How I rank my website on google?

5 replies
Hello everyone my question is how I rank my website on google. I write 41 articles with low KD and high search volume on different niches. And post on different social medias accounts. How I rank?
Aneeba Arzoo
#google #rank #website
  • Profile picture of the author Stella Warren
    Ensure that you are using relevant backlinks and engage in content promotion on various channels. Also it take some time to show results in SEO. I would suggest that be consistent, post high quality content in soon you will see positive results.
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  • Profile picture of the author drmani
    Ranking a website depends on 2 things:

    1. On-site factors - things you do on your website
    2. Off-site factors - things that happen elsewhere

    For on-site optimization, you've created content (high volume, low competition) on your website. 41 isn't bad, but also constantly updated 'fresh' content is helpful with ranking high.

    Other things that are important are how 'themed' your content is around a niche or topic, and how comprehensively you've covered the subject area. A content site that answers ALL questions about the topic, or offers a visitor incredible value on the topic, is often ranked high on Google (probably related to off-site factors as well).

    Off-site, the aim was to get backlinks to your content.

    That is a complete guide in itself. There are so many ways to earn backlinks. And many more to buy them. Some still work well. Others have stopped being effective. There's gossip in SEO circles that Google no longer values backlinks too much, but rather 'visitor value' offered by your content.

    Other approaches to drive visibility to your high quality content - such as social media marketing, where you place your links or snippets of your content in front of audiences on networks like Twitter, FB, YouTube, LinkedIn and others - can indirectly help with your Google ranking. That's because visitors who find it interesting content will share it with their audiences, maybe even link back to you, which boosts the relevance of your content in Google's eyes.

    Another angle of importance in a mobile-phone era is 'local SEO' which is guided by how relevant your content is to search users in a region or part of the world. For instance, SEO for a restaurant in Central London might result in a high Google ranking for your site when mobile users search while in the area - but not show up at all if I run the same keyword search from here in India!

    In a way, getting your site ranked on Google is a crapshoot. In other ways, it's a science with a process you can follow to win.

    Focus on what you can control. And hope for the best. That's been how I've got pages ranked on top of Google - and later lost those ranks, sometimes forever.

    Google's algorithms keep on changing and evolving. Your approach has to adapt and evolve along with it.

    Hope this helps.

    All success,
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    • Profile picture of the author drmani
      Oh, and I forgot to mention this...

      If your site isn't yet ranked at all on Google, you've got to make sure it is spidered and in Google's index.

      Sometimes technical mistakes with your coding (like a robots.txt file that disallows access to your entire website!) can be what blocks Google's search spiders from finding and adding your website to the index.

      Other things like pinging new blog posts will ensure that Google is aware of your new content, and considers it for ranking on search results.
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  • Profile picture of the author om mandani
    to get rank on google at first you must have a well website and started SEO of your website by digital marketing expert. to get rank on google you must have a product to sell and choose right and long tail keyword so as google ranks websites by their proper keyword and a proper title & description.
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  • Profile picture of the author Moodesburn1977
    with great difficulty when u try to rank say for a term digital marketing it is very hard at first due to your site is a new site and going up agaist high competiion, but not many do blogs or videos about reviewing articles blogs or videos, this ranks a lot quicker, i hope this helps

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