how can i continue to grow my business?
so i ended up getting back into video production, i bought some gear, hired a biz coach off of fiverr and did some marketing which ended up in 2 clients and about $1200 since about May,
i'm proud of that, but its not enough
my marketing activities which started in May, were posting in a facebook group in my area and adding value, how i added value was i literally made a post where ChatGPT wrote my ad saying "Free 60 second video for your local business", but it came out really nice and professional, i even used an image by bing Ai image generator, it got over 60 responses and i shot about 6 free videos, got about 4 paid leads after the fact, and closed 2 clients on various projects and yeah $1200
Fast forward to beginning of July and i posted basically the same thing and got 0 responses, no leads nothing, so that kind of freaked me out
i figured i mastered that whole adding value thing and marketing thing but it turns out not
so yeah im looking to get some advice on how i can continue to market and how to close bigger deals, i can post a video of my work if needed but not to my YT channel
I may be undercharging, i charged a client $300 for a one minute video which turned into 2 (which i was okay with), and i have a client who pays me $100 for an hour of filming time doing steet interviews
thanks for any help!
Just a lonely Graphic Designer & Digital Marketer
A busy life along Clipping Path Service Provider
Lightin' fuses is for blowin' stuff togethah.