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Finding your Real Why...

Posted 29th April 2010 at 07:36 PM by futureinternet (Network Marketing in 2010 and Beyond)

OK, those of us who are in the network marketing industry hear it and say it to our downline all the time - "You must find your why," but what does it really mean?

Having the nicer house and the fancier car is nice and I think it is definitely profitable to try and make your existence as pleasing as possible to not only you but those around you. At the same time, when someone makes their why about what they can gain, it is never enough.

I know this because everyone...
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Recruiting to Grow Rich vs. Recruiting - What is the Biggest Difference?

Posted 21st April 2010 at 02:53 PM by KhadijahChapman

Separating the good from the great.

Ever read the book Think and Grow Rich, by Napolean Hill. One of the most read books by any and everyone who wants to learn how to develop wealth for themselves. Well for those who are in the multi-level marketing and network marketing arena, recruiting is also a life blood to those industries.

The key to amassing great success is in the lifeline of being able to recruit and that goes for any arena. Some marketers don't like the word...
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An Article A Day Keeps The Bill Collectors Away

Posted 15th April 2010 at 04:46 PM by KhadijahChapman

Article marketing is probably one of the best ways to amass a great income via the internet. If you can write an article a day, and learn the fundamentals of how to link those articles back to your website, you can actually drive traffic to your website. The best part is, you don't even have to have your own website or even have your own original product!

The Internet has made it possible to create wealth from a variety of ways. There are so many choices, and many of them include...
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The Success Cycle. The 6 Simple Steps You Must Follow To Succeed In Network Marketing Today!

Posted 11th January 2010 at 10:33 PM by lifetrax
Updated 11th January 2010 at 10:34 PM by lifetrax (Spacing was off)

The network marketing industry has changed drastically. Traditional networking methods do not work like they used to. In order to succeed in any company, you must become the person who people want to be in business with.....Period!

Follow "The Success Cycle" and you'll find yourself having more success in any business.

"The Success Cycle" 6 steps you must follow to be successful in network marketing

Step 1. Listen and talk - Find out...
Are You On?
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Selling Techniques That Work in Network Marketing

Posted 6th August 2009 at 03:25 PM by aaronchen1

A salesperson is sharp if he knows exactly what a customer ought to buy, even more so than the customer himself. By asking the right questions, that salesperson will sell exactly what the prospect needs
The most effective selling technique then is to be subtle about it. Never offer a product that the prospect won’t buy and don’t mention what you’re selling until you’re sure that he will buy it. The best way is to simply ask your prospects what they want or do not want. In effect,...
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