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My Geeky Passions Just Got The Best of Me!!

Posted 20th March 2012 at 08:20 AM by MarketingChad

Hey everyone,

It's about time...

I decided to embark on a passion project. I've been building businesses in all these niches and for the most part (apart from Internet marketing) I don't have a huge interest in any of them, I've just gravitated towards the money!

Well since 2009 I have owned a domain and wanted to create a geek site based on all of my secret (well not-so-secret) passions: movies, video games, tv shows, tech, comics, etc. These are things...
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It's a mad, mad, mad, mad world....

Posted 1st March 2012 at 02:20 PM by MarketingChad


That's the word I want to discuss today. I'm not shying away from it, I'm meeting it head on with a vengeance and with responsibility.

It's clear that today's world is a much different one. For lack of a better term, it seems like we as a human race just can't get our $h!& together! Wars, poverty, depression, political nonsense...we're all over the place. No one wants to own up and take charge or responsibility for what's going on. In government,...
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The Power of Mindset

Posted 21st February 2012 at 12:18 PM by MarketingChad

Over the past few weeks I've really been evaluating my Internet marketing mindset. It's something I brushed off before and never really took the time to examine and cultivate but I finally decided it was time.

I've been looking into LOA and other positive mindsets that many entrepreneurs have spoken highly about. I realize that the power of a mindset comes with balance. A lot of this stuff is really deep and I am taking it all in to form my own outlook based on my personal beliefs...
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