how can i continue to grow my business?

26 replies
hey everyone, so i wanted to make this post just to get some feedback and advice,

so i ended up getting back into video production, i bought some gear, hired a biz coach off of fiverr and did some marketing which ended up in 2 clients and about $1200 since about May,

i'm proud of that, but its not enough

my marketing activities which started in May, were posting in a facebook group in my area and adding value, how i added value was i literally made a post where ChatGPT wrote my ad saying "Free 60 second video for your local business", but it came out really nice and professional, i even used an image by bing Ai image generator, it got over 60 responses and i shot about 6 free videos, got about 4 paid leads after the fact, and closed 2 clients on various projects and yeah $1200

Fast forward to beginning of July and i posted basically the same thing and got 0 responses, no leads nothing, so that kind of freaked me out

i figured i mastered that whole adding value thing and marketing thing but it turns out not

so yeah im looking to get some advice on how i can continue to market and how to close bigger deals, i can post a video of my work if needed but not to my YT channel

I may be undercharging, i charged a client $300 for a one minute video which turned into 2 (which i was okay with), and i have a client who pays me $100 for an hour of filming time doing steet interviews

thanks for any help!
#business #continue #grow
  • Profile picture of the author Monetize
    Originally Posted by The Click Swap View Post

    hey everyone, so i wanted to make this post just to get some feedback and advice,

    so i ended up getting back into video production, i bought some gear, hired a biz coach off of fiverr and did some marketing which ended up in 2 clients and about $1200 since about May,

    i'm proud of that, but its not enough

    my marketing activities which started in May, were posting in a facebook group in my area and adding value, how i added value was i literally made a post where ChatGPT wrote my ad saying "Free 60 second video for your local business", but it came out really nice and professional, i even used an image by bing Ai image generator, it got over 60 responses and i shot about 6 free videos, got about 4 paid leads after the fact, and closed 2 clients on various projects and yeah $1200

    Fast forward to beginning of July and i posted basically the same thing and got 0 responses, no leads nothing, so that kind of freaked me out

    i figured i mastered that whole adding value thing and marketing thing but it turns out not

    so yeah im looking to get some advice on how i can continue to market and how to close bigger deals, i can post a video of my work if needed but not to my YT channel

    I may be undercharging, i charged a client $300 for a one minute video which turned into 2 (which i was okay with), and i have a client who pays me $100 for an hour of filming time doing steet interviews

    thanks for any help!

    What you are doing is commendable, getting started
    and having initial success. You also seem adept at
    thinking outside the box and that's a lot.

    Now you need to keep at it, try to offer more related
    services and figure out ways to automate as much
    as possible.

    Using ChatGPT to your advantage is a good idea,
    because it can help you with scriptwriting and so
    much more.

    I would discourage disclosing your business model
    to the public, it's not necessary and it invites copycat
    competition. Once you are successful you can sell
    your knowledge and experience as a course.

    It is normal to be apprehensive when starting a new
    business, but hiring a coach is a bit much. Most of
    those Fiverr consultants don't know any more about
    your business than you do.

    Read the Entrepreneur books, there is a series of
    them and their methods can be applied to just about
    any other business. So you can read a book on the
    photography business, and apply its principles to
    your video productions.

    I don't believe in freebies, I would charge at least
    $25, but it's up to you how you value your time and
    promote your business. I also think you are limiting
    yourself by doing local but you'll figure out those
    things over time.

    Back to Fiverr, you might consider featuring your
    services there. You'll probably have to drive traffic
    to your gig listings, but it's a great way to advertise
    your business as well as receiving payments.

    Keep doing what you're doing, you are on the right
    track, and at the rate you are going, I think that you
    will be highly successful with whatever you do.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11763249].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author The Click Swap
      Originally Posted by Monetize View Post

      What you are doing is commendable, getting started
      and having initial success. You also seem adept at
      thinking outside the box and that's a lot.

      Now you need to keep at it, try to offer more related
      services and figure out ways to automate as much
      as possible.

      Using ChatGPT to your advantage is a good idea,
      because it can help you with scriptwriting and so
      much more.

      I would discourage disclosing your business model
      to the public, it's not necessary and it invites copycat
      competition. Once you are successful you can sell
      your knowledge and experience as a course.

      It is normal to be apprehensive when starting a new
      business, but hiring a coach is a bit much. Most of
      those Fiverr consultants don't know any more about
      your business than you do.

      Read the Entrepreneur books, there is a series of
      them and their methods can be applied to just about
      any other business. So you can read a book on the
      photography business, and apply its principles to
      your video productions.

      I don't believe in freebies, I would charge at least
      $25, but it's up to you how you value your time and
      promote your business. I also think you are limiting
      yourself by doing local but you'll figure out those
      things over time.

      Back to Fiverr, you might consider featuring your
      services there. You'll probably have to drive traffic
      to your gig listings, but it's a great way to advertise
      your business as well as receiving payments.

      Keep doing what you're doing, you are on the right
      track, and at the rate you are going, I think that you
      will be highly successful with whatever you do.
      hey thanks i needed to hear that

      yeah ChatGPT has been a godsend for me, although does not replace the manual work of putting the script together, yet lol

      but yeah the $25 is a good lead magnet, i can pull that off

      thanks man, i appreciate you responding!
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11763329].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author sanjidayasmin
        Once you are successful you can sell
        your knowledge and experience as a course.
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11765263].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author bijutoha
    As for your pricing, it's hard to say whether you're undercharging without knowing more about your videos and your target audience. However, if you're not making enough money, you might want to consider raising your prices. You can also offer different packages with different levels of services.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11763255].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author The Click Swap
      Originally Posted by bijutoha View Post

      As for your pricing, it's hard to say whether you're undercharging without knowing more about your videos and your target audience. However, if you're not making enough money, you might want to consider raising your prices. You can also offer different packages with different levels of services.
      hey thanks for that,

      i mainly shoot social media videos / short ads for business owners down here in South Florida, they are mainly interviews with b-roll talking about their business, some of them came out really well

      i like the idea of charging higher prices simply because im not making enough, going to give that a shot,

      but i always struggled with the different packages and service level part, I was thinking of doing something like a monthly retainer type thing where client gets X number of videos and photos for $X price

      but thanks for the feedback, helps a ton!
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11763327].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author jhon steve
    Congratulations on your progress! I think Diversifying marketing, showcasing your portfolio, reevaluating pricing, seeking testimonials, and networking are best.
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  • Profile picture of the author Kay King
    but i always struggled with the different packages and service level part, I was thinking of doing something like a monthly retainer type thing where client gets X number of videos and photos for price

    Monthly retainers are great - it could be 'fresh' photos and a new videos each month or an update on a current video...or a combination of those. I would have that available but 'back burner' it as an add-on or upsell to use later...focus right now should be on getting more clients IMO.

    i like the idea of charging higher prices simply because im not making enough, going to give that a shot,

    Of course you do and there are those here who will encourage you to charge more....but if you've had TWO clients...focus on quality and advertising to get more clients. Your fees sound reasonable to me as they are.

    I think you have a great idea and the potential to create a booming business.

    some of them came out really well

    ALL of them should be well done - build your reputation while you advertise for clients. Are you visiting local businesses personally - have you created a sample or pamphlet to show business owners what you can do?

    The threads below have been around for a while but have excellent advice that works
    Saving one dog will not change the world - but the world changes forever for that one dog
    Dear April: I don't want any trouble from you.
    January was long, February was iffy, March was a freaking dumpster fire.
    So sit down, be quiet, and don't touch anything.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11763331].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author adorelovepamper
    This is Really very impressive and helpful content, how to grow business, stratgy
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11763357].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author paullouth
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11763397].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author kalki411
    Originally Posted by The Click Swap View Post

    video production, i bought some gear, hired a biz coach off of fiverr and did some marketing which ended up in 2 clients and about $1200 since about May,
    Thats amazing!

    Don't be discouraged from the second post not getting and new leads the algorithms are picky, and you can try posting again at different times of day because the amount of views it gets is determined by its early engagement... so keep trying different videos on a schedual like maybe once per week.

    I used to be in photography myself and getting clients is very strange. The key is to be in front of people at the right time and actually what I fount to be most effective is to go to public places and start shooting!

    People will see your gear and if they want a video (and are extroverted enough) they'll walk up to you and ask if you are for hire. So carry business cards and have a website that shows the types of videos you are best at.

    Weddings are always the biggest cash cows for photographers - and as long as you don't screw up people will talk about you to their friends.

    In the beginning its a GRIND with lots of rejection. All I can say is that if you keep at it long enough without jumping from thing to thing (like I did when I was a photographer) you'll eventually get more business.

    videography is a local business because you have to physically be there so you automatically have a built in market. Choose a territory or zip code and then make sure everyone in that small area knows who you are and what you do.

    On average takes 7 interactions for people to remember what a business is and what they do. So unless someone has a need immediately they won't turn into a paying client.

    Finally my rule of thumb when it comes to pricing is that you should price competitively to your market until you are fully booked. Check out some of the established videography places in your area and see what that charge. Maybe even talk to them and see if they'd be willing to refer you any clients that find them to expensive!

    But eventually you will need to raise prices once you figure out how to get a constant stream of customers. Because in the creative fields, the people who can afford higher prices DON'T LIKE TO PAY LOWER PRICES so you can't even land them as a client unless you have a high price - the problem you have, though, is that you can't find people who need your service yet. (e.g. price is not the reason you are not getting clients)

    Hope this helps!
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11763443].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author DWolfe
    Originally Posted by bijutoha View Post

    As for your pricing.....
    Originally Posted by The Click Swap View Post

    hey thanks for that,
    Just an FYI: Considering the post was 99.9% generated by Ai, Don't put too much value into it.
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  • Profile picture of the author BouPLy
    just do everything possible and unpossible , a lot info everywhere
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  • Profile picture of the author Kay King
    Retain more customers by increasing... increasing what?
    Saving one dog will not change the world - but the world changes forever for that one dog
    Dear April: I don't want any trouble from you.
    January was long, February was iffy, March was a freaking dumpster fire.
    So sit down, be quiet, and don't touch anything.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11763708].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author DABK
      The increased increasingness, duh!

      Originally Posted by Kay King View Post increasing what?
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11765040].message }}
  • As a natchrl copywritah person (in addition to bein' a spirityooly exotic Yogah phenomenon, plus also all kindsa extra stuffs), I would wish for evrywan to kick summa the AI we gaht proliferatin' rn beyond Plooto with a Joopiterian boot.

    Likely there exists a potential VIDEO for what I jus' said ...

    even likelieah there exists a POTENTIAL video for attractin' Audience X to do/enjoy/realise Reality YZABC.

    Counterpoint to the nouveau showsy stuff is how we all meandah around clooless, waitin' out all desprit for minor deities to flow down from outta the clouds an' abuse our ass.

    What else is witnessable?

    Back in the day, you had a whole buncha oppressed scribes dowin' colorin' in for the benefit of whomsoevah was feedin' 'em.

    Raise these guys up from the dead (bcs the gals were too busy washin' their shitty pants) an' they prolly less confused 'bout Jooly 2023 than Marty McFly on no frickin' horse.

    In this sense, video is RADIANCE.

    Exalted commune dependent on inargybyool trooth.

    But like most othah sensational media, all depends on what is bein' radiated -- an' for the benefit of WHOM.

    rn VIDEO commands its justifiable place in the hierarchy of compellingly yummy media.

    Till'n we abuse its ass.

    Which likely plenty people will.

    At this point, if you gaht an excloosive service, you gaht a platform for growth steada jus' mleh.

    Lightin' fuses is for blowin' stuff togethah.

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11763710].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author holm1i
    To get more clients, try showing your work to more people. Maybe ask your clients if they can tell their friends about you, that way more people might want videos from you. Oh, and if you make a cool video, ask your clients if they can write a short note about how much they liked working with you, that's called a testimonial, and it can help get more people interested in your videos!
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11763801].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author savidge4
    Originally Posted by The Click Swap View Post

    my marketing activities which started in May, were posting in a facebook group in my area and adding value,

    Fast forward to beginning of July and i posted basically the same thing and got 0 responses, no leads nothing, so that kind of freaked me out
    Your client base is geographical. As much as Facebook makes sense... just going door to door makes more sense.

    If I was in your shoes... I would have Google maps on my phone looking for people that have business listings. I would be going in and offering a 10 to 20 second free video that YOU will post to their Google maps acct. If they like the video once it is posted... they can then get a copy to post to their social etc for $100.

    In better than theory here. you should be able to shoot some quick location shots of the business... and then pretty much edit the 10 to 20 seconds right there on the spot - and upload it to their Google business listing.

    You can from there start thinking a video a week? a month? for these locations 10 to 20 seconds - is there an hour between taking some quick shots and the final edit? and getting $100, $150 for each?

    I would imagine.. you could go out and land at least 1 per day 5 days a week 20 times a month - and work yourself into $5000 a month no problem.

    Hope that Helps!

    There isa a guy on YouTube that basically does just this real quick and dirty videos with a bunch og hyper zooming etc For the life of me cant think of the name of the channel.
    Success is an ACT not an idea
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11763987].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author wfjcc
    You can join your local chamber of commerce or any business organization. You can network there. Give value similar to what you are doing on Facebook groups and you can get word of mouth marketing pretty fast. What I learned is the business is all about relationships.
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  • Profile picture of the author dailyblog360
    I suggest you improve your online presence by creating website and social media accounts
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  • Profile picture of the author LOCALSEO1
    Market research then grow your business.
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  • Profile picture of the author Denver Wale
    Spice up Marketing: Don't rely only on Facebook. Try Instagram, LinkedIn, or a cool website!

    Network like a Pro: Meet peeps, join events, make friends - more connections, more leads.

    Know Your Worth: Charge what you're worth. Your talent's priceless!

    Show Off Your Magic: Flaunt your best work. Clients love seeing your creativity!

    Happy Clients = More Clients: Get testimonials, build trust, get more gigs.

    Upsell & Expand: Offer more services to happy clients. They'll love it!

    Nail Negotiation: Win-win talks = better deals. You got this!

    Keep Learning: Grow your skills, be a rockstar producer!

    Stay true to you, keep hustling, and success will follow. You've got this!
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11764627].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author guinemojo23
    Hey there! Congrats on the progress you've made - $1200 is no small feat! It's awesome that you're seeking advice to level up. Since your initial success, the market might have shifted. Consider diversifying your marketing channels. Also, pricing-wise, your skills are valuable, so don't be afraid to adjust rates. Keep refining, experimenting, and engaging with potential clients. You've got this!
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11764758].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author The Click Swap
      Originally Posted by guinemojo23 View Post

      Hey there! Congrats on the progress you've made - $1200 is no small feat! It's awesome that you're seeking advice to level up. Since your initial success, the market might have shifted. Consider diversifying your marketing channels. Also, pricing-wise, your skills are valuable, so don't be afraid to adjust rates. Keep refining, experimenting, and engaging with potential clients. You've got this!
      hey thanks for that, i needed that,

      i am slowly dipping my feet into SEO with my website and my blog and after all that i have read it looks like it will take a few months before I see any results

      But yeah thanks for your comment!
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  • Profile picture of the author Nichol McCaulley
    Have you seen YouTube videos? There are bunch of influencers on social media who can help you by giving some unique ideas. I also recommend watch some shark tank videos too.
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  • Profile picture of the author wilsdav22
    What kind of research did you do to figure out your target audience?
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  • Profile picture of the author myuniversity
    I think you want to start paid marketing now.
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