Copywriting Steps To Land Your First Client With Zero Experience

4 replies
One year ago, I got my first copywriting client for $100, and the rest have been history. So far today, I made just over $10K... and I'm going to share the exact steps I took with zero experience.

Quick story about me, I started my copywriting journey in 2018 but was procrastinating until 2020 when I lost my job in March due to the pandemic, and on April 1st, my brother passed away...

This was when shit got real, I got no job, and I'm now the sole provider for my mother in Jamaica... and here I am, procrastinating with a skill that can provide a stable income.

The problem is, I was stuck in my comfort zone, with a nice paying job, and to be honest, this is the hardest thing to break away from when there's no need for extra money.

But the pandemic changed my life and kickstarted a fire up my ass to take my copywriting journey seriously.

Even though I was procrastinating, I was reading copywriting books repeatedly without taking any action. Most of the content in these books didn't make sense until I landed my first paying client on Upwork in February 2021.

Currently, I've made just over 10k and reduced my workdays at my 9-5 from five days per week to 4 days.

My goal is to slowly reduce days at my 9-5 and save one year of my wages, and by then, my skills will improve where I'm able to charge a minimum of $2k - 5k per project plus charge on royalties.

Here are the exact steps I used to succeed in my copywriting journey. ( I took exactly this route)

1. Work on your mindset.

This is the foundation, find a reason why you want to be a copywriter and make sure it's not just for the money.

In my situation, I'm an adventurous soul who loves to travel, and I'm not comfortable stuck in one location. I want to be free and hike all over the world...

Also, mom lives in Jamaica, and I can only see her for two weeks per year on holiday then back to 9-5... This isn't life, and it's killing me deeply, I want to be able to spend at least three months with her.

2. Be in a position where you don't need money ASAP

When you're in a position where you need money ASAP, you will ignore the red flags of terrible clients and take on whatever comes your way...

You got to be careful in your early career because one bad client can kill your confidence. So, get a job while you're learning; this will ease the pressure and allow you to pick and choose the projects you're interested in.

3. Read a minimum of two copywriting books.

The first one is: The Adweek Copywriting Handbook
Second: Kyle Milligan Take their money

Seriously this is all you want to get started. From 2018 - to 2020, I read over ten copywriting and marketing books, and it's not worth it.

Copy is more practical and less of theory. You will learn this in Kyle Milligan book above.

4. Apply on Upwork for projects that are less than $100

Don't get me wrong, you can apply for projects over $500, but I like to work my way up gradually. I think this helps build your confidence, especially when you have no mentor or paid courses yet.

For example: My 7th client on Upwork, I charged $50 for the first three FB ads, then $500 for an advertorial, then $1000 for the other advertorials once I saw the data that I increased their revenue by 17.8% in 13 days...

See first data here:

And now I'm doing a VSL for the same client for $5k - yes, you can find good clients on Upwork.

The key to Upwork is to apply to as many gigs as possible.

5. Buy a Course.

Once you make your first 1K, invest in a copywriting course. A course will give you more confidence and the framework to take on more projects. (This is why you need to be in a position where you don't need money. Otherwise, you won't be able to make this investment)

Some courses will offer a FB group where you can get some support. My course of choice was The FKS - Freedom Kickstarter by Mike Samuels, one of the Uk's best copywriters, and he does a yearly live meeting for anyone who bought his course (First time in 2021 at the live event, I got offered two jobs).

Having this course gave me more confidence to take on other projects and increase my price.

So instead of doing web page copy, amazon listing and odd jobs, I start offering email sequences & FB ads until I find that I prefer to write advertorials, and I stick to that.

P.S. Lot's of people fall into the trap of buying multiple courses, don't do that. Most of these courses are recycled content.

6. Get Your Copy Critique

This is important; as a beginner, it's always good to get a second eye over your work, and this can cost a lot of money, and most experience copywriters don't have the time to critique your work for free.

This is where networking comes in. When you build relationships with other copywriters, they are more likely to give you a free critique... This will be good enough until you're able to pay to get in-depth critique and feedback.

DON'T post your copy in free FB groups for critique - most people in there only read one copywriting book and think they are a copy coach or mentor overnight lol. Don't listen to them!

7. Join paid mentorships or groups.

There are groups where you can pay anywhere from $50 - $5000 per month to learn from a specific copywriter. So this is a better environment to be in because everyone here is spending their money and not low-quality content.

8. Stay away from free FB groups.

Yes, you can use them to learn and ask questions but don't get caught up reading people success stories and judging your growth.

And to be honest, most people chat shit in free copywriting groups.

I can't think of anything else to say other than keep working on yourself daily and practise the craft.

I will add some more content in the future on how to RESEARCH your prospect and so on. I just didn't wanna cram everything here.

Meanwhile, grab this book and read it. It'll improve your mindset and self-development, The Master Key System by Charles Haanel.

This is what works for me. Everyone will have a different idea and logic on how to go about it--all the best on your journey.
#client #copywriting #experience #land #steps
  • Profile picture of the author GordonJ
    Thanks londonprince,

    You have given a solid, from the trenches, tested and proven way to do this. This question of how to get clients is asked a thousand times a day in all the copywriting groups, we see it here, every single week.

    Your willingness to start with small gigs and work your way up is a true blueprint for many of the new copywriters being turned out by the Biz-Op of Copywriting crowd.

    You started with zero experience, and I hope you continue to grow. And it appears advertorials are your sweet spot and wheelhouse. With that skill alone, you should probably not have to do much prospecting from here, they will come to you.

    Thanks for the share, always great to hear of success from the DOERS on the forum.


    Originally Posted by londonprince View Post

    One year ago, I got my first copywriting client for $100, and the rest have been history. So far today, I made just over $10K... and I'm going to share the exact steps I took with zero experience.

    Quick story about me, I started my copywriting journey in 2018 but was procrastinating until 2020 when I lost my job in March due to the pandemic, and on April 1st, my brother passed away...

    This was when shit got real, I got no job, and I'm now the sole provider for my mother in Jamaica... and here I am, procrastinating with a skill that can provide a stable income.

    The problem is, I was stuck in my comfort zone, with a nice paying job, and to be honest, this is the hardest thing to break away from when there's no need for extra money.

    But the pandemic changed my life and kickstarted a fire up my ass to take my copywriting journey seriously.

    Even though I was procrastinating, I was reading copywriting books repeatedly without taking any action. Most of the content in these books didn't make sense until I landed my first paying client on Upwork in February 2021.

    Currently, I've made just over 10k and reduced my workdays at my 9-5 from five days per week to 4 days.

    My goal is to slowly reduce days at my 9-5 and save one year of my wages, and by then, my skills will improve where I'm able to charge a minimum of $2k - 5k per project plus charge on royalties.

    Here are the exact steps I used to succeed in my copywriting journey. ( I took exactly this route)

    1. Work on your mindset.

    This is the foundation, find a reason why you want to be a copywriter and make sure it's not just for the money.

    In my situation, I'm an adventurous soul who loves to travel, and I'm not comfortable stuck in one location. I want to be free and hike all over the world...

    Also, mom lives in Jamaica, and I can only see her for two weeks per year on holiday then back to 9-5... This isn't life, and it's killing me deeply, I want to be able to spend at least three months with her.

    2. Be in a position where you don't need money ASAP

    When you're in a position where you need money ASAP, you will ignore the red flags of terrible clients and take on whatever comes your way...

    You got to be careful in your early career because one bad client can kill your confidence. So, get a job while you're learning; this will ease the pressure and allow you to pick and choose the projects you're interested in.

    3. Read a minimum of two copywriting books.

    The first one is: The Adweek Copywriting Handbook
    Second: Kyle Milligan Take their money

    Seriously this is all you want to get started. From 2018 - to 2020, I read over ten copywriting and marketing books, and it's not worth it.

    Copy is more practical and less of theory. You will learn this in Kyle Milligan book above.

    4. Apply on Upwork for projects that are less than $100

    Don't get me wrong, you can apply for projects over $500, but I like to work my way up gradually. I think this helps build your confidence, especially when you have no mentor or paid courses yet.

    For example: My 7th client on Upwork, I charged $50 for the first three FB ads, then $500 for an advertorial, then $1000 for the other advertorials once I saw the data that I increased their revenue by 17.8% in 13 days...

    See first data here:

    And now I'm doing a VSL for the same client for $5k - yes, you can find good clients on Upwork.

    The key to Upwork is to apply to as many gigs as possible.

    5. Buy a Course.

    Once you make your first 1K, invest in a copywriting course. A course will give you more confidence and the framework to take on more projects. (This is why you need to be in a position where you don't need money. Otherwise, you won't be able to make this investment)

    Some courses will offer a FB group where you can get some support. My course of choice was The FKS - Freedom Kickstarter by Mike Samuels, one of the Uk's best copywriters, and he does a yearly live meeting for anyone who bought his course (First time in 2021 at the live event, I got offered two jobs).

    Having this course gave me more confidence to take on other projects and increase my price.

    So instead of doing web page copy, amazon listing and odd jobs, I start offering email sequences & FB ads until I find that I prefer to write advertorials, and I stick to that.

    P.S. Lot's of people fall into the trap of buying multiple courses, don't do that. Most of these courses are recycled content.

    6. Get Your Copy Critique

    This is important; as a beginner, it's always good to get a second eye over your work, and this can cost a lot of money, and most experience copywriters don't have the time to critique your work for free.

    This is where networking comes in. When you build relationships with other copywriters, they are more likely to give you a free critique... This will be good enough until you're able to pay to get in-depth critique and feedback.

    DON'T post your copy in free FB groups for critique - most people in there only read one copywriting book and think they are a copy coach or mentor overnight lol. Don't listen to them!

    7. Join paid mentorships or groups.

    There are groups where you can pay anywhere from $50 - $5000 per month to learn from a specific copywriter. So this is a better environment to be in because everyone here is spending their money and not low-quality content.

    8. Stay away from free FB groups.

    Yes, you can use them to learn and ask questions but don't get caught up reading people success stories and judging your growth.

    And to be honest, most people chat shit in free copywriting groups.

    I can't think of anything else to say other than keep working on yourself daily and practise the craft.

    I will add some more content in the future on how to RESEARCH your prospect and so on. I just didn't wanna cram everything here.

    Meanwhile, grab this book and read it. It'll improve your mindset and self-development, The Master Key System by Charles Haanel.

    This is what works for me. Everyone will have a different idea and logic on how to go about it--all the best on your journey.
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  • For sures horizons are painted all kindsa ways.

    An' what is troo always 'bout whatevah is visible is how we can see brushstrokes we can make upon the canvas.

    Sounds like a trope, I guess, but that is zackly why tropes are tropes.

    What do you share with your client 'bout any horizon they might wanna see?

    Or summon into view for the benefit of no goobers ain't huggin' sweet on each othah?

    You all gotta be lookin' at the same fyootyoorestuffs an' agreein' the next steps forward togethah like suddenly evry othah alternative is FRICKIN' STOOPID.

    Herein we leap our life stories evah forward.

    I would wish always for writin' to be communal exotica of the soul.

    Increasingly it is like the gig to which you were nevah invited but hey you were there.

    Yeah but there are them make movies, sing songs, an' invite gravitational glories to evry movement of your mallsy dance ...

    as evokable bein's wanna do sum good.

    Into which bright space must we heartily charge, and from what demons must we forevah we recoil?

    Works equally as a tattoo 'pon your butt, a question you might wanna ask in the store when your only IRL dilemma is zucchini or EZ-Pasta-cretinstuffs, or you desiah glow ovah shadow.

    Even if'n shadow were your glow.

    Copywritin' is 'bout certainty of forwardness.

    Speshly when you buryin' yr dead.

    What net can captyoore the horizon?

    How vacuous!

    How miraculous!

    People wanna leap out before they stay same -- less'n they already yr client.

    That is why your first client is a test of bars you may quickly wish to raise.

    Battlin' with unimaginables is the stoopidest thing we evah do.

    An' I know this deeply bcs I cannot cook basic pizza.

    tbh, I am ashamed to be of valyoo to nowan -- least of all the sneaksily apparent copywritin' query community.


    It is uncommonly obvious how this headline makes evrythin' I sayin' your deal & naht mine.

    Why you read this far anyways?

    You lookin' for ansas?

    K, so eithah you gaht 'em or you ain't.

    Bees buzz from blossom to blossom the way they do bcs hunney keeps their kids alive.

    Heart drives $$$, no mattah what they say.

    You can frickin' feel it.

    Navigate yr evrywan always to this observably beneficial exotica.

    Fkrs gonna be stoopid othahwise.

    Lightin' fuses is for blowin' stuff togethah.

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  • Profile picture of the author spartan14
    Inspiring story my friend and gold advices .I hope in one day i will be succesfful lile you

    Admin note: Affiliate links are not allowed in paid user sigs

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  • Profile picture of the author KylieSweet
    To the OP, it was a great journey that builds your reputation as a well-experienced copywriter and I would say that it is highly recommended for startups and career seekers.
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