Taking Articles from Magazines for Blogging

14 replies
I am new to blogging and have just started writing. I chose to take articles from magazines and utilize them for my blog posts.

Is it wise to use Articles from Magazines and to use them in my blog after spinning. I wont be using their images.

I understand that articles in magazines are copyright. There should be some way, I believe.

Please suggest me.
#articles #blogging #magazines #taking
  • Profile picture of the author marciayudkin
    It's not wise. It's both illegal and immoral. You yourself used the word "taking." You know that it's not right.

    Why not set up an honest business instead?

    Marcia Yudkin
    Check out Marcia Yudkin's No-Hype Marketing Academy for courses on copywriting, publicity, infomarketing, marketing plans, naming, and branding - not to mention the popular "Marketing for Introverts" course.
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  • Profile picture of the author angiecolee
    No. Just no.

    Aspiring copywriters: if you need 1:1 advice from an experienced copy chief, head over to my Phone a Friend page.

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  • Profile picture of the author sethczerepak
    Originally Posted by nikitamalhotras View Post

    I am new to blogging and have just started writing. I chose to take articles from magazines and utilize them for my blog posts.

    Is it wise to use Articles from Magazines and to use them in my blog after spinning. I wont be using their images.

    I understand that articles in magazines are copyright. There should be some way, I believe.

    Please suggest me.
    Oh do go ahead. Steal away. To hell with morals and with the law. Just do it. I've heard they serve three square meals a day in jail.
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    • Agree here with the anti-theft ticket, but all words written can be rewritten, and new material can't not teeter on the bedrock of lines laid down thus far.

      You just gotta be careful to synthesize rather than plagiarize.

      Rework material to your own plan, add value, throw in a new swing.

      Words are fodder and they're ours.

      Long as you don't lift 'em in chunks toiled over by others, you're free to recombine how your originality suits ya.

      Swipe, don't take.

      Lightin' fuses is for blowin' stuff togethah.

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  • Profile picture of the author Memetics
    Originally Posted by nikitamalhotras View Post

    I am new to blogging and have just started writing. I chose to take articles from magazines and utilize them for my blog posts.

    Is it wise to use Articles from Magazines and to use them in my blog after spinning. I wont be using their images.

    I understand that articles in magazines are copyright. There should be some way, I believe.

    Please suggest me.

    I am new to garden design and have just started doing my own. I chose to take articles from parks and municipal areas and utilise them for my own garden.

    Is it wise to use sculptures from public parks to use in my own garden after painting them? I won't be using their trees or lovely plants.

    I understand that items do not belong to me. There should be some way, I believe.

    Please suggest me how I can stay out of prison....

    First we believe.....then we consider.

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  • I am new to blogging and have just started writing.

    I chose to research articles from magazines, books, and the internet to increase my understanding of my chosen blog topic.

    By reflecting on this material, and coming to my own conclusion, I hope to add to the body of knowledge available in this area.

    All my opinions will be my own, except for when I refer to the work of others by quoting them verbatim.

    I understand that articles in magazines are copyright, and if I pass them off as my own work I will surely be slain.

    Thanks Mem, think we're gettin' somewhere.

    Lightin' fuses is for blowin' stuff togethah.

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  • Profile picture of the author Raydal
    What do copywriters know about copyrighting?

    Wrong section.

    -Ray Edwards
    The most powerful and concentrated copywriting training online today bar none! Autoresponder Writing Email SECRETS
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  • Profile picture of the author trustedmarketer
    Google loves unique content. Copying mags will not get you on the first page of Google.
    Contact me for the most Powerful Business Programs that will give you Daily Profit and the predicted huge price appreciation from Bitcoin
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  • Profile picture of the author dmaster555
    Originally Posted by nikitamalhotras View Post

    I am new to blogging and have just started writing.
    You're better off either hiring a writer, or consistently blog and improve your skills overtime.

    Stealing peoples work isn't going to make you better and certainly wont help your site in the long run.
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  • Profile picture of the author chenastya
    It's bad idea. The best choice is write the content by yourself or buy inexpensive article in exchange articles or order from freelancers.
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  • Profile picture of the author jessegilbert
    If you want to do it, do it. Definitely. Offline content for online may not be a bad idea. Most content is borrowed on some level. Just make sure to make it totally original and follow the laws. If you use a good thesaurus and rewrite the sentences you can use the general ideas from the articles all you want. It may be questionably morals but even Einstein who many people almost worship as an 'intellectual' said something like "The secret to creativity is knowing how to hide your sources."

    You won't go to jail for using ideas from an article and you can rewrite the sentence pretty easily if you have some tools. I wouldn't use an article spinner or anything which causes bad content and it should probably be a topic you know something about and enjoy so the work doesn't kill you.
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  • Profile picture of the author godinu
    There is a difference between researching and flat out plagiarizing. Read articles on your topics, decide what the key points are, then write up your own original content based on your research. Otherwise it's plain thievery and your site(s) could potentially be shut down.
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  • Profile picture of the author furkan199x
    You should be blogging smart, and thats not smart.
    Only use articles from other blogs for research and not to spin them.
    What you are doing is blackhat and in my opinion blackhat isn't paying off for long term.
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  • Profile picture of the author onehalf
    If you want your blog to be successful, don't do take articles from magazine. Offer your readers unique content.
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