Print On Demand for Woocommerce

by Shay S
1 replies
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Hey ya'll

I'm looking for a POD service that is similar to Printful and PrintAura, that has a Woocommerce integration, but cheaper.

I was having a look at Gooten but their inner interface is really messy, and which suppose to release a woocommerce integration soon, but they are currently beta testing. Still looks promising though.

So yeah, I gave 4 different names. I have done my research and I guess someone will benefit from it. But I still yet to find the right service for me to go long-term with.

My main criteria are:
  • Better fulfillment prices (about $8-10 for tshirts)
  • Good and easy-to-use interface to make clean designs that look great
  • Has automation for fulfilling orders
  • Has variety of different products offered, like mugs, bags, slippers, yoga mats, etc

So... let's hear you out! I don't mind affiliate links either, just enlighten me.

#demand #print #woocommerce
  • Profile picture of the author maxvolrat
    Venezuela ( Country ) have a company PRINT ON DEMAN but this company only have a INTRANET software for orders they have a good and cheap price.
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