23 replies
Hey everyone,

First post after some time lurking here on the forum. The amount of information here is incredible.

I've wanted to learn copywriting for some time, but I don't know how to do it. I can read other people's sales letters, I can understand really good models and ideas and angles, but my philosophy is that I won't actually get any better until I actually do it (surprising, huh?). But I don't know how. I don't want to start posting up offers for $100 copy in the WSO forum because that turns out badly for everyone, but I don't feel like I can honestly charge like a $500 fee either because I just won't turn out material that good yet. I'm unaware of any places out on-line to learn copywriting for a novice, and I don't have any real products to sell on the web, either. Any tips out there for real-life practice to cross that gap between "normal" and "great?"
#copywriting #starting
  • Profile picture of the author draede
    Why does someone have to hire you for you to start doing? Just throw up a squeeze page. For anything. Doesn't matter. Just practice writing the copy. Then do a sales letter. Then repeat. You will get better.
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  • Profile picture of the author slb1900
    That's a suggestion I've seen here, but I felt like my perspective would be too one-sided. I can imagine and guess what a product might need, but I feel like I'm too far outside the actual "universe" of the product to talk with any kind of authority unless I have someone I can interact with to talk about their product history, results, past challenges, etc.
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  • Hi sib,

    So your dilemma is you don’t feel you can charge a decent rate for your copywriting expertise because you’re not sure if you’re good enough to deliver the results.

    But you’ll never find out until you start writing copy.

    And you don’t have any clients or a product of your own.

    So, here’s a suggestion – it’s only a suggestion, you don’t have to do this.

    Think very carefully before you do. Many people including me might tell you not to do it.

    And I should warn you it could cost you a bit of money.

    But if you just can’t justify a copywriting fee it could be a very interesting and hopefully an amazing experience.

    Write a Flyer for potential clients saying you’ll write them a Flyer. Or it could be a sales letter, website, squeeze page etc.

    Say it is a Flyer - you’ll write it, pay for 2,000 and distribute them – so the client is not taking any financial risks.

    They only pay you an agreed fee based on results – when achieved it'll cover all your costs and make you a profit.

    Do this one client at a time – so you really concentrate on writing blisteringly brilliant copy. And you’re not spending too much cash.

    Now, as you can imagine this really is a sensational offer for clients (make sure your Flyers state it’s a very “limited” special offer – so you get a fast response). Give a good "reason why' you're doing it. You want to prove how good you are... You realise times are tough and you don't want clients taking any chances...

    And only pick good, trustworthy and honest clients. Usually your "instinct" helps you decide. If you get a "bad feeling" about a client, politely and diplomatically walk away.

    3 things can happen.

    You’ll get a client and the results are dismal (you’ll take a hit on the Flyer costs but you’ll practise like hell to improve your copy, because you don't want this happening again. If it continually does, maybe copywriting is not your destiny. But no clients were burned as you were finding out)

    You’ll get a client and the results are good – but they don’t pay you the agreed “success” fee (sadly, despite trying to pick the best people, this does occur. And at some stage like most of us, you'll experience it. And not get paid the "promised" fees. It’ll make sure you choose your clients even more carefully. Again, only ever work with clients you feel you can truly trust. And who have outstanding products or services. Try to have safeguards to ensure you are not ripped off. If you are, then thankfully your costs weren't too high. But be very aware of the risks).

    You’ll get a client and the results are good and they do pay you (this will give you a huge confidence boost and you’ll really start to believe in your abilities).

    You can do this as often as you like - building a portfolio of delighted clients.

    Sooner or later, and if you make the effort it'll be sooner - you’ll discover you really can charge the fees that you genuinely know you deserve.

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    • Profile picture of the author RichBeck
      Originally Posted by Steve The Copywriter View Post

      You’ll get a client and the results are good – but they don’t pay you the agreed “success” fee (sadly this happens. And you may as well experience it. It’ll make sure you choose your clients very carefully. Only ever pick clients you feel you can truly trust. Try to build in safeguards to ensure you are not ripped off. If you are, then thankfully your costs weren't too high. But be very aware of the risks).

      To start, why not send the prospects to your own sales or squeeze page? You are the "Master." No need to worry about "bargain hunting" clients refusing to pay you a few dollars....

      To make some money.... You could do CPA, Affiliate Marketing or sell the leads...

      Once you have built up a portfolio, then you could charge a "reasonable" rate with 50% upfront and 50% on completion... Of course, you would increase your rate as you go...

      The most important advice I could give sib is..... Avoid the "bargain hunting" clients like the plague.... In the early days, I took on a few.... They were nothing but a pain in the posterior!

      God Bless,

      Rich Beck
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  • Profile picture of the author ewenmack
    Prey on the old and toothless in the jungle.

    That is referring to the ads you see.

    Think about how easy it would be to write a better one.

    Not because you think you can.

    But because you have seen the numbers from
    an existing high performing ad.

    Think of all the offline areas, flyers, newspaper and Yellow pages.

    Have you seen numbers what ads have brought in?

    Here's a couple of examples you can use as a reference...




    The plumber ad was mostly copied by my client for his electrician client.
    He said it brings an extra $30,000 per month.


    Originally Posted by slb1900 View Post

    Hey everyone,

    First post after some time lurking here on the forum. The amount of information here is incredible.

    I've wanted to learn copywriting for some time, but I don't know how to do it. I can read other people's sales letters, I can understand really good models and ideas and angles, but my philosophy is that I won't actually get any better until I actually do it (surprising, huh?). But I don't know how. I don't want to start posting up offers for $100 copy in the WSO forum because that turns out badly for everyone, but I don't feel like I can honestly charge like a $500 fee either because I just won't turn out material that good yet. I'm unaware of any places out on-line to learn copywriting for a novice, and I don't have any real products to sell on the web, either. Any tips out there for real-life practice to cross that gap between "normal" and "great?"
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  • Rich,

    Yes, I would warn against doing it. And I explained all the downsides.

    My suggestion was not for clients who are refusing to pay. We all know never, ever to choose those people.

    It was a suggestion for new copywriters who because of their inexperience "don't feel" they can justify charging a fee.

    And by using it very carefully, for some people, maybe not sib, it is the only way they'll ever get a start to work with clients and give themselves the chance to build up their ability and confidence. And get paid.

    And put themselves, as quickly as possible, in a position where they can charge a fee that they rightly deserve.

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[7349546].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author RichBeck
      Originally Posted by Steve The Copywriter View Post


      Yes, I would warn against doing it. And I explained all the downsides.

      My suggestion was not for clients who are refusing to pay. We all know never, ever to choose those people.

      It was a suggestion for new copywriters who because of their inexperience "don't feel" they can justify charging a fee.

      And by using it very carefully, for some people, maybe not sib, it is the only way they'll ever get a start to work with clients and give themselves the chance to build up their ability and confidence. And get paid.

      And put themselves, as quickly as possible, in a position where they can charge a fee that they rightly deserve.


      I agree totally, my friend.

      God Bless,

      Rich Beck
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  • Profile picture of the author Loren Woirhaye
    Buy some PLR products in a niche you feel confident
    you can get some forum sig-line traffic for (video games,
    fitness, etc.), write your own sales letters, and drive
    traffic to your sales letters by participating in forums.

    I'd recommend driving traffic to a blog you fill with
    your own pre-selling content, a type of writing that is
    not exactly sales letter copy, but an essential
    component in online direct response marketing
    nonetheless and closely related to email copy.

    It's easier than you think... but if the niche doesn't
    turn you on it can be boring.
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  • Profile picture of the author slb1900
    Awesome ideas! Thanks everyone. I wish I knew where the "thank" button is, but I'll find that sooner or later
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    • Profile picture of the author ewenmack
      Originally Posted by slb1900 View Post

      Awesome ideas! Thanks everyone. I wish I knew where the "thank" button is, but I'll find that sooner or later
      You'll find the thanks button at the far bottom right of our posts.

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  • Profile picture of the author Andrew Gould
    You need to have 5 (I think) posts before the button appears.

    Andrew Gould

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  • Profile picture of the author Don Grace
    Another route is go to clickbank and start poking around. Look for low gravity products that have really bad sales letters. Re-write the letter, then on the order button link to the vendor's order page through you aff link (There used to be a software that did this)

    Next, run some traffic and track how many affiliate sale you make and figure your conversion by tracking uniques on your site.

    If you have a winner, keep running traffic and making affiliate sales. After it's proven you can contact the product owner, show your stats, and offer for them to buy your letter at a premium. Oh, and I would actually build a squeeze first so you can build a list at the same time.
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  • Yes, I know the inter web can be the route to untold riches, fame and fortune.

    The snag is, after you've written your epic masterpiece, you may need to be armed with a degree in calculus and a doctorate in algorithms...

    ...because using a plethora of advanced and often nightmarishly expensive techniques you have to build a circulation of target readers who'll drool at your wondrous words.

    And those good people are frantically hoping their ISP doesn't crash before they get a chance to punch in their credit card number to buy the stuff that fulfils their every dream... (they're also praying their credit card details won't be swiped by a malicious hacker)...

    I think they call all this "driving traffic" to an inter web site.

    To get faster results, it can be much easier creating a blazingly good flyer, postcard, or sales letter and just knock them out personally or bung them in the post.

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  • Profile picture of the author Original Poster
    Lucky for me I was taught Persuasive writing in Primary School and all through Secondary School which, in essence, is Copy-writing...

    So it's been more of a natural, second nature type of thing for me ...Something that I have grown with... So, I don't have to read these copy-writing books or study every sales-page on the interwebs to boost this particular skill-set.

    However what I would recommend to you, since you are just beginning this odyssey into the unknown, is to first procure some persuasive writing and / influence scriptures... and also, more importantly, I'd advise you to start writing poetry. This helps with how you structure your sentences, paragraphs and hold the attention of your spectators.

    Now go forth and seek the truth!

    Good luck,
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    • Profile picture of the author BrianMcLeod
      Originally Posted by Original Poster View Post

      Lucky for me I was taught Persuasive writing in Primary School and all through Secondary School which, in essence, is Copy-writing...

      So it's been more of a natural, second nature type of thing for me ...Something that I have grown with... So, I don't have to read these copy-writing books or study every sales-page on the interwebs to boost this particular skill-set.
      Let this one soak in... in all its majesty.

      Lawd have mercy!
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    • Profile picture of the author The Copy Nazi
      Originally Posted by Original Poster View Post

      I'd advise you to start writing poetry. This helps with how you structure your sentences, paragraphs and hold the attention of your spectators.
      Hilarious. And completely and utterly WRONG.

      Being on-target is much more important than being facile with words...people don't have time for your pathetic subtleties - Gary Halbert
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      • Profile picture of the author Original Poster
        Originally Posted by The Copy Nazi View Post

        Hilarious. And completely and utterly WRONG.
        How do you fare?

        For light, one must go directly to the source of light, not to any of the reflections.. But, people see themselves as the center of the universe and judge everything as it relates to them

        I know the truth which you seek, but first, one must humble himself and bow before the presence of the OP!


        So... Now that your scrawny knees have married the dreadful cobblestones, I shall speak ...

        There is something to that old saying that "hate injures the hater, not the hated". So needless to say, even though thou hath brandished thy sharp tongue, I remain unscathed...

        Heralded by the great Muses, poetry is the purest form of expression known to man ... Many admirable orators have caused spectators across the land to stand in utter marvel as they seduced their wives with mere nouns, verbs and adjectives.

        Those who create meaningless scriptures hold the same velocity as a love-muscle stripped of it's ability to stand firm, straight and tall... and therefore project nothing but deficiency out into the open..

        Look over yonder, and see the beautiful Lamb as it tumbles across the pastures evading it's Shepard!

        ** OP Vanishes **
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        • Profile picture of the author max5ty
          Originally Posted by Original Poster View Post

          How do you fare?

          For light, one must go directly to the source of light, not to any of the reflections.. But, people see themselves as the center of the universe and judge everything as it relates to them

          I know the truth which you seek, but first, one must humble himself and bow before the presence of the OP!


          So... Now that your scrawny knees have married the dreadful cobblestones, I shall speak ...

          There is something to that old saying that hate injures the hater, not the hated. So needless to say, even though thou hath brandished thy sharp tongue, I remain unscathed...

          Heralded by the great Muses, poetry is the purest form of expression known to man ... Many admirable orators have caused spectators across the land to stand in utter marvel as they seduced their wives with mere nouns, verbs and adjectives.

          Those who create meaningless scriptures hold the same velocity as a love-muscle stripped of it's ability to stand firm, straight and tall... and therefore project nothing but deficiency out into the open..

          Look over yonder, and see the beautiful Lamb as it tumbles across the pastures - evading it's Shepard!

          ** OP Vanishes **
          Alrighty then...
          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[7356095].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author Mark Pescetti
          Originally Posted by Original Poster View Post


          So... Now that your scrawny knees have married the dreadful cobblestones, I shall speak ...
          Wait just a minute son.

          The Mark admits...

          He's just a little confused.

          Who does this guy think he is; this candy a$$ proclaiming poetic hogwash and asking The Great One to kneel before him?

          No, no, no...

          The Mark wants to know something else.

          He wants to know your name.

          Who is the man behind the mask; behind the moniker of Original Poster?

          The Mark Says, please, share your name with The Great One...

          ...and the millions (crowd screams "AND MILLIONS") of The Mark's fans.

          (The Mark pauses and let's the man open his mouth to answer... then cuts him off suddenly with...)

          It doesn't matter what your name is!

          The Mark Says...

          What you didn't know.

          What you couldn't possibly understand...

          The Mark is, beyond any shadow of doubt, the greatest incarnation of copywriting king there ever was.

          And when he sees an imposter to his thrown proclaiming complete and utter nonsense, The Mark gets just a little, annoyed.

          That's bad.

          Because The Mark doesn't like to feel, annoyed.

          The Mark likes to remain cool, calm, collected...

          ...and ready to show the world what copywriting is all about.

          So The Mark says take your book of poetry.

          Shine that puppy up.

          Turn that son of a ***** sideways and stick it straight up your candy a$$!

          If ya smell...

          ...what The Mark...



          Do you want a 9 figure copywriter and biz owner to Write With You? I'll work with you, on zoom, to help write your copy or client copy... while you learn from one of the few copywriters to legit hit 9 figures in gross sales! Discover More

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  • Profile picture of the author Mark Pescetti
    Originally Posted by slb1900 View Post

    Hey everyone,

    First post after some time lurking here on the forum. The amount of information here is incredible.

    I've wanted to learn copywriting for some time, but I don't know how to do it. I can read other people's sales letters, I can understand really good models and ideas and angles, but my philosophy is that I won't actually get any better until I actually do it (surprising, huh?). But I don't know how. I don't want to start posting up offers for $100 copy in the WSO forum because that turns out badly for everyone, but I don't feel like I can honestly charge like a $500 fee either because I just won't turn out material that good yet. I'm unaware of any places out on-line to learn copywriting for a novice, and I don't have any real products to sell on the web, either. Any tips out there for real-life practice to cross that gap between "normal" and "great?"
    Don't even worry about writing for anyone else.

    Not yet.

    Your first responsibility is to create your own product.

    Write the sales copy (whether it's a sales letter and/or video script,) craft your funnel and start driving traffic to it.


    Before you can do that.

    You need to write down all of the topics that you're passionate about and feel you can contribute to HELP people make their lives better.


    Out of those topics, how many of them have a thirsty audience actively searching for your potential ideas?

    Got it?

    Create a product that speaks to those people (and only those people.)

    Get their eyes on your copy.

    See if it converts.

    If it does, advertise your results.

    If it doesn't, fix the copy.

    Rinse. Repeat.

    Seriously though...

    Your first step as a copywriter is to show YOURSELF that you have what it takes.


    You can start taking on clients, because you KNOW you can HELP them.

    My take.


    P.S. Heed the advice above. Don't ever take on bottom feeding clients. You can't help people who don't think successful thoughts (or take success-minded action,) become rich. You'll only get burnt out and nurture the belief that the copywriting business sucks.

    P.P.S. It doesn't suck.

    Do you want a 9 figure copywriter and biz owner to Write With You? I'll work with you, on zoom, to help write your copy or client copy... while you learn from one of the few copywriters to legit hit 9 figures in gross sales! Discover More

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  • Profile picture of the author Original Poster
    Originally Posted by Mark Pescetti View Post

    Wait just a minute son.

    The Mark admits...

    He's just a little confused.
    You dare utter these words to me? The patron of all posts, both long and short?


    Never have I been cursed with such foul words! Such gluttony and open disobedience must be punished!...

    In your haste you hath failed to realize the aftermath of the storm that I will cast above you! ... You hath neglected to understand the ghastly doom that I bring!... Like a true peasant, you hath underestimated the sheer magnitude of the power that exists in just the left side of my cockus erectus.

    Who DARES to address The OP in such a fashion?

    ** the peasant rubs his hands together, gesturing a desperate plea for his life... He then attempts to escape the OP's fortress, when suddenly all the doors and windows slam shut causing a thick cloud of dust to spread across the room**

    You fool? Can't you see?? ... There is no escape!

    You will incur the wrath of the all seeing, and all knowing OP...

    ** the peasant again goes AWOL attempting to elude the OP ...as he runs towards the gates, his dirty sandal gets trapped in a small crack in the ground causing the peasant to tumble foolishly across the room**


    you hath come to engage me in battle... you hath begrimed me with the most sinful incivility... you hath threatened to remove my mask and reveal my identity to the public - and now you wish to leave?

    Not EVER!...

    I shall make an example out of you... years from now, people will look upon the remnants of your repugnant carcass in disgust! ..not only that, but they will look onto it as a cautionary tale of what becomes of all those who encounter the OP
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  • Profile picture of the author emsgroup
    Find a swipe file or live pieces that you know convert and hand write them 5 times each. Also get the classic copy books and write those ads. You'll learn it intrinsically rather than learning a bunch of rules.

    Fix your ad - guaranteed.

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    • Profile picture of the author slb1900
      These are excellent ideas, and I'm putting them to work. Thanks everyone for contributing.

      (I'm not exaggerating to say I just want to hit 5 posts so I can thank everyone)

      EDIT: This is the last time I'll bump the thread just to say thanks.
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