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Blogging Topics On Blogging

Blog Marketing

Posted 3rd October 2011 at 12:49 PM by trevor75

Hey guys, hope you had a great weekend. Personally I think they go by too fast, but oh well. Today I thought I would talk to you about blog marketing and why it is so important. Some of you might be new to all this internet marketing stuff, and asking , do I really need to set up a blog? I really do not have anything to say, or I’m really bad at writing, or I just do not have the time, Isn’t there a better way? I have to be honest with you here, there really isn’t. You see by setting up, and...
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Making Money on Twitter, is It Possible?

Posted 29th April 2011 at 12:23 PM by trevor75

Making money on Twitter is definitely possible. Twitter is one of today’s leading social networking websites that can connect millions and millions of people all around the world. Wherever you are in the world, through the use of Twitter, you can send information and communicate with another person in another country, region or continent. That is how great this social networking website is. Have you ever gone abroad and left your family in another country? Did you miss them and hope you can just...
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