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How to Create an Eye-Candy Lead Generation Website

Posted 8th August 2014 at 10:11 AM by bsummers

The main goal of a website, blog or landing page created specifically for B2B lead generation purposes is to keep visitors long enough for them to take an action – that is, to sign up, provide information, set an appointment or commit to a sale.

However, great content is not enough to achieve that. You need to present it in a way that visitors would not only be satisfied intellectually but also visually....
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Business Inspirations From Nelson Mandela

Posted 10th July 2013 at 08:53 PM by bsummers

Nelson Mandela
is an icon worthy of emulation. Leading a apartheid South Africa out of its darkest days, and turning it into a country of potential, he has certainly made a deep impression both in his country and beyond. Sure, what he had done dealt more with politics, but these can serve as inspiration for us in the business field. How many marketing campaigns...
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