Copywrite Process
I currently have a sales pages selling an informational product . I have tested out variations of the sales pitch copy at least 10 times if not more. In the beginning I was getting 1 sale per 150 visitors, so I decided to edit it to make it more effective, and instead it got worse, 1 sale per 300 visitors now.
I am wondering if anyone has a an step-by-step process to writing a good sales page copywrite?
Any time I have an idea I rewrite it, (with the end goal of more conversations), but I never know when to stop rewriting it and present it.
Also, I know a good sales letter takes a lot of time, but what are the day to day tasks in writing it? Do you just keep writing out hundreds of variations of the sales letters and then picking the best one or do you tryto craft the perfect sentences and paragraphs?
Any feedback is appreciate thanks.
Mark Andrews Banned-
[ 1 ] Thanks
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Alex Cohen -
[ 1 ] Thanks - 1 reply
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highlander11 -
Thanks - 1 reply
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Mark Andrews Banned-
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johnrone -
[ 1 ] Thanks
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