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The Power of Sleep

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Posted 27th March 2013 at 11:47 AM by Daniel Evans
Updated 27th May 2019 at 12:23 PM by Daniel Evans

How many motivational videos have you seen that has the message (amongst others);

"Even if you have to lose X hours / days sleep, you'll sacrifice it to win!"

"Winners don't have time for sleep! Sleep when you die!"

I'm sure you'd agree that these lines taken out of the context of their videos and the complimentary hard hitting, high impact soundtrack, they are quite humorous and preposterous lines that make sense to an unrealistic and gargantuan ego.

If we are to read any form of serious book on the topic of striving for ones goals, then we're likely to find that the recommendation with regards to sleep is exactly to the contrary.

The human body needs to recharge. There is a strict reason for its system. The mind needs its time to absorb, process and file its information on a day to day basis. Without this, the result is overload; stress.

Most people who garner their required hours of sleep each night can work with much greater efficiency through greater focus, enthusiasm and alertness. The same cannot be said for the person who is trying to push the body past its thresholds whilst its doing the opposite in accordance with homeostasis.

The same positive effects are acquired more so by resting the mind at weekends and more so by taking holidays / vacations. It is said that many great minds have concocted great ideas outside of their workplace whilst giving the mind its rest.

Your mind needs the daily defrag!

...or else thy bluescreen.
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