13 replies
I see lots of info here but none about how you got started with your email marketing. Any tips to offer a newbie such as myself? I don't have a website or blog yet, still can't decide what to write about.

#email #newbie #started
  • Profile picture of the author MatthewCollinson
    I would also like to see more on this subject. I personally have a free product that I built that I am giving away to start building my list. Something I always strive for is to put out great original content and do it mostly organically especially since I just got this site started again.

    One piece of advice that I have gathered over the years is to make sure you are utilizing social media...build that list so that you can send your followers to what you are offering for their email.
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  • Profile picture of the author discrat
    Originally Posted by sunnydaze39140 View Post

    I see lots of info here but none about how you got started with your email marketing.
    Personally, I started a blog on paid surveys about 7.5 years ago. Ran CPA offers on it and decided to build a List.

    The free offer as a lead magnet was a Course that described how to take surveys and be successful at them.
    At the end of each follow up email I would have a link to a survey site they could join. And I would get $1 to $5 for each sign up.

    It was a stepping stone to bigger and better things in email marketing. But that is initially how I got started

    - Robert Andrew
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    • Profile picture of the author sunnydaze39140
      Originally Posted by discrat View Post

      Personally, I started a blog on paid surveys about 7.5 years ago. Ran CPA offers on it and decided to build a List.

      The free offer as a lead magnet was a Course that described how to take surveys and be successful at them.
      At the end of each follow up email I would have a link to a survey site they could join. And I would get $1 to $5 for each sign up.

      It was a stepping stone to bigger and better things in email marketing. But that is initially how I got started

      - Robert Andrew
      When you say 'CPA offers', what are you talking about? I'm sorry to sound so stupid, but I'm very new to this. Thank you!
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      • Profile picture of the author discrat
        Originally Posted by sunnydaze39140 View Post

        When you say 'CPA offers', what are you talking about? I'm sorry to sound so stupid, but I'm very new to this. Thank you!
        No problem sunny

        CPA stands for call- per- action.

        And the CPAs I do I get paid when people sign up. Not when they purchase but when they just signup
        i.e. perform an action

        - Robert Andrew
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      • Profile picture of the author alexdigitonomy
        CPA stands for many things but in monetary terms in stands for Cost per app - it means every time someone applies to the offer you market then you get paid that amount.

        the best way to get started with email marketing is building a list of subscribers from a single niche good ways to do this are to sign up to a affiliate network such as affiliate window and start promoting them whether that be through social media or email if you are going to use email you need to pay for a piece of software such a dotmailer or mailchimp. but the key is having a list of fresh email data that you can market to.
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  • Profile picture of the author FitnessMarketing
    If you are just starting out, there are really just 4 things you need:
    1) a wordpress website - figure out what you want your domain name to be. (your firstname lastname dot com is a good way to go - ex: johndoe.com because You are your brand) I use hostpapa.com for all my website domain and hosting needs. I've been using them since 2002. Some people also like godaddy.com Figure out which one you like, do a search for your domain name and then sign up. Once you've paid, you'll receive emails with step by step instructions on what to do next. At this point all you want to really do is setup a wordpress site. If you need help, let me know.

    2) sign up with an email marketing provider. I recommend Aweber.com. It's one of the more popular emailing marketing companies, very user friendly and only costs about $30/month. There are lots of youtube tutorials to help you get this setup, but it is pretty intuitive, which is why I like them the best.

    3) next, I recommend Leadpages.net for all your landing page needs. They have great templates to choose from.

    Basically you are going to create a landing page from leadpages and you will have a redirect plugin on your wordpress website. So if a visitor goes to your website, it will redirect them to your leadpages landing page. On this page you'll have an opportunity to get your "lead" to sign up for your freebie offer in exchange for their email address.

    You'll set up your leadpages to communicate with your aweber account. So once your lead enters in their email address, the info gets sent to your aweber account. You can set up autoresponders and offer freebie tips, advice, training etc... or you can manually email your list.
    You can get all of this setup yourself over a weekend if you have the step by step instructions.

    4) when people sign up for your email list, always give, give, give then ask. In other words give them tons of free valuable information, tips etc that they can benefit from. Don't just get them on your list to try to sell to them. Make sure you always deliver great value.

    Hope that helps

    Originally Posted by sunnydaze39140 View Post

    I see lots of info here but none about how you got started with your email marketing. Any tips to offer a newbie such as myself? I don't have a website or blog yet, still can't decide what to write about.

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  • Profile picture of the author FitnessMarketing
    If you are stuck with what to write about for your blogs or email marketing, figure out who is your ICA (ideal client avatar)... aka: your dream client. For example: lets say your dream clients are new moms who really want to lose the baby belly and get back to their pre-baby body. *You could blog about how to slowly get back into fitness and training after baby.
    *How long should you wait before starting to train
    *10 tips on how to lose the baby belly
    etc... etc...

    Come up with really good content that speaks to your dream client.

    Let's say your dream client are new bodybuilders. Your blog post for this client is going to be completely different than for a new mom who wants to lose the baby belly. In this case, you can talk (write) about different types of training, supersets, giant sets, drop sets, macros.... and so on. Something that they want to hear. (a new mom most likely doesn't know and doesn't care to know what a giant set is... she just wants to know how does she get her pre-baby body back.)

    Make's sense?

    So figure out who your ICA is and then write a list of 10 things that they really want to know. And start blogging
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    • Profile picture of the author wpconversionboxes
      The best way for getting started with email marketing would be to get an email marketing course or following an email marketing blog and going through the tutorials given there. Search on google for the courses or browse through the relates WSOs.

      You can also get a lot of info here by just asking questions, but it would be lot better if you follow a structured course instead of getting info in bits and pieces here and there.
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  • Profile picture of the author sellonlinee
    Wow. FitnessMarketing cleared most of doubts on setting up a landing page.thanks
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  • Profile picture of the author koksalatik
    hey sunnydaze,

    I would recommend you to find a step-by-step tutorial showing both what-to and how-to become an email marketer... Unfortunately, there are not many up-to-date, right to the point and all in one tutorial for newbies online. At least i could not find one. Google the tutorials and invest a little bit in training. If you can wait 2 or 3 weeks my trainings will be online Working on it...

    hope this helps.

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  • Hello sunnydaze,
    you must create a list of email to begin creating a business ... watch CPA program, there are very interesting
    Best regards!

    Moderators Note: Affiliate links are not allowed as signatures.

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    • Profile picture of the author discrat
      Originally Posted by Ilenia Internet Marketer View Post

      Hello sunnydaze,
      you must create a list of email to begin creating a business ... watch CPA program, there are very interesting
      Best regards!
      Although it is NOT a must, for most online businesses it is very advisable

      - Robert Andrew
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  • Profile picture of the author zendphp
    For Email Marketing You Should Care About The Template Design. The Text and Other Images and Contact Info. You Should Use A Eye Catching Email Template For Your Campaign.
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