Bluehost's SEO offer - Backlinking

7 replies

First thing first, I'm very new the the SEO domain. I don't aim to become an expert, but to get enough knowledge to work on my own needs. Today I had a call from a partner of Bluehost that provide SEO services (I was directly refered from Bluehost). I was wondering if what they offered me was legit or if it wasn't. I know the company is legit, but what the person on the phone told me seemed a little bit off to me.

He said that (for example) for 199$/month, I get a Marketing assistant and they do backlinks for 3 keywords. He said that they wrote articles with those backlinks inside and that it is written in a special way so that only Google sees it.

I trust Bluehost, but I'm not sure if that is a legit way to get backlinks. Do you have an opinion on this?
#backlinking #bluehost #offer #seo
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  • Profile picture of the author Kay King
    I was directly referred from Bluehost
    Did you ASK to be 'referred'? Did you ASK for a recommendation?
    I doubt it - sounds like an upsell to me.

    written in a special way so that only Google sees it.

    My opinion? Block that phone number - don't respond. If you want to hire someone to build links or write articles - hire them on freelance sites yourself.

    Others may have experience with this particular 'service' and have more insight but not something I'd go for.
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  • Profile picture of the author Code1818
    Thank you for the reply. I want to add that it is a support tech from Bluehost that offered the service while giving support for another issue and I said yes to be refered, and 1-2 hours later someone called me.

    The also sent me an email after the confirmation. sorry - links not permitted in posts - removed by mod
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    • Profile picture of the author Mark Singletary
      Originally Posted by Code1818 View Post

      He said that (for example) for 199$/month, I get a Marketing assistant and they do backlinks for 3 keywords. He said that they wrote articles with those backlinks inside and that it is written in a special way so that only Google sees it.
      I'm far from an SEO expert but having articles that only Google sees would be a no for me because they aren't normal articles. I want natural/normal/quality content and links people give me because of that content.
      Originally Posted by Code1818 View Post

      This seem to be the website of the compagny Bluehost refered me to :
      That's the parent company of Bluehost.

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  • Profile picture of the author pintara3
    I would learn more myself. At the end of the day Bluehost is a business and they are just trying to create more business. I would ignore it and say N.
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  • Profile picture of the author Code1818
    Thank you everybody for your opinion, I will go that way and continue according to the initial planning, which means learning it from zero.

    For the fun of learning, does someone have an idea of what is technically an article ''that only Google can see''? I'm reading on the web and the only thing I seem able to compare this to is what they call a PBN (Private Blog Network), which I understand is a really bad way to get ranking.
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  • Profile picture of the author Kay King
    I don't know what they mean because it's not something I would advise doing.

    In 20 years of working with or around Google - one thing is obvious. Whenever someone comes up with a bright idea to 'game' google, that loophole usually closes with a bang before long.
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  • Profile picture of the author xtrapunch
    Originally Posted by Code1818 View Post

    He said that (for example) for 199$/month, I get a Marketing assistant and they do backlinks for 3 keywords. He said that they wrote articles with those backlinks inside and that it is written in a special way so that only Google sees it.

    I trust Bluehost, but I'm not sure if that is a legit way to get backlinks. Do you have an opinion on this?

    On the surface, this sounds like using hacked sites for backlinks. If you are being promised such backlinks from a hosting company or its sister company, it would be a big red flag for everyone using the hosting provider. We have to trust the hosting company not to abuse our sites. If a hosting company uses such tactics, its customers are in a big trouble.

    Do your own research for SEO providers. No SEO is 100% Google safe (which recommends no linkbuilding as the best way to build backlinks). However, some methods (including hacking or sabotaging websites) are downright illegal, as per laws of different countries.
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