Duplicate content? Can I make 2 different articles, with different titles?

11 replies
Hi all. Hoping to get some clarity on something.

Lets say I write an article on the best supplements to get your dog in 2022...

But I also want one for cats. Can I use the same content (slightly modififed of course), and make a title for the best supplements to get your cat in 2022....?

Or, does google look at that badly?
#articles #content #duplicate #make #titles
  • Profile picture of the author Kay King
    If you use the forum search (white toolbar above) you'll find a lot of discussions about 'duplicate content'

    In the example you use, if your article information is accurate much of the article would change because the two species have different requirements nutritionally.

    My own opinion is that you can spend as much or more time trying to 'redo' an article to re-use it - than it would take to write a new article.
    Saving one dog will not change the world - but the world changes forever for that one dog
    2024 Patriot's Award for Service to Veterans
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  • Profile picture of the author Frank Donovan
    Do the supplements include mushrooms, or is this a different project?


    Ever lie awake worrying that you might be the only person who doesn't know what FOMO means?

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  • Profile picture of the author Randall Magwood
    It's best to write a totally different headline and article content for the 2 different article topics.
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  • Profile picture of the author laurencewins
    I agree with the others BUT I also strongly recommend running all articles you write through a plagiarism checker because you may accidentally duplicate parts of an article.

    Cheers, Laurence.

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  • Profile picture of the author Carolyn Hyde
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    • Profile picture of the author DABK
      No to duplicate articles because of syndication.

      No to prevent duplication by using no follow tags... You do not understand at all what they do.

      No to using robots.txt because you only control your site.

      Also, "there may be a need for it to be shared" is the total opposite of you're not allowed statement.

      OP, why would you modify an article for dogs to fit cats?

      Like Kay said, it often ends up being a lot of work, might as well write a new one.

      I used to do it. I stopped because my sites got boring and I got bored.

      But think about your readers.

      PS regarding duplicate content, Google will rank only one for a particular keyword; it may rank both for different keywords (best dog food, best cat food).

      That is all you have to worry about when it comes to Google. People, they will find your site repetitive and boring if they see both articles and stop the visit and not visit again.

      Originally Posted by Carolyn Hyde View Post

      Duplicate content is not allowed on the internet, however sometimes there may be a need for it to be shared. There is a number of ways of preventing duplicate content including using the nofollow tag on links pointing from the top level domain to a subdomain, putting in robots.txt and using search engines to prevent access to the duplicate content. I would recommend using the robots.txt in addition to other methods because this method does not require any changes to you site which is great if you are using a managed hosting service instead of having to change your DNS setting.

      The first major difference between organic and paid search is that when someone does a search using a paid keyword, that act itself is a "call to action" to get the searcher to take the next step. Even if they didn't click on the top organic result, they might have clicked on the second or third. Organic results don't have this same call to action.
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  • Profile picture of the author spartan14
    Well you can do that but dont expect to rank the same with an original article as google its very smart nowadays,but every method has advantages and disavantages as if you rewrite an article you can write it more faster and you can write 5 articles faster compared to a original article where it takes more time but will rank faster .Now its your choice what you want to do
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  • Profile picture of the author WF- Enzo
    Here you go - https://www.warriorforum.com/main-in...e-content.html

    Might probably answer your questions.
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  • Profile picture of the author Mukund Khanna
    In my opinion, it's better to create new content instead of modifying an old one. This helps you to give better information about the topic from a different viewpoint rather than running around the saved content and even, google can index it in their record too.
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  • Profile picture of the author eva sharma
    No, you can not use the same content because google will not consider these spammy activities (moderation of content).
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  • Profile picture of the author Surbhi Chauhan
    You can use the same content but before publishing the article do check the plagiarism of the article.
    Also, the species are different so the article will be also different in terms of search engines.
    So, you can use the same content but take precautions before publishing it.
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