really pushing it. The irony is these are the same people that complain about not making any sales. I mean REALLY how do you expect to sell anything, if you are not describing it?

                I have a basic Description format thatlooks something like:

                Title ( I use the same text I used on the main product title )

                Follow up with some retail sales type copy

                • list things like number of pockets
                • number of outlets
                • Meterials
                • and whatever else

                • Dimensions of the item
                • Width: I ALWAYS will include the Word "Inches"
                • Length: so something like 2 1/2 Inches
                • Height: vs 2.5" or 2 1/2"
                • Power usage kind of stuff

                If there are multiple items included I add -
                what Included:
                • So they know exactly what they are getting
                • Remote
                • Power Cord
                • Etc - Saying "Photos are a part of the description is a bit of a no no

                This layout follows very much what Google likes to see in terms of content overall. Strong title, strong headlines.. a decent amount of text and bullet lists are a plus.

                Using this format on lower demand items I can find my listings out on Google about 20% of the time and across almost 5500 items listed in total that's a FAIR amount.

                And for Google that is really all that has to be done. Not that complicated. I am not asking to jam keywords anywhere - even tho we have ( it will be in the title LOL ) Its Good for the BUYER to see this amount of detail - they KNOW what they are getting vs other peoples product pages that are blank.

                I literally charge MORE for my products than the average listing for an item, and probably have a higher sell rate - and I directly attribute that to the description.

                Next ( Part 2 ) will be the 2 Areas of Focus for an eBay listing plus a whole list of variables and up to date tricks! - stay tuned!
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                • Profile picture of the author savidge4
                  How to SEO for eBay 2020 Part 2

                  So to start where I left off of sorts lets talk titles. The Title is one of 5 elements that you get to "Attract" potential customers to your product page ( the others being; Image, Price, Shipping Cost / Free and Accept returns. )

                  So the very basics of a Title: you have 80 Letters ( including spaces ) to use in the Title. I try to use each and every one of those 80 - and in some cases wish I had more LOL I have a pretty standard format that I use ( go figure ) And more of this lays more on the side of clickability than it does SEO per se.

                  We will get into this later but some of the elements I include in a Title such as "Mens" or "Womens" or "Boys" or "Girls" as well as sizes and the like are there to help the shopper identify MY link as matching what they are looking for WITHOUT clicking on the link ( and again I will get more in depth with this. )

                  I also "break" some SEO rules and actually use CAPS. So on of my titles might look like this:

                  TOMMY HILFIGER Lemii Women's Red Sneaker Size 9 1/2M Shoes

                  So if the item is a "BRAND" I will cap the brand pretty much every time. If there is a size I will list that, If after some research I determine there are other color variations I include that. I fit the "Model" ( in this case "Lemmii" ) in there. Pretty much any amount of detail that at first glance they know what they are clicking on.

                  Anyone that has ever shopped on eBay may have noticed there are many listings in clothing and Shoes as well as some other categories ( Phone Cases comes to mind ) where the sellers use a drop down style listing and sell many sizes of the same item. The Sizes are not on the Title. Someone looking for a size 9 1./2 in red is probably going to click on your ad, because you have matched the buyers INTENT

                  I am NOT a big fan of the use of acronyms - because who honestly uses them in search? - I dont think many. Of course there are a couple of exceptions. OEM for car parts and every so often "VTG" for Vintage if I do not have the space.

                  Which then brings me to the use of "New" or "Vintage" I NEVER say "New" in a title - again with 1 exception if the item is old and is still "New in Box", and will only use "Vintage / VTG" If the item is dated as such ( in excess of 25 years old ) and I find through some quick searches it helps isolate what it is I am selling. an example being t-Shirt vs Vintage t-shirt - it drastically changes the result of the search.

                  And that is kinda the basics on eBay titles... More of a Click through rate element than an SEO element, but in the next post where I get into the nitty gritty of eBay SEO... you will see that he use of some of these ideas actually duplicates and fortifies some search terms, and I have found thatto help in getting a listing closer to the top of the search listings..

                  So Part 3 tomorrow - See you then!.
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                  • Profile picture of the author savidge4
                    How to SEO for eBay 2020 Part 3

                    I can tell you right away this is probably going to be a long one. I think the best way to go through this is going from the perspective of opening a new listing and working from the top down in terms of where some of this is located. The last post was about the Title, and that happens to be at the topof the page.


                    The next consideration in terms of SEO is "Category" and this is pretty critical. More often than not what I do is find the item I am selling that is already listed and I use the "Sell now" option below the images of the product. I pay attention to the category that has been used and figure if this is right or not ( this process is easier sometimes than picking your own. )

                    For things like shoes and clothing you want to ensure the Category matches the gender and age bracket of the item you are selling "Women's Shoes" Is not a good choice if you are selling "Girl's" shoes - I hope you get the idea.

                    Her is a bit of a trick I have learned... In the title you want to ensure to use "Women's" and "Men's" being sure to include the apostrophe. Using the example from the last post:

                    TOMMY HILFIGER Lemii Women's Red Sneaker Size 9 1/2M Shoes

                    The reason for this.. with eBay along the right side of search results you can refine the results. the term eBay uses is "Women's" so using this in your title, creates that multiple match on your listing. If you do a search for say "Womens Nike Shoes" and then "Women's Nike Shoes" you will see the results are different. There seems to be a decent percentage of searches that use the refined search options.

                    Interestingly tho the section right under the search box "Related Search" DOES NOT include the apostrophe - with all of my testing however I find "Women's" out performs "Womens"

                    Store Category

                    I have plaid with this one a lot - and There are instances I think kinda matching helps,and then there are others that not so much. IF you have a store you obviously want to use them, just be more concerned with making it user friendly vs SEO friendly.


                    This is a GAME CHANGER.. with the exception of something vintage-ish pre 90's or older you want to ENSURE you do every thing you can to include the UPC code in your listing. ( The reason pre early 90's or later is before this time frame UPC's were not used. )

                    I do a search on Google like " <insert item name>+ UPC " There are times it kind of pops right up in search for you and other times you will find in the search links for:

                    UPC Look up Tools
                    1. UPCitemDB - https://www.upcitemdb.com/
                    2. Barcode Lookup - https://www.barcodelookup.com/
                    3. UPC Database - https://www.upcdatabase.com/itemform.asp

                    These are in the order that I would use them. #1 being the best and most reliable ( I have found )

                    The reason you want to do this... Items with UPC codes are clearly favored.. and if you start paying attention, the use of UPC is few and far between. THIS alone in a low competition product can place you in the 1st listing.

                    Item specifics

                    Item Specifics is the last area of interest. Just a quick overview here... You want to fill in as much information as you can. If you feel there is more detail to be added you can use the " + Add Custom Item Specific " at the bottom of this section.

                    If you were to go out and research this topic on the net.. often times they say the "Title" is what is used in Search. If you goto eBay themselves and read anything they will tell you its the Title and Item Specifics that is used. As I have just laid out.. its a bit more than that - but Hey, that's better for YOU reading this, because you will be one of the few employing these tactics.

                    So that completes the STATIC points of SEO for eBay. Once you get the hang of it, it really is pretty simple. You could follow just this portion of this post and do well in gaining traction in eBays Search results.

                    The 3 Variables that can Over Ride Good SEO

                    One of the 3 is Obvious - as In I can show you examples... the other 2 are not so obvious - BUT tend to only apply under certain conditions. the 3 Are:
                    1. Sponsored Listing ( Promoted Listing )
                    2. CTR ( Click Through Rate )
                    3. Conversion Rate

                    #1 Sponsored listing Is super easy to identify, a Sponsored listing says "SPONSORED". On the Item Listing page down at the very bottom there is a section called "Promoted Listing". This is in essence a paid advertising option.. But you only pay the fee if the item was purchased by someone that used a "Sponsored" link. I set this at 1% FOR ALL LISTINGS. Sell a $100 item it only cost $1.00

                    I have tested this up one side and down the other. Unlike any and every other platform I have run across eBay DOES NOT give preference to 30% Promoted vs 1% Promoted. Dont ask.. just know I have literally tested the day lights out of this.

                    With the exception of Variables 2 and 3 that come into play with terms with HIGH listing count, ALL of the Promoted Listings for any search term are ROTATED.

                    The number of "Sponsored" listing is in direct relation to the number of items listed in a search So Searching the Term " Pez No Feet " there are 928 total results and only ONE Sponsored listing present. Type " Pez " and there are 42,721 results and the top is stacked with 5 ( the max eBay displays at the top of the page ) Sponsored Listings.

                    Overall in terms of the 6 stores I have tracking enabled, on we average about 3 to 4% overall conversion from Promoted Listings. Costs next to nothing, and I find most of the conversions come from competing product pages vs the Main Search Page - and THIS alone makes it worth the 1%.

                    #2 and #3 ( CTR and Conversion Rate ) These 2 go kind of hand in hand. For a term like "Pez" these will have little to no effect. Search something like " iPhone Case " and scroll through and see in bright red "5000 Sold" "3000 Sold" etc etc. Items that have a High Conversion Rate Is like cream in the e-Comm world, and floats to the top.

                    Over time regardless of the competition in a search term CTR will bite you. if you have an item that has 300 views... 1000 views and has not sold, you will see it drop lower and lower in the search results. Its being seen.. its not converting.

                    I have literally had items with 5000+ views and 90 watchers and it took 6 months to sell a item that sold for less than $10.00 - Cant explain it... dont get it... Drives me crazy when it happens. BUT - thats eBay LOL

                    Dynamic Variables

                    Separating eBay again, from most other platforms I work with is the idea of this dynamic altering of how a Item is positioned in search, be it a single item, or a boost to the entire store.

                    New Listings get a 24 hour boost in the search. Often taking the #1 spot. Like other things the overall effect of this may be effected by number of competing items. "Pez" very effective, "iPhone Cases" may not get you to the #1 top but will get you up there. In addition to the Item specific boost.. I find that listing items also gives a boost to the other items in your store... It is suggested kind of universally you want to try and list new items every day - and trust me you can tell when you haven't listed - sales just drop.

                    Editing a Listing Can have an effect on the specific item.

                    Getting and Giving Feedback will give you store an increase. I have also found that going in and remarking on an existing comment does the same thing.

                    Selling an Item Store wide increase

                    Getting an Offer Gives a minor store wide boost

                    Accepting and Offer Gives a more noticeable boost

                    Doing a Listing "Reset" From your sellers listing page you can click "Edit" and then "Edit all <insert number of listings> this brings you to the bulk edit screen and then click the tops square box that selects all of the items, then click the blue "Submit Changes" button and you are done. this will give your store an overall boost.

                    Promoted Listing Promoting your entire stores inventory gives a store wide increase

                    Inserting UPC Using the UPC of an item gives that Item a boost

                    So over time you have not had a sale you can do the reset.. and I have found that helps. Item specifically you can actually go in and "End Item" which removes the item form being sold and then go into "Ended Listings" and under the items choices select "Sell Similar" scroll through and then submit and this will list the item as a "New Listing" giving you the 24 hour boost.

                    One has to be careful with this. Because the initial listing is 1 of your selling spots, and doing a relist uses another. So if you did this once a week on say 10 items you would be using 40 of your item slots.. and you could run into additional fees if you go over your plans allotted item amount.

                    So thats kinda eBay SEO in a nutshell... as always any questions I will be more than happy to answer - Thanks all of you reading this, those that have commented and liked - I hope it Helps!
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                    • Profile picture of the author DWolfe
                      Originally Posted by savidge4 View Post

                      Her is a bit of a trick I have learned... In the title you want to ensure to use "Women's" and "Men's" being sure to include the apostrophe. Using the example from the last post:

                      Interestingly tho the section right under the search box "Related Search" DOES NOT include the apostrophe - with all of my testing however I find "Women's" out performs "Womens"
                      Great tip right there. Wonder if that is because some of the auto checks on certain browsers usually add the apostrophe ? Your SEO has been a great help. It is appreciated the amount of time you have posted here the past few days.
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                      • Profile picture of the author savidge4
                        Originally Posted by DWolfe View Post

                        Great tip right there. Wonder if that is because some of the auto checks on certain browsers usually add the apostrophe ? Your SEO has been a great help. It is appreciated the amount of time you have posted here the past few days.
                        It is specifically more related to the left panel after you do a search where you can then refine what you are looking for. So if you were to get on eBay and search "Shoes" you could then look to the left and see

                        Selected category
                        Clothing, Shoes & Accessories
                        Sporting Goods
                        eBay Motors
                        Business & Industrial
                        Home & Garden

                        And THEN click on "Women" and look again to the left and you see "Women's Shoes" being the Category.

                        which reminds me of another tip.. you want to pay attention to the terms used in eBays categories. "Shoes" as an example you will notice in:

                        TOMMY HILFIGER Lemii Women's Red Sneaker Size 9 1/2M Shoes

                        I use the terms "Sneakers" and "Shoes" and the term "shoes" has been inserted to create the category match.
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              • Profile picture of the author umc
                This is gold. Thank you so much savidge! I hurt my back over a year ago, pushed through for just over a year, and in August I had to leave a self-employed venture I had been doing with my wife for almost 20 years. I've been a bit lost in ways accepting limitations and grieving the loss, while in other ways I've found myself as I do some very important work that unfortunately I struggle to monetize, and this is something that I'm still potentially pursuing in the new year depending on how some other things go. This is really good information. Hopefully I can figure out how to better monetize this other work I'm doing (basically helping cult victims to find help and create a better life) but if not this is definitely an option. I'm just trying to not focus on too many things at once so that I don't end up doing them all injustice.

                Simple "pay what you want" life coaching services online.
                Get out of your own way in business. It's personal. Click Here

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                  Originally Posted by umc View Post

                  I'm just trying to not focus on too many things at once so that I don't end up doing them all injustice.
                  The wonder of this model as it is presented... we are talking like 16 hours a week. This WILL put cash in your pocket and relieve some of the stress so you can put more effort into your other ventures. Any questions, just ask... and OH so sorry to hear about your injury..
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                  • Profile picture of the author socialentry
                    1) It's been around a year, what's the lastest total score?

                    I'll use it as the yardstick to beat.

                    2) What's the advantage of free shipping vs no free shipping? Also do you ship stuff to Canada?

                    I'm in Canada and shipping rates are all over the place and highly idiosynchratic. E.g. it might be cheaper to send to the US or even Japan(!) then to send inside the country.

                    Would "no free shipping" take away some of the risks? If so, how does the strategy change in this case?

                    3)if the shipping rates were to be jacked up like in Canada, what's the strategy you'd pursue?
                    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11568543].message }}
                    • Profile picture of the author savidge4
                      Originally Posted by socialentry View Post

                      1) It's been around a year, what's the lastest total score?
                      I had a beyond stellar 4th quarter $40K Gross last month ( December ) with a net of $30k. The month before ( November was not far behind, and October was more than solid as well. With technically a month left I have surpassed the $100,000 in a year goal. My time average has crept a bit, I am at 2.8 hours per day on average. With only a month left I could drop my hour percentage considerably and just let time play out... but I think we all know I wont do that.

                      I am currently doing a bit of restructuring. There are somethings we were testing in Q4 with minor to not so minor changes and there is a bit of "re-tooling" in some of our processes and props to take better advantage of some of the things that tested very well. As soon as I can get in and do some more with that, I will then share those findings and changes made here.

                      Originally Posted by socialentry View Post

                      I'll use it as the yardstick to beat.
                      win lose or draw for you, I will Guarantee you will be in a better financial position. Beyond the technical aspects as I have written above, this is a pretty straight forward system. Just keep the App with you when you are out making "Financial" decisions and you really cant go wrong.

                      Originally Posted by socialentry View Post

                      2) What's the advantage of free shipping vs no free shipping?
                      "Free Shipping" overall gives a boost in conversions. AND it can give you an increase in profit. For every item I / we list I / we know exactly what the high end of shipping will be and we base our price on that number. So if you are familiar with USPS at all, we base our cost of shipping to be added as a zone 5 price. If for example an item ships to a zone 3 location that difference in expense is added profit.

                      THAT being said there is an amount of added profit built into ebay charging shipping. You me and anyone else can look up how much something costs to ship. A USPS flat rate padded envelope as an example costs $7.35 - I have found that eBay might charge retail for that ( you get a discount within eBay once you have reached "Top Rated" status ) The ISSUE I have.. is someone like me that understands shipping cost in an environment that the point of separation may be price.. ill be lower.

                      The OTHER consideration... One that I have actually never seen communicated... Shipping is an expense for those that use free shipping. Shipping for those that charge shipping.. the consumer pays that directly.

                      From the end of year tax standpoint. If cost of goods is $.50 ( a mug ) I sell it for $20.00 I have $2.50 in COG and fees and then throw on $7.50 in shipping expense so my profit 1/2 of what it sold for ( Cost to sell = $10.00 and Profit = $10.00 )


                      I sell an item $12.50 + $7.50 shipping. My cost remains the same $.50. My fees remain the same $2.50 but I no longer have the expense of shipping. I am still profiting the same $10.00 in the end. ( cost to sell = $3.00 and Profit = $10.00 )

                      Placing a 50% cost to profit ratio in front of the right accountants, the overall liability is decreased, and with the right amount of added spending ( investing in your business ) tax liability can be drastically negated - and this is due to the added "expense" of shipping.

                      Originally Posted by socialentry View Post

                      Also do you ship stuff to Canada?
                      As of right now we are not.. with the transition to "Managed Payments" the eBay inclusive international shipping program is removed - and IT was super easy. We WILL be bringing international shipping back into our system. But for the time being we were minimizing some variables to get an optimal testing environment within our primary market ( the USA)

                      Originally Posted by socialentry View Post

                      I'm in Canada and shipping rates are all over the place and highly idiosynchratic. E.g. it might be cheaper to send to the US or even Japan(!) then to send inside the country.

                      Would "no free shipping" take away some of the risks? If so, how does the strategy change in this case?
                      Absolutely it would. Commonwealth Countries in general have super messed up postal systems. They just don't make any amount of sense. I am sure there are those somewhere that understand it to a degree, but I don't think I have ever met anyone LOL.

                      An interesting thing to point out here is Fed-Ex in particular is in a bit of a "Spot" and I believe if it hasn't already in the next day or so there is going to be some rate reductions. - so that's something to look at. Also in June of this year there is a possibility of change. What I DO KNOW is as it pertains to USA mail, the cost to send a package from China to the States will increase DRAMATICALLY.

                      Originally Posted by socialentry View Post

                      3)if the shipping rates were to be jacked up like in Canada, what's the strategy you'd pursue?
                      Overall from probably a overly under educated guestimation I would say that you will want to use the Cost + shipping model. AGAIN... I probably understand enough to maybe be dangerous but I in no way understand Canadian Post in the way I understand USPS.

                      And I believe I have said it time and again..it is POSTAGE that makes or breaks a lot of this. At the end of the day it is what the item is selling for + the cost of shipping that creates a final buy price... and in my book if you are producing a minimum of 3x with each sale your golden.
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              • Profile picture of the author savidge4
                In a spare moment here and there I have been researching Canadian post in relation to eBay it appears there are 2 options, PayPal and Shippo ( https://goshippo.com/ ). From what I am understanding Shippo is the integrated 3rd party software used within eBay.

                A good starter article is here: https://support.goshippo.com/hc/en-u...anada-Shipping

                Hope that helps!
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              • Profile picture of the author socialentry
                I have a few questions:

                a)Would it be worthwihle to look for lists of items? Particularly for medias.

                When it comes to collectibles, what sells doesn't seem to follow any logic so I'm just curious if it would be possible to infer any rules of thumb from them..

                I have a friend who has a couple thousand of mangas and he gave me a curated list in Excel format (he has some really rare mangas, like jorganmund vol 6). I think a curated list like this is likely best but I also found very large lists on the internet on a variety of subjects.

                b) What would happen if I tried to scan every book in a store?

                I found a project on github that uses OCR to catalogue books from photos.

                Do you think that would be a path worth pursuing? I don't plan to dig into the internals. I figure there would be a fair amount of tinkering involved to make it work, but the time savings could potentially be enormous even if it catalogues only half of what's in a given photo.

                c) How much of an advantage does 1 day handling give?

                Maybe I'm just really overcomplicating things. Thoughts?
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                • Profile picture of the author savidge4
                  Originally Posted by socialentry View Post

                  c) How much of an advantage does 1 day handling give?
                  Starting with this one.. Its just a topic unto itself... Just a note... a bunch of this I suspect relates directly to USPS. However, The principle at the core of the thought process remain the same.

                  I use 1 day shipping. The actual truth is, I employ same day shipping. Anything ordered before 3pm Monday thru Friday and Saturday before 11am is shipped out same day. In the post above I stated:

                  Originally Posted by savidge4 View Post

                  For ME... in todays shipping environment USPS is the premium service. I think maybe ONCE has a package regardless of point of delivery not made it in 3 days.
                  IF, it takes 3 days to get anywhere and I drop it off the same day it is ordered, it "Technically" gets to the customer in 2 days. Fast deliver equates to a happy customer. Happy customers leave positive feedback - and repeat business.

                  So a big part of this decision for me has to do with customer satisfaction. Another fairly big aspect of this is "Customer Expectation". I am ultimately competing to some extent with product on other platforms... oh like Amazon or something, that theoretically can offer same day, or next day delivery. Granted those same pressures do not apply for antique or "used" product, but I sell a decent amount of "new in box" or "new with tag" type items - so there is an amount of consideration to be made - or at least I think there is.

                  Since we are on the topic of "Shipping"... When you consider Customer Expectation and Satisfaction, there are few areas with this type of business model that impact the customer like shipping does.

                  Obviously the item listing itself is what sells the item, but I am a firm believer that actually putting that item into the customers hands is the point they either feel good with the purchase.. or they are less than satisfied. So the "Presentation" of that package at the front door for me is pretty critical. We do not use "recycled" boxes to send our goods.

                  We do our very best to place the item in a sealable bag within the packaging. ( this keeps the item dry if it is delivered on a wet and rainy day and left on the front porch for hours. We use craft paper to line the box ( like the use of tissue paper inside a shirt box etc ) that gets stuck together with one of our stickers. We include "new" stickers, and also place one on the outside of the box.

                  I would say that 90% of our boxes are the USPS supplied boxes. ( you can order them free here: https://store.usps.com/store/results...N-17iopsj?C=2& ) we DO NOT use eBay tape - we had an increase in missing boxes after delivery when we did this. ( Customers are not happy when their box is stolen and they have no recourse of a refund. ) This simple step minimized this from happening - and overall makes life less stressful.

                  So aside from the listing itself, this is really the only other step YOU as the seller have any amount of control over and I believe is worth the effort and minor expense. If it looks good, it is good!
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                  Part 2

                  Originally Posted by socialentry View Post

                  a)Would it be worthwihle to look for lists of items? Particularly for medias.
                  I get what you are saying here... and to more than an extent it makes sense. But, the answer would be no. Online sales environments are like living breathing things, and the fluctuation of supply and demand is literally in real time.

                  As an example lets think the Beckets trading card guide that has lists of cards and comes out ( used to come out once a month, I don't know about now ) and that would set the price - literally for a month. NOW, if for example you have a card that is in great demand and you go onto eBay and find none listed, until there are others listed you could list yours at an elevated price ( Supply and Demand ). Often times I have found that in doing so, you can actually set a bench mark for further listings - as long as the new set price is not so far out of whack with reality. Although you will find single listed items with how bad do you really want it prices.

                  Originally Posted by socialentry View Post

                  When it comes to collectibles, what sells doesn't seem to follow any logic so I'm just curious if it would be possible to infer any rules of thumb from them..
                  each niche collectible or not has a way about it. Collectibles say Funko Pops, the prices are solely based on quantity overall available. So you are looking for the ones with the "Exclusively sold at X" stickers on the front of them. Even with this, not all meeting that criteria are suggested buys. There are some that are release 3 per store, and others are 20 per store and yet others that are sold not in all stores. So the exact number released is the driving force in price.

                  Another example would be Millennial Monopoly. When it first was released in select Walmarts, you could get $60+ for it.. today? Market is saturated and people are actually charging less than the $18 it sold for. But give this 2 or 3 years, and the price will start to grow again

                  So something non collectible in nature I have found that with automobile wheels / rims Import models sell ridiculously well and domestic ( USA ) brands are lack luster at best.

                  Each niche is different into what is hot and what is not, and its getting into these and learning the nuances as you go. There is a LOT to be said for "Going with your passion" in regards to reselling. #1 you are going to surround yourself with stuff you think is cool, and #2 you are going to have an amount of understanding in terms of what how and when the market moves and flows.

                  Originally Posted by socialentry View Post

                  I have a friend who has a couple thousand of mangas and he gave me a curated list in Excel format (he has some really rare mangas, like jorganmund vol 6). I think a curated list like this is likely best but I also found very large lists on the internet on a variety of subjects.
                  As a collector a list like this makes sense, for me as a seller.. the only list that matters is the listings for sale. ( notice I said "for sale" and not "to be sold" ) If desired how would you convert that list to a sales list would be fairly simple. Convert it to a CSV file, and then use something like WP All Imports and force that data out to WooCommerce and from there you could use something like WP Lister, and the process becomes about as "seemless" as possible

                  Originally Posted by socialentry View Post

                  b) What would happen if I tried to scan every book in a store?
                  there are places I would do this ( if I chose to ) without hesitation - My local Good wills would be an example. But, when in doubt just ask if it is ok.

                  I have a buddy that does exclusively books His end goal is to double COG after fees and shipping and all that. He does this full time and really does not consider or value the time it takes him to locate the books he sells - he just knows $1 in and $2 out. It works for him, he does well - he spends a ridiculous amount of time scanning scanning and scanning. I don't have the time to do that... and even if I did.. I still wouldn't have the time to do that LOL But books are something I know very little about, other than I need to learn about subject X, and this looks like the one that will teach me the most LOL

                  Originally Posted by socialentry View Post

                  I found a project on github that uses OCR to catalogue books from photos.

                  Do you think that would be a path worth pursuing? I don't plan to dig into the internals. I figure there would be a fair amount of tinkering involved to make it work, but the time savings could potentially be enormous even if it catalogues only half of what's in a given photo.
                  An interesting concept, kinda like this?: ( https://lifehacker.com/create-a-sear...nappi-30776996 )

                  This can, could, probably, should be able to work across 2 platforms, eBay and Amazon ( most "better" book sellers sell on Amazon from what i understand ) but you are still left without knowing if the book title is a 1st edition or not. So integrating the ability to search both the title AND a second search including "1st Edition" in the search string could and probably would be a game changing added bonus.

                  but the more I think about this... Take a photo, pull the pricing and it spits out a real time shopping list... yeah that would have value LOL The value, using it "for yourself" would be an unfair advantage ( I like unfair advantages ) and then the value for someone to buy access to this... I think there is some amount of money to be made there - the obvious issue being bandwidth and access to API's at scale.

                  Hope that Helps!
                  Success is an ACT not an idea
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                  • Profile picture of the author socialentry
                    Originally Posted by savidge4 View Post

                    An interesting concept, kinda like this?: ( https://lifehacker.com/create-a-sear...nappi-30776996 )

                    This can, could, probably, should be able to work across 2 platforms, eBay and Amazon ( most "better" book sellers sell on Amazon from what i understand )
                    yeah that's exactly this.

                    I jury rigged something together and started testing in stores and it does pick out some interesting books. No victory lap yet (lots of mangled junk strings) but I'm sure I can make something out of it if I keep improving on it.

                    Just curious:

                    During scanning, I noticed there were a few books that had sold for a good price on Ebay, but where there were relatively few hits (maybe 3 or 4 in sold listings). However they had a rank of <100 k, which apparently is pretty good.

                    I've only really bought a few books online, usually because they were niche and the local library didn't have them in stock(e.g. sales books or textbooks) so it intuitively makes sense that there wouldn't be tons of them moving.

                    Can Amazon sales rank predict whether it's gonna sell well on Ebay and vice versa? Is it possible for example that it sells well on Ebay but does terrible on amazon or vice versa? I also noticed that the price on Amazon seemed to be slightly higher (by maybe 5$), why do you think that is?

                    The other issue I have is I currently don't have API access for Amazon (no website). Should I make a website and just do things by the book or should I just scrape amazon directly? I'm mostly thinking of having access to sales rank + amazon price.
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                    • Profile picture of the author savidge4
                      Originally Posted by socialentry View Post

                      yeah that's exactly this.

                      I jury rigged something together and started testing in stores and it does pick out some interesting books. No victory lap yet (lots of mangled junk strings) but I'm sure I can make something out of it if I keep improving on it.
                      I am a FIRM believer that allowing technology to do he "Dirty Work" is a sound investment any and every time VS doing whatever it is the old way like in this case scanning each and every book vs scanning a whole shelf of books at one time - Good on you!

                      Originally Posted by socialentry View Post

                      During scanning, I noticed there were a few books that had sold for a good price on Ebay, but where there were relatively few hits (maybe 3 or 4 in sold listings). However they had a rank of <100 k, which apparently is pretty good.
                      Bit confused here... Rank is on Amazon? Some super simple eBay math for you: Divide the total number of X sold by ( Total number of X listed for sale + total number of X that has sold in the last 90 days { sold listings } ) this gives you the probably percentage of you selling your item in the next 90 days.

                      Examples: I bought a music box that has sold 3 times in the last 90 days.. there are currently Zero for sale 3/(3+0)= 1 or 100% probability it will sell in 90 days. ( I bought the item for $3.99 and sold it for $350 BTW )

                      then you have an item that has 3000 listings and 290 sold 290/(3000+290) = .09 ( rounded up ) meaning I have 9% chance in selling this item in the next 90 days. There is a line I have yet to truly define where I simply would not pick up this item. The line I am trying to better understand is simply ratio of profit. In the example above close to 100X profit... I'm buying right... I can wait - because the return on investment allows for that.

                      Same scenario and we are talking 3X and the possibility of holding the item for 300 days... I am flat out NOT buying the item.

                      So the line seems very cut and dry but of course there are some amount of caveats that go with this. If it is a one off sale then still no... but if we are discussing a bulk buy where I can use volume for leverage to start super low to build CTR and buy through rate to gain rank, and then increase my price - I M A Y get into that.

                      This is obviously a strategy that takes selling on eBay from selling to make some side cash vs running like a business. Not suggested for most, but just putting it out there that selling on these platforms can be operated at scale.

                      Originally Posted by socialentry View Post

                      I've only really bought a few books online, usually because they were niche and the local library didn't have them in stock(e.g. sales books or textbooks) so it intuitively makes sense that there wouldn't be tons of them moving.
                      The greatest thing to ever happen to my professional career is CRO ( Conversion Rate Optimization ) Forget about the amount of money I make doing it... it was the lesson in learning to let data control decisions. DATA removes you and your past and experiences right out of the equation right? YOU may have only bought a book or 2, but Bill Gates buys a minimum of 50 per year. Amazon became what it is today by selling what? BOOKS. your experience and frame of reference ( and no offense to you personally ) Means Sh*t.

                      Books move by the hundreds of thousands per day - understanding what it is that moves - that's a whole other ball game right? but just keep in your mind, AMAZON is a book retailor that happens to sell other stuff.

                      Originally Posted by socialentry View Post

                      Can Amazon sales rank predict whether it's gonna sell well on Ebay and vice versa? Is it possible for example that it sells well on Ebay but does terrible on amazon or vice versa?
                      I / We use eBay to test product demand... Its simply easier to list a product on eBay and get rank and sell the item. You have 1000 of something and you obviously want to diversify platforms... so determining if A) the item is sellable is better determined on eBay. And B) is it worth the "At Scale" game that one REALLY has to play on Amazon.

                      Originally Posted by socialentry View Post

                      I also noticed that the price on Amazon seemed to be slightly higher (by maybe 5$), why do you think that is?
                      Market meeting expectation? repeating myself "AMAZON is a book retailor that happens to sell other stuff." If you have to / want to buy a book what BRAND comes to mind? "eBay sells everything" Amazon is a book retailor that sells other stuff.

                      Originally Posted by socialentry View Post

                      The other issue I have is I currently don't have API access for Amazon (no website). Should I make a website and just do things by the book or should I just scrape amazon directly? I'm mostly thinking of having access to sales rank + amazon price.
                      Create an asset to gain an asset, or scrape partial data? kinda what you are asking... Not that I am suggesting this as a business model in any way shape or form.. but Amazon does require an amount of performance to maintain access to API. So build out a minimal needed site to gain access and then create a page you can share on your social media with family etc so you get credit for any amount of purchases that are made.

                      I personally spend about 10K a year on Amazon... and my "Family" spent 2X that through "My" affiliate link - with a return of about $1200 for the year - In terms of "Online Success" and meeting $100 per year in income.... a site I use for family and myself out earns 90% of all Amazon affiliates... again building an Asset to have access to the asset that is the API is the obvious choice in my mind.
                      Success is an ACT not an idea
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                      • Profile picture of the author socialentry
                        Originally Posted by savidge4 View Post

                        Bit confused here... Rank is on Amazon?

                        Yeah that's it. My bad, I didn't reread my post so I left out that part.

                        But I think I'll just use your formula: I just learnt Amazon didn't publish how it calculates its Amazon sales rank so that'll avoid an unnecessary blackbox.
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                        • Profile picture of the author savidge4
                          Originally Posted by socialentry View Post

                          But I think I'll just use your formula: I just learnt Amazon didn't publish how it calculates its Amazon sales rank so that'll avoid an unnecessary blackbox.
                          You are correct, Amazon does not make "being smart about business" easy. Not so sure eBay does either, but they have left enough data around to make smart calculations.
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              • Profile picture of the author umc
                "Savidge - Some super simple eBay math for you: Divide the total number of X sold by ( Total number of X listed for sale + total number of X that has sold in the last 90 days { sold listings } ) this gives you the probably percentage of you selling your item in the next 90 days.

                Examples: I bought a music box that has sold 3 times in the last 90 days.. there are currently Zero for sale 3/(3+0)= 1 or 100% probability it will sell in 90 days. ( I bought the item for $3.99 and sold it for $350 BTW )

                then you have an item that has 3000 listings and 290 sold 290/(3000+290) = .09 ( rounded up ) meaning I have 9% chance in selling this item in the next 90 days. There is a line I have yet to truly define where I simply would not pick up this item. The line I am trying to better understand is simply ratio of profit. In the example above close to 100X profit... I'm buying right... I can wait - because the return on investment allows for that.

                Same scenario and we are talking 3X and the possibility of holding the item for 300 days... I am flat out NOT buying the item.

                So the line seems very cut and dry but of course there are some amount of caveats that go with this. If it is a one off sale then still no... but if we are discussing a bulk buy where I can use volume for leverage to start super low to build CTR and buy through rate to gain rank, and then increase my price - I M A Y get into that."

                Just taking this out of your post and putting it by itself because this is gold for anyone selling on ebay. I didn't want it to get lost in that long reply. I've done market research myself before and never thought about determining the probability of sales in the next 90 days using their information. I'm not yet trying this out because my other business is gaining momentum and I don't want to lose focus but I keep watching this thread and all of the others from offline forum members here lately. Great stuff.

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              • Profile picture of the author savidge4
                The 1 year process of earning from, and learning from eBay

                I will generally walk into a business venture or path with an amount of experience or education behind the jump as it were. I think I was pretty straight forward that YES, there was an amount of experience in starting this thread. I pretty quickly realized, I needed to up my education.

                So for a year and now then some I have been selling on eBay for 2 hours a day. I have also been "Learning" any and everything I could within those 2 hours and beyond. The process of "Learning" has been short of painful? There comes a point when you think you can watch only so many videos of people packing orders or shopping... and if you are lucky 1 video out of say 30 might have a tidbit of information that makes watching / listening to a video worth while.

                I can somehow at the end of that experience say the pain in the long run was worth the time and effort. I am without question all the smarter for putting in the wasted time to find the time of value. THAT is a hard pair of sentences for me to write - but it brings up the point that regardless of what you think its worth, time spent on education is worth it every time.

                I spent a good amount of time in Facebook groups and the like and met some honestly good people that enjoy what they are doing, People I at this point call friends. but the overwhelmingly majority just make you wonder.

                The absolute least talked about subject in regards to eBay is "Cassini" or "eBay SEO". Guys and Gals with big youtube followings when the topic was brought up would ask "What is Cassini?" and they were not kidding... almost heart stopping ( from my perspective. )

                So the greatest takeaway that I have taken from the experience is that Implementing an educated "Marketer Mind" in almost any online sales platform becomes a killer combination. Success from the get go is actually pretty easy when you understand these platforms PROVIDE the traffic with no effort on your part. So learning how to manipulate that traffic in your favor exponentially increases the percentage / amount of success you can have.

                Prior to my starting my new challenge / thread here on the Warrior Path: ( https://www.warriorforum.com/warrior...m-nothing.html ) I was going to share a series of articles that kinda dumped this "education" for all to read. With the ability to share this information in a blog style format - it really makes sense to hold off a bit and use this material there.

                I will cover many of the topics I did here - Photography - Titles - Item Details etc etc I will go over these again but in far greater more precise detail. On many of these subjects I have run some fairly extensive testing across 6 store fronts and about 5000 items to really dig deep in boosting conversions. eBay on average converts at about 3%. We are currently converting at about 9% fairly consistently. A 3X jump by implementing listing optimization, and not at all incorporating outside traffic sources. ( the numbers get crazier when that type of strategy is applied )

                Some of the NEW material you will expect to see are things like adding video, and using a description template. The current description template has been better than thoroughly tested, and you will find some of the added information interesting. NOT using multi item listings - if it wasn't for the data I still would not believe this one. And a ton more.

                I am not suggesting this thread is ending I am more than happy to keep things up to date a bit and to leave this as a point of discussion - with like minded Marketing individuals. The back and forth with this community in particular is important to me.

                I just REALLY feel this type of information could, can, and IS life changing. And keeping it bottled up here on WF for only a few to see... vs the possibility of reaching a far greater amount of people seems counter productive.
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              • Profile picture of the author savidge4
                Where to Buy and When

                Having done this now for over a year.. there are patterns that I have recognized in relation to where to buy and when. I have found once I saw the pattern that I need to up my buying from familiar sources during certain times to keep me away from the ones I am less interested in. Keep in mind when I say "Less interested" it doesn't mean they are not valid. GARAGE / YARD sales are VALID - just not for me. ( I hate shopping LOL )

                We are right now about to enter garage / yard sale season. So this will be an obvious avenue to take in terms of how to source. Sometime in the next month or 2 THIS becomes a bad time to source at thrift stores like Goodwill.

                Why you ask? The goods being donated to Goodwill this time of year is what's left over from the garage / yard sales - so yeah they are filled with JUNK for the most part. Because I look at certain items like Mugs and Books and shoes and Belts - these happen to be items that are looked over for the most part so sourcing these types of items remains pretty constant.

                The reason I said "Sometime in the next few months" is that most "regions" of Goodwills actually pull inventory from the stores in the winter months and store them elsewhere. During the more lean times they then bring that inventory back into the store. It generally only lasts for so long before you walk in and the shelves look a tad bit bare.

                Stores that are closing... I would suggest there is a trick to this... buy what you want, but KNOW that you need to hold it for some amount of time. Its not just the store around the corner from you closing down, its regionally or nationally so there is going to be an influx of product... and that's when supply and demand hits real hard, and of course prices drop.

                That being said, its not a bad idea to obviously buy those types of items.. hold them till the knuckleheads in the market have sold out - the prices go back up, and then you list.

                An Example... Last summer Dr Pepper had Spiderman limited time cans.. every one and their brother was selling on eBay - and probably breaking even. I held onto 3 cases of each flavor until a few months ago and sold a single can for $14.95 ( free shipping ) and sold about 1/2 of what I have and then the knuckleheads came back with the low prices, and I am patiently waiting.

                Another trend I am now noticing is that early spring on Craigslist is business' clearing inventory... Last spring bought 1000 sets of bearings for next to nothing and sold the last set 2 weeks ago... some very specific auto mechanic tools I think I bought like 30 of them all together and have like 5 left . The money is without question out there to be had.

                Something else we have gotten into has been word getting out we will clear out storage buildings etc - we pay NOTHING and come clear out these spaces in an afternoon and they are done, and whatever we get we Sort - Sell - and Dispose of the trash. Just did one of these Sunday and there is easily 10K in product... and maybe 5 garbage cans of junk with total of 2 people and 4 hours ( 8 hours total man hours ) to get it, bring it back, unload it, sort it real fast, and run to the dumpster... now all we have to do is list it.

                Dollar General... each and every one of these have a "Clearance" section that I look over every time I am in there, and when I find something of interest I hit all of the other local stores and buy what ever it is out - a lot of this stuff is $.10 on the dollar so you really cant go to wrong.

                I catch close outs at Home Depot and Lowes on occasions.... Home Depot does their price drops on Monday mornings.. and Lowes I have yet to figure out their schedule - but I have more than once walked in on a killer deal.

                Walmart "Clearance" The Clarksburg WV store no longer has a dedicated section for it, but the others in the area do... its just a matter of scanning and knowing what the margins are when you buy.

                So those are a few of the patterns I have noticed, and places I goto and look for deals.

                Hope that Helps!
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      • Profile picture of the author GordonJ
        Originally Posted by umc View Post

        First of all, my post asking about sourcing things was legit. So I appreciate the gold dropped here. I'm looking at getting involved in this. Unfortunately some of the niches I know about are difficult to really source in. For instance I have always liked watches but they aren't easy to find and flip. I had a friend that did actually found a good watch at a Goodwill (can't remember the brand, not obviously good like Rolex that is well known but it was good anyway) and flipped it. That's a very rare find though. He's tried since.

        Second, I also just loved this thread and wanted to see it continue. I check here, this thread in particular, as I miss these kinds of threads in the offline forum. We used to have such great discussions of these types of businesses and services offered to offline businesses. There are so many ways to make money.

        Thanks for the great responses. Bring more if you have them. I'm sure there are niches like those window treatments that few people know to even look at. I find it all fascinating.
        umc, you have hit the problem nail, one without a head, right on it's sharp point. THE problem, with all so-called FLIPPING, is...


        Long, long, long and even more long time ago, a guy named Joe Karbo sat with me on a bench at the beach and showed me a HOTSHEET about overstocks and liquidations. Not long after that, he introduced me to Jim Straw. Both knew a thing or too about selling, distressed merch, as they called it.

        BIG LOTS arose from that, OLLIES, many DOLLAR type stores are out there.

        Every month I go through one of the catalogs I get, like Retailer's Forum, from their site. It is full of SOURCES for such things as watches, etc.

        Watches. Why are so many available. Why have TWO local watch shops gone out of business this year, one had a big sale, I'm sure many flippers attended.

        Yet I look around and don't see younger people wearing them. Why? Could it be because of their cell?

        Anyhow, when one selects THINGS, to flip, and seek SOURCES, they put themselves in competition with all the other sellers.

        Something I learned long ago about flipping, is, don't concern yourself with THINGS, or the what to flip. Thousands of people over the last couple of decades have asked me that question. WHAT TO FLIP.

        My answer remains the same as it did 25 years ago. Flip anything with stored value.

        But flip it quickly, don't store it, flip it. Get in AM, sell in PM. Or move on.

        The little watch store that just went out of business did so for several reasons, but the main one was: the owner got old, and NO ONE wanted to buy his retail store.

        But for a very long time, he was part of my NETWORK of buyers. A guy I knew I could take an old pocket watch and have him look at it and tell me the market value.

        In the old days, we had to rely on these experts to help us, like on the reality TV show PAWN STARS, these guys became experts on RETAIL VALUE of stuff. Today, we can use eBay SOLD/COMPLETED listings and other market places and know for certain what the market is willing to pay for any given item.

        But back to SOURCES. I had an apprentice who got into RESTAURANT equipment a few years ago, today he has a thriving business FLIPPING those big HEAVY Hobart mixers, commercial freezers, in spite of having a lot of FIXED LOCATION competition. His success came about because he followed my advice ...but I told him 4 years ago to build a NETWORK of buyers.

        So flippers (or Chattelers as I prefer to call them) are constantly on the prowl, like lions in the tall grass, stalking their prey.

        There is a different way. And this, of course, isn't for everyone. But I don't invest in anything UNLESS, I know it has stored value and can be quickly flipped.

        Also, my mantra mostly is back seat of a small car or call someone else in. NOW, I've seen collectible pocket watches worth thousands of dollars, or even the coveted Rolex at many a pawn shop. Pens, watches, and those very expensive high profit items are great to find now and then, but one must have their EXPERT who insures the Patek is the real deal. Not a Patek Phillipino, or something else.

        Sorry for the long rant. Let me get to the idea to consider.

        Buy stuff people want, sell it for a profit. ONLY rule there is in flipping.

        And set up NETWORKS, or Toll Booths on that path. I used to be big into bicycles, not even knowing back then that PANASONIC made bikes, until I found one with a $500.00 instant profit built into it. I'll make that deal every time.

        So, I looked around my house. And saw WINDOWS, and a constant source of turnover.

        I saw my bicycle, and found local clubs, retailers who buy, and a constant source of turnover.

        I like the daily mundane items, which one can find in almost any house or home in America (which is where I am).

        It does take a little TIME, from when one begins, but just get into the stream of EXCHANGES of items for sale. ANYTHING WHICH has a profit and can flipped quickly.

        I won't touch too much unless there is 500 in it for me, and I can do that in a couple of hours, or 250 if I can pick up in morning, sell while typing posts on WF, in the afternoon.

        Even rural or countryside folks can find a steady stream of stuff to flip. Milk cans to Kubotas, really doesn't matter.

        Just a different take on the whole idea of flipping, which is, an idea of not seeking sources, or running around, but just quick profits.

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    • Profile picture of the author umc
      I've actually been looking at their watches. I was able to locate them on my own but thanks for the additional link.
      Yes they have some cheap ones, often that don't work, and that have little to no actual resale value. I've seen a few that might be worth a shot but simply because something is available and is cheap doesn't mean it's a good buy if you can't sell them. Certain brands will sell more than others. Keep in mind that used watches with bands that have been sized will limit the audience unless they come with the additional links, which isn't likely. Men's watches seem to move better than women's (in my experience selling them). Add in shipping and they also have some handling costs listed separately.

      It's not just a matter of dropping $100 on watches because they're there, it's a matter of buying the right ones that will have sell through at a reasonable profit for your time.

      I saw a couple watches that might be decent deals, nothing great, from my experience, but I admittedly didn't go look each one up. Most are fashion watches and that's a market of it's own.

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      • Profile picture of the author savidge4
        Originally Posted by umc View Post

        I've actually been looking at their watches. I was able to locate them on my own but thanks for the additional link.
        Yes they have some cheap ones, often that don't work, and that have little to no actual resale value. I've seen a few that might be worth a shot but simply because something is available and is cheap doesn't mean it's a good buy if you can't sell them. Certain brands will sell more than others. Keep in mind that used watches with bands that have been sized will limit the audience unless they come with the additional links, which isn't likely. Men's watches seem to move better than women's (in my experience selling them). Add in shipping and they also have some handling costs listed separately.

        It's not just a matter of dropping $100 on watches because they're there, it's a matter of buying the right ones that will have sell through at a reasonable profit for your time.

        I saw a couple watches that might be decent deals, nothing great, from my experience, but I admittedly didn't go look each one up. Most are fashion watches and that's a market of it's own.
        So from a guy that will sell anything pretty much, as long as I see an amount of return. I actually sell watches... cheap ones at that, as In I pay maybe $2.00 and sell them for $15.00. Shipping is dirt cheap and I make in excess of 5x on my investment. cant say they sell overnight, but I had 100 of them at one time when I started this thread and only have 3 or 4 now.

        So lets compare apples to apples. lets look at: https://www.shopgoodwill.com/Item/73568000

        15 lbs of watches. shipping and handling fees is $15.51 to my house. I would think anything under $50 and there is profit to be made. so $50.00 minus the $15.51 means I need to have a bid in as close to time of auction closing as possible of $34.49.

        My general rule of thumb is to have at LEAST 3x after fees and shipping and supplies. I am looking at that listing KNOWING there is more than $150.00 there.

        You can look for the perfect watch all day long.. and you may or may not find one, OR you can take things like this and develop a base of slower moving but consistent sales over the long haul, as you search for "better" watches.

        90% of all sales on eBay are less than $20.00.

        In order to get to a critical mass in terms of inventory to have a "sale a day" you need 200 items listed.

        My sons site has 260 ( +/- ) items and he consistently sells at the least 1 ( less than $20 ) item a day. and then there are days he sells the $50.00 teacup and saucer in addition to the $20.00 item.

        My store sits in the 220 ( +/- ) item area. I am migrating towards higher end, but sales in the $200+ category is S L O W, to the point I would rather sell 10 $20 items over 10 days vs the gap it takes to sell higher end items.

        Having said that.. let me say this... If you list it, it WILL sell maybe not tomorrow, but it WILL sell. I have a collection of specialty car tools I bought for $150 almost 3 months ago. Sold the first one last week, and then another a few days ago. Started with 16 separate tools and the 2 has FINALLY paid for the lot - the rest is profit.

        Kinda what I am saying is, sure this is not going to be a home run, but its a start. It puts thought into motion - it drives the itch to source what it is you really want to be selling, and at the same time staying in the vertical and active while getting there. Money doesn't grow if its sitting in your hand, you need to hand it over to an opportunity to let it grow!
        Success is an ACT not an idea
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          Originally Posted by savidge4 View Post

          So lets compare apples to apples. lets look at: https://www.shopgoodwill.com/Item/73568000

          15 lbs of watches. shipping and handling fees is $15.51 to my house. I would think anything under $50 and there is profit to be made. so $50.00 minus the $15.51 means I need to have a bid in as close to time of auction closing as possible of $34.49.
          It's currently over $86.

          Originally Posted by savidge4 View Post

          My general rule of thumb is to have at LEAST 3x after fees and shipping and supplies. I am looking at that listing KNOWING there is more than $150.00 there.
          I'm not trying to be an ass, I'm trying to grasp this. How can you know there's more than $150 there? What do you base that on? The listing says that a lot of it is vintage faces only. So those aren't even whole watches. The rest is listed as a parts/repair lot. So not only is it going well above what you hoped to bid on it already, these aren't even working watches. I don't even get why the people bidding on it are doing so. Maybe they use the pieces in craft projects? Maybe they can repair watches? Maybe the condition of these watches are vastly understated as a rule?

          Originally Posted by savidge4 View Post

          You can look for the perfect watch all day long.. and you may or may not find one, OR you can take things like this and develop a base of slower moving but consistent sales over the long haul, as you search for "better" watches.
          I can kind of grasp this. There is something to be said for quantity even if that quantity isn't the best. Each item listed is like a marketing platform, one that you hope to even get paid for, for the other other better listings.

          Originally Posted by savidge4 View Post

          Having said that.. let me say this... If you list it, it WILL sell maybe not tomorrow, but it WILL sell. I have a collection of specialty car tools I bought for $150 almost 3 months ago. Sold the first one last week, and then another a few days ago. Started with 16 separate tools and the 2 has FINALLY paid for the lot - the rest is profit.
          Sure, but why buy something that is knowingly a loss? This lot certainly is at your standards.

          I think this is where I get some frustration from with some of these things. I've picked up WSOs over the years that promise money flipping things. One guy was into liquidations. I liked his ideas. He even said that he'd hand pick lots for us to get us started. When I checked him on his real numbers versus the pie in the sky numbers he gave me he could not find one lot that delivered on his own formulas. Not one. "Oh, just go buy that lot over there for x amount and you'll be good." Yeah, but it bid up to twice that sir. I'm not sure how the winning bidder is making money on this lot. It happened over and over. Not once could he deliver anything close to the formula he used picking lots.

          So what am I missing. So far two lots have been posted here. Neither seem to be anything but a money loser. I wouldn't get into this to lose money. Now if you want to tell me that these pieces help fill out at store and are slight losses but that's okay because you have so many winners that these are advertising for that it makes up for the losses then I can grasp that concept. I'd love to see some of those sure winners though. That's what I have a hard time finding.

          Originally Posted by savidge4 View Post

          Money doesn't grow if its sitting in your hand, you need to hand it over to an opportunity to let it grow!
          This sounds nice and I like it. But shouldn't one look for good opportunities? Otherwise why not just do penny stocks or forex trading without much knowledge. The goal is to find wise investments. I don't think that the only options are buying poor quality junk just to get something out there or looking for the "perfect watch". That's not necessarily a fair comparison.

          Then again, I go through the local peddler's mall or flea market and see things for sale for what I feel to be outrageous prices and I see the same stock in booths. I wonder if many people are actually making any money. I'm sure that you guys are and it sounds like you find some gems. I struggle to find those same gems and maybe I'm overthinking it on some level but when people act like they're everywhere and then show these listings so far I'm wondering what I'm missing. Maybe just getting in the game is what I'm missing on this. I'm not trying to doubt people but I'm trying to work through this thought process myself.

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            Originally Posted by umc View Post

            I can kind of grasp this. There is something to be said for quantity even if that quantity isn't the best. Each item listed is like a marketing platform, one that you hope to even get paid for, for the other other better listings..
            I wont cover everything you posted, will leave that for the OP, but will comment here to give some insight.

            Regardless of $ Value, You MUST look for quality per se, you will not sell junk, junk, but you will be able to sell quality junk for better words.

            1. Supply / How Hard is it to find ? easy 1 hard 10
            2. Demand / How many people Want it ? no one 1 everybody 10
            3. Quality / Condition Is it Crap or