Searching for ways to make money online

25 replies
Hi everyone. I am a new member here. I am just tired of applying for a job contract and having to search for another job after. I am really interested in learning how to create my own little online business. Here is a little bit about my education and experiences.

- Master in environment sciences
Speciality; nature education
- Bachelor in Earth sciences
Speciality; ecology of forest, wetlands, lakes and rivers.

- Very knowledgeable about the vegetation, wildlife, ecosystems and geology of Quebec province in Canada.
- Nature education: More than 20 years of experience teaching people about nature.
- Strong knowledge but not much experience about how to increase biodiversity of birds, bees, butterflies and moths in our own backyards.
- French writing and proofreading skills. My native language.
- Public speaking. 20 years of experience.
- A strong interest in art that is developping but not much experience yet in oil painting, diorama creation and drawing.
- Camouflage, tracking and stalking techniques to watch wildlife in their habitat.

Thanks for your help!
#make #money #online #searching #ways
  • Profile picture of the author Kay King
    Lots of qualifications. What have you done so far online? What skills do you have online? What sort of business can you see yourself starting? What will you sell?
    Saving one dog will not change the world - but the world changes forever for that one dog
    My ducks are absolutely not in a row. I don't even know where some of them are...
    ...and I'm pretty sure one of them is a pigeon.
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    • Profile picture of the author natureXpert

      In 2005 or 2006, I created an online discussion forum about nature. I took care of everything but eventually the popularity dropped after Facebook was created. So I decided to created a Facebook page on the same subject. Those pages were successful but I eventually deleted them because I hate social media.

      Right now, I am trying to start a blog about nature. I am learning WordPress and it's almost ready but I have a few bugs I need to correct before starting to post my first articles.
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  • Profile picture of the author Kay King
    You have expertise in a really good niche - what do you plan to sell?

    If the goal is to make money - SOMETHING needs to be sold. It may be physical products or informational products but that's where the money comes from.
    Saving one dog will not change the world - but the world changes forever for that one dog
    My ducks are absolutely not in a row. I don't even know where some of them are...
    ...and I'm pretty sure one of them is a pigeon.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11789176].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author natureXpert
      Hi. I am not sure yet. I am good at writing so I thought about starting a WordPress website. Is there ways to make money from a blog or website in 2024?

      I was also thinking about writing and selling an ebook.

      An ecourse would be a good idea I think but the learning curve would be higher than writing ebooks or creating a website in my opinion.

      I had the idea of producing a podcast but I think I would be far better with a blog and ebooks.

      And I really don't want to put my face on the net so Youtube is out of the question.
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      • Profile picture of the author Monetize
        Originally Posted by natureXpert View Post

        Hi. I am not sure yet. I am good at writing so I thought about starting a WordPress website. Is there ways to make money from a blog or website in 2024?

        I was also thinking about writing and selling an ebook.

        An ecourse would be a good idea I think but the learning curve would be higher than writing ebooks or creating a website in my opinion.

        I had the idea of producing a podcast but I think I would be far better with a blog and ebooks.

        And I really don't want to put my face on the net so Youtube is out of the question.

        You can produce videos without showing your face
        or even using your own voice. They are referred to
        as "faceless" videos, there are thousands of them
        about animals, cooking, animations, and dozens
        of other subjects.

        The methods I listed above were just examples,
        there are hundreds of ways to make money online,
        so you will need to decide which method(s) work
        for you.

        I suggested that you read up on the various ways
        to make money online, there are books on all of
        them such as YouTube, blog writing, WordPress,

        Any subject that interests you is probably available
        as a book topic, tutorial video, or course, and there
        are endless nuggets throughout this forum.

        People here can answer your questions and give
        advice, but it is up to you to take action and make
        something happen to achieve your income goals.
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        • Profile picture of the author natureXpert
          Thanks again. I know anything wont happen instantly but what is the fastest or the easiest techniques to start beginning to make money online?

          Is it affiliate marketing?
          Writing ebooks?
          Creating an ecourse?
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          • Profile picture of the author Monetize
            Originally Posted by natureXpert View Post

            Thanks again. I know anything wont happen instantly but what is the fastest or the easiest techniques to start beginning to make money online?

            Is it affiliate marketing?
            Writing ebooks?
            Creating an ecourse?

            I started my internet business selling on eBay, but that
            was 20+ years ago and things are very different now.

            Back then, just about anything you advertised actually
            sold. We were still sending each other checks and
            money orders so it wasn't exactly fast money.

            As things became more saturated and competitive,
            it became more difficult to sell there.

            It can still be done, but there's no guarantees that what
            you put up for sale will actually have a buyer because
            typically there are hundreds of others selling the same
            exact thing.

            Any of the methods that you mentioned could work
            but they will work better as combinations, for example
            publishing ebooks and having a podcast or videos on
            the same topic, and cross promote your ebooks.

            If you started right now, you could possibly finish an
            ebook by tonight, but it will likely take a few days.

            Ebooks involve content, covers, graphics, keywords,
            and product descriptions and those things take time.

            And if you plan to publish on Amazon KDP you should
            work to produce several books, not just one.

            I recommend that you find a list of ways to generate
            internet income, obtain a book titled

            101 Ways for Retired People to Make Money Online

            (that is just an example) go through that and see what
            you already know how to do, what you can learn to do,
            what you enjoy, and take it from there.

            Once you decide on something, just get busy and work
            on things a little each day.

            Look into using AI such as ChatGPT and the others
            as there is so much that can be done with AI it is just
            amazing, and it can make you even more productive.
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  • Profile picture of the author Jason Kanigan
    Originally Posted by natureXpert View Post

    Hi everyone. I am a new member here. I am just tired of applying for a job contract and having to search for another job after. I am really interested in learning how to create my own little online business. Here is a little bit about my education and experiences.

    - Master in environment sciences
    Speciality; nature education
    - Bachelor in Earth sciences
    Speciality; ecology of forest, wetlands, lakes and rivers.

    - Very knowledgeable about the vegetation, wildlife, ecosystems and geology of Quebec province in Canada.
    - Nature education: More than 20 years of experience teaching people about nature.
    - Strong knowledge but not much experience about how to increase biodiversity of birds, bees, butterflies and moths in our own backyards.
    - French writing and proofreading skills. My native language.
    - Public speaking. 20 years of experience.
    - A strong interest in art that is developping but not much experience yet in oil painting, diorama creation and drawing.
    - Camouflage, tracking and stalking techniques to watch wildlife in their habitat.

    Thanks for your help!
    I am going to give you four things to decide upon.

    Then I'm going to give you four systems * every * business needs, no matter whether you're a bakery or a bank.

    First four decisions:

    1. Who will you serve?

    2. What will you help them with? What product or service or outcome will you provide?

    3. What price point will you play at?

    4. What outreach method will you choose and * commit to * for at least 60 days?

    Then the four systems every business needs (and we can find a post on this very forum from 2011(!) where I talk about this...fundamentals don't change):

    1. Lead generation

    2. Qualification

    3. Closing

    4. Fulfillment.

    I have just given you the skeleton of a business.

    Why the four decisions are important:

    1. Who will you serve?

    Who's your customer? If it's "everyone", it's no one. Get specific. This is called your target market, and it can be defined by demographics (where they are) or psychographics (what they believe).

    So it could be "People in downtown Manhattan at lunch hour" or "Engineering design firms who understand that IT support is critical to their work", as examples.

    2. What will you help them with?

    A good choice here is to solve a problem * they admit to having * with a solution you like to talk about all day. This will make you automatically enthusiastic.

    So examples matching up with the target markets above could be "Tasty hotdogs and lemonade lunches" or "Fast downtime detection and restoration service".

    3. What price point will you play at?

    This has everything to do with money tolerance, which is a topic I have talked about deeply here and on my blog and in youtube videos. "How much is a lot of money?" is a question with an individual and personal answer, and it's also a moveable target.

    If you believe $500 is "a lot of money", you will struggle to sell $5000 offers because you'll deeply believe "no one would pay that".

    So find an offer that matches your money tolerance so you make selling easier for yourself.

    4. What outreach method will you commit to for 60 days?

    Something that is NOT talked about enough is that business is about developing certain competencies. And the first of those important competencies, vital to having a business, is this:

    How do I reach out and start conversations well with members of my target market?

    This can be done with cold calling, cold emails, LinkedIn messenger, FB ads, dropping leaflets from airplanes, running a herd of zebras through town square wearing monogrammed blankets with your name and website address, or standing in the busiest intersection in town wearing a pink bunny suit and holding a sign with your business name and phone number.

    The problem is that newbies don't know that even if you're given a template or roadmap you still need to develop competency with that leadgen method yourself. If it was paint by number everyone would be rich. Success does not work that way. It has an X factor.

    Every time you see a shiny object or think the grass must be greener on the other side of some different outreach method you go back to zero.

    So you have to stick with an outreach method to get good at it.

    Which runs right into the first of the four systems every business needs (and yours is NOT any different):

    1. Lead generation

    You need a consistent way of bringing a number of interested people to you every month. Whether organically or paid, however you do it, you MUST do this. Do not rely on referrals, friends, or dumb luck for enough people to find you. They won't. You need enough leads coming in to have enough sales conversations to have a chance of hitting your money target.

    Most people, who don't pay attention to this, have 1/10th to 1/100th of the number of leads they really need coming in. So even though they are not lazy, they are beaten before they start. I can say this after 10+ years of doing paid funnel strategy calls.

    2. Qualification

    Leads coming in must be filtered. Good ones must be separated from bad. Here are three things to filter for:
    Need (do they admit they have the problem you solve?)
    Budget (can they pay you to fix it, is the problem large enough to warrant your involvement in solving it)
    Personality fit (can you work with them or are they a potential Client from Hell?).

    3. Closing

    Every business needs a way of helping some of the qualified leads become Buyers.

    How will you do this? Decide. Sales page with copywriting and a buy button at the end? A live Zoom sales call? Over Messenger? Some other way?

    Get clarity and improve upon the process as you go.

    4. Fulfillment

    Now you need to give the customer what they paid for.

    Those businesses that don't do this are rightfully called a scam.

    This is what you need to develop.

    Make those first four key decisions.

    Keep your eye on the ball and build out those four systems.

    When you're not sure what to do, ask yourself how the four systems are doing, in order. You should be able to write out in a couple sentences how each system works.

    If you don't have leads coming in, then you need to focus on building a machine that brings you X number of leads per day. And don't stop until you do. No magic bullets, no shiny objects. No jumping from thing to thing. Stick to the platform you choose so you can develop competency with it.

    Once you get that in place, then move on to the next thing.

    Sounds like work? Now you're getting the picture.
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    • Profile picture of the author natureXpert
      Hi Jason, sorry for the delay in responding to your tips. I had to solve personnal matters recently.

      1. Who will I serve? I am not sure right now what kind of business I should build so it's hard to say precisely what are my customers.

      I love learning more about nature, wildlife, wild plants and ecosystems. I am good at teaching how nature works. I have lots of experience in this area but I am not sure there is much money to make from it.

      I have started to build a WordPress website but it's not ready yet. I was thinking about writing on different subjects related to nature here in Québec, Canada. My website will be in french because that's the language of the majority in my province.

      To teach people about nature, I was also thinking about writing ebooks. That could be complements to the website.

      I thought also about launching a podcast but I think that for me, a blog and ebooks could fit better my personnality. I am an introvert so a podcast and a Youtube channel would be hard for me to create, especially a Youtube channel, because I dont want my face on the net.

      So who will I serve and who are my customers? I was thinking about teaching teachers so they could educate kids and teens about nature, wildlife and ecosystems and how we can increase biodiversity of birds, bees, butterflies and moths by planing more native trees, shrubs and plants.

      I was thinking also about the elderlies because their population is growing and a lot of them are interested in the subject. I think that in this group, the one that would be more interested in the subject I want to teach are the one who are still living in their house and want to improve their landscape by planting native species to increase biodiversity.

      For the teachers group, I think that the primary school teachers would be the best bet instead of the teens.

      I would also focus my business on the people living out of the great cities like Montreal because most of the residents in this city dont have a house. They live in appartments and can't plant what they want on their land because it's not really their land.

      2. What will you help them with?

      I notice that people in those two groups (elderlies and especially teachers) don't know much about nature and wildlife. You can't teach a subject in school if you don't have a good background. I would also teach them how to improve their land so they can see more birds, bees ...

      3. What price point will you play at?

      Elderlies people something have more money than school. On the other part, I can't teach a group of teachers all at the same time because the school schedule would not permit that. They all work the same hours most of the time.

      So to this question, I really don't know how to answer it.

      4. What outreach method will you commit to for 60 days?

      I could go to organisations dedicated to the elderlies. They organize activities for them. I could pitch something for them but it's not an industry or a company so their budget depend from one individual to the other.

      I must confess that that's not my strength. I am way better in teaching people face to face than to pitch my project.
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      • Profile picture of the author Kausik Biswas
        You can produce your products, educative ebooks, blog posts and podcast. Create your nature related coaching course. Then market them by internet marketing. Can learn internet marketing and SEO from famous Youtube channels and blogs. Apply the knowledge for your business growth. Can also hire some professional.
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  • Profile picture of the author Monetize
    Originally Posted by natureXpert View Post

    Hi everyone. I am a new member here. I am just tired of applying for a job contract and having to search for another job after. I am really interested in learning how to create my own little online business. Here is a little bit about my education and experiences.

    - Master in environment sciences
    Speciality; nature education
    - Bachelor in Earth sciences
    Speciality; ecology of forest, wetlands, lakes and rivers.

    - Very knowledgeable about the vegetation, wildlife, ecosystems and geology of Quebec province in Canada.
    - Nature education: More than 20 years of experience teaching people about nature.
    - Strong knowledge but not much experience about how to increase biodiversity of birds, bees, butterflies and moths in our own backyards.
    - French writing and proofreading skills. My native language.
    - Public speaking. 20 years of experience.
    - A strong interest in art that is developping but not much experience yet in oil painting, diorama creation and drawing.
    - Camouflage, tracking and stalking techniques to watch wildlife in their habitat.

    Thanks for your help!


    You seem like a fun and interesting person.

    I think that you will need to get over your aversion to social media
    because that is where the people that you want to connect with are.

    You have so many options but you need to take action in order to
    make money online, it requires work and effort.

    You probably already have a bunch of business books, how to start
    a business, books from Paul and Sarah Edwards, and similar authors.
    If not, I recommend you browse Amazon and read a couple of books
    on the online business topics that interest you.

    Books to search for are internet marketing, making money online,
    passive income, side hustles, and multiple streams of income.

    Some things that you could do to make money:

    Publish books.
    Develop courses at Udemy, Teachable, SkillShare.
    Make YouTubes (you will need videos for your courses)
    Set up paid memberships at Patreon.
    Print on demand products with your art, or digital art you create with AI.

    You have so many options, so decide on something, or a combination
    of things that you enjoy that can be monetized.

    About your WordPress blog, it is a classic beginner's mistake to want
    everything to be perfect, but it never will be and it doesn't matter. Just
    get your information out there.

    If you haven't used ChatGPT yet I highly recommend it. You can tell
    it your skills like the ones you listed here, and it can analyze you and
    your business strategy, and recommend ways for you to apply your
    skills to internet business.

    It can help you with your WordPress blog, setup and content, it can
    develop outlines and schedules, instructions, research, and so much

    Your talents combined with AI could produce amazing results.

    Whatever you do I am certain that you will be successful.
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  • Profile picture of the author GordonJ

    I call your attention to Kay's post #49 where she states: But - be cautious of spending endless time getting ready to get ready to prepare to potentially 'do something'. Procrastination is human nature - some of us have to fight it more than others.


    Originally Posted by natureXpert View Post

    Hi everyone. I am a new member here. I am just tired of applying for a job contract and having to search for another job after. I am really interested in learning how to create my own little online business. Here is a little bit about my education and experiences.

    - Master in environment sciences
    Speciality; nature education
    - Bachelor in Earth sciences
    Speciality; ecology of forest, wetlands, lakes and rivers.

    - Very knowledgeable about the vegetation, wildlife, ecosystems and geology of Quebec province in Canada.
    - Nature education: More than 20 years of experience teaching people about nature.
    - Strong knowledge but not much experience about how to increase biodiversity of birds, bees, butterflies and moths in our own backyards.
    - French writing and proofreading skills. My native language.
    - Public speaking. 20 years of experience.
    - A strong interest in art that is developping but not much experience yet in oil painting, diorama creation and drawing.
    - Camouflage, tracking and stalking techniques to watch wildlife in their habitat.

    Thanks for your help!
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  • Profile picture of the author Jamell
    It looks like you are well versed .You can start by choosing 1 the niches you specialize in so that you can proceed forward and not confuse yourself.

    Start a YouTube channel.and a blog to share your expertise and build community.

    I think that it would benefit you handsomely if you set up a sales funnel to drive your leads to so that you can follow up with an email sequence and convert your leads into buyers .
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  • Profile picture of the author Ushavilash
    Hey hi, you could consider starting an online business centered around nature education, eco-tourism, or wildlife conservation. You could offer online courses, workshops, or guided tours focusing on the biodiversity of Quebec's ecosystems.
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  • Profile picture of the author natureXpert
    Hi everyone. Thanks for all your comments. I didn't think I would have so much help. Unfortunately for the next few days, I don't have the time to reply to you all because you have made so much good suggestions that I really want to take the time to think before writing anything.

    My job contract finished Thursday so next week, I will take the time to reply to you all in details.

    Thanks again!

    P.S. What should I do to receive an email notification for every reply? I thought I did it right but no, I never received any email notification.
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    • Profile picture of the author Monetize
      Originally Posted by natureXpert View Post

      Hi everyone. Thanks for all your comments. I didn't think I would have so much help. Unfortunately for the next few days, I don't have the time to reply to you all because you have made so much good suggestions that I really want to take the time to think before writing anything.

      My job contract finished Thursday so next week, I will take the time to reply to you all in details.

      Thanks again!

      P.S. What should I do to receive an email notification for every reply? I thought I did it right but no, I never received any email notification.

      Just let us know how you are doing, that would be great,
      and post any additional questions you may have.

      To get notifications, click the SUBSCRIBE button at the
      top of this thread.
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    • Profile picture of the author Ushavilash
      Ohh that's great idea and please take you time.
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  • Profile picture of the author mahabubulalam
    Digital Marketing is very important your business pro grace
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  • Profile picture of the author talfighel
    Affiliate marketing is the way to go.

    You will need to find products that you are using yourself and then promote them to others.

    The most important skill that you will ever need to MASTER is how to effectively market that product online.
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  • Profile picture of the author Rully
    You can explore the world of design. Becoming a great designer garantee you a good salary if you make in the first times some good portofolio

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  • Profile picture of the author makpastrana
    I would focus on three things:
    1. What you're good at
    2. What you like doing
    3. What you will get paid for

    A lot of people will focus on the first two. What worked for me is starting with no. 3, figuring out what I like about it, then honing that skill until I was very good about it. I found I can get into sales jobs easily, but I like writing copy so I focused on that.

    Hope this helps. Good luck.
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  • Profile picture of the author spartan14
    Well i see you have many qualifications but i think they dont fit well for affiliate products to sell or at least in my knowledge

    I think you can decide on what niche you like the most from your experience and start to create youtube videos related to it but with this it takes time until you are able to monetize your youtube channel so i would definitively combine it with a job

    I think it will be good to go to youtube and serch for : how to make money with affiliate marketing and in there you will find a lot of people who succed in this field and they make some good step by step videos on how to succed in affiliate marketing
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  • Profile picture of the author LGBTunion
    I built my online store with wordpress and am learning step by step, I hope to make friends with you.
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  • Profile picture of the author Fiona G
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  • Profile picture of the author deltahost
    Originally Posted by natureXpert View Post

    Hi everyone. I am a new member here. I am just tired of applying for a job contract and having to search for another job after. I am really interested in learning how to create my own little online business. Here is a little bit about my education and experiences.

    Thanks for your help!
    Hello, perhaps your knowledge involves consultations on the use of natural resources and their conservation, perhaps some new institutions of your knowledge will be in demand for training and you will earn more than on the Internet, you must understand that before you get your first money using the Internet, quite a lot will pass time, you may need to invest money for your advertising or submit your resume somewhere and at the same time also be unemployed for some time
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  • Profile picture of the author SearchEngineForm
    easiest way to make money is start calling business owner and ask for job out of 100 calls 1-2 might take interview, and you may get job.

    Other thing is use your skills related to nature and create a blog It may take 6-7 months to start making side hustle income which can grow exponentially with blog.

    Start writing helpful article on topic that you know, understand and like.

    As you said you're good at writing, you have a high chance of getting search traffic from google as well as pinterest.

    Choose your nice in which you'll write and build your authority.

    For example Nature

    Niche it down like this example

    Nature > Gardening > Home gardening > growing own food.

    Create a simple wordpress website and start writing.

    Try to include real photos of garden, soil or planting whatever you're writing about,

    for example if your blog is about gardening, You better do gardening take pictures and put it on your blog.

    There is a tiny cooking blog Cookieandkate that makes millions of dollar. Traffic is 8M-10M a month, so you can see things like this are valuable.

    Use your skills and knowledge and make something out of it.

    Best of Luck
    RK Lokesh
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