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How To Save Money On Your IM Purchases (Non-US Residents Only)

Posted 15th November 2008 at 09:36 AM by Rosie Cottis

This post is for people living *outside* the USA who have a PayPal account.

You may know this very well already but I had an internet marketing business for a long time before I worked it out. So if it seems obvious, I'm sorry ... it is intended for newer or less financially savvy people than you.

Here it is:

If your national currency is not the US dollar, then provided you are making money online and getting US dollar payments into your PayPal account,...
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How To Make Money On The Internet - Really!

Posted 4th November 2008 at 11:23 AM by Rosie Cottis

I was thinking just recently that it is a great pity that so many people have difficulty seeing how to make money on the internet and end up thinking that it is all a scam.

It is a little like doing this:

1. You see an advertisement that shows people going for a wonderful vacation in Las Vegas in a certain model of car. You think, "Oh wow, I would love to go to Las Vegas!" So you buy the car.

2. You read the manual for your new car. Then you...
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