Write it yourself or hire a copywriter?

26 replies
So I am writing a Sales Page.. for a $10 product.

My first time doing this but before I go ahead I wanted to ask your opinions on this.

I have some foundation knowledge on copy-writing. I haven't done much of it myself infact almost none.

I am always looking for the best ROI for my time and money spend so my questions is.. which would be better? I have some cash (not a lot) to spend and it's my first product that I will be selling.

Should I..

1. Try writing it myself or
2. Spend a little to hire a budget copywriter?

Thanks in advance for you advice and experience.

John Cho
#copywriter #hire #write
  • Profile picture of the author wordsandthebees
    Originally Posted by John Cho View Post

    So I am writing a Sales Page.. for a $10 product.

    My first time doing this but before I go ahead I wanted to ask your opinions on this.

    I have some foundation knowledge on copy-writing. I haven't done much of it myself infact almost none.

    I am always looking for the best ROI for my time and money spend so my questions is.. which would be better? I have some cash (not a lot) to spend and it's my first product that I will be selling.

    Should I..

    1. Try writing it myself or
    2. Spend a little to hire a budget copywriter?

    Thanks in advance for you advice and experience.

    John Cho
    I would of course recommend that you hire a copywriter. Someone with proven success in the area is going to give you a much better ROI than writing average copy yourself that won't sell your product.

    I'm not sure that a 'budget' copywriter would be your best option either, however I know you have to work with what you've got.

    Don't waste your opportunity to use the right words to sell your product because it might be your only chance.

    Good luck!
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    • Profile picture of the author John Cho
      Thanks! What are the prices copywriter (mid level or budget) charge? those with some experience and results?

      Learn how I built a 14k email list and monetized it.

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      • Profile picture of the author CathyG
        For a sales letter? Anywhere from $750 - $5000 - $10,000 and up.

        For a $10 product you can get away with less than for a $997 product or a $9997 product.

        Copywriter & Online Marketing Consultant

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  • If money is a little sparse.

    Write it yourself - it'll be good experience and nobody knows your product better than you.

    Then ask an experienced copywriter to "critique" it - (less expensive than having the copy written for you) and you'll see where your wondrous words went astray or awol.

    And how to get them all back on track - infused with all the right techniques, tactics and strategy in ways that'll resonate with your readers helping them to see the light and respond in droves.

    You can post your copy on the forum for a "free" review. They can be a bit harsh and are not for the faint hearted (and remember everyone gets to see your "idea" which you might want to keep under wraps until you launch the product).

    But you may get the expertise you need to make your copy a lot better - maybe even a barnstorming winner.

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  • Profile picture of the author Tomch
    Well if money is not a problem then hire someone is exactly what I would do. If I'm short on cash well I'll have to make time, do a lot of research on the topic. Then I should be able to come write something.
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  • Profile picture of the author 1Bryan
    Write it yourself.

    Learning how to sell is one of the best business skills you can have.

    And the low-end of copywriting is worse than a crap-shoot.

    Most are $ 5 article writers who figure ...

    "Maybe I can get $ 50 for writing copy."

    ... So they christen themselves copywriters.

    You don't want them.

    But that's who you are going to get.
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  • Profile picture of the author ivanadee
    It's better to hire a copywriter because the one who has done it before surely knows how to write words that have good conversion
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  • Profile picture of the author Junaid khawaja
    Hi John, With so much information, formulas, swipe files, scripts and what not, you should definitely give it a try yourself (especially, if you have some back-hand knowledge).

    Instead, spend your money on driving some targetted traffic to your sales pages and note down your conversion rate (if any). If things don't go well, consider getting it rewritten or critiqued my experts. If it goes well, you know what to do, right?


    I am conducting 5 FREE copy consultations till New Year...Jump onto my bandwagon while you still can..

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  • Profile picture of the author fulfilledlife
    Write it yourself.
    Find quality sales page in the same or similar niche and use it as a swipe.

    Being able to sell is the most important business skill.

    Try not to become a man of success, but rather try to become a man of value - Albert Einstein

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  • Profile picture of the author John Cho
    Thank you for the advice folks.. I will be writing it myself as you're right it makes sense for me to understand my own sales letter and this skill isn't something I can avoid. Copy is everywhere..
    Thanks very much for your helpful advice folks!

    Learn how I built a 14k email list and monetized it.

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  • Profile picture of the author sprucevn
    Every cases has its own advantages. If you have ability to write yourself by your own experience, it will be greater and attract more visitors. If you cannot do that, hiring a writer is necessary to creat content for your site by an amount, it will rapid and convenient, but probably not very good like you can write.
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  • Profile picture of the author RichBeck
    My advice would be....

    Read Web Copy That Sells by Maria Veloso and follow her "formula."

    Find a Copywriter from this forum to critique your sales page....

    This will help you to learn how to write your own sales page and get some valuable pointers....

    I know some people will say you should hire a Copywriter... and not "bother" with learning.... I disagree wholeheartedly.

    Learning Copywriting is a very valuable skill to have whether you are just starting out or a multimillionaire Entrepreneur. Learning to sell is a must have skill to be very successful in business...
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  • Profile picture of the author JohnBarron
    I'm writing for a very famous JVZoo marketer.

    He can definitely write his own copy. And has made hundreds of thousands per launch doing so.

    Yet he outsources his copywriting to me.

    Why? Because he doesn't have the time.

    Getting JVs lined up for his next launch is the best use of his time.
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    • Profile picture of the author wordsandthebees
      Originally Posted by JohnBarron View Post

      I'm writing for a very famous JVZoo marketer.

      Yet he outsources his copywriting to me.

      Why? Because he doesn't have the time.

      While I definitely agree that it's good to have a knowledge of how to write copy; this sums it up perfectly.

      Writing effective copy is time-consuming and if you have other duties to perform surrounding running your business, is writing copy really the best use of your time?

      An experienced copywriter will have their head wholly and solely in your product, target audience and will have proven strategies of how to use words to sell your product.

      It's a no-brainer to me!
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  • Profile picture of the author Michael Welter
    Getting someone's expertise is really the best, that is to save time and provide you with better result.
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  • Profile picture of the author wordwizard
    When you write your own copy, start by putting yourself in your potential buyers' shoes:

    A. What are their problems (be specific) that you'll provide solutions for?

    B. And then, what would they consider the most desirable solutions?

    How can you help them go from A to B?

    Write an attention-getting headline and intriguing bullets about how your product can help them achieve what they want, add some social proof, a guarantee, and a call to action, and a PS or three to draw attention to your main points and/or great offer.

    You might also want to share your own story, i.e., how you discovered that solution (and, if applicable, that you used to have the same problem they now have). Coming across as a real person will make your letter more persuasive.

    For a $10 product you don't have to write a really long sales letter. Just make sure what you do write is strong and focused, as well as friendly and personable.

    FREE Report: 5 Ways To Grow Your Affiliate Income

    Let Me Help You Sell: Sales Letters, Email Series, Pre-Sell Reports... PM me & we'll talk!
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  • Profile picture of the author seoexpert9
    I will suggest hire copywriter. Because he has a solid experience. And also he knows how to convert visitors into buyers.
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  • Profile picture of the author Maria Basyk
    If you got time and you like it you could write by yourself, otherwise hire a copywriter.
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  • Profile picture of the author DABK
    What's the best use of your time?

    If you write yourself, you spend time. What else could you do during that time? Will it be more or less profitable?
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  • Profile picture of the author vovanfree
    You have your product and you know every thing about it. I will suggest you to write by yourself. Make Faqs and start answering them on your sales page.You can choose a professional sales page writer too but they won't know more about it then you do .
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  • Profile picture of the author Bill Jeffels
    I see this question come up quite often. Someone will pose a question saying they have little to no copywriting skills.

    Should they write the copy themselves or they are on a tight budget and have someone do it for them. And there is always two answers.

    Do it yourself. Hire someone to do it. So, let's take a look at write it yourself.

    If someone has no copywriting experience and they write the copy for their product what do we think will probably happen? Dismal failure right? Could be. Or, if they take the time to educate themselves on some copywriting tricks and techniques they could have some kind of success. Now, that's if they put some serious work into it.

    Anyway, hire someone to do it. Odds are if your budget is low that's the results copywriter you're going to get. A low results copywriter. One of the greatest skills you can ever have in marketing is to learn how to write great copy.

    And I'm not talking studying copy a little here and there. I'm talking getting totally obsessed with copywriting because it will pay off many many times over.


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  • Profile picture of the author kk075
    Originally Posted by John Cho View Post

    Should I..

    1. Try writing it myself or
    2. Spend a little to hire a budget copywriter?

    Thanks in advance for you advice and experience.

    John Cho
    Hey John. There's a third option here that nobody has hit on yet- ask your potential customers what to do. That's always the golden answer.

    I'm assuming that this is an online product since you used the term "sames page", so write it yourself and see what happens. Pay attention to your conversion rates and after 2-4 weeks (or a certain number of visits), completely change the copy and compare to your prior results. Which did better? Why did it do better?

    This is a step that EVERY business in the world should do often...you make decisions based on results.

    Now, if you were to hire a copywriter straight out of the gate, then they can probably write something more compelling than you could. But that doesn't mean that you should throw it in place and forget about it...you need to pay attention to your conversion rates just the same. And by continually split-testing, you should be able to make that copy better and better over time...until it's eventually a perfect sales piece.

    If you're unsure where to even start, then post your offer here and let folks critique it. Or offer your customers a freebie for completing a quick survey. There's lots of ways to gain additional insights and they're all going to revolve around you taking the initiative.

    I hope that helps.

    Learn to sell like a pro through Web Synergy's marketing blog.

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  • Profile picture of the author ignmmulia
    If you have no problem with money, then better to hire a copywriter because the result will be better than writing by yourself. A good copywriter knows how to write that sell and you can get one with $500 minimum. The more you pay, the better you get...
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    ===>Click Here Now to Find Out!<===
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  • Profile picture of the author natstringer92
    I think it really depends on how much you trust in your copywriting skills, and only you can know that. hiring a copywriter with no prior experience writing about your product could actually be a waste of your time. If money is fairly sparse, and you have decent writing skills, I think you should write it yourself. Spend the time to make it good and that you really believe in what you're selling.
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  • Profile picture of the author shadeofinfo
    Regardless if it's a $10 product or not, I think you'll gain A LOT of experience writing it for yourself. I mean, no one would know the product better than you, Just study specific sales pages that (1) sells a similar product as yours and (2) has the type of copy you want to write (long form or short form).
    Actionable blueprints and strategies for growing your site. www.contentranked.com
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  • Profile picture of the author richieledge
    Trust me, it's worth the dollar. Think of this...

    You spend $ to make a product
    You spend $ to advertise

    Your prospect you've paid to get in front of your product see's your presentation (copy) and decides yes or no based on that.

    You can write maybe a line or two but a sales page, solo ad etc needs a pro's touch. It's not even expensive either. (I'm not a copywriter by the way)

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