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The Single Most Important Factor Behind Copywriting

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Posted 25th May 2010 at 09:55 AM by dsmpublishing

The first thing I’d like to talk about with you today is a brick wall. Why a brick wall? Because when you think about it, it’s the perfect metaphor for internet marketing. Lots of bricks persistently stacked on top of each other until they eventually create a giant building. Remind you of anything? Isn’t everything in internet marketing a series of persistently done tasks that eventually bring great outcomes?

Well, there’s just one thing missing from our metaphor here…The glue.
The bricks don’t hold themselves together. But what is this glue? What holds the giant buildings together?

That’d be copywriting.

Why? Because no internet business can exist unless it does one thing: sell.
Doesn’t matter if that business gets 10,000 hits a day. If it can’t sell – that’s 10,000 wasted hits.
But give that website strong, compelling copy – and you’ll likely sell anywhere between 50 and 300 of those 10,000 hits every single day.
Doesn’t 50-300 sales a DAY sound pretty nice?
Now that we’ve got that established – let’s get crackin’ on how to write this “strong, compelling copy” so we can achieve similar results for ourselves.

The single most important factor behind copywriting is…

Research. Hands down. Nothing even comes close.
See, expert copywriting boils down to a simple formula:

Find out what your target market wants + Give it to them = Tons of sales

Simple, right? But it makes sense. Research fills in the first part of this equation. When you interact with your target market, you’re able to find out exactly what they want.
Then you just plug what they want into writing, and you have strong, compelling copywriting.
Now the question is, how do you find out what they want?

This is the most powerful method I’ve developed for this…

I call it the “Ask’em What They Want” technique. See – you schedule interviews with your past and current clients, and you ask them these basic questions…
  1. What frustrations brought you to hire me/ buy my products in the first place?
  2. How have my products/services helped you solve these problems?

That’s step one…

But it’s this next part that makes this technique so powerful…

When your customers list the problems and benefits, you have to dig deep. Really deep. Get personal.

For example:
Say we’re talking about the fitness niche. And say someone says, “Before buying your e-book I had no energy, now I have tons!”
Then you ask them…

“What are you now able to do with your newfound energy that you couldn’t do before?”

And this is where the magic happens…
Because you get real-life success stories of how your product has changed people’s lives.
Say you sold a product on copywriting, and you spoke with a client…
“I now make an extra $10,000 a month,” they tell you.

Most people would stop there. That’s why you see so many headlines like, “Who else wants to earn $10,000 a month through copywriting?” …That’s okay… But it’s not great.


Say we ask that person… “What can you now do with your extra income that you couldn’t before?”
And they tell you…

“I can now send my kids to the top school in our city. I drive a BMW – something I’ve always wanted. And I feel just really happy – like I have no more worries.”
Doesn’t that sound like some powerful stuff to include in your copy?
You could basically plug that straight into your sales page without even changing a thing…
For example:
“How John Tyson, a New York father of 2, used the Copywriting Domination handbook to increase his income by $10,000 so he could send his little boys to the best school in all of New York.”
If your target market includes a lot of parents – they’ll eat it up.
Using this exact technique, I was also able to write headlines like this:
“Iowa firefighter battles a burning duplex all night, finally comes home at 7am, and still has the energy to get his 2 little girls ready and off to school – by following this firefighter fitness and nutrition program”

This was the story a firefighter told me about when I interviewed him. My client was launching a fitness e-book for firefighters – so I interviewed the people he’s helped through personal coaching.
The key is to dig deep and get personal…
The more real, and honest, and concrete the answers are – the better copy you can produce.

I hope you got a lot out of these tips.
If you’re interested in learning more – I’ve put together a FREE audio program explaining this method in greater detail.

To get it – just head on over to this website:
FREE Copywriting Audio Recording – How I wrote a letter that brought in over $22k in just a few hours

Thanks for reading and if you would like to make money online by selling PLR products I suggest that you take a look at our newly developed PLR Shop that has many top products for you to choose from.
To your online success

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