You can make a lot of money writing if you can get and hold your reader's attention.
Go ahead, read the 101 books, spend thousands on courses, and waste years of time trying to perfect your copywriting skills. But, if you are a newb.
If you want to grow fast, make money sooner rather than later, if you want to accelerate your success:
Write the word, ATTENTION on a piece of paper and stick it on your screen.
Then, for a week, NOTE what gets your attention.
What holds it through to a transaction?
Every book on copywriting, every course, every guru formula is all about getting and holding attention through an action you planned on.
So, in order to gain attention, you need to know;
WHERE? Where exactly will you be making your attempt to influence?
WHEN? At what time, what day, what hour?
The first thing you do as a copywriter is to match your product to a target.
There is a person out there who will buy what you have, your job is to find that person. You know (from your studies of behavior, psychology and copywriting courses) this person needs to be INTERRUPTED
with an important message. An alert. Yesterday my phone went off at 5:50 AM with a tornado warning, and sirens began blasting throughout my city.
That grabbed my immediate attention, and I took action.
Your copy should have a similar impact on your reader.
GET ATTENTION. Hold their attention. The second you lose their attention, is the second you lose the sale. WRITE with the thought that every word, every sentence you put down has to serve this one purpose...
to KEEP their attention. And HOW do you do that?
Wake em out of a sound sleep with a life threatening ALERT. (Metaphor)
My phone gave me an UNTIL time, 6:30 AM then the danger will have passed. The danger your target faces is; loss.
NOW begin to apply the one word writing formula to your copy, and see some instant results.
Lightin' fuses is for blowin' stuff togethah.
Lightin' fuses is for blowin' stuff togethah.
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