Looking for all the knowledge.

19 replies
I'm looking for someone who can teach me everything all the way down to how to use my phone to make money.
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  • Profile picture of the author Kay King
    How many IM methods have you tried? How many sites/ blogs do you have online? What HAVE you learned so far? Those are serious questions.

    Why would you expect 'someone' to leave their own online business to teach you 'everything'? That's not logical. You joined six years ago.... How many threads have you read? How many discussions have you participated in? How many detailed questions have you asked?

    If you want members to help you here - you need to tell us what you've done - what your plans are - etc. NO ONE has 'all the knowledge' because you don't need that much info to make money online.
    Saving one dog will not change the world - but the world changes forever for that one dog
    I firmly believe that animals make people more human.
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    • Profile picture of the author Meleak4u
      Thank you for your opinion. What's not logical is to believe everything is not possible. No one has to leave anything to teach. I got platforms I don't know how to use effectively. If you personally can't answer a question then would you think it's logical not to try to answer it? I'm sure someone can. Because I believe anything is possible. I'm sure there's a strategist somewhere. Or such a system wouldn't exist.
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      • Profile picture of the author art72
        Originally Posted by Meleak4u View Post

        Thank you for your opinion. What's not logical is to believe everything is not possible. No one has to leave anything to teach. I got platforms I don't know how to use effectively. If you personally can't answer a question then would you think it's logical not to try to answer it? I'm sure someone can. Because I believe anything is possible. I'm sure there's a strategist somewhere. Or such a system wouldn't exist.
        Buying a lottery ticket doesn't possess very good odds of success. If you've bought programs you admit that you do not know how to use, I would strongly suggest you do your "due diligence" before jumping into any personal or business ventures!

        Making money from your phone sounds like a dream...

        In reality, you might ought to reconsider that "give me everything mindset" - as making money requires 3 simple things:

        1.) Identify a PROBLEM you have knowledge of... or can outsource to someone who DOES!
        2.) Provide VALUE (i.e., a solution, relief, product, or service!)
        3.) Scale when you have a working business model, system, and/or PROCESS that fulfills a transaction!

        I find it amazing how many people THINK they have a money problem... that's ONLY 1/10th of their real issue...

        People need to provide value, services, or products... in EXCHANGE for VALUE (money)... and yet... very few people want to SERVE anyone outside their own NEEDS...

        FFS... read, educate yourself, and align yourself with successful people... mirror their success, and THINK about WHY they are successful and HOW they DID IT?

        Asking people to hand you the SECRET is like playing Russian roulette or playing the slots at a local casino, the ODDS are never going to be in your favor, if you do not favor helping others FIRST by providing value right from the rip!
        Atop a tree with Buddha ain't a bad place to take rest!
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        • Profile picture of the author Meleak4u
          I like your insight. Thank you.

          Great response. I'll check into it. Thanks.

          I don't mind investing. I'm universal in skills.

          You can be amazed at what I can access with a simple 4gig android.

          Awesome I'll check it out. Thanks.

          I have. A lot of it is click bait.
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      • Profile picture of the author DWolfe
        Originally Posted by Meleak4u View Post

        If you personally can't answer a question then would you think it's logical not to try to answer it?
        Wrong answer, how can anyone teach you something if they don't have a reference of what you know? For example, someone can teach you how to do the Quadratic Formula. However, you need to know basic math before they can even start to teach you. Same thing with IM, how do you plan to make money selling? via E-commerce, Writing articles, affiliate marketing, etc? Why should somebody help you to start, what's in it for them? Several people on this forum provide plenty of information for free. They will not help you unless you pay put the time and effort in.

        If you have no idea where to start. Here is a thread about E-bay, read it and follow all the steps. Then you may make some money using your phone. https://www.warriorforum.com/warrior...days-ebay.html That is the closest thing to starting with nothing and turning it into something.

        If you do not want to even do that. Open up a Webull or Robinhood account on your phone. Use it to put 10-20% of your paychecks into an S&P 500 index fund and check back in 30 years.

        Learn to increase revenue & marketing skills with ai - https://www.coursera.org/explore/genai-for-marketing

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    • Profile picture of the author valleywide1997
      There are so many ways and angles to make money online, for people with focus problems it can be very tortuous, like me, because you want to do them all..at the same time.

      I think this is the best advice for that, just do mini tests on several techniques and ideas, create your own ideas to test that make sense with the market, blog sites is important, as you need one to run ads on google and bing, somewhere you control 100% to run traffic too. Creating unique headlines, testing market gaps or anomalies, etc. Find the cheapest ad platform to test ads on, like FB, you can do $1 a day on there.

      Try a native ad network, RevContent will allow you to start with just $100, and your ad will display on major media sites and blogs, kind of like a newspaper ad of the 1990's since it's a general audience. I placed an ad on Rev thinking it would skyrocket to the moon because it was great on FB, but it bombed so bad.

      In my humble opinion, things change so fast that you have to keep trying new mini-tests and experiments, because each vein of gold may not last forever, but one thing that does last are things like the distribution method; such as email marketing, SEO techniques, Funnels, good copywriting.

      I got my results from SEO initally, Kindle books and paid FB ads to quizzes. But they were all experiments, and I failed a lot till I hit winners and I'm still not successful because I didn't know how to process the results, so I have a lot of work to do yet.

      Originally Posted by Kay King View Post

      How many IM methods have you tried? How many sites/ blogs do you have online? What HAVE you learned so far? Those are serious questions.

      Why would you expect 'someone' to leave their own online business to teach you 'everything'? That's not logical. You joined six years ago.... How many threads have you read? How many discussions have you participated in? How many detailed questions have you asked?

      If you want members to help you here - you need to tell us what you've done - what your plans are - etc. NO ONE has 'all the knowledge' because you don't need that much info to make money online.
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  • Profile picture of the author Moodesburn1977
    i understand your situation thats what we teach money how to make money online its all about learning and then applying the knowlege it takes time and by giving value is what we believe

    Lets build a online business by giving value and learning how to build a email list

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  • Profile picture of the author TobiMDD
    I appreciate and understand your question darling, with a simple question like that in my mind I basically started 6 years ago...and now? look at me I'm rich and can't see an end to all the money flowing effortless into my pocket every single day which is why I'm relaxing in my free time on the warriorforum.

    ok just kidding. The truth is, there are so many possible ways to make money from your phone, its freaking unreal... as others already said, it is much more useful for us if you can let us know what you already tried and what you PERSONALLY prefer to do. Trading/ecommerce/marketing etc?

    if you want a step by step plan it is very unlikely to find something like that for free. people sell these things in courses and coachings. Invest in yourself if you want someone laying it all out for you. thats the fastest way to success
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  • Profile picture of the author Monetize
    Originally Posted by Meleak4u View Post

    I'm looking for someone who can teach me everything all the way down to how to use my phone to make money.

    Good luck with that.

    While you are waiting for that miraculous event to take
    place, I suggest you get busy reading books, archives,
    watching videos, and any other of your preferred
    methods of researching and learning.

    Because NOBODY can teach anyone EVERYTHING.

    Especially not about topics as dynamic as internet
    marketing, making money online, and passive income.

    As to making money with your phone, while it is indeed
    possible to do so, if you are serious about your online
    business, you should probably get a laptop, at least.

    If one of your income streams is content/product
    development, for example, publishing various digital
    downloads, you cannot do that efficiently by dinking
    around with your phone.
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  • Profile picture of the author savidge4
    Originally Posted by Meleak4u View Post

    I'm looking for someone who can teach me everything all the way down to how to use my phone to make money.
    Damn near everything you need to know... With a computer or a phone: ( https://www.warriorforum.com/warrior...days-ebay.html )
    Success is an ACT not an idea
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  • Profile picture of the author gogogoing
    go to youtube , search and see a lot videos how to make money from your phone
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  • Profile picture of the author Get Some Gyan
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    • Profile picture of the author Meleak4u
      Sad how it says I don't have the credentials to thank this user. You gave information to learn from. Thanks.
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  • Profile picture of the author TobiMDD
    if you are not using the quote button we don't know who you are answering to
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  • Profile picture of the author Kay King
    meleak4u -

    Put your cursor on your username in the black tool bar above - from the dropdown menu, click on "view classic"....you may have to log out and back in but that will put you in the 'classic' view.

    Much easier to discuss and you can use the 'quote' so people know you are talking to....
    Saving one dog will not change the world - but the world changes forever for that one dog
    I firmly believe that animals make people more human.
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  • Profile picture of the author Jamell
    I think you need to be more specific .Like what particular skill sets you posses ?
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    • Profile picture of the author Meleak4u
      Originally Posted by Jamell View Post

      I think you need to be more specific .Like what particular skill sets you posses ?
      My skills are universal. Means I know a lot and can take in more. There's no limits. Which is why I seek more to know.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11782648].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Meleak4u
    There's some features on here that need sone correction. Under the comments it says reply. It should register to that comment only so people know that they were replied to. The thanks button doesn't work for everyone. There are the haves (Which I take in ) and the have nots ( which I don't take in.) I appreciate those who respond with actual answers. You're the top G. You are those that prove that it's not impossible.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11782646].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Kay King
    Put your cursor on your username in the black tool bar above - from the dropdown menu, click on "view classic"....you may have to log out and back in but that will put you in the 'classic' view.

    My skills are universal.
    Use them to switch to the 'classic view' if you want to keep posting. Otherwise no one knows who you are talking to.

    Sad how it says I don't have the credentials to thank this user.
    Because at the time you did not have FIVE posts which is the threshhold to use the 'thanks' button. Meanwhile I have 'merged' your repeated posts and as you can see, you don't answer questions and you are not using the classic view as yet.

    There's some features on here that need sone correction.
    Learn to use the forum and those features will work for you...also you might want to read the forum rules just to get an idea of how things work....

    Saving one dog will not change the world - but the world changes forever for that one dog
    I firmly believe that animals make people more human.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11782654].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author savidge4
    Your skills are universal... you know a lot and you can learn more... all fine and dandy.
    Have you applied anything?

    Learning is great... I know lots of stuff... BUT there is less than a fine line in what you know VS how to apply what you know. There comes a point in the "Learning" process that you no longer are learning to learn as you are in the trenches and learning exactly what you need to know. Especially in todays world.. anything you need to KNOW is at your finger tips.

    There are 2 types of learning 1) learning to learn - and I would consider this a block to actually doing something... and then 2) There is learnng what you need to know NOW so you can move forward with something you are actively doing.

    You want to have a little script thing in your website, you go learn how to write that little script. You want a circle logo for your business and dont know how to make text that borders the circle... you go research how to do that.

    In the actual act of doing.. learning is within the process to get you from point A to point B. The whole idea of learning before you start anything... you are simply blocking yourself from doing.

    Where would you be TODAY if you actually started doing a year ago - vs trying to learn stuff?
    Success is an ACT not an idea
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