HELP: Online Coupon Codes

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Recently begun e-commerce and was wondering if anyone with experience can help me. I am running advertisements that eat up a large chunk of my profits. I would like to make the benefit greater from these advertisements.

I am currently a lower priced product as compared to the competition.

Wondering if creating a coupon code in these ads for online checkouts + raising my price point to keep the same margins will be more effective than simply having the cheaper price and NO coupon code?
#codes #coupon #online
  • Profile picture of the author kubikdanon
    Originally Posted by Andy099 View Post

    Recently begun e-commerce and was wondering if anyone with experience can help me. I am running advertisements that eat up a large chunk of my profits. I would like to make the benefit greater from these advertisements.

    I am currently a lower priced product as compared to the competition.

    Wondering if creating a coupon code in these ads for online checkouts + raising my price point to keep the same margins will be more effective than simply having the cheaper price and NO coupon code?

    It could be a good idea, could be a bad idea
    You never know until you try
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