To those that are good with words I ask you...

by LMC
7 replies
Hey Guys,

I'm developing a website in which I have my own "physical" product, the product is a very basic one and there is a lot of competition for the product, however, I have the ability to be #1 for my keywords, thus, I'm a step ahead.

My problem...

I need copy that will be fun to read, short and sweet, and create a sale. I'm looking for two paragraphs or so to sell the product.

My question...

I had no luck finding a copywriter on some freelance sites and I'm not looking for the standard IM copy, where would you look for a copywriter of this nature?

is there a definition to this type of copy? so I have more knowledge of what to ask freelancers or individuals?

thanks for the help
#good #words
  • Profile picture of the author Anomalous
    This response may be out of place, but what stops you from writing the copy yourself? Copywriters are simply people who have the right frame of mind for copy writing.

    You are obviously articulate enough to do this yourself. Also, you can't pay anyone to be as passionate about your product as you are. Consider your mindset when you are writing a response to someone's request for help in this forum, and write your own copy from that same mindset. You are writing to someone that you genuinely believe you can help: Your readers.

    All the copy writing do's and don'ts are secondary to this.

    Consider your mindset when you posed your question here. This is the mindset of your reader; they have a passion for something, and it led them to your site. They only hope, like you hope, that they have finally found what they are looking for. Giving them the assurance that they have is as simple as knowing what satisfies you when you are searching.

    It's only 2 paragraphs, yes? Give it a shot and then split test it with the copy you pay for. Copy writing is not some advanced skill fraught with technical detail, it is simply a matter of knowing your own psychology and becoming inspired.

    No one is as excited for you to succeed as you are. Change your mind about copy writing, and do it yourself.

    Build a MASSIVE list with this premade, highly optimized funnel plus $16 front-end commissions

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    • Profile picture of the author leoalvin
      Originally Posted by Anomalous View Post

      This response may be out of place, but what stops you from writing the copy yourself? Copywriters are simply people who have the right frame of mind for copy writing.

      You are obviously articulate enough to do this yourself. Also, you can't pay anyone to be as passionate about your product as you are. Consider your mindset when you are writing a response to someone's request for help in this forum, and write your own copy from that same mindset. You are writing to someone that you genuinely believe you can help: Your readers.

      All the copy writing do's and don'ts are secondary to this.

      Consider your mindset when you posed your question here. This is the mindset of your reader; they have a passion for something, and it led them to your site. They only hope, like you hope, that they have finally found what they are looking for. Giving them the assurance that they have is as simple as knowing what satisfies you when you are searching.

      It's only 2 paragraphs, yes? Give it a shot and then split test it with the copy you pay for. Copy writing is not some advanced skill fraught with technical detail, it is simply a matter of knowing your own psychology and becoming inspired.

      No one is as excited for you to succeed as you are. Change your mind about copy writing, and do it yourself.
      Amen to that! I learned this from a fellow IM before. When you don't really trust other people to do it for you, do it for yourself. That is why I started learning how to make copies myself.
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    • Profile picture of the author JasonParker
      Because people like me and LMC enjoy leveraging others to do the work for us.

      Originally Posted by Anomalous View Post

      This response may be out of place, but what stops you from writing the copy yourself? Copywriters are simply people who have the right frame of mind for copy writing.

      You are obviously articulate enough to do this yourself. Also, you can't pay anyone to be as passionate about your product as you are. Consider your mindset when you are writing a response to someone's request for help in this forum, and write your own copy from that same mindset. You are writing to someone that you genuinely believe you can help: Your readers.

      All the copy writing do's and don'ts are secondary to this.

      Consider your mindset when you posed your question here. This is the mindset of your reader; they have a passion for something, and it led them to your site. They only hope, like you hope, that they have finally found what they are looking for. Giving them the assurance that they have is as simple as knowing what satisfies you when you are searching.

      It's only 2 paragraphs, yes? Give it a shot and then split test it with the copy you pay for. Copy writing is not some advanced skill fraught with technical detail, it is simply a matter of knowing your own psychology and becoming inspired.

      No one is as excited for you to succeed as you are. Change your mind about copy writing, and do it yourself.
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  • Profile picture of the author LMC

    While I appreciate your answer to my post I would be happy to write the content for the site, however when trying to manage 30 people, oh the phone for 3 hours a day, comparing statistics from split tests and analytics for another 3 hours a day, I can't even fathom looking at a Word Document with that little cursor blinking at me awaiting my words.

    So as Jason pointed out... we leverage, because that's what got me to where I am.
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  • Profile picture of the author laurencewins
    I have sent you a pm.

    Cheers, Laurence.

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  • Profile picture of the author Leslyaviel
    I have recently found a fiverr who provides excellent service in this area. Click Here
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  • Profile picture of the author MikeHumphreys
    Originally Posted by LMC View Post

    Hey Guys,

    I'm developing a website in which I have my own "physical" product, the product is a very basic one and there is a lot of competition for the product, however, I have the ability to be #1 for my keywords, thus, I'm a step ahead.

    My problem...

    I need copy that will be fun to read, short and sweet, and create a sale. I'm looking for two paragraphs or so to sell the product.

    My question...

    I had no luck finding a copywriter on some freelance sites and I'm not looking for the standard IM copy, where would you look for a copywriter of this nature?

    is there a definition to this type of copy? so I have more knowledge of what to ask freelancers or individuals?

    thanks for the help
    Sounds like you're looking for catalog copywriting.

    Jay White, best known for autoresponder copy, wrote catalog copy for many years... he'd be worth your time to contact.

    Other than him, I'm drawing a blank on who else writes catalog copy that I could recommend.
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