My Simple Method for Getting New Clients
So this post is all about getting new clients. And you can do it right here, at your home computer, any time of day. It's worked for me with about a 40% conversion rate. Any time things get dry, I use this method I developed and always get new clients, or if nothing else, some hot leads who I contact a couple weeks down the road.
Here's the method. It's very simple:
- Find a website where the creator is obviously making an attempt at some form of sales copy, but you could do a much better job of it. Using the contact information on the website, write the site owner an e-mail saying something to the extent of this:
I saw your website while browsing the web the other day, and I noticed that you obviously put a lot of effort into the written content on your page. It's refreshing to see someone who actually cares about what's on their site (I'm sure you've seen what's out there).
As a fellow internet marketer, I noticed a few things on your site that could actually be preventing you from getting as much business as you could. In fact, these things I noticed are really simple, too, and you could fix them all in one day.
However, just to put this on the table, I'm a professional sales writer (or copywriter, if you're familiar with the term), so if you'd rather leave this sort of thing to the pros, then the offer is on the table.
But even if you don't take me up on my offer, I hope you get a lot out of these free tips:
<list a few tips here that show you're an expert, and at the end of each tip, put a link to a project you've done that shows a good example of the right way to do it. this way you're accomplishing two things: 1, that you're an expert and an authority in your trade, and 2, you're showing your portfolio. sneaky, huh?>
Again, if you'd rather leave this to the pros, just write me back and we'll talk in more detail. I'd love to help you out, because I think it's great that you're really putting a lot of effort into your website. But regardless, enjoy the tips. I hope they make you a lot of money!
Best, and talk soon,
At this point, one of three things will happen:
- They won't respond (believe it or not, this is the rarest response)
- They'll thank you kindly
- They'll thank you kindly, and inquire about your services
Here's what you DON'T do:
You don't write an e-mail describing your services, and
You don't flaunt your copywriting skills by persuading them to hire you
You simply write an e-mail that's along these lines:
"Hey again,
Thanks for writing me back so quickly! I'm glad you got a lot out of those tips (I put a lot of time into them). I'd love to answer any questions you might have about how I can help you increase your business - what do you say we talk on the phone? What's a good number to reach you/ a good time to talk?
Thanks again,
Then, call them at the time they say (URGENT), and work some magic on the phone. If you have questions about how to talk to clients on the phone, feel free to ask. But if you're already good at that, then you should easily convert them if they've come this far.
Atlanta Copywriter, serving clients worldwide.
Write your life.
David Tendrich
Atlanta Copywriter, serving clients worldwide.
Write your life.
David Tendrich
Over $30 Million In Marketing Data And A Decade Of Consistently Generating Breakthrough Results - Ask How My Unique Approach To Copy Typically Outsells Traditional Ads By Up To 29x Or More...
Atlanta Copywriter, serving clients worldwide.
Write your life.
David Tendrich
Kick-A$$ Eight-Figure Producing Copywriting Gun For Hire | Marketing & Copywriting Blog
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