by Vadym
10 replies

Anyone have any resources they'd be willing to share in terms of pre-launch, launch, general babble email sequence swipe files?

#email #files #swipe
  • Profile picture of the author Len Bailey
    What kind of product?

    Len Bailey
    Feel free to connect on LinkedIn or Twitter

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    • Profile picture of the author jukeboxhero
      Go sign up for the big name dudes in the industry... Then everyday enjoy as they send you excellent email copy to swipe.

      not rocket science really.
      If Copywriting Legends Like John Carlton, Gary Halbert and Even Franky Kern Recommend

      >>>> This <<<<

      Shouldn't You Pay Attention
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      • Profile picture of the author BrainCopy
        Originally Posted by jukeboxhero View Post

        Go sign up for the big name dudes in the industry... Then everyday enjoy as they send you excellent email copy to swipe.

        not rocket science really.
        You read my mind I was actually going to say the same exact
        thing. I have a huge folder of Eban Pagen and Frank Kern's emails.
        I'll send them to you if I could find them. Not really sure where they
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[2115176].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author Vadym
        Originally Posted by jukeboxhero View Post

        Go sign up for the big name dudes in the industry... Then everyday enjoy as they send you excellent email copy to swipe.

        not rocket science really.
        I asked for swipe files. Not ways to collect swipe files over a period of months/years

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  • Profile picture of the author Sarah Harvey
    Vadym... well people do spend time collecting these emails over periods of months/years.

    Back in the day it all started with Terry Dean for me...then at some point I didn't have internet for ages and my old yahoo account got deleted and when I started it again in 2004 that is when I created an email account for everything internet marketing related.

    I remember some early subscriptions like:

    Sarah, CONGRATS! Your 1st Music Industry Success Mini-Course Issue Is HereTuesday, December 28, 2004 2:04 AM
    From: "Ty Cohen" <


    Sarah, Your 117 F.R.E.E. Gifts....Saturday, January 1, 2005 3:32 AM
    From: "" <>

    series etc. Also Barry Richardson, Shawn Casey, Dirk Dupon, Douglas Champigny, Christian Godefroy, Derek Gehl, Henry Gold, Angela Hoy, Jim Daniels, Michael Rasmussen, Tony De Bree, Isaac Johnson, Raamakant, S, David Zohar, George Pluss, Jeff Dedrick, Edmund Loh etc.

    I have 52068 emails now in this one email address all internet marketing related. A lot of stuff
    "Find the problem and provide the solution."
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    • Profile picture of the author Vadym
      Originally Posted by Copydog View Post

      Hi Vadym

      Have you checked out Bob Bly's (very inexpensive) product?

      "Bob Bly's Million-Dollar E-Mail Swipe File"

      Seems to be exactly what you're looking for.

      You can get it at via the "Products" link at the bottom of his home page.

      Kind regards

      Cheers partner, this seems to be exactly what I needed.

      Originally Posted by Sarah Harvey View Post

      Vadym... well people do spend time collecting these emails over periods of months/years.

      Back in the day it all started with Terry Dean for me...then at some point I didn't have internet for ages and my old yahoo account got deleted and when I started it again in 2004 that is when I created an email account for everything internet marketing related.

      I remember some early subscriptions like:

      Sarah, CONGRATS! Your 1st Music Industry Success Mini-Course Issue Is HereTuesday, December 28, 2004 2:04 AM
      From: "Ty Cohen" <


      Sarah, Your 117 F.R.E.E. Gifts....Saturday, January 1, 2005 3:32 AM
      From: "" <>

      series etc. Also Barry Richardson, Shawn Casey, Dirk Dupon, Douglas Champigny, Christian Godefroy, Derek Gehl, Henry Gold, Angela Hoy, Jim Daniels, Michael Rasmussen, Tony De Bree, Isaac Johnson, Raamakant, S, David Zohar, George Pluss, Jeff Dedrick, Edmund Loh etc.

      I have 52068 emails now in this one email address all internet marketing related. A lot of stuff
      I didn't realize junk mail from an inbox was such a valuable source of information that noone would be willing to share it - that's all
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  • Profile picture of the author eugenedm
    do you guys know any courses?

    WARNING: A 50 Million Dollar Man Taught Me His Secret... Which Resulted 6,000 Sign-ups on My Email List.

    "It's easier than you think..."

    => Watch this video here...
    Build Your List to 6,000 Subscribers

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    • Profile picture of the author Len Bailey
      Originally Posted by eugenedm View Post

      do you guys know any courses?
      Best one I know is Clayton Makepeace's Quick-Start Copywriting Course (formerly called The Ultimate Desktop Copy Coach). It ain't cheap, but it's damn good.

      As for Swipe Files...

      Glad you found what you were looking for. Here are a couple other resources ...

      1. Clayton's website now has a Swipe of the Week column on Fridays (to which I contribute). You'll find it at:

      2. I also strongly recommend http://www.infomarketingblog for classic swipes from the masters.

      3. For swipes of what's currently being used, get yourself on the same mailing lists as your prospects. For instance, if you're writing for financial/investment pubs, buy something from Weiss Research or Agora -- or at least sign up for their free e-zines. Same thing if you're writing for the health markets, or any other niche. If you see the same copy again and again, you know it's probably doing well (or else that the sender's a complete dumbass).

      Hope this helps,


      Len Bailey
      Feel free to connect on LinkedIn or Twitter

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  • Profile picture of the author Nicola Lane

    I like to keep an open mind, but not so open that my brains fall out

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