Would this be considered as duplicate content?

9 replies
Hi everyone, I'm a newbie here and would be grateful for a more experienced opinion of this situation. Also, I'm hoping I've posted this in the appropriate forum.

I'm going to create a short promo video which I'll then post to my own website.

If I then post the same video to YouTube with the intention of getting a wider audience, would that be considered "duplicate content"? True, its duplicated in the sense that it's the same video but I'll have created them both and didn't duplicate someone else's work.

Or, would it be better to just keep content for my own site and outside sources like YouTube etc. totally apart?

Thanks in advance for any help.
#considered #content #duplicate
  • Profile picture of the author Kay King
    You are confusing the (very old) term 'duplicate content' with 'syndication'. You are worrying about a non-problem. Posting to your site first is a good idea. Use every outlet/platform you can to distribute YOUR information.
    Saving one dog will not change the world - but the world changes forever for that one dog
    2024 Patriot's Award for Service to Veterans
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    • Profile picture of the author Gordon34
      Kay, thanks for your answer and that chimes with my own thoughts.
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  • Profile picture of the author DABK
    Creating duplicate content is bad under 2 circumstances only:

    You copied it without permission.

    You want to rank for the same keywords as existing content. You may be able to do it. Just know that Google will only rank one version and it might not be yours.

    Other than that, no issues. There is no such thing as Google duplicate content. It's just like I said in the previous paragraph, Google only shows one version in the SERPs. If it's not yours, if you cannot make it show yours, you wasted time.

    Other than that, the more places you place your content, the more chances (if you know what you're doing) for people to see it.

    As Kay said, always place it on your site first.

    Originally Posted by Gordon34 View Post

    Hi everyone, I'm a newbie here and would be grateful for a more experienced opinion of this situation. Also, I'm hoping I've posted this in the appropriate forum.

    I'm going to create a short promo video which I'll then post to my own website.

    If I then post the same video to YouTube with the intention of getting a wider audience, would that be considered "duplicate content"? True, its duplicated in the sense that it's the same video but I'll have created them both and didn't duplicate someone else's work.

    Or, would it be better to just keep content for my own site and outside sources like YouTube etc. totally apart?

    Thanks in advance for any help.
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    • Profile picture of the author Gordon34
      Thanks for your comments and insight. I appreciate it.
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  • Profile picture of the author Randall Magwood
    No it's not duplicate content. You're posting content on 2 different sites. What you're doing is getting more exposure for your video. This is syndication.
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  • Profile picture of the author eva sharma
    No, it is not duplicate content because you are posting your own video on the platforms.
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  • Profile picture of the author PlatinumPen
    As others have said, it's absolutely fine.

    Youtube have the share and embed feature for that reason, because it's encouraged to use Youtube videos within website content.

    Best wishes,
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  • Profile picture of the author spartan14
    My friend if you create your content you can share it on 100 platforms and its totaly legal .Its a problem when you copy other people content but when you create your own you can do whatever you want with it
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  • Profile picture of the author savidge4
    Originally Posted by Gordon34 View Post

    I'm going to create a short promo video which I'll then post to my own website.
    I am assuming you willbe embedding the YouTube video on your website..thats not duplicate.. thats linked content, and there is no worries in doing this
    Success is an ACT not an idea
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